Fallen Moon

By KibaBlackfire

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For years vampires and werewolves waged war on one another. At last the blood war is near its end. Currently... More

Prelude: Brink Of Destruction
Chapter 01: First Moon (Part I)
Chapter 01: First Moon (Part II)
Chapter 02: Aftermath (Part I)
Chapter 02: Aftermath (Part II)
Chapter 03: Bloodshed (Part I)
Chapter 03: Bloodshed (Part II)
Chapter 03: Bloodshed (Part III)
Chapter 04: Lord Grimm
Chapter 05: Dreadful News
Chapter 06: Conversion
Chapter 07: Entrapment (Part 01)
Chapter 07: Entrapment (Part 02)
Chapter 08: Preparation (Part 01)
Chapter 08: Preparation (Part 02)
Chapter 08: Preparation (Part 03)
Chapter 09: Lunar Ball (Part 01)
Chapter 09: Lunar Ball (Part 02)
Chapter 09: Lunar Ball (Part 03)
Chapter 09: Lunar Ball (Part 04)
Chapter 10: Ultimate Betrayal (Part 01)
Chapter 10: Ultimate Betrayal (Part 02)
Chapter 10: Ultimate Betrayal (Part 03)
Chapter 11: Unmerciful Punishment (Part 01)
Chapter 11: Unmerciful Punishment (Part 02)
Chapter 12: Rise Of A New Heir (Part 01)
Chapter 12: Rise Of A New Heir (Part 02)
Chapter 12: Rise of A New Heir (Part 03)
Chapter 12: Rise Of A Heir (Part 04)
Chapter 13: Bound (Part 01)
Chapter 13: Bound (Part 02)
Chapter 14: Hell
Chapter 15: Understanding
Chapter 16: More Than A Prince
Chapter 17: Premonition
Chapter 18: Ziek's Tale
Chapter 19: Fate's Tale
Chapter 20: Selene's Tale
Chapter 21: Raine's Tale
Chapter 22: Jay's Tale
Chapter 23: Answers
Chapter 24: Temptation (Part 01)
Chapter 24: Temptation (Part 02)
Chapter 25: Know Thy Enemy
Chapter 26: Shields
Chapter 27: NightShade
Chapter 28: Alexis' Tale
Chapter 29: Claire's Tale
Chapter 30: Matching Scars
Chapter 31: A Wolf's Tears
Chapter 32: Sacrifice
Chapter 33: Fate's Tale (Part 02)
Chapter 34: Jayden's Tale
Chapter 35: Blaire's Tale
Chapter 36: Scythe's Tale
Chapter 37: World's Collide (Part 01)
Chapter 37: Worlds Collide(Part 03)
Chapter 38: Forsaken
Chapter 39: Rescue Mission
Chapter 40: Loyalty
Chapter 41: Newfound Freedom
Chapter 42: Change Of Plans
Chapter 43: Darkside

Chapter 37: World's Collide (Part 02)

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By KibaBlackfire

Selene stood there with a vial of her blood in her hand. These two werewolves were at her mercy for this one vial could produce an explosion big enough to-. She couldn't believe it even after taking so much damage. This werewolf was...moving. The short blond haired wolf crawled over to his brother's unconscious body and laid on top of him.

"Not him," He shielded his brother's body. "You can take my life but I won't let you have his." The wolf glared deep into Selene's eyes. This wolf, he was prepared to die to protect his sibling. Much like, Selene shut her eyes knowing that if this were Brandon. If she was put in a position where she could protect her brother. She would, she'd die to keep him alive. She'd even do the same for Patience granted, it was too late for that. Her sister died and she wasn't there to protect her in fact she's the sole reason her sister is dead. Seeing this wolf shield his brother, the resolve in his eyes as he looked directly into her eyes. She was envious of him for being able to protect his sibling when she wasn't there to protect hers. To kill him, to kill his brother, to kill either of them knowing if the roles were reversed. She'd do the same.

"The old me wouldn't hesitate to end their lives. So why has that changed?" Selene's eyes remained on the vial. "Since when did I grow a conscience? Perhaps after all this time, my master's teachings finally got through to me. Congrats, Sozin, you did find a way through my tough exterior and it's because of you. I can't bring myself to kill these wolves." She smirked. "Lucky you, it's my last vial," These words were no bluff. She really did use up all of her explosive vials fighting them. "and," She put the vial in her pocket. "I'd rather not waste it on the likes of you." She began walking away. That wolf. Selene couldn't bring herself to forget the intensity in his eyes. His resolve, so strong. It has earned him something no werewolf has ever gotten from her. Respect.

