Crossing Boundaries

By deblaru

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To my astonishment, I saw Reece situated between my legs, his actions mirroring those of someone savouring th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 25

601 8 0
By deblaru


I had to get out of there. Not one more minute could I stay. I couldn't believe this was happening to me—so much drama in the span of just two Months, hell all in one bloody day.

First, Nick kisses me in front of everyone. Then, Reece kisses me out of anger, and what—jealousy? "Hell I don't know.

And then that bitch, Mia, decides to attack me.Calling me a slut, telling me I'd been messing around with Reece and Nick. Calling me a whore, and that's when I was triggered...

The creepy texts were back, along with a video of me and Nick kissing in the hall, and another of me and Reece on the rooftop. The message reading: "Naughty little whore, having two pretty boys on the go...
"I can't wait to make you my dirty little whore, along with more filthy words..

I was freaked out, and I snapped. Reece didn't help, he had pushed my buttons so much, by forcing that kiss on me. My head was spinning from it—I couldn't make sense of why he did it. He'd been messing around with Yara all week, never once telling her off when she'd make sly little remarks to me, never once pushing her away when her hands were constantly on him. And then he goes and fucking kisses me.

Too much had happened. "Fuck me, my life had more twists and turns than a rollercoaster, and it was only October.

So much for a drama-free school year!

I never even curse, and I think I've dropped the F bomb more times than Joe Pesci in that movie Casino.

I didn't want to go home just yet; Dad was home, and he'd only question why I was home early. Plus, I'd left my clothes and bag in the locker room. Reminding myself to ask Samia or Sarah to grab them later for me. Oh and not forgetting my devilish appearance after my little scrap with Mia, giggling to myself at it, as it's not me,I never fight with anyone. Another snigger escapes my lips as I remember Yara getting knocked over. I know,I know, you shouldn't laugh at someone's misfortune, but that girl has been noting but a little snake to me ever since the day she came on to the scene.!

Thank God I had my phone.

I hop on a bus that takes me downtown. Shooting a text to my sister, asking if she could meet me somewhere. Luckily, she had a free period. She told me to meet her at the little cafe beside her campus grounds.

Gina's eyes widen when she sees me.

"What happened to you?" she asks.

I tell her everything from start to finish—everything that's happened since the nightclub, except the part about the creepy messages. I don't want her worrying, and she'd likely tell Mom and Dad, which would put me on lockdown.

She's pissed, to say the least. She wants to go to the school and confront Mia and Yara.

She's also mad at Reece for his behavior, saying he needs to man up and stop being a pussy.

My phone is buzzing like crazy. There are so many missed calls from Reece and texts asking where I am,begging me to call him.

There's another missed call from Nick, along with a voice note. He apologizes about Mia and asks if I'm okay. He wanted to follow me, but the coach held him back. The game's tomorrow, so I understand. I let him know there's no need for him to apologize and wish him good luck in the game.

The ringing of my phone again causes Gina to frown.

"Jesus, Lorna, please just answer him. I know he's an ass at the moment, but you've been best friends since you were little. You both are kind of at fault here,"

I protest.

"Okay, yes, he should've told you, but maybe he does have a good reason. Is it worth losing your friendship over two random people you've only known for a wet weekend?" I throw her a look at her choice of wording.

"Anyway, what I'm saying is, don't let this break you both. Tell each other how you feel, and if it doesn't work out, at least you can still be friends."

"I just need time to myself today," I say, letting out a long exaggerated sigh.

"I'm going to use the toilet," I announce getting up and making my way to the ladies' room.

When I come back,  Gina is standing up. She tells me she has to go back to college. "Oh, okay. I'll see you soon," giving her a hug.

The cafe door jingles, announcing a new customer. I look up, and there he is—Reece, standing there with his beautiful face. Worry lines adorn his forehead, his sad sole giving away his turmoil . He looks at Gina thanking her.

"Fixing her with a glare, I state, "You told him I was here."

"Yes, I did. Your phone wouldn't stop ringing," she replies. "He sounded miserable. I hate whiny boys."

He frowns at her insult, as she pats him on his arm. "Man up this time big boy .

Smiling awkwardly at her, he nods his head.

Throwing me a wink, she saunters out of the cafe door.

"Thanks a lot, Gina," I mumble, still annoyed that she sold me out.

"It was my fault," Reece's voice pulls me out of my frustration with her.

"I told her I wouldn't stop ringing if she didn't tell me," he explains.

"Well, what do you want?" I snap, my tone carrying frustration.

"Can we go for a drive? I don't really want to talk with so many people around," he says, his eyes showing his vulnerability.

Damn it, I can never resist them...

"Sure, but I need to get a coffee first,
I never managed to get my morning fix."

"Let me get it for you. Iced caramel mocha?" he suggests.

"No thanks, I'll have an oat milk vanilla latte, please," I respond. He raises an eyebrow at me.

"I'm a little chilly," I mutter out. He smiles and says, "No problem," then proceeds to order two to go.

Reece drives us up to a viewpoint that overlooks the entire town. It looks beautiful from here, I think to myself. I'd say even more so at night, it looks romantic... a lovers' spot if you like. "I'd say there have been many who've driven up here to... well, you know.

"It's beautiful here," I comment. "Mmmm, I thought you'd like it," he smiles at me.

"Lorna, first of all, I want to apologize for my behavior, okay? I shouldn't have kissed you like that. It was wrong..."

"Why?" I interrupt.


"Why did you?"

Letting out a long breath, he responds, "Because I was jealous." He hesitates, then continues, "I can't stand any other guy with you. It drives me insane. It should be me." His green eyes bore into mine.

I look away. His stare is too intense. I need to stay strong; otherwise, I'll end up jumping on his lap and never stop kissing him.

I'm quiet. I've lost my voice and my courage to speak. That annoying little lump is causing my throat to close up, and my words are stuck.

"Lorna, please say something..."

Swallowing it down, I try to gather myself. "What are you saying, Reece? That you want me? Since when? You've never showed interest before!" I continue, frustration seeping into my words. "I do a little transformation, and now I'm the girl you want? I'm up to your standards now..."

"No, it's...," his voice goes a little higher. "Jesus, you've no idea, do you? It's always been you,Lorna. I was just too stupid and too scared to admit it. I'm an ass. I just mess everything up."

His words sink in, and I can't help but look at him. "I've been in love with you ever since my mom died," he continues. "I know it's young, but you were the only one who could get me through it. You're special to me, Lorna. I just could never find the right words to tell you, but was also afraid you'd reject me. See me only as a friend. But then I felt something in you change, I knew you felt more..."

"I did," I reply, meeting his confused gaze.

"I did feel more," I continue. "I just wish you would've confessed earlier. You've done so many things wrong, Reece, that I'm finding it hard trust you. You storm off and get with random girls, you lie to me. This thing with Yara—is, God, I don't even know what it is. You won't tell me what's going on. You allow her to be a complete bitch to me. You don't stop her from putting her hands all over you..."

His eyes are closed, his head leaning back against the seat as he exhales loudly. "I know, and I'm sorry," he says, his voice heavy with regret. "I'll tell you everything about Yara. As soon as I fix it, I'm going to talk to her and let her know I can't do this anymore."

My confusion is etched on my face, and he speaks again, "She asked me to pretend to be her boyfriend. I can't tell you the reason yet, because I need to talk to her first, okay? Let me fix this. Please..."

He continues, his voice pleading, "I just want us to go back to the way we were, Lorna. I know this is still all confusing, and if you want to continue to date Nick, I'll back off. I won't cause you any trouble, but please, just be my friend again."

Wow, he's giving up so easily, letting me go back to Nick! Not even fighting for me, I think to myself. Well, alright, if that's what he wants. I don't want anything to do with him until Yara disappears anyway and I doubt that'll be anytime soon,I don't care what she has going on. It's evident that he cares for putting her needs first.

I say nothing. I can't. I've lost the fight, and I'm drained.

But I do tell him, "You need to tell Yara to back off me. I've done nothing to her, and she's been nothing but a total bitch to me."

"I will, I promise. I'll talk to her," he responds. "Can we be friends again?"

"I'll always be your friend, Reece, but I can't be around that girl. I'm sorry..."

He nods in understanding. I know he wants to say more, but the exhausted look on my face tells him not to.

"I'll drive you home," he says, reversing the jeep.

As he drives, my thoughts race. He confessed that he loves me, but yet he still chose her, while also pushing me towards another guy. I'm not even sure what this whole conversation was about, to be honest. We've drifted, that much is obvious, and I'm not sure we can ever go back to the way things were. And it hurts.

My face is now tinged with tears as we head home. My sadness has overwhelmed me.

He notices and pulls over, stopping the car. I'm looking out the window, and he turns my face to him. "Lorna," he says, barely above a whisper.

"Please don't," I tell him. "I can't do this anymore. I need time to myself. It's just all too much for me at this moment."

He seems poised to say more, but his lips form a firm line and he closes them. Putting the car back into drive, we travel to my house in silence.

Upon arriving at my driveway, my dad's car is gone, and thankfully, my mom is still at work. Avoiding their sight is a relief, given my current disheveled appearance. The need for a long, hot bath is undeniable.

"Thanks," I whisper softly, stepping out of his car.

"Lorna," Reece's voice, husky and heartfelt, beckons me. I meet his gaze with eyes heavy with sadness, and his reflection mirrors mine—a silent exchange of unspoken feelings that have changed between us. "I'm sorry."

Acknowledging his words, I respond with a melancholic smile before exiting the car. Without casting a glance back, I make my way into the house.

Well that was miserable 😭😭
Sorry for such a sad chapter, but it needs to be done. Not long now till they finally give in ..

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