YOU & HIM, Five Hargreeves

By Avengergirl99

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"It's you and me, today, tomorrow, forever and a day" Who would have thought that two people that hate each o... More

0. Introduction
Cast of Part One
1. A meeting in the apocalypse
2. Breaking the contract and meeting the in-law
3. The Doughnuts café
4. The prosthetic eye
5. I promise
6. The list is gone
7. Probability map
8. The proposal and an apocalypse wedding
9. The Commission
10. Stay with me
11. Cuddling in bed
12. I heard a rumor
13. The apocalypse is over
14. I do
15. Vanya is the bomb
Cast of Part Two
0. Introduction
16. Dallas, Texas
17. The bar
18. The Frankel Footage
19. I can't lose you
20. The Majestic Twelve
21. The Swedes
22. A sibling reunion
23. Welcome to the family
24. One could fall in love
25. Looking hot in blood
26. Öga För Öga
27. The alleyway
28. Paradox psychosis
29. Two Fives and two Y/Ns
30. 743
31. Family comes first
32. The end of something
33. Going home
Cast of part three
0. Introduction
34. Meet the family
35. Obsidian
36. Road trip
37. Some alone time
38. Paradox
39. Going to The Commission
40. The headquarters
41. The bunker
42. Kugelblitz and the kindest cut
43. Secrets revealed
44. Marigold
45. A really bad day
46. Calming down
47. Saving the universe
48. Can you forgive me?
49. The bachelor
50. Dance at the end of the world
51. The Seven bells
52. The Vote
54. The Guardian
55. I forgive you
56. Only love
Extra scenes part one
Extra Scene part two
Extra Scene part Three
Extra scene part Four
Extra Scene part Five
Extra scenes part Six
Extra scenes part seven
Extra scene part eight.
Extra scene part nine.

53. Other side

114 4 6
By Avengergirl99

"Don't overthink life, trust that you made the right decision and continue to grow"



I walked through the long passage, only glancing over my shoulder two times in search for Five who promised that he would right behind me.

Lila kicked the door opened at the other end of the passage before she and Ben entered.

"Let's never do that again" Viktor said as he was panting "I agree with you there, my friend" I said "What, narrowly escapes the apocalypse?" Five asked sarcastically "For the third time" I said.

"It's kind of our thing, isn't it" Diego said as he scanned the room while Lila poked her head out into the hallways, checking for the guardian.

"Not a good thing" you said "There's something very wrong about that" Allison said as she was looking at the buffalo's ass which hung up on the wall.

"Same suit, just ass-backaward" Lila said "No hyperbole there" Five said "This is some hardcore Alice in Wonderland shit" Ben said as he lightly played with the tail "Yeah, it only gets weirder" Diego said.

Then Reginald came through the passage before he closed the door to the tunnel "At last, on the other side" he said out of breath as he stood with his back up against the door.

"Wait. Where's Klaus?" Viktor asked "Children, I'm sorry, but your brother...I did all I could, but he didn't make it through in time. The Kugelblitz has claimed its last victim" Reginald said "No, he was right behind me when I enter the tunnel" Five said "We need to go back" Sloane said as she took a step towards Reginald.

"There's nothing to go back to. Children, there will be time for tears later. Right now, we have to keep moving" Reginald said before walking out of the room.

"Wait. Luther and Klaus?" Viktor asked and the siblings all looked down, mourning over the death of two members of their family.

Tears ran down from my eyes. I really like Klaus, he was annoying sometimes, but in a sweet way.


The elevator's bell dings before the door opened and Reginald stepped out with us and the others behind him.

We all entered the lobby which had orange pillar instead of blue.

"It's magnificent" Reginald said as you entered the lobby "You guys should've stayed here. This placer is way nicer" Ben said "Lila and I barely got out alive last time. Remember" Diego said "But I'm here this time, and the numbers are in our favor" Ben said.

"Well, whatever, it was, it was strong, fast, and super pissed" Lila said while Diego lead us to the reception's desk.

"Alright, so, whatever you do, do not ring this bell" Diego said and pointed on the bell on the receptions' desk "Unless you wanna lose a finger or a tentacle" he said and looked at Ben when he said the world 'tentacle' which cause Ben to roll his eyes.

"I'll take my chances--" Sloane said and was about to walk closer to the desk but Lila put herself between the bell and Sloane "Don't!" she said "Get out of my way" Sloane said and Lila shook her head "To take out this thing, we need to be in the right state of mind" she said "State of mind? Do you mean, am I angry?" Sloane asked before she nodded "Yes, I am angry. I wanna kill whatever it is that hurt Luther" she said as she was raising her voice while trying to hold back her tears.

