Crossing Boundaries

By deblaru

13.4K 154 28

To my astonishment, I saw Reece situated between my legs, his actions mirroring those of someone savouring th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 23

263 1 0
By deblaru

Lorna's irritation grew steadily in the presence of Yara. Yara's voice grated on her nerves, her attempts at humor were received with eye rolls, and the open affection she displayed towards Reece only added fuel to Lorna's frustration.

When Yara inquired about Lorna's untouched ice cream, Lorna decided to respond with a pointed remark. She announced, without hesitation, that she had lost her appetite. The shared glance between Lorna and Reece wasn't lost on either of them, but Lorna seemed unfazed by his understanding.

Amidst the interactions, Lorna picked up on Sarah's decreasing engagement since Yara's arrival. There were subtle glances exchanged between them, hinting at an unspoken understanding that piqued Lorna's curiosity. She made a mental note to address this curiosity with Sarah later.

As the group finished their ice-cream and prepared to leave, Reece offered her a ride home. However, before she could respond, Yara interjected. She requested a ride as well, citing her cousin's need to leave for work as the reason. Lorna's annoyance flared; as she understood Yara's ulterior motive all too well.She simply conceded, telling Reece that he could give Yara a ride and she grab a lift off Sarah and Samia. Observing Yara exchange a look with Sarah, Lorna sensed a hidden meaning in that exchange—a meaning that remained elusive to her.

As she made her way towards Sarah's car, joined by Samia. She was aware of Reece's gaze on her back, but at that point, she couldn't bring herself to care. The situation had become too tangled, and she was fed up with it all. The lie Reece told about his relationship with Yara, his pretense that there was nothing between them—it was all too much to bear. She had contemplated opening up to him last night, but a harsh reality had hit her square in the face, reminding her that she had been foolish.

As she walked, thoughts raced through her mind. When had their once-simple friendship grown so complicated? It was a question that echoed within her thoughts. To add to her distress, she had endured the added torment of Yara's grating voice once again.

"Fuck it," Lorna muttered to herself. She had reached her breaking point and decided it was time to focus on herself. The tangled mess involving Reece and Yara seemed to be too much hassle for her. She contemplated the idea of giving Nick a chance, recognizing that he appeared to genuinely like her. Unlike her complicated best friend, Nick didn't seem interested in playing mind games. It was a decision born out of self-preservation and a desire for simplicity in her life.

Samia's sarcasm laced voice cut through the tension, "She seems nice..." The implication was clear; Yara was anything but nice. Lorna couldn't help but burst into laughter at the blunt honesty of Samia's statement. Sarah, though quieter, managed a small smile in response.

Concerned about Sarah's withdrawn demeanor, she gently asked, "You okay, Sarah?"

Sarah's reply came with a theatrical yawn, "Hmmm, who, me? Yeah, I'm fine, just tired."

Lorna pressed on, "Are you sure? You got pretty quiet when Little Miss Chirpy Tits showed up, annoying us all with her patronizing little voice..."

Samia chimed in again, playfully mocking, "Oh Reece,'touch, oh Reece 'touch!" Her imitation of Yara's behavior elicited giggles from Lorna and a faint frown from Sarah, who then seemed to catch herself and joined in the laughter, lightening the mood.

"Do you two know each other or something?" Samia's curiosity got the better of her, prompting her to question Sarah about the evident surprise Yara displayed upon seeing her.

A perplexed expression crossed Sarah's face as she replied, "Nope, I've never met her before. Maybe she mistook me for someone else."

Samia seemed slightly skeptical, her voice revealing her uncertainty. "Hmm, okay then, if you say so."

Sarah shrugged and returned a reassuring smile to Samia. She shifted her attention back to driving, adjusting the radio volume as if to signify the end of that particular topic.

The subtle crease on Lorna's forehead betrayed her suspicion that Sarah wasn't fully forthcoming. However, preoccupied with her own concerns, she decided to overlook it for the moment.

As the conversation shifted, the girls turned their attention to Lorna's feelings about Yara and Reece's relationship.

