
De Empresspandora

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Benazir Behesi had always lived her life according to the expectations of others-her family, her friends, and... Mais

supernatural creatures and spells and prophecy.
Meeting the creators: chapter 1
Reborn in to the vampire diaries universe: chapter 2
Meeting my system: chapter 3
getting started: chapter 4
meeting the gang: chapter 5
saving Enzo: chapter 6
talking to Emily: chapter 7
Spending time with the gang and meeting Stefan Salvatore: chapter 8
saving Finn talking to slater and Elijah chapter 10
striking a deal : chapter 11
author notes
Caroline pov : chapter 12
Elijah and kol pov chapter 13
saying good bye and mason chapter 14
Back to school, renaissance fair and Shelia bennet : chapter 15
author note
period , new Orleans and the veil chapter 16
author notes
moment of truth chapter 17
mikealson's pov chapter 18
author notes
The Renaissance fair.
recap of what happens over the years
Welcome to mystic Falls
Welcome to my queendom.
delusions of grandeur
Founder's party, meteors shower, Caroline's choice and Annabelle zhu.
Denial is a heartache best friend
Denial is a heartache best friend part 2
Trick or Treat.
Can vampires get depressed?
No coincidence just inevitable.
the return of the parasite.
Miss mystic falls.
Mommy dearest.
Founder Day

yes apparently and the 50 dance.

118 9 2
De Empresspandora

WARNING: A bit of smut and gory description of violence. You have been warned.



What are you doing here?" I whispered asked him, still confused.

"Well, you told me this is your dream," Stefan said with a smirk on his face.

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Yeah, but it's my fucking dream!"

He leaned forward and kissed me, our tongues dancing together in a passionate embrace. The sounds of moaning and panting grew louder as we continued our heated makeout session.

Stefan's hands roamed over my body, exploring every inch of skin until he reached my wet folds. With one swift motion, he lifted my leg onto his shoulder and dove his tongue into me.

I gripped onto his hair tightly as I felt him expertly work his tongue in and out of my pussy. My inner walls trembled with each thrust, and when I came hard, I screamed out in pleasure.

Stefan's tongue must have hit something inside me because I couldn't help but moan like a bitch in heat. I didn't care who heard or saw us - all that mattered was the raw pleasure coursing through my veins.

Back in the real world...


"Cassie, wake up, Cassie!" Caroline urged, shaking Cassandra awake.

"What the hell, Caroline? Why are you waking me up?" Cassandra snapped, angry at her friend for interrupting her wonderful dream.

"First of all, lower the tone because ouch! And second, I woke you up because you were moaning so loudly I could hear you!" Caroline answered, frustrated.

"What? You heard that?" Cassandra exclaimed, surprised.

"Yeah, it's hard not to hear when my room is right next to yours," Caroline explained.

Curiosity piqued, she asked, "What the hell were you dreaming about for you to be moaning and sweating like that?"

Cassandra looked around, noticing her blankets on the floor and her nightgown and panties drenched in sweat. Embarrassed, she quickly ran into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, she barely recognized herself.

Mystic Falls High School.

Jeremy was getting ready to leave class when a paper was placed on his desk. He picked it up and stared at it, surprised to see an "A" on it.

The teacher, Alaric, walked over and asked, "What's got you so surprised, Jeremy?"

"I'm surprised I got an A. I was expecting a condescending lecture on derivatives, trifes, and how juvenile it all is," Jeremy responded.

Alaric chuckled. "Let me guess, Tanner?"

Jeremy nodded. "Tanner."

"It's a very interesting topic, to say the least. Who was your source for the information?"

"Oh, my ancestor Johnathan Gilbert," Jeremy answered as he headed towards the door.

Alaric stopped him. "Hey, would you mind letting me see that sometime?"

Jeremy paused, slightly cautious now. "Sure, no problem. But why?"

"Are you kidding? A first-person account of the Civil War is like porn for a history teacher."

Jeremy laughed, took the book out of his bag, and handed it to Alaric.

Alaric stood there, puzzled. "What the hell just happened?"

Meanwhile, Jeremy was already running towards his car to go to his sister, Cassandra. He needed answers.

