I Doubt I Will Survive Living...

By CrazyPerson1994

208K 3.1K 486

Formerly "Living in a House Full of Guys...Will I Survive? I Highly Doubt It. Alexis Ryan's lives with her br... More

The Taped Bra
The Mall
The Scoping of Babes
The Confession
The Bet
The Party
The Brownies of Heart Ache
The Truth
Soccer is My Sport
Regret and Ear Twisting?
You're Next
Shirts and Bras
I'mma get you!
Melanie's Back

The Perfect Masterpiece

12.9K 247 24
By CrazyPerson1994

Quote of the day:

        “You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.

                                                                                    -Amy Bloom

The Perfect Masterpiece-

                We all finished eating and went out to the car.

"Can I stay over?" Bianca asked, slipping into the seat next to me

"Of course. Do you need clothes for tomorrow?" I asked, buckling up

"Yeah, can we stop by my house real quick?" She questioned, her eyes sliding over to Dallas

Dallas of course nodded enthusiastically, ready to do anything for Bianca.

Kayden groaned, “Drop us off first.”

"Her house is on the way to ours we can just stop there really quickly." I muttered, narrowing my eyes at him

"No, drop us-" He started but Dallas cut him off by turning the radio on to drown out his voice

Bianca laughed and we drove the short distance to her house. She hopped out and walked inside her house. The door opened again like one minute later. Okay, she is not that fast.

Her 16 year old brother Cameron came out and walked to the car. He knocked on the window and motioned for Dallas to roll the window down.

Dallas did and Cam grinned, seeing all his friends in the car. He and Dallas did their handshake and Kayden also did it with him.

"What’s up, man?” Dallas asked, turning the radio down

"Can I come?" Cam asked, leaning in the window, throwing me a wink

Rolling my eyes playfully, I leaned back in the seat. The guys were squishing me to and I knew there was enough room in the truck for us all to fit comfortably. They just liked messing with me.

"To our house?" Dallas asked like the idiot he is

Cam arched a brow, “Duh.”

“Well, duh. You don’t have to ask.” Dallas chuckled, doing a fist bump with Cam.  “Go get clothes or something."

Cam nodded before jogging back up to the front door and disappearing into the house. Bianca and he came back out like five minutes later, bags in tow. Once they were in, we headed to the house. We got to my house ten minutes later; the guys bickering the entire way. We all hopped out and went inside the house, thankful to not be hip to hip with each other anymore.

“I think we should all go to the movies and see ‘I Am Number Four’. I heard it’s really good.” Noah suggested, plopping on the couch

 “What are the movie times?” Justin asked, slowly walking over to his recliner

Noah whipped out his phone, almost making it fly through the air. About a minute later, he looked up and pursed his lips.

“The next time is 4:30 or 7:20.” He stated, kicking his feet up on the table

“Probably 4:30. I’m sure the girls want to go shopping for party supplies and clean the house all night.” Dallas said, a sarcastic smirk finding its way onto his lips

Bianca and I arched a brow, simply turning around and walking out of the living room, and up the stairs.

“They’re too much alike…” I heard Cam murmur

Once up the stairs, we went to my room and threw our bags in the corner, plopping on my bed. She turned to face me, smiling softly.

“I love you, bestie.”

Grinning, I rolled over and squished her. “I love you more!”

She laughed, only making it harder for her to breathe.

“Ahh, gosh. Lexi!” Bianca gasped, “Can’t breathe!”

Chuckling evilly, I rolled off her and onto my back, smiling. She inhaled deeply before sitting up and glaring at me.

“You’re mean.” She pouted, running her fingers through her hair

“I never claimed to be nice, B.” I said, shaking my head at her softly

Pursing her lips, she moved to where she was sitting in front of me.

“So, what’s going on with you and Kayden? He seemed even more annoying than usual and you seemed even more irritated than usual.”

Biting my bottom lip, I sat up and looked her in the eye. “We kissed.”

She blinked and stared for a minute as if she had not her what I said. “What was that?”

“Yup, he kissed me and I kissed him back.”

Narrowing her eyes, she watched me carefully. “Why?”

He kissed me. What else was I supposed to do?” I asked, throwing my hands in the air

“Kayden. You kissed Kayden.” She murmured, nodding her head slowly

“Really, B. Just say what you need to say.” I sighed, leaning my head back against the headboard of my bed

“No, no. I don’t need to say anything. Just, I don’t know why Kayden, for your first kiss. Why not J.T. or something? Kayden.” Bianca said airily, her head nodding continuing

“B, he kissed me. It’s not like I planned it! It wasn’t even that bad either. It was kind of nice.” I said quietly, biting my bottom lip

“Mmmhhh.” She hummed, her eyes narrowing again. “I see.”

A light chuckle escaped from my lips, “Really? Stop with this nonsense. Kayden’s not a bad kisser and that’s that.”

Bianca sighed, shrugging her shoulders. “I think you have a fever that is clouding your judgment is all. Or, maybe you’re so in need of ‘you know what’ that you’re willing to get it from Kayden White…That has to be it! Your normal self wouldn’t have allowed that. We just need to find you a good man to satisfy that urge.”

I just stared at her, waiting for her to finish with her words and thoughts. She sat there quietly, most likely thinking about all the guys she could set me up with.

“I’m done with this conversation.” I stated, getting up from the bed

“Okay. I do have to think about this a little more though. Some great guys come in to mind but I don’t think they’re for you.” She shook her head, pressing her lips together tightly, still thinking

“So, you said you bought me a bikini?” I asked, making her eyes light up

“Yes, I did. Do you want to try it on?” She asked excitedly, walking over to the bags

“Sure, why not.”

Bianca pulled the thin piece of cloth out of the bag and I immediately shook my head.

“That won’t cover anything!” I exclaimed, backing away from her

“Now, Lexi. I don’t think you want me to force this on you. You know I will.” A menacing look filled her eyes and I snatched the bikini from her, stomping into the bathroom

Stripping slowly, my wide eyes stayed on the bathing suit the entire time. My clothes were off too soon and I debated putting them back on just to take more time.

Shaking my head, I grabbed the piece of cloth and quickly put it on, not wanting to look in the mirror. However, I did look in the mirror and my eyes widened enough to make them watery and I shook my head.

“There is no way anyone is going to see me in this.” I said, facing the door

“Alexis, open this door now or I’m going to get one of the boys to break it down.” She threatened, wiggling the door handle

“Yeah, right.” I scoffed, calling her bluff

The wiggling stopped and panic set in, making me dive towards the door and yank it open. Bianca stood there, arms crossed over her chest and a smirk upon her lips. Her eyes skimmed down my body, a slow smile making its way to her face.

“Girl, I don’t know what you’re always so worried about. You’re one of the most beautiful women I have ever met. That bikini may show everything but that’s only because you have everything to show!” Bianca exclaimed, a soft smile on her lips. “Don’t be afraid to show everybody what you have because believe me, Lex; men like this.” She stated, waving her hand over my body

Wrapping my arms around myself, I looked down. “Showing this much skin makes me feel uncomfortable. I’m not as thin as all those other girls prancing around in miniskirts and such.”

Bianca put her hand under my chin and lifted my head up, staring me in the eye. “Not all men want sticks. Some want something to wrap their arms around without getting stabbed.”

Nodding, I stepped away from her. “I’m going to get dressed now.”

Sighing, she nodded and turned around, walking over to the bed. I stepped back into the bathroom and shut the door, locking it.

Quickly, I put my clothes on and folded up the bikini, walking out of the bathroom. Bianca was on the bed, eyes on the screen of her phone. I set the suit down on my dresser before walking over to her.