Those Twins, they said they were from Nightshade. If she's not mistaken. That's the one werewolf pack, their tactician has yet to find. If she were to find it before him. She might become Lord Alexander's new favorite. It would definitely come in handy when the war starts. They'd be able to ambush one of Lord Grimm's strongest packs and with them gone. The war would go in their favor. They'd win and it would all be thanks to her. Forget being Commander, she'd be promoted to General. All she had to do was take a slight-

Selene went to turn around only to be gored by a flying werewolf. The impact knocked her into a nearby stream. The mud in her hair and clothes from her fight with the twins was now washed away by the water. She got up drenched in water only to be knocked back on her ass by a flying dropkick to the chest. The werewolf jumped on top of Selene while she was down and began pounding away at her with her fists refusing to give Selene any chance of recovery. She reached for a rock beneath the water and hit the werewolf on the side of the head. After hitting her, Selene rolled over on top of her and began trying to drown her.

The werewolf clawed Selene's arms trying to force her to let go but she refused. Just a little more. Selene held tighter waiting for the splashes to stop. The water started to evaporate as the woman's body temperature began rising. Selene's hands started to burn from the heat. The woman grabbed Selene's shoulders and pinned her down. Once she had her, she began punching Selene in the face. She kicked the wolf off her and began crawling away. The wolf grabbed Selene's leg and pulled her back. Selene kicked her again and got back on her feet. Once she did, she saw a giant fireball fly at her face.

"Oh shit," Selene jumped out of the way as the fireball flew past her. It left a trail of flame, burning a straight line through the forest. The flames spread hitting trees, bushes, the fire spreading further throughout the forest. "A werewolf that uses fire in the middle of a forest. Either she's stupid or Lord Grimm has no sense at all. How has Scythe not found this pack yet?" The werewolf threw another fireball at Selene. She dodged the blast as it struck another tree, burning it down. The flames continued to spread, destroying more of the forest. "I've had enough of this," Selene went to throw her last vial at her. Before she could, the werewolf tackled her, forcing her to drop it. The vial rolled across the ground as the wolf kept punching Selene. Her eyes widened as the wolf's fist caught on fire. One hit from that and she's dead. Selene bit her lip drawing blood. She spat the blood at the werewolf's face. The explosion blasted them both. As the smoke was clearing, Selene got back on her feet. "There's she's-,"

The werewolf jumped out of the smoke, wrapped her legs around Selene's waist and had her claws at Selene's throat ready to slit her throat. Selene fell back and the two of them rolled down a hill into a thorn bush. Selene got up only to be punched in the face by the werewolf. She grabbed Selene's blonde hair and threw her across the forest. Selene rolled to her feet and charged at the wolf. The wolf jumped and hit her with a powerful clothesline to the throat flooring Selene with one hit.

"That's for fucking with my boyfriend." The werewolf stood over Selene as she fought to get back on her feet. "If I find out, you killed him, trust me bitch, it's going to get a lot worse. So, do yourself a favor, and stay the fuck down." The werewolf began walking away from Selene as she kept trying to get up. "What the fuck did I say," A fireball formed on the werewolf's fist. She threw the fireball at Selene. She rolled out of the way and got back on her feet.

"I don't know," Selene smirked. "I'm not a very good listener." The werewolf threw another fireball at her. Selene ran and slid underneath it. She rose up in front of the wolf, knocked her arm aside, and stuck her in the stomach with her knee. She kept punching the wolf, she dodged Selene's fist and punched her. Selene caught her fist. The wolf created a fireball on her other fist. Before she could punch her. Selene kicked her back. The wolf tripped and fell into the stream. The moment she crashed into the water. Steam came out of the water, as the fire in her hand was extinguished. She kept trying to get back on her feet. "So, that's how your ability works, it feeds off your body temperature. Our tactician had informed us there were werewolves capable of using the elements. He wasn't sure how their abilities work. I guess now we know, though I'm assuming it's different for every werewolf. No matter," She picked up the glass vial of her blood that was on the ground. "At least, we won't have to worry about you." She opened the vial and poured her blood in the water. The water began to mix with her blood. The wolf tried to get out of the water before she could. Selene snapped her fingers blowing up the entire stream.