Elsewhere, Elena was on her way back to her mom's place. Thoughts about her and her sister being adopted still swirled in her head. You would think knowing that the supernatural exists would be her main concern, but apparently not.

Suddenly, something started ringing in her purse. It was Cassandra's phone. She must have picked it up by mistake.

"Hello?" Elena answered.

"Well, don't you look lovely today," a voice said.

"Who the hell is this?" Elena asked.

"Oh, don't tell me you forgot me. That hurts my feelings," the voice responded, sounding agitated.

"Look, you little toad, I don't know who you are or what you want, but if you call this number again, I'll kill you," Elena warned.

"That's easier said than done," the voice said, suddenly behind her.

Elena felt herself being slammed against her car.

"Ah!" she screamed.

Instinctively, Elena reached for her keychain and found the vervain pepper spray that Cassandra had made for her. She aimed and emptied the spray into the attacker's eyes.

"Ahhhhh! You stupid bitch! I'm going to kill you slowly!" he screamed through his pain.

Without hesitation, Elena jumped into her car and sped away, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to process what had just happened. She needed to get to Cassandra as soon as possible. This wasn't the time to be alone, especially with dangers lurking in the shadows of Mystic Falls.

At Cassandra's house...

Elena and Jeremy burst through the door simultaneously, exclaiming, "Oh my god, you won't believe the weird day I just had!" They turned to look at each other, momentarily caught off guard.

Cassandra, holding her tea, looked at both of them and said, "Okay, one at a time."

Jeremy spoke first. "Alright, you know the new history teacher, right?"

Cassandra and Elena both nodded.

"Well, he graded my essay and loved it so much he gave me an A."

"Okay, so far I don't see the problem," Cassandra remarked.

"I'm getting to that," Jeremy continued. "He wanted to read my source material, so I was about to hand it over when this weird energy passed through me."

Cassandra put her cup down and stood up straight. "Weird how?" she asked, concerned.

"Weird like when you showed me the first Gilbert ring and how the energy felt," Jeremy explained.

Cassandra muttered a curse under her breath.

Elena, now more worried, asked, "So what is he then?"

"I don't know yet, but I guess we'll find out at the dance," Cassandra lied, knowing exactly why Jeremy had felt that energy. But she didn't want them to panic just yet.

"Okay, now it's your turn, Libby," she said, turning to Elena.

Elena took a deep breath and spoke in a rush. "Oh right, this insane lunatic called your phone and started saying all kinds of things. He slammed me into my car, so I used the vervain pepper spray on him and then drove off. And now I'm here."

"What?!" Jeremy exclaimed, kneeling to examine her for bruises.

Cassandra nodded, pulling out her phone from Elena's bag. "Oh yeah, fuck yeah. Damon and Stefan need to hear this." She called them to the house.

As they waited, the doorbell rang. Cassandra opened it to find Damon and Stefan standing there.

"Thank you for coming," Cassandra said.

"Of course, sisi, anytime," Damon smirked.

"Oh my god," Elena muttered.

"I'm sorry, who's sisi?" Stefan asked, confused.

Cassandra couldn't look Stefan in the eye, still thinking about the dream she'd had. As she walked away, she explained, "Sisi is what Elena used to call me when she was little. She couldn't pronounce my name right, and yesterday, when she got drunk, she called me that. And since I've allowed Damon to call me Cassandra, he hasn't shut up about it."

Stefan nodded, "Got it."

Damon, always one for banter, asked, "So why all the mystery, sisi?"

Cassandra, unamused, shot back, "Damon, I'm a Cancer. This is the only warning you'll get. Tread carefully."

Damon smirked, "Well, I'm a Gemini, so I'm always up for a challenge."

"Okay, they're here," Cassandra announced as she turned to her friends.

She proceeded to explain the events from the night before and what had happened to Elena.

"What do you know about this guy?" Damon asked, worry lacing his voice.

"No, but you guys do. And if you don't remember him, don't worry.

Cassandra rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah, he's one of Katherine's boy toys."

Both Stefan and Damon exclaimed in unison, "What?"