“What are you doing?” I asked, sitting beside her on the bed

“Telling people about the party. Anyone specific you want me to invite?” She asked, glancing up at me

Shaking my head, I shrugged. “Not really.”

 Someone knocked on my door and opened it, “Ladies, it’s time to go.”

Bianca and I got up and walked out of my room, shutting the door behind us. We jogged down the stairs and met up with everyone in the living room.

"Hey, can Ashley meet us there?" Chris asked, looking up from his phone

"No." Bianca and I said simultaneously, pushing passed the guys

"Why not?" Chris asked, his brows furrowing in disagreement

Narrowing my eyes, I looked at Bianca to see she has the same look on her face.

“Maybe you’ve forgotten that she tried to kill us!” I growled

“Literally kill us, Christophe. Like, with her bare hands.” Bianca stated, raising her hands to his face

“She thought you guys were my mistress’.” He shrugged, “She apologized.”

“No, she didn’t!” Bianca and I yelled, eyes wide

“Fine. Whatever. I’m over it.” Chris grumbled, walking away

We sighed and went out to the cars. This time we took Vincent's and Aaron’s trucks. I got in the passenger side of Vince's car. Chris, Justin, Jerriko, Noah, Nate, and Cam got in back.

"You give her special treatment Vince." Jerriko grumbled, upset that he had to sit in the back

"Eh." Vince muttered, shrugging

Grinning, I looked back at Jerr and shrugged. “Don’t be angry. I’ve always been his favorite.”

The guys scoffed, rolling their eyes. One thing I can always count on the boys to do is argue with each other, over anything. That’s all that was heard as we rode to the theatre. Finally, we got there and relief flooded me. I don’t know why I always agree to do things with them, I usual end up hating it.

"14 for ‘I Am Number Four’, please." Dallas asked, pulling out his wallet

The cashier raised his brows, typing it into the machine. “$80.50.”

Dallas pulled out a fifty and grabbed the other fifty Aaron was handing to him, giving it to the cashier. He gave Dallas the change tickets. We all walked in and went to the concession stand; I bought a medium popcorn, mamba candy, and a sprite.

 We all went to theatre five and sat down in the corner. It went: Dallas, Kayden, Me, Vincent, Bianca, Cam, J.T, Chris, Justin, Jerriko, Aaron, Noah, Xavier, and then Nate.

The previews started and I couldn’t resist eating my popcorn. Then, a hand dug into my popcorn, grabbing a handful. Glancing over, Kayden brought his hand up to his mouth; a hand that was full of my popcorn.

"Keep your grimy hands out of my stuff.” I whispered, pulling my popcorn away from him

"I only want a little bit." He pouted, slowly reaching to get more

Watching him warily, I brought it back to my lap. “Fine."

He grinned and grabbed more popcorn, shoving it in his mouth. I glared and popped some in my mouth.

Soon, the movie started playing and I got comfortable.

(A/N: If you haven't seen it I'm not going to spoil it)

"That was so cool!" I cheered, throwing the empty popcorn bowl in the trash

“It was great.” Dallas agreed, throwing his arm over my shoulder

When we got home, Bianca and I ran upstairs and changed into pajamas. I went into the bathroom and took off my makeup. I brushed my teeth and went back into the room. Bianca wasn't there; guess she went back downstairs. I opened my door and ran downstairs.

And guess what?

There were no more seats. Like always. I sat on the floor in front of Dallas, resting my head against his legs. Looking around, I saw Kayden staring at me. I frowned and raised my eye brows. He shook his head and looked away, making my frown deepened.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Jerriko suggested, and excited look on his face

We all said okay and piled into a circle.

 "Okay, Bianca, T or D?" Jerriko asked, a devious smirk on his lips

"Dare." She said without hesitation

"Kiss Dallas; tongue and all for a minute." He said, looking over at Dallas

Dallas smirked and mouthed a 'thank you' to Jerriko, turning to face B. Bianca glared at Jerriko as she scooted closer to Dallas. Grabbing his neck, she crushed her lips to his and they started making-out. Gulping, I began rethinking this game.

