Her Mafia Secret | TOM KAULIT...


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Lydia and her best friend, analia have lived in Tokyo for over a year now. About 2 months after they... More

And You Are?
long time no see
taken aback
.unfamiliar. scared. helpless.
past future
your gonna regret this.
so chat.

i dont know why im telling you this..

576 6 3

We make our way to toms cars. He's holding my hand tightly. I try to wiggle my hand out of his. "Don't even fucking try Lydia" What is up with this man? One minute he's banging my head into the wall and the next he's kissing me or holding my hand. Although I hate tom I can't lie, I feel some sense of safety with him.. i feel safe from others but not him.

I step into toms car. "Where are we going" I ask
"It's a surprise" fuck bro.

I feel my body tense up and my heart rate increase. I don't know what he's going to do to me. for all i know the "suprise" is him drugging me and shooting me in an abondoned building. i get in the car slowly, sit down, shut the door and buckle up. I i honestly love his car. i like seeing cool cars. its fasinating. as im lost in my own world i quickly snap out of it as tom slams his car door shut. He starts his car and revs the engine. we drive through the city and i admire all lights iluminating the not so busy roads and the buildings lighting up the side walks with their signs. Tom turns on his turn signal then turns onto a road that goes up onto a road thats on the side of the mountain. We drive up and tom parks then shuts off his car. I open my door and step out of the car, my eyes widen in amazemnt. im met by a beautiful sunset. The red, orange, and pink in the sky all mix so perfectly. i go up to a railing and lean up against it admiring the sunset.
"Beautiful, isn't it" Tom says as he's walking up to me.

"Yea, it really is"

'This is where I met Gustav and georg, I think it was maybe my second race" Tom then points down to a road that's off the cliff of the mountain. "That's where I raced when I met them, right there on that road"

"How long ago did you meet them?" I ask

"Maybe 5ish years ago?

"Why'd you decide to move here?"

"I came here to Tokyo with my brother, bill, to get away from our mother and father. our mom was mentally abusive and our dad was mentally abusive and physically abusive. He was an alcoholic."

Damn. Carried on the genes of a abusive controlling bitch I guess.

"Well that sucks" I say not wanting to get me ass beat again if I say what I just thought .

"I don't know why I'm telling you this"
I notice toms mood shift a little bit from soft to kinda sad, I think hes even tearing up a little"

"Well if it makes you feel any better I had a shitty life growing up too so it's makes 2 of us"

Tom looks over at me and slightly smiles. I don't know why Im trying to make him feel better he's a shitty man who I hate.

Just as we go quiet cars speed down the road Tom was previously talking about. The sounds of the cars engines loud in my ears as each of them speed down below us.
I stare up at the sunset admiring its beauty. the temperature starts to drop and I get chilly since I don't have a jacket with me. Tom notices me slightly shaking.

"Here" he hands me his jacket.
I stare at it hesitant to take it.

"Just take the damn jacket Lydia"
He gives it to me and I put it on. The fuzzy fleece quickly warms me up.

After I give Lydia my jacket we sit by the railing for a few more minutes. I glance at lydia every so often. She looks gorgeous. A few minutes a thought pops into my mind. "Come on"
I say as I walk to the car. Lydia looks at me for a few seconds then follows. I start up the engine as she's getting in. Just as I'm about to drive away I get a call, it's from georg.
"Dude, your fucked"

"What the hell do you mean"

"I was watching the news and they had a picture of Lydia on there"

"Ok and?"

"They said she's missing and the police are starting a hunt for her. I think her little friend reported her."

"what?! " I shout, that little bitch. I feel my heart rate speed up and anger form inside of me. I clench my hand tightly around my phone and my other hand into a fist.
I step out of the car not wanting Lydia to hear my convo. I walk a few feet away.

"I know the police will coward down and be a bunch of little pussy when they know I'm the one that took her. There's no chance they are gonna fuck with me. We all know that, we still need to be safe tho and keep her inside for the next week or 2.We're going to get her friend too though. I'm fucking pissed. We aren't going to let Lydia out anytime soon and if she refuses to listen I'll make her listen."

"Okay, just get to the house soon"


I get back in the car still in rage and anger. I can't believe her friend fucking did that. I'll make her pay.

"Uhm, y-you okay?"

"Shut the fuck up"

She looks at me in confusing and gives me a "wtf" face.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I said shut the fuck up Lydia."

"No bc your being a bipolar bitch. Just a few minutes ago you were being all soft and nice now your being shitty?! Pick a side"
This bitch is ticking me off

"Stay in your fucking lane and stop being nosey you hard headed bitch!!"

Lydia says as she reaches to get out the car, I grab a hand full of her hair and drag her back. "WHAT THE FUCK"
"your not going anywhere." I slap Lydia she goes silent and looks down into her lap.

"Fucking bitch" she says under her breath.
I speed off back to the house tightly gripping the steering wheel. Every few moments Lydia glances over at me. She pisses me off but drives me crazy in a good way.


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