Cassandra sighed. "Oh dear, you two didn't actually believe she was just sleeping with the two of you, did you?" she asked sarcastically, the brothers looking visibly uncomfortable.

Elena, still shaking a bit from her ordeal, asked, "Okay, so if Katherine was the one that hurt him, why come after Cassie and me? And why call first? Why not just try to kill us?"

"That's because it's part of the hunt, Libby," Cassandra explained.

Elena turned to her. "What do you mean?"

"As predators, there's nothing more exciting than knowing that your prey is hiding or running from you, knowing that they can't hide from you no matter what they do. It's an indescribable feeling, but it makes the kill that much more exciting." Cassandra's words hung in the air, and she felt the eyes of the Salvatore brothers and Jeremy on her, looking at her with awe.

"What?" Cassandra asked, not understanding why they are looking at her.

"Nothing, sisi," Damon said with a smirk. "But I'm beginning to understand you a little bit now." His expression seemed to suggest he knew something she didn't.

Cassandra rolled her eyes and responded with a dismissive, "Whatever."

Jeremy, eager to move forward, asked, "Okay, so now what?"

Cassandra, determined, replied, "Now we go to the dance and hunt the bastard."

Enzo entered the living room at that moment. "Excellent! Now which bastard are we hunting?"

Cassandra grinned. "Enzo, back from your romp fest? Hope you used protection this time."

Enzo smirked, "Oh, you know me so well, little fire."

Cassandra turned to the rest of the group and said, "Okay, people, there's no time to waste. Get dressed before the blond dictator brings in the SWAT team."

Mystic falls high school.

The dance was in full swing, with students dressed in their '50s attire. Enzo and Cassandra had their arms linked, as she still felt embarrassed around Stefan. Looking around, Cassandra noticed that Caroline had truly outdone herself with the decorations. Caroline and Bonnie were dancing on the floor to the song "Magic Moments."

Cassandra was laughing when she spotted her aunt Jenna and her history teacher, Alaric Saltzman, in the corner of her eye. She excused herself from Enzo, saying, "Hey Zo, I'll be right back."

Walking up to the two adults talking, Cassandra greeted them with a smile. "Hey!"

"Oh, hey Cassie, wow, you look beautiful!" Jenna exclaimed as she hugged her niece.

"So when were you going to tell me that you were dating my teacher?" Cassandra teased.

"Cassie, no! We're just friends," Jenna said, embarrassed.

Alaric played along, smiling. "Well, Cassandra, thank you for that."

Suddenly, his smile vanished. Cassandra turned her head to see what he was looking at and noticed he was staring at Damon. Realizing what was going on, she pretended not to know yet.

"Is something wrong, Mr. Saltzman?" Cassandra asked.

"Oh no, I just... umm, I thought I saw someone I knew, that's all," he answered, still distracted.

"Who?" Cassandra pressed.

"The guy in the black jacket that you came with," he replied.

"Mr. Saltzman, you'll have to be more specific because three of the guys I came with have black jackets," Cassandra said with a chuckle.

He laughed, "Ah, the one with the messy hair."

"Oh, that's Damon Salvatore, yeah," Cassandra told him as she watched his reaction.

Alaric turned to Jenna. "So, hey, I'm going to get us some punch, okay?"

Alaric left quickly, and Cassandra turned to Jenna, remarking, "Well, that was weird."

"I'll say," Jenna agreed.

"Okay, I'll be right back. I'm going to check on the girls," Cassandra informed her aunt before heading off.

As she approached the girls, she saw they were already having a good time. "Having fun?" she asked them.

"Yes, I've already made out with two seniors!" Caroline boasted proudly.

Bonnie and Cassandra laughed, amused by her friend's enthusiasm.

Caroline noticed Enzo behind Cassandra. "Hey, I didn't know Enzo was back!"

"Yeah, he just got back, and I asked him to the dance," Cassandra explained.

Caroline narrowed her eyes. "Why didn't you ask Stefan? Does it have anything to do with what happened this morning?"

"First of all, I didn't ask Stefan because the poor guy has already lived through this once. And second, Enzo didn't get to experience any of this, so yeah, I asked him," Cassandra said defensively.