"Okay, minutes up." Jerriko said, “Sorry, Dall.”

Bianca pulled away from Dallas who was smiling like an idiot. She turned away from him, a look of ‘I don’t care’ on her face as she did so.

 "Disgusting." She whispered to me

Although, I knew she was lying. She’s had a crush on Dallas since we were in the 3rd grade.

"Yeah, it was disgusting to watch." I whispered back; just to make her feel better

"Okay, Noah, T or D?" Bianca asked, arching a brow

"Dare." He muttered, as if there was any other choice

Bianca smirked. You never want to pick dare if Bianca asks you.

"Seven minutes in heaven with Chris."

"Why me?” Chris asked, his eyes wide as he looked around

Chris flared his nostrils and stomped out of the living room, grumbling the entire time; he knew if he chickened on this dare, the next one would only be worse. I laughed quietly and Noah followed his with a frown of disgust on his face. They slammed the door shut and I heard Chris scream in anger.

"And we need some proof!" Bianca yelled to them, laughing

"Whatever!" Noah screeched, hitting the door with something

Seven minutes later Chris and Noah came out looking thoroughly flushed. They came and sat down silently. Chris handed Bianca his phone, glaring at her.

"That picture does not get out!" They yelled

Bianca grabbed the phone and we looked at it together. It showed a picture of Chris and Noah lip-locked.

We bust out laughing and we hand the phone to the guys who start laughing as well.

"Ha ha, it's sooo funny." Noah said sarcastically

Chris and Noah just glared at all of us, shaking their heads.

“Dallas, T or D?" Noah asked quickly to get passed the moment

"Truth." Dallas said

"Way to ruin it but okay! How many girls have you slept with?"

"34." Dallas said without hesitation, “Actually, 33; that one girl, man. I swear she was a dude.”

"Gross." I muttered

“At least I know how many. Lexi, T or D?" Dallas asked me, narrowing his eyes

"Dare." I murmured nervously

"I dare you to......run up and down the street in your underwear twice screaming ‘Dallas is great’." He said

“You’re really not but whatevs. Making me do physical activity and such.” I grumbled, thankful I wore pretty underwear today

I went to the front door with everybody following me. It was pretty hot outside tonight, as always. I stripped my clothes and walked down the porch stairs.

Taking a deep breath, I began running, screaming that Dallas is great. When I was done with my two laps, I walked up to the porch, trying to calm my ragged breathing.

 "Happy?" I asked Dallas, quickly grabbing my clothes

He just smirked, nodding his head as he walked away. Everyone went back inside but Kayden.

Holding my clothes tighter to my chest, I narrowed my eyes. “Need something?”

Shutting the door, he stepped closer to me and lifted his hand up, resting it on my cheek. His thumb traced my bottom lip and I let out a shuttered breath. Ducking his head, he pressed his lips to mine, knocking the clothes from my hands. His other hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me close as he deepened the kiss.

My hands gripped the front of his shirt as I pulled him closer. It was a sloppy kiss seeing as it was only my second time ever kissing someone but he didn’t seem to mind.

Pulling away, he looked down at me, no sign of amusement or laughter in his eyes. “Never feel the need to hide your body. You have no reason to. You’re a work of art. A perfect masterpiece. ”

Stepping away from me, he picked up my clothes and handed them to me before walking into the house.

Releasing the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding, I got dressed slowly before walking into the house. They were all in the living room, talking and laughing.

Sitting down, I turned to Vincent. "Vince? T or D?" I asked, avoiding eye contact with Kayden

"Dare." He said, eyes bright with excitement

"Call your mom and say 'Mom...I'm going to be a father'."

He took his phone out and put it on speaker phone, dialing his mom.