The smoke cleared only to be replaced by a golden aura. This aura covered the werewolf's body and it was healing her. She was unconscious but she was healing herself. "How is that possible? No healer can do that. Not even my sister was that good. This wolf, she has to die." Selene tried to get near her but the golden aura spread. When it did, it burned her hand. She couldn't get near her. The closer she got the more dangerous the heat was. She had used up her last vial so killing her at a range wasn't an option. She had to leave before this wolf woke up. At this rate, she'd be fully healed in seconds.

Selene walked further into the forest. She stopped after her eyes met with some tents. There were five of them to be exact. They were all placed near the cabin. There was a dark red tent placed closest to the cabin. Most likely belonging to their Beta. To the left were two blue tents. A dark blue tent was placed across from them. There was an orange tent placed closest to the bushes. "So this must be the place, I actually found it, the Nightshade campsite." She smirked. "Scythe's been looking for years and I managed to find it on my first try. Perhaps, he's not as good at his job as everyone thinks. Now that I'm here I might as well take a look around." She walked into one of the blue tents. On the floor, there were clothes scattered everywhere. She picked up a dirty pair of the wolf's boxers.

"Disgusting," Selene dropped the boxers back on the floor. "He might be worse than Brandon. At least Brandon knows better than to leave his dirty underwear on the floor." She picked up an empty bag of chips. "I guess it's true werewolves do live like animals." She glanced over at the bed sheets. There was something hanging out, like the edge of a magazine. She grabbed it and opened seeing naked pictures of women out on display. "Dirty mags," She closed the magazine and threw it aside. "Just when I thought it couldn't get any-." She saw a picture sticking out from beneath his pillow.

"What's this?" She grabbed the picture from beneath the pillow. It was a picture of that woman she fought. She was wearing a black shirt and blue jeans. She was smiling as He and his brother were holding a plate of cupcakes out to her. Above their heads was a banner reading happy mother's day. The two of them had flour on their pants and the cupcakes looked a complete mess but still even though they messed up her present. She was smiling. She flipped it over and there was a note written on it. It had to have been taken out of a photo album. The note read, the first time Jayson called me mom. There was a sealed envelope with mom written on it. She broke open the envelope and read the letter inside.

Dear Mom,

Before you read this know that. I'm not very good at talking about my feelings nor am I very good with words. So just deal with it okay. I know that I've always given you a hard time. I know I'm not a good kid or wasn't one. I challenged you every chance I got, I argued with you, fought with you. Even the simplest of tasks I've made seem almost impossible. In part, it's because I knew that you favored Jay over me. My feelings weren't hurt and it didn't bother me that much. Because I knew out of the two of us, Jay needed you more. But, I needed you too and I think that's why I'd get upset and fight with you. Because I hated the fact that I needed a mom, I wanted to be strong, I wanted to stand on my own two feet and not depend on anybody. So that way, I could be there for Jay. But to be perfectly honest.

When I walked in and saw both my parents dead on the kitchen floor. I was just a child but I knew then. My life was over, any hope of repairing it was gone. Those were my thoughts then. That was until you showed up and gave us a new life. I thought I'd never see Jay smile again but you changed that. You and Al were like heroes to us. For that, I'll always be grateful even if I may not show it. But now, you're not with us anymore. With you not here, it's like our family has been torn. All Jay does is sit on the couch and cry, Alejandro won't talk, he just sits outside in silence refusing to eat. As for me, I'm just angry, I'm mad at Alejandro for not saving you. I'm mad at Lycan for killing you. I'm mad at myself for not being strong enough to stop you from dying. I have so much anger built up inside me. I just want to destroy everything around me. But it won't change anything. You'll still be dead and our family will still be broken. So I thought maybe if I wrote these feelings down. I'd feel better but I don't. The reason for that is...

Behind all the anger, there's regret. I was so mad at you for leaving us. I said a lot of things I regret. I've done a lot of things I wish I hadn't done. If I could go back, If I knew that our time with you was going to be cut short. I would have been a better kid, I wouldn't have fought with you, I wouldn't have argued with you. I would have hugged you tighter. I wouldn't have been so angry all the time. It wouldn't have taken me so long to call you mom. I know you'll never be able to read this but if there's one thing I wish I could tell you It's. I'm sorry.