Caroline wasn't buying her excuse and was determined to uncover the truth.

Damon was indeed dancing with some random girl, seemingly unaware of the danger. Cassandra turned to Stefan, shaking her head and laughing. "Oh God, you can't take him anywhere, can you?"

Stefan laughed with her, "Uh, no."

Suddenly, Cassandra's skin began to prickle, indicating that the attacker was nearby.

"Stefan, the back door," she whispered urgently.

"I'll get Damon," he said, moving to alert his brother.

Cassandra made her way to the cafeteria, the attacker close behind her. Just as he was about to strike, she slammed him into the wall.

"Aww, if it ain't the most useless waste of sperm," she sneered.

"You bitch!" he screeched at her.

He tried to run at her, but she put up her hands and blew him and everything in the cafeteria away with a powerful blast.

Damon whistled as he entered the room, taking in the damage she had caused. "Damn, you know it feels great not to be at the end of your rage," he quipped.

"And yet you continue to vex me," Cassandra retorted, a hint of irritation in her voice.

She dragged the attacker to his knees, causing him to fidget and struggle.

"Relax, you idiot. No one is trying to kill you," Damon told him.

"Speak for yourself," Cassandra muttered, breaking the attacker's arm.

The attacker cried out in pain, and Damon taunted him, "Ouch, feel like talking or do we need to break something else?"

"Screw you," the attacker spat through gritted teeth.

Damon continued his interrogation, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because it's fun, and she looks like Katherine," the attacker replied with a disgusting smirk on his face.

Cassandra grinned wickedly in response, "Oh honey, if you think that was fun, then you're going to find what I do to you delightful."

With a swift movement, she severed both of his legs, causing him to scream in agony.

"Aaaaaaaaaah! You bitch!" he bellowed.

Cassandra stalked towards him, feigning sympathy.

Noah was scared out of his mind, which was ironic since he was a vampire himself. Yet everything in him was screaming that he was in the presence of a true predator.

Cassandra, however, seemed to be enjoying herself. "Hey Damon, want to see something cool?" she asked, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Yeah, what's that?" Damon replied, a mix of fascination and fear in his voice.

Cassandra smiled wickedly and proceeded to pull Noah's blood out of his body, using her magic to form a sword out of it.

Damon, both impressed and terrified, exclaimed, "Holy shit, I don't know if I should be scared or horny right now!"

Noah, realizing his fate was sealed, began to beg for his life. "Please don't kill me! I'm sorry, okay? I promise I'll leave, please!"

"What?" Noah asked, still shaking from fear.

"If you think I'm doing this to you just because you attacked me, then I'm sorry to disappoint," she told him.

She tapped his forehead to remove the block that was preventing him from remembering her sister.

"Oh my god! There are two..." Noah's eyes widened in realization.

But before he could finish his sentence, Cassandra swiftly removed his head.

She snapped her fingers, and blue flames engulfed Noah's body, consuming him entirely.

Surveying the mess around her, Cassandra waved her hand, and everything returned to its rightful place.

Just then, Stefan and Elena came rushing in.

Elena immediately ran over to Cassandra, embracing her and checking her over. "Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?"

"No, Libby, I'm fine, really," Cassandra reassured her.

"I'll go and check it out," Stefan volunteered, sensing that something was amiss.

Alaric was walking back from the cafeteria when Damon suddenly appeared in front of him with vampiric speed.

Damon began to compel him, his voice taking on an otherworldly tone. "What are you doing?"

"Looking for Ms. Hilden," Alaric answered, his eyes glazed over.

"Why are you in Mystic Falls?" Damon continued his questioning.

"I got a job as a teacher here," Alaric replied.

"Is everything you just told me the truth?" Damon asked, seeking confirmation.

"Yes," Alaric confirmed.

"Then forget that we had this conversation," Damon commanded, releasing Alaric from his compulsion.

As Damon walked away, Alaric, still shaken by the encounter, looked at his hands and opened them to reveal vervain.

Despite having dealt with the teacher, Damon felt that there was something off about him. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but his instincts told him to be cautious.

Deciding to err on the side of caution, the group chose to leave the dance early.

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