"Hey, sweetie. What’s up?" His mom, Lorraine, asked

"Hey, mom...I have something to tell you." He said feigning nervousness

"What is it?" She asked slowly

“I, uh, went to this party a few weeks ago and hooked up with this girl. The thing is, I saw her a couple days ago and…well, and she’s pregnant. I’m going to be a father.” A laugh bubbled at his lips but he shook it off, biting his bottom lip

"What? How? Who? Why?" She screamed questions at him, “My baby is having a baby!”

Laughing, he hung up. “I’ll talk to her when she’s calmed down and has come to terms with my child.”

Still chuckling, Vincent turned to Justin. "Justin, T or D?"

 "Dare, of course." Justin said

"Kiss Jerriko." Vince said, a light smirk on his face

"What's up with this group and kissing?" Jerriko asked, a curious look on his face

"On the lips?" Justin asked, shaking his head ‘no’

Vince nodded and Justin groaned. They both leaned over to each other. Their lips touched and then they pulled back and wiped their mouths.

 "Ugh, eeew. Jerri of all people. Zave, T or D?" Justin asked, shaking his head to clear it


"Out of Bianca and Lexi who would you like to kiss more?" Justin questioned, seeming to want a real answer

“You’re really going to make me choose?” Xavier asked, his mouth falling open

Justin nodded, leaning against the couch. “It is a pretty difficult question to answer.”

“Neither; only because I can’t choose.” Xavier murmured, biting his bottom lip

“I’ll take that.” Justin said, nodding

"Kayden, T or D?" Xavier asked Kayden


"Whether dead or alive, who would you most like to have sex with?" Xavier asked, arching a brow

“…Dead or alive.” Kayden muttered, “Probably some chick from the olden days where she will tell people I took her virtue and her dad brings a mob with pitch forks for my front door.”

…I don’t even know what to say to that.

"Lexi, T or D?" Kayden asked me

"I just went!" I exclaimed, “Pick someone else.”

“Fine. Bianca, truth or dare?” He asked


“Kiss Lexi.” He demanded, leaning against the couch

" Tongue?" She asked him, not at all fazed by what he asked her to do

'Please say no, please say no.' I chanted to myself

"Yes. Now get on with it." He said impatiently

I looked back at Bianca and we started leaning toward each other; our lips met and we kept our eyes open, sitting there.

"Tongue." Kayden sang, excitement in his voice

Growling, I closed my eyes and shoved my tongue in her mouth. All I was thinking was 'Ewwww'. I’m kissing my best friend!

"Okay, you guys can stop." Kayden said huskily

We pulled apart quickly and started wiping our mouths on anything we could.  Looking at the guys, we saw lustful looks on their faces.

"That was so hot!" They yelled, even Cam

The guys are rubbing off on him…

"Cam, T or D?" Nate asked him, stretching his legs out in front of him

Cam sighed, “Dare.”

"Dare you to French kiss Lexi." Nate said

"Why do I have to do the kissing?" I asked, exasperated

Cam shrugged and scooted over to me. He grabbed my jaw in his hand and kissed me softly.

He's a pretty good kisser.

Tightening his hand on my face, he pressed his lips harder t-

"Stop." Nate said

We pulled apart and I gasped for air. Man, I really need to start working on my cardio.

"I want a turn to kiss you." Chris whined, pouting

"You just might with all the kissing you guys are making me do." I said, narrowing my eyes on him


 You know what to do!

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You might even feel the need to fan. I’m completely fine with that as well!

Hope you enjoyed it!



Never let anyone tell you you’re something you’re not. Don’t ever listen to those who persecute you. Tall, short, thin, thick, whatever ethnicity, or religion, you are perfectly imperfect. We all have our faults but someday, we will all find someone who sees those faults and love us because of them. Those men and women out there telling you what you can’t do or who you can’t be don’t deserve to have your anger.

 “The one that angers you controls you. Don't give anyone that Power! Especially the one who does it intentionally.”


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