"So," Selene closed the letter and put it back in the envelope. "That's happened to her. Murdered by the Alpha. Never would have guessed." She put the letter and picture back beneath his pillow. She walked into the next tent.

The floor was clean aside from a fire print bra and a matching set of panties on the bedding. There was a trash can filled with used condoms. He had napkins placed over them as an attempt to hide the condoms. "Someone's been busy," Selene opened his cooler to see water bottles kept inside. She found another picture of that woman underneath his pillow. It was a picture of them on the couch. She put it back and began going through his clothes. "What do we have here?" She grabbed a journal out of his underwear drawer. It had torn out pages and as a bookmark.There was another photo.

This photo was taken at the Lunar Ball. It was of him and some brunette who looked nothing like the woman who claimed to be his girlfriend. The two of them were shooting up bull horns posing for a silly photo. "It looks like he has more than one love interest." Selene put the journal back. "I guess there's never a dull moment in this pack." She walked out of the tent and went into the orange one.

The floor on this tent was clean aside from a pair of boxers laying on the bedding by the pillow. They were turned inside out. They were most likely dirty. There was a photo of the brunette werewolf placed on a book. There were darts that had to have been thrown at the face of the werewolf. She opened the bag on the floor and began going through the clothes. In the midst of clothes was a family photo. Her eyes lingered on the red haired wolf in the photo. She was surrounded by boys who had to be her brothers. Wait a minute, that wolf. Selene's eyes lingered on the taller werewolf in the back. He's the one who, there was a bright flash.

Selene saw her master running at Lord Grimm preparing to kill him. As their fight was ending a wolf stood over Lord Grimm's and held out his hand. Spiritual energy was shot into Lord Grimm's body healing him from his fight with Sozin. Soon after, the werewolf king was healed. He began walking away leaving her master to die. If it wasn't for this wolf's interference Lord Grimm would have. She threw the picture frame on the ground and crushed it with her foot. She walked out of the tent. She went to enter the next tent but it was sealed shut and she could hear a voice inside.

"Look Alejandro," The woman yelled. "If you don't let me out of here right now. I swear I'm going to kick you right in your giant ballsack. You can't keep me here, I'm not your prisoner. I'm a member of the pack and you will treat me with-," Selene heard a thud and the sound of her body hitting the floor. "Did you just hit me with a pillow? Wait, what are you doing? Alejandro, I swear if you-," She groaned. "Get your giant wolf ass off me. I'm not a chair."

"At least I know where the Beta is," Selene smirked. "Which means he's too busy to keep me from going through his stuff." She walked into the red tent. The floor of the tent was clean aside from the fact. His sheets were piled up. So, apparently the notorious Beta isn't fond of making his bed. She noticed a small lock box underneath his sheets. The key was inside the keyhole. Not one of hiding things is he? She twisted the key and opened the box inside was another picture of that woman. Not that she was surprised that he'd have a photo of her too. As she recalled, he was quite fond of her.

The photo was of her wearing a Nightshade T shirt. Lord Grimm's son, Prince Lycan was in the photo with them. The fearsome Beta was laying on his back, his eyes closed and was resting peacefully. It was hard to believe this man turned out to be Lord Grimm's most powerful weapon. The murderer of over a thousand vampires. Yet, in this photo, he didn't look dangerous at all. Still a werewolf is a werewolf and like all werewolves they deserve to be killed. Especially that one. She'd never forgive him for killing Sai. Selene put the photo back in the lock box and closed it.

The second Selene closed the lock box. She found herself standing underneath a large shadow. She turned around and he was standing right behind her. His eyes burning with anger, his venomous canines bared, his claws out. Before she could even defend herself. She felt the backside of his hand strike the side of her face. The impact was so great, she flew through multiple trees and crashed into a thorn bush. She tried to get back on her feet but the power behind that one attack. It was too much, she couldn't stand, let alone move. She was fighting just to stay awake. So this is the power of Nightshade's Beta, Selene's vision faded in and out as she laid there in pain.

"Selene, you motherfucker. How dare you strike my sister." Brandon ran at Alejandro. Selene's arm reached out as Brandon kept running toward Alejandro. This werewolf, as strong as he is. Knowing that just a backhand was enough to defeat her. Her brother didn't stand a chance. He'd kill Brandon if he tried to fight him.

"Brandon, no," Selene's arm hit the ground and her eyes closed.

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