"Luther, isn't the only one that's gone. We lost Klaus too. I'm angry, okay? We all are. But we have to be smart about this" Viktor said "Yeah. When the time is right, we'll act" Lila said while Five started walking over to the hotel's doors which shine a strange white.

"Don't even try it Five. Doors won't let you out" Diego called to Five as he saw him walked over to the doors.

"So, what, we're stuck here?" Allison asked as Five walked back to them.

"This place is a test and a trap and a means of salvation, all at once" Reginald said "Does anyone know what that sign says?" Viktor asked as he pointed at the sign next to the bell that was writing in a language that none of them understand.

"Yeah, it says 'Do not ring that bell' That's what that means" Diego answered "We get it, Diego. Bell bad" I said.

"What do we do? Does anybody know?" Five asked as Reginald walked away from you all before he pulled his notebook out of his jacket.

"Reggie?" Allison asked as she looked at Reginald who was standing in the middel of the lobby with his notebook, flipping through the pages "Reggie" she said again.

"I'm hungry. Does anyone fancy an unagi roll?" Lila asked before she was walked towards the bar "How can you possibly eat at a time like this?" Ben asked her and she turned to him "I don't know. How can you be a dick at a time like this?" she asked "Oh, you'll--" but Ben was cut off by Diego "Hey!" he said as he walked over to them "Back off, all right?" he said to Ben before he looked at Lila "She's eating for--" "Strength" she finished his sentence before he could expose her being pregnant to the rest of the family.

"In these trying times" she said before she looked at Diego "Diego, can you come with me for a second?" she said as she grabbed his arm before the two walked over to the bar, away from the others.



"I can't believe you were just gonna blurt it out" Lila said "I'm sorry, alright? But maybe we should tell them about the baby" Diego said "No" she said with her mouth full "I'd like to get through the mission before you throw a gender-reveal party" she said "Yeah, but imagine--" "Can you pass me the soy sauce, please?" she asked, cutting him off and Diego gave her the soy sauce.

"I don't get it. Like, we're with the people that loves us the most, okay? So why wouldn't we tell them? Huh? Things suck right now. And it would be nice to give the family something to fight for" he said "Can you shut up and eat your fish?" she said and he smiled "Okay. Okay" he said and kissed her on the cheek.



Viktor and I was sitting in the corner talking about that we think Reginald killed Luther and Klaus.

I was convinced that Reginald killed Klaus and Luther.

"Nah, it's like Reginald said. Once is incident, twice is coincidence and three time ain't gonna happen 'cause I'm not gibbering idiots" I said "Well, we can't be sure he killed Klaus or Luther" Viktor said "You serious? This is his modus operandi. We've seen this before. Have you forgotten how we all came together in the first place?" I asked "Dad's funeral" he said "Exactly. He pulled this on you rubes before, and he's doing it again now. He knew about how I time traveled the first time, that I didn't listen to him and that the first time I did something went wrong. How...." "How would he know that unless..." Viktor trailed "We can't trust him" I murmured.

"Come on, Five" Viktor said "No. He lost the vote to come through the tunnel, yet here we are" I said "Are you really sure that he would kill Luther?" Viktor asked "I think he could kill Luther, Klaus, and the rest of us without breaking a moral sweat. He has no remorse for the lives he is taken. Reginald only saw us as weapons of varying usefulness, and only cared about what benefits, if any, we would provide him. He was a cold and emotionally distant parent to us. He emotionally abused us. When we were kids all we ever wanted was for him to love us and he fed us to the wolves...He never cared if we lived or died, as long as it fit in with his plans. He never loved us. He had so little love, that he treats people like objects. Especially us, because for him we were just things, objects for him to use in his plan" I said before I took a deep breath "And what's worse I think Allison is involved in this plan of his" I said "No. No" Viktor said with a scoff as he looked over at Allison who was sitting with Sloane by the stairs, cleaning the blood off their hands.


"I hate to say the things everyone says" Sloane said "Mourning in cliché is the last thing you need to worry about" Allison said and Sloane let out a sniff "I know everything is ending but I thought we'd be together when it happened" she said while sobbing "I didn't even get to say goodbye" she said and Allison grabbed her hand "I got to say goodbye to my daughter...and my husband. But it wasn't enough. Feelings are just...They're too big for words. Luther loved you to the moon and back" Allison said and Sloane chuckled "You made him so happy" Allison said and Sloane let out a sob.