Lorna sighed, her tone weary, "There's nothing I can do about it. It is what it is."

Samia's blunt retort broke through the sentiment, "Well, fuck him and his godly hot body. He's a dick if he chooses her over you."

Lorna acknowledged her own decision, "I'm done with it. I think I might just give Nick a chance."

Samia's response was typically spirited, "Well, he's hot too. I was really rooting for you and Reece though, but hey, Nick seems decent. Plus, he's the captain of the football team," she added with a playful wiggle of her brows.

"He'll be sorry he ever let you slip through his fingers," Samia concluded with a hint of disdain for Reece.

The following morning, Lorna opted to walk to school in an effort to clear her mind before facing the inevitable challenges of the day.

Meanwhile, as Reece drove by with Yara in the car, his attention was immediately drawn to Lorna. A smile spread across his face as he couldn't help but check her out. Today, her long blonde hair was tied up, and she wore a striped maxi dress that accentuated her curves flawlessly. The way the dress hugged her rounded hips and perfect ass made his thoughts turn steamy.

Pulling up beside her, he playfully beeped the horn to get her attention. Lorna turned to look at the source of the sound, her expression a mix of surprise and curiosity.

"You want a lift?" he called out, a hint of hope glinting in his green eyes. A sexy smirk danced on his lips, a sight that rarely failed to make her heart race.

While Yara took notice of Reece's expression, she didn't appear pleased. Maintaining an outward appearance of pleasantness, she chimed in, "Oh hey, Lorna! I told Reece to pull over and ask if you wanted a ride to school. You should join us. We're heading to get some coffee beforehand. You know how Reece gets cranky without his morning caffeine fix." The sweetness in her tone was compared by the tension that simmered beneath the surface.

Lorna responded to Reece's offer with a polite smile, effectively ignoring Yara's presence. Looking directly at him, she declined his offer with a simple "No, thanks." Her decision to walk today was firm, despite the hint of hurt in Reece's eyes.

Yara, however, couldn't resist taking a jab. She chimed in, feigning innocence, "Yeah, probably best to work off all that ice cream from yesterday," her words laden with a thinly veiled dig at Lorna's supposed appetite. She knew well enough that Lorna hadn't eaten any ice cream at all, and her remark was aimed to sting.

Reece's frustration was palpable as he shot Yara an irritated glare. "Yara, what the hell?" he muttered, his annoyance evident.

Attempting to salvage her image, Yara quickly backtracked with a faux innocent tone, "Oh, I'm just saying it's good to exercise, that's all."

Lorna couldn't let the opportunity slip by. She retorted with a smirk, "It's okay, Reece. Maybe Yara could take her own advice, considering she wolfed hers down without taking a breath." The sly remark elicited a chuckle from Reece, but Yara's glare was impossible to miss.

With a casual flip of her hair, Lorna turned her head and sauntered off, leaving the scene behind her.

The audacity of Yara's comments gnawed at Lorna, but a small satisfaction lingered within her. She had managed to fire back and maintain her own sense of dignity, refusing to stoop to Yara's level. It was unlike her to be petty or resort to commenting on someone's appearance, but Yara's calculated remark had struck a nerve, and she was fully aware of the impact it would have.

Reece's reaction, though, was what surprised her the most. He chuckled at her retort, and while it felt good to have him on her side, Lorna couldn't ignore the growing distance between them. She remembered a time when he would never have allowed anyone to speak to her in such a way. His genuine fondness for her had been obvious.

But now, Yara's presence seemed to be changing things. Lorna couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and uncertainty as she considered the potential implications of Yara sticking around. A heaviness settled over her thoughts, contemplating the "what ifs" that seemed to hang in the air, a stark reminder of the changing dynamics she was grappling with.The interactions between them were changing rapidly.

Throughout the week, Reece attempted to strike up conversations with Lorna whenever he got the chance, even stealing a few moments during class. However, Yara was a constant presence at his side, seemingly attached to him. It was as if Yara strategically positioned herself to be with him in every class they shared.

Lorna also observed Yara forming a close bond with Kady and Mia, who were part of the cheerleading squad. This was a notable shift, considering Kady's absence from their usual group since the club incident. Now, Kady seemed to spend most of her time with Mia and her friends, or who knows where else.

Lorna found herself uninterested in Kady's actions, as she was tired of their one-sided friendship. It was clear to her that Kady hadn't been a true friend to begin with.

As Thursday rolled around, the week had sped by for Lorna. She had successfully kept her distance from both Reece and Yara. With a game scheduled for Friday, Reece's involvement was still evident even though he no longer played football. He trained alongside the team and offered guidance, a mutually beneficial arrangement that allowed him to assist the coach and provide valuable advice to the players. This commitment also served as an escape from his regular classes. While Reece had the potential to earn a football scholarship and even pursue a professional career, his preference leaned towards MMA fighting instead.

The cheerleading squad maintained its routine, putting in consistent effort during their practice sessions to refine their routines. Although Lorna had the skill to be part of the squad, her dislike for being in the limelight and Mia's evident animosity toward her kept her from pursuing it. Mia held the prominent role of head cheerleader, granting her the authority to decide who could join. With Mia's clear disapproval, Lorna was well aware she wouldn't stand a chance. Yet, honestly, she didn't really care. Shaking her hips and chanting for the entire school wasn't something that appealed to her. If you placed her on a dance floor, now that's where she truly shined and felt at ease.

As Lorna made her way to her locker, she caught sight of Reece, Austin, and Conor engaged in a serious conversation in the hallway. Deciding not to interrupt, she continued on her path, feeling a pang of sadness at the growing distance between her and Reece. She noticed Reece looking down at her, he managed to offer her a side smile along with a wave. Returning the gesture with a subdued wave of her own, she couldn't help but despise the gap that had formed between them.

Yara and Kady, of course, joined them , causing Lorna's brows to furrow. "Kady's back in the gang since she's become friends with Yara?" she thought to herself, her annoyance growing. Kady shot a smug glance her way, and Lorna couldn't help but roll her eyes at the unnecessary competition. As Yara's hands roamed freely over Reece, Lorna observed his subtle expression of discomfort, though he made no move to stop her. Once again, their eyes met, sparking a whirlwind of thoughts in Lorna's mind. Was he teasing her? Trying to ignite her jealousy?

Closing her locker, Lorna sensed a shadow looming over her. She turned to find Nick standing there, a bright smile on his face. "Hey," he greeted cheerfully. Her cheeks flushed, and she managed a shy, "Oh, hi. I thought you'd be at practice by now."

Nick's grin widened. "Yeah, I'm about to head there. But I wanted to come by and say I had a great night with you last night." His voice lowered, and he continued, "And I can't stop thinking about that kiss."

Lorna's blush deepened, and she averted her gaze. Nick's gentle touch on her chin turned her focus back to him, and their eyes locked. He leaned in, his voice a soft murmur, "Since I won't get to see you til after the weekend. 'Can I kiss you again, please?".
The game was being played away. The team and cheerleaders were all going..
Swallowing her nerves and considering their audience, biting her lip she nodded in agreement.

As their lips met in a lingering kiss, Lorna felt a rush of emotions. When Nick finally pulled away, his smile was filled with warmth and promise. "I have to go to practise now hopefully I'll see you in the morning before we leave ," he whispered, his eyes reflecting genuine affection.

He walked away, leaving Lorna in a daze. The surrounding onlookers acknowledged the affectionate display with approving nods, except for one person.

Reece's clenched fists and intense glare radiated anger as his eyes bore into Lorna's. Even Connor and Austin seemed taken aback by his demeanor. Yara attempted to placate him, her hand on his arm, but he brushed her off, his focus unwavering on Lorna. With a final, seething look, he turned on his heel and stormed off, leaving a tense atmosphere in his wake.

Uh oh Reece is pissed.
What do you think is going to happen next ?

Don't forget to leave a comment. ❤️

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