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ok so side note the like time perspective might change sometimes, sorry if it gets confusing. i genuinely have no conseption of time soooo.
its supposed to be in the moment tho.

I wake up cuddled onto toms lap and warm under a soft blanket. I here the tv going and a few more voices than usual. i open my eyes and see Tom looking down at me.

"good morning" tom says.

"morning" I say groggly

"how are you feeling?"


"you feel asleep on my lap last night"

"yea i noticed"
I sit up still in toms embrace. His body heat comforts me.
as much as i hate tom i have to admit i feel safe with him. i feel safe from others but not himself. He provides me some sense of comfort knowing he's the most feared man in Tokyo but it also terrifies me.

"Get me some coffee" he demands
I groan and get up to walk to the kitchen leaving toms grasp.. I look around a little bit and see that a glass sliding door is open. Although I'm still in pain from the instances last night I'm taking this chance.
I make sure no one is Able to see me and I slowly walk over to the door, the floor creeks slightly with each step. I look outside and see a small section of woods and a road that leads to a big town. I think that's where he does his races. Me and Analia's apartment is around that area too. I look around once again to check my surroundings.
"Hurry up" I hear Tom yell
"K" I reply.

I step out the glass door and walk quietly for a second. I take in the fresh city air and close my eyes. I'm finally getting out of this place and back to Analia.  After a few seconds I start running. My hair flowing in the breeze feels so refreshing. My feet moving swiftly in the grass, then the hard gravel. I run and run until I feel like I'm far enough for the moment. I put my hands on my knees and breath. "I'm finally away" I say to myself smiling.
I run some more until I reach the city. Pl People all around. I feel people staring at me, probably considered by my looks. I walk down the busy street and bump into someone that's in the ground hacking and vomiting. Gross. I gag a little as i walk away from the disgusting scene. As I'm walking I hear familiar cars approaching. I realize it's Tom and bill. I feel my heart race speed up and I begin panicking. Waving my arms in the air I flag down a taxi, the taxi pulls up and breaks to a stop on the busy road. "Take me to 529 north oak street, and fast please" I say in a Shakey voice as I get into the car . We arrive a minute later.
I quickly get out and throw the man a 20 before rushing to the lobby door. I ring the intercom system franticly as I hear the gangs cars approaching.


"ANALIA LET ME IN PLEASE, PLEASE HES GOING TO KILL ME!" I didn't know if he would kill me or not but it surely feels like it.

I run for the door and yank it open. The cars are getting closer. I run as fast as I can up the stairs, The cold concrete on my feet making me cringe slightly. I reach me and Analia's apartment and bang on the door.
she runs to the door and lets me in. Just to be safe I grab a chair and stick the back of it under the door knob Incase the gang comes here. I grab 2 knives.
"Here. Take this"
I say handing Analia a knife. I can tell she's confused yet scared at the same time.
Analia hugs me tightly and cry's. "I've missed you so much Lydia. What happened!?"
As I'm about half way through explaining everything to Analia I hear a loud bang on the door. I feel panic rise in me and my heart rate increase. "Go under here" Analia says to me with fear in her voice.
I look to where she's pointing to and it's under her bed.
The banging gets louder.
"I know your in there Lydia you can't hide for long" Tom says. I can almost hear the smile in his voice. I run to go under the bed and hide. I hold the knife tightly getting ready for anything that may happen.
"Open the fucking door before I do it for you" I hear Tom yell out. Analia is standing in the living room holding a knife ready to lunge at Tom and Bill. She's gonna fail horribly but I knew the wouldn't listen to me.. seconds later I hear a loud thump and feel it shake the floor some and a scream.
I cover my mouth to prevent my self from loudly sobbing.
Loud yells muffle my crys. soon it goes almost queit. i swear to fucking god if they hurt analia. I hear steps get louder and louder leading to my bedroom. I can feel my heart rate increasing and my crying getting heavier. I adust my position a little bit making sure none of my body is showing out of my hiding place.

"If you just come out Lydia I promise I won't hurt you... Atleast not as bad as I was planning too before.."

What has my life come to? Just 2 weeks ago I was out at a arcade laughing and making memories, and now.... I'm laying under MY bed in MY apartment hiding from the most feared man in tokio.

Just as I feel my heart beat calm down a little I get dragged out from under the bed by my feet. I try desperately to grip onto something but he's too quick. I swear I got carpet burn on my stomach. While I'm getting dragged out I accidentally loose grip of my knife. SHIT! i kneel Tom in the balls and run to the other side of the bed to slip under and grab my knife.
"YOU FUCKING CUNT!" Tom yells.

I snap back holding the knife tightly to my side. I look over for a second and see Analia tied up in one of our chairs with bill holding a knife to her neck. She has tears running down her face as she looks at my in a pleading way.

Bill Leans down to my ear and whispers.
"I won't hurt you baby. This is all toms doing. I'll only hurt you if I have to" this man drives me crazy.. in a good way.

"You have no power compared to me. I can fucking do anything I want with you, and I will" Tom says in a taunting way. He slowly walks towards me. Just as he's about to make a move I pull out my knife and put it in front of me.


Tom steps closer to me and to the side some as I'm still holding the knife in front of me with tears in my eyes. He looks me in my eyes and smiles, .. what? Before I can take another breath he grabs both of wrists and pins them above me. I dropped the knife due to the amount of force he used. I squirm around trying to get out of he grasp but he's too strong.

"Youre never gettungs way from me Lydia. No matter how hard you try. How long you plan. I will always find you. And I will always punish you. Worse and worse each time till your nearly on your death bed. I'll let you die slowly and your body rot."
Tom says smiling whilst still keeping my wrist pinned to the wall. HOW COULD HE SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT AND SMILE LIKE ITS A JOKE?!

Tom stares into my eyes then I notice his sight drift to my lips.
"I hate you too Lydia" before I can get a single word out Tom smashes his lips into mine. I don't fight or kick or really do anything. He let's go of his tight grasp around my wrists and moved his hands to my waist. I kiss back. Why would I do that oh my God I'm only giving him what he wants. "DUDE COME ON" bill yells causing Tom to break the kiss. Tom looks at me then bill. "Come on" he says coldly as if we didn't just make out. What the fuck?
"No." I respond back trying to show what confidence I have left in me if I even have any.
"Don't make this hard Lydia"

"I'm not going with you. Cock sucker"

Tom walks towards me and raised his hand. I then blacked out.


Her Mafia Secret | TOM KAULITZ| |TOKIO HOTEL|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora