Mcyt oneshots!||Hermitcraft||...

By AnaaCAT60

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No dream smp or origins btw guys I do requests a fast as i can and I try to make it good! More

Sketchbook esmp season 2 Highschool au (fluff) (my au)
The Bad boys are stupid boys (crack to fluff crack)
"I thought we were the boat boys" angst||limited life||boatboys
History repeats itself.||seablings||angst||Season 1
Ranchers college au||Esmp X Hermitcraft||fluff
College au pt2||Esmp X Hermitcraft||rancher duo
Burning lips||Rancher duo||modern au
Quality time||Scarian||desert duo||hermitcraft
Mean gills||fluff||limitedlife||
Not a chapter!
Feathers dont weigh anything||fluff||scarian
Holy shit (NOT AN UPDATE)
Leash||ALsmp||Flower husbands||Fluff||lemon lime
I found a cool art
True love||jizzie||modern au||fluff
New rules
Frick i Need requests
Authors note.
Jacket troubles||bad boys||implied shipping
The artist and the writer||a whole ass short story.||flower husbands
Rest||solidaribeans||Law/lore duo||platonic?||esmp s2||fluff||comfort
Incorrect quotes||flower ranchers||nature wives + joey
Jellie||Desert dads!||hermitcraft + tubbo||fluff||modern AU
Annoying little brother||tango and joel||Headcanon||highschool AU
HeadCanons pt.1||MCYT
Mcyt Headcanons||pt.2
Losing ideas/new rules
Cold birmingham||random au i wont ever probably use||jizzie||angst||lazy
Vacation||pt1Istanbul||fluff||seablings centric
Headcanons pt.3/ joke chapter
Comfort||Rancher duo||fluff||double life||
Finally,Healing! i think-?||vent AU||angst
Vent AU||let go of them. you need to heal. it'll be alright ||hurt/comfort
Headcanons pt.4||fluff & hurt/comfort
Flower husbands angst headcanons
Vent AU||i am NOT ok.||angst
I don't like him||Double life||Treerot||3/4 divorce quartet||fluff
Vent AU||Hey "diary" its me again,||mostly angst but hurt/comfort
Loverboy and hatergirl||rotwood||Double life
You're a good friend/you too|third life highschool AU
Aroace jimmy/flower husbands drabble
Rainy days//fluff//3L//FH
Sorry y'all

A Stupid friend group and a crappy school year||angst||vent au

147 5 3
By AnaaCAT60

A/N: Hi hope you don't mind this, I am using this au to write oneshots based of off my problems- I am gonna do it through Jim most of the time, but whatever PoV it's in, that's who I'm venting through, this is nit canon to my au. Also the school year and genders don't determine how old I was what year I was in and who the people were, this isn't 100% how my vent story went, I wanted to fit it through my actual au and vent at the same time, so don't no up hating characters in my books because of this au, you can hate characters here, but my actual versions would never do this, these aren't their actual personalities, I'm using the characters because I wanted to.
Thank you.

Warning: emotional breakdown, low self esteem, manipulation, gaslighting, toxicity, fake friends, Self guilt,over thinking

Jimmy PoV:

Oh god oh god oh god, I can't find my backpack. Beginning of the year is a huge FLOP. This is so fucking annoying- oh there it is.

My name is James "jimmy" "Timmy" solidarity-shadow, I'm in 8th grade, and this is my first day in 8th grade, I don't know who's in my class, and I really hope Joel is in my class, i think you should know I make up a lot of stuff in my head, and get sad about it, I like to eat and I like to draw, I'm going to die some day.

I get on my bike and ride to school, it was so hot and I'm wearing a blue jacket , and dark black jeans, which if you didn't know, darker the colour, the more heat it attracts so luckily the colours weren't really bright so I wasn't sweating more than a guy held at gun point, but I'm still, wearing layers so it was really really hot. I arrive at school and park my bike, I entered my class to have Joel run up to me

"WAIT ARE WE ACTUALLY IN THE SAME CLASS?- or are you just in the wrong class room?" He smirks, knudhing my shoulder, I was genuinely happy to see him, this is amazing knowing that we haven't been in the same class since 1st grade, my best friend who I have kept in touch with since then, finally reunited, after 7 years apart.

"It's been too long dude," we sit down at desks next to each other and three others sit beside us, one in front of Joel, in front me and Behind me,

the girl behind me had long red hair that was curled up and into a messy bun, she wore a green sweater, blue jeans and a flower hair pin. She has black round glasses and a purple crystal necklace, she had freckles that covers up a bit of her cheeks and looked energetic and friendly.

The boy in front of me had red hair, a blue hoodie and black jeans, he looked quiet and didn't wanna speak to anyone, he didn't speak for the first few hours of school.

The girl in front of Joel had long wavy black hair, a white shirt,overalls and knee high white socks and white shoes,

"Let's say hi!" Joel whispers to me, I am pretty good with people. BUT only if I know them really well, Joel is my best friend so yeah I'm really social with him,

"What! No!" I panic through whisper, I have a big fear of making a really bad first impression and messing up.

"Come on!"


"I'm gonna do it."

"Joel no-"

He turns back and looks at one a taps the shoulder of the kids in front, "Hi I'm Joel! This is jimmy, what's your names?" He said happily, I was embarrassed. But he's like this so who am I to complain,

The girl behind me replied with a smile "Oh I'm gem!" She points towards the boy in the front, "that's Fwhip, we're best friends, what about you two?"

"Oh us? Yeah Ive known Joel since the first grade, this is the first time in 7 years. Honestly the school did us dirty, we barely met in school!" I tried making a good first impression and coming of as funny and sweet,

"Pretty sure you and Joel know me but forgot who I was, I'm Katherine, we were all in the same class in first grade but we never spoke, I remember hating Joel for taking my pen and jimmy you and I were in a science fair project together," the girl in front said,

"Well!" Joel blurted out "I was also on that project! But somehow Jimmy Got a speaking role and I didn't?!"

"Well I was more extroverted at the time..- we swapped character personas Joel." I said calmly with a smile,

The boy front replied quietly "Well I'm Fwhip, gem already said we were close, but hurt gem and I break you. Anyways I joined in 7th grade so I don't know much people, just gem as the closest person."

"Oh and I joined in the 5th grade! Me and Katherine were pretty good friends, in fact? My first friend!" Gem was pretty excited to meet us

"You know?" I say. "I think we could all be real good friends!"

Third person PoV:

Few days passed in and the music teacher asked the kids to make groups of 5, ironically the last 5 kids were, Katherine, Jimmy, Joel,gem and Fwhip.

"Hey hey hey!!" Jimmy says "let's all be in a group, we're the remainders, and pretty close!"

"Hey let's do it!" Gem agreed

They all agreed on being in a group, they called it music group because it was made for school but it soon developed to a friend group ,and soon became really really close with each other, however Katherine and Fwhip had a really stupid reason to hate each other, they both had the same middle name 'Quinn' so Jimmy settled many arguments between the two, and those two soon became close,

Jimmy, Fwhip and Katherine were in a drama club together and at some point Fwhip told Katherine and said that he didn't like him,Jimmy then soon didn't talk that much to Fwhip, Fwhip then decide to clear it up, gem said to do it to see jimmy's reaction, if jimmy is really upset and doesn't talk much, then he understood that something would've been wrong so he'd try figure it out and talk less so it doesn't annoy him, they cleared it out and became close. I guess,

Gem had an toxic habit of telling fake secrets to other people to see if she an trust them, she went up to Katherine and told her A fake secret, it was that gem had a crush on pearl.(NOT A SHIP I KNOW THEY ARE UNCOMFORTABLE) someone heard gem telling Katherine and it spread around, pearl didn't know however which was good,

Fwhip went up to Jim after gem told him that it spread around and the only explanation is that Katherine told someone, the next day gem didn't come to school and was just Fwhip.

Jimmy PoV:

I was sitting at the benches after lunch and and Fwhip went up to me eager to say something

"Psst jimmy, Katherine is not a good friend,"

"What why?" I reply confused, Katherine is a quiet nice person and would never do anything to hurt anyone.

"So basically gen told Katherine a fake secret to see if she can trust her, and she told someone!"

I was astonished, astounded, absolutely gobsmacked, we walked towards Joel and explained to him, he didn't believe it either, we immediately confronted Katherine and she was shocked

"What! No I never told a soul! Either someone heard her telling me, or she's lying about me.." she soon broke down into tears and and it stressed me out a bunch, I was scared that I could be to blame for this, gem didn't come to school today so I tried to comfort them, Joel also cried, but that was because he didn't want the group to break down,

The next day we confronted gem at lunch and explained everything and wanted to put everything behind us to never speak of it again, it was an obvious misunderstanding and that no one was at fault here! Wrong,

It was a normal evening and Katherine kept talking shit about gem to me and Fwhip, and that overwhelmed us, I went home and cried to Lizzie every day after that, 8th grade was a living hell and I hated it, I didn't know why however,

Third person PoV:

That soon was ignored and it pained Jimmy to know that they all hated each other, Joel was the only one who didn't necessarily try to do anything and ruin anything, but that wasn't his main problem later on, Jim got the job called "class leader" or "monster" basically has to get the teacher if she or he isn't there in 15 minutes, and he had to get the class to quiet down and behave during lessons, this one time the teacher had left him in charge and he tried getting the class to quiet down, keep in  mind there was two monitors, Lizzie and jimmy, everyone listened I lizzie, and barely anyone listend to Jimmy, jimmy did everything in the class while Lizzie would watch,

at some point Jimmy knew that no one was gonna listen to him and it went to point where he broke down in tears, the teacher entered and was astonished to see what was happening, paper planes across the room, Jim's head on the desk, the teacher scolded the entire class and send Jim and Lizzie outside so she could talk it out with him,

Time had passed and jimmy was no longer the monitor gladly, finally free, he did all the work while Lizzie basically did nothing,

so during this time period him gem Fwhip and Katherine brought over martyn and Scott to the little group, Joel was pretty happy with this because they both meant well, and were nice people. But Jimmy talked with martyn a lot and Joel called out but Jim didn't hear, so that upset him, he didn't think they hated him but he felt replaced,

Soon after that gem Fwhip and Katherine kept getting into unnecessary arguments and and jimmy got fed up he told them he'd leave this group but the teacher had heard, luckily said teacher was a nice lady, she brought everyone out so she can speak the the 4 alone, Jimmy justified his case and told everything that happened in detail, gem explained she wasn't the one starting these arguments and Katherine was saying that she thought and thought wrong, Fwhip didn't take part, he was a follower not leader.

Time passed by and gem was no longer friends with Katherine, she didn't want anything to do with her, Jimmy fell out of touch with Katherine during school holidays and talked to Fwhip and gem a lot more often than towards Joel,

One afternoon after staying in a call with mumbo Fwhip And iskall jimmy receives a text, the text reads

Jimmy PoV:

I was sitting on bed after that call, "oh god that was so much fun!! I really enjoyed it-oop? A text? Oh it's from Fwhip let me see" I look at the message, it reads...

"hey Jimmy,
im sorry but me and Gem dont wanna be close w you anymore. we just really need to focus on school so we dont need any drama. what you do is you always play the victim, and you dont realize that sausage is not nice to people other than the people he wants to be friends with, we are just giving a warning to you so u dont feel bad and we are trying to save you, but its totally your opinion and we cant interfere that. i really want to be friends w you but i cant, bc its v hard. you can be very mean and rude sometimes and it really effects our feelings by our i mean (gem and Fwhip) all im saying is that i dont wanna be in a friendship where i feel bad about myself. i don't understand why when someone says something mean to you its a bit of a big deal but when you say something to literally anyone else it isn't a big deal at all. i pranked you to see your reaction and ur reaction wasn't so nice bro like after that u said it was a joke why the hell would that be a joke?!. like im
being frfr right now. Fwhip isnt gonna send this to you bc we both wrote it. we both think its best for us to let go of you. sometimes you could be a little of a pick me🤭🤭
so bye and we can talk for a good reason like school stuff but otherwise not rlly‼️"

"What the fuck.."

"Every thing you did was hurt me"

"Screw you."

I quickly ran to lizzie's room and hugged her, I explain everything that happened and she comforts me, 'they weren't real friends!' 'No one should do that' I've heard it all.

But not even 3 FUCKING HOURS LATER, I received another  text,

It was from gem, saying it was all a prank and she found it funny, I blocked her and left the school groupchat,which added suspicion

Somehow the whole group chat found out and hated them for a while and FORGAVE THEM?! YOU CANT FUCKING DO THAT. But I shouldn't care,

Later on in the 9th grade, gem told Fwhip a secret, and Fwhip couldn't cope with being the only one who knows it, so he told someone, but another person heard him. And told gem, gem was absolutely furious and they never talked again, which is great for me knowing that those two aren't friends anymore they won't cause any trouble, me, Joel Scott and martyn are as close as ever, in fact? Martyn brought ren at some point and we became friends.

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