"No, she...she was with Sloane in the tunnel" Viktor said as he looked back at me "I'm not talking about Klaus" I said.

"Luther?" Viktor asked before he shook his head "What? No, she would never do that" he said "She's been unraveling since we got to this timeline" I said "Yeah, she lost her daughter" Viktor said "And she killed Harlan" I said "Even if you're right. I can't imagine they're just gonna come clean if we confront them" Viktor said "I agree" I said before I looked over at Y/n who was leaned against a pillar, looking down at her fingers.

I really wanted to talk to her. I wanted to know why she choose to go.

Why would she choose to go. She look a bit pale, was she sick?

Was she pregnant?

No, she would have told me if she were.

I need to talk to her.



Allison followed after Reginald up on the second floor "We need to talk" she said "I'm quite busy. Can it wait?" Reginald asked "No, it can't. Luther and Klaus, did you kill them?" Allison asked "There's a guardian lurking in the corridors of this hotel. We have to defeat it for this mission to succeed. What benefit would I gain killing two members of our team?" Reginald asked "Answer the question" Allison said "I believe I just did" Reginald said "If I find out you're bullshitting me, old man, the deal is off" Allison said "I can assure you I will keep my side of our agreement, and I expect you to do the same" Reginald said.

Then Ben walked up to them and Allison walked away, angry bumping her shoulder into Ben as he walked downstairs.

"What was that all about?" Ben asked "That's none of your concern" Reginald said "Not my concern? We're here now, in the Hotel Oblivion. Just like you wanted. I made that happen" Ben said "Don't be ridiculous. Allison killed Harlan, and I united the families. What did you do, Number Two?" Reginald asked before he walked downstairs.


Y/n walked over to me "Five, I need to tell you something" she said.

"Gather up, children" Reginald said, interrupting Y/n as he walked down the stairs.

"Now that we've had a chance to catch our breath, the real work can begin" he said "Ah, the myth of the seven bells, eh?" I asked as everyone gather up "Exactly. Somebody's been paying attention" Reginald said as I put my hands in my pockets.

"Okay, so we find the bells, then what?" Diego asked and Reginald shook his head "No, no, no. The bells are just a metaphor for this" Reginald said before he turned his book around and showed the page to the others.

I noticed that the sigil was matching with that tattoo that I have inked into my chest.

"The sigil" I said "Correct, Number Five. The sigil is the key to the seven bells. Once we find this symbol, we're one step closer to resetting the universe" Reginald said "What do we do when we find it?" Y/n asked "I don't know" Reginald said.

"I'm sorry...You don't know!? What the hell do you mean 'You don't know'?" Y/n asked "Excuse me? We're here because you said you have a plan" Viktor said "Yeah, what exactly is your plan?" Y/n asked "I do have a plan" Reginald said "A full plan?" Y/n asked.

"Up to a point" Reginald said "Great. So we'll just stay in the hotel forever, staring at the walls and eating bad sushi" Lila said sarcastically.

"Finding the sigil is our only way out of here and the best chance we have of resetting the universe" Allison said "Funny how you and Reginald are on the same page again" I said.

As Allison didn't respond and she only glare at me, 'cause me to get more suspicious of her.

"Okay, uh, where we do start?" Viktor asked "We'll split into groups. I will go with Allison and Sloane. Ben and Five with Viktor. Y/n goes alone" Reginald said "Great" she said sarcastically.

"No, we want Allison" Viktor said "Ben for Allison. We've trained together, so it makes more sense if we take Allison" I said as he pointed between myself, Viktor and Allison.

"Yeah. No, thanks" Allison said "Why not?" Viktor asked but Allison didn't answer.

"Splendid idea. Allison, you go with the Umbrellas. Sparrows, stick together" Reginald said.

"I want Y/n with me too. I don't feel safe with her not by my side" I said "I'll be fine Five. You don't have to worry about me all the time" she said "You know I will always worry about you" I said "I will be fine" she said and I looked at her "I promise" she said "Alright" I said.

"What about us?" Diego asked "You're duo. Nobody wants to listen to your endless bickering" Reginald said "Five, I need to tell you something" Y/n said to me "Wait till we're done here" I said "It's important" she said and I looked at her.

"There is no time. Now, spread out, leave no stone unturned, and meet back here in 30 minutes" Reginald said and I looked at Y/n "Tell me later, okay" I said before we all started to split up.

"This is total waste of time" Ben said "Did you hear that? He called us a duo. I think your father is starting to grow on me" Lila said.

Ben, Reginald and Sloane made their way to the elevator but Reginald stopped when Ben and Sloane entered.

"I forgot my journal. Go on. I'll meet you on five" Reginald told the two.

Before the Sparrow could answer, the elevator door closed and Reginald turned to look at the bell on the receptions' desk.


Allison opened the door to a bedroom and walked inside in order to search for the symbol.

"Someone went through a lot of trouble to hide this thing" Allison said "How big is it supposed to be?" Viktor asked as he looked around "You know, dear old Reg didn't say" Allison said "Really? Hm. That's surprising. We figured you'd know more about his plan" I said "Sorry, what's that supposed to mean?" Allison asked as she turned to look at me "I saw you and him in the White Buffalo Suite during the wedding" I said "I don't know if now's the right time--" Viktor said "You know, I heard that you blacked out last night" Allison said "I did, and it took me a while to remember what I saw, but I do remember, Allison" I said as I approach Allison.

"You and Reginald made some kind of deal" I said and Allison chuckled "What did you agree to?" I asked "A deal?" she asked "Mm-hmm" I said with a nod "With Dad? Please tell me you're joking" she said and Viktor shook his head "He's not" he said and Allison let out a scoffed.

"Answer the question" I hissed "You're out of your mind" Allison said "Nice try. I know that trick and it doesn't work on me. You and Reginald made a deal, now Luther is dead" I said "Okay" Allison said and chuckled "Luther was killed by whatever that thing is" she said "And Klaus?" I asked "He didn't make it into the tunnel" Allison said "You know, your deal is costing people their lives" I said "Do you really think that I made a deal with Dad to kill Luther and Klaus?" she asked.

Allison glanced at Viktor who looked away and Allison looked back at me who stared calmly at her.

"I'm done. I'll meet you in the lobby" she said as she walked past me and out of the room "Hey...hey, wait, no" Viktor said as he tried to call Allison but she kept walking and Viktor sighed.

"Allison...No, just listen to me" Viktor called out as he ran after her.

I stepped out of the room but then I froze when I saw that I had being transferred to a different floor.

What the....

"Viktor? Allison?" I called out as I looked at a wall "Okay" I said before I turned around and started walking the other way with a sigh while the sound of energy fluctuating was heard.

I walked over to another wall and I push it to see if was just an illusion but it wasn't "All right, so now the fun starts" I said.



The elevator stopped on the 6th floor before the door opened and Diego and Lila stepped out.

Diego was holding the harpoon gun as he was on the lookout for the guardian.

Diego looked at Lila as she walking next to him. "Hey. We're gonna make it out of this mess, all right? The three of us are gonna be fine" he said "And then what?" Lila asked "And then we'll be a happy family" he said "No, we won't" she said "Is this more of that bullshit proving-yourself-to-be-a-good-dad stuff? I'm over it, all right" he said and grabbed her arm as they stopped "You passed, okay" she said.

"Oh, this isn't about me, huh? Oh, you're scared" he said and she chuckled "It was easier with Stan, okay? You could have just said 'sod off' and then I wouldn't have had to tell you about the baby or asked you to stay with me. Why tell the truth when you can mindfuck someone into getting what you want without having to be truly vulnerable?" she asked and he place his hand on the back of her head.

"Do you know how crazy that is?" he asked "But what if I fail our baby mum failed me?" she asked "Then you won't. Because behind the crazy bullshit, there's a good and decent person" he said "You sure?" she asked "One thousand percent" he said causing her to let out a small laugh and Diego smiled before the two kissed.

While they were kissing, Diego pulled the trigger and the harpoon in the rifle shot up into the ceiling.

They pulled away and Diego put down the rifle before he grabbed her hand "Come on" he said before the two walked down the hallways.

But as they turned around the corner they were transferred to another floor causing them to stop when they saw the elevator "Did we end up back at the same elevator?" he asked as they looked confused at the elevator.

"Words are like keys, if you choose them right, they can open any heart and shut any mouth"

A/V: What do you think about this chapter. Leave your answer in the comment.

In the next chapter, the reader will tells Five the news. How do you think he will react?

Leave your answer in the comment.

Hope you like the chapter. Vote or comment if you did.

There is only three chapter left.

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