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51.6K 2.4K 787

can't you see that I'm the one who understands you? [ foolish_gamers x original character ] [ social media... More

author's note - updated
you belong with me
1 | I just can't come between 'em, they got their own thing
2 | I wish he'd stop pretending, he won't let his phone ring
3 | for more than a couple seconds, oh, I think maybe two
4 | two hearts just falling in and out of love for something new
5 | I wish that you could see 'em, their faces lighten up
6 | their past is cold and empty, they know it's been enough
7 | on waiting on somebody, someone who doesn't care
8 | but he knows her name, she knows he'll always be there
9 | he laughs at her eyes, at her smile, at the glasses on her face
10 | she loves how he talks late at night when there's no one else to say
11 | how she's beautiful and funny and smart, like nothing he's ever seen
12 | he's good to her, she wants it more than everything in between
13 | she toes the line between 'em, he says he's new at this
14 | there's holy ground beneath them, and sparks fly when they kiss
15 | he hates it when she's crying, he hates when she's away
16 | even at their worst, they know they'll still be okay
17 | he laughs at her eyes, at her smile, at the glasses on her face
18 | she loves how he talks late at night when there's no one else to say
19 | he's good to her, she wants it more than everything in between
20 | everything in between, everything in between
21 | how she's beautiful and funny and smart, like nothing he's ever seen
22 | he laughs at her eyes, at her smile, at the glasses on her face
23 | she loves how he talks late at night when there's no one else to say
24 | how she's beautiful and funny and smart, like nothing he's ever seen
25 | he's good to her, she wants it more than everything in between
0 | I won't forget the feeling
00 | of staying up with you
000 | despite the space between us
00000 | what if you're my weakness?
author's note

0000 | I've never felt this close to someone

880 41 12

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and this is when the feeling
sinks in, I don't want to miss
you like this

───────── ➶ ⁺ ➴ ─────────


THERE WAS ALWAYS this sort of mentality that Luna had whenever she had to leave. She was happy that she was going off to do what she loved, but she was sad that she was leaving the people she loved behind. Luna would only be gone for a couple of weeks, but it never really got any easier.

It was always bittersweet, but this time it was extremely bittersweet. Noah was going to LA to stay with the Roomies for a couple of days until he left to Brazil, where there was a huge QSMP meetup. Then he would come to Florida to be a presenter in Name Your Price before heading back to LA and then go to Vegas for TwitchCon, which was the next time Luna would see it. Don't get her wrong, Luna was absolutely ecstatic to be heading over to Europe to perform and meet her fans, but she was also upset at the same time to miss out on meeting some people she had gotten close to from the server.

Luna would be leaving for Europe tomorrow, but Noah was leaving for LA today so everything for his Brazil trip went according to plan. Karl and Mary Jane had gone to them with the airport, and had already said goodbye outside while parked. Luna and Noah, on the other hand, wanted to stay with each other as long as humanly possible, so they walked into the airport together. She held onto his hand tightly as they navigated to security, her heart feeling heavy.

"Got everything?" Luna asked.

"I think so," Noah replied. "Clothes are all I really need, anyways."

She slowed to a stop, glancing at the lines of people waiting to get through TSA. "Look at you, actually having a passport. I never thought this day would come." Luna laughed a little when he gave her a look. "You should probably get through, I don't want you to be late for your flight."

"I wish you were coming with," Noah admitted.

"Me too." She squeezed his hand for a moment. "But, hey, there will be more Brazil meetups. And we're going to see everyone in Vegas, which I'm so fucking excited about."


Luna paused for a moment, her eyes trailing across his face — the past few days Noah had been nothing but excited for everything, yet now he seemed melancholy. "Hey, what's going on?"

Noah shrugged. "It's kind of . . . stupid."

"It's not stupid if it's bothering you."

"I'm just . . ." Noah trailed off, his gaze on the ground as his thumb ran across her knuckles absentmindedly. "I'm tired of saying goodbye to you."

Luna stared at him, her heart dropping all the way to the pit of her stomach. Noah always expressed that he would miss her when she left and that he sometimes got sad when she wasn't around . . . but this was the first indication that he actually hated when she was away. At least for the past couple of months she was still in the US, but now they had a whole ass ocean separating them.

"Not stupid," Luna confirmed.

Noah glanced up for a moment, and Luna became fucking shattered when she saw his eyes were glassy, because he usually never cried. "I know you're performing and singing which is all you've ever wanted to do, but sometimes I feel . . . strange. Like, I know I'm supposed to be having fun, but then I remember that you're not there."

Luna let go of his hand. She then pressed up onto her toes and wound her arms around his neck. Noah let his duffel bag fall off of his shoulder onto the ground and wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her in close. He bent down slightly, resting his chin on her shoulder. Luna leaned her head against hers and thread her fingers through his hair comfortingly. For a moment, they just stood there like that in silence, nothing shared between them besides their hug and the bustling sounds of the airport.

"You're going to have a shit ton of fun, I know it, and you're not going to worry about me at all," Luna stated, a tear dripping down her cheek. "You're going to have fun with the Roomies, you're going to have the time of your life in fucking Brazil with everyone, and you're going to be an absolute hit in Name Your Price because you're incredibly handsome." She turned slightly and pressed a kiss to his head. "I'm so, so proud of you."

Noah sniffled. "Usually it's me saying that to you."

"And now it's me saying it to you." Luna allowed Noah to pick his head back up, and she smiled at him, placing both of her hands on either side of his face. "You're doing so much. I have a million reasons to be proud of you, and I need to start saying it more."

"Jeez." Noah shook his head a little bit. "I wasn't really planning on crying at the airport today."

Luna giggled a little at that. "I also wasn't expecting this." She wiped a tear off of his cheek with her thumb. "But thank you for telling me all of that."

They were interrupted by some sort of announcement over the speakers. Luna glanced up, shocking herself out of the moment and remembering that they were actually still in an airport. She looked back towards security for a moment. Her heart didn't feel any lighter, but she felt better that Noah was about to have an incredible time. And even if she was five-plus hours ahead of him, she would cheer him on from the sidelines.

"I think it's time for you to start your crazy journey," Luna voiced, finally looking back towards him. "Noah takes over the world."

"Call me whenever you can," Noah said. "I'll answer."

She smiled gently at him. "I will."

Noah leaned down and instantly attached their lips together. Luna felt her entire body relax for a second, just from how familiar it was and how much it felt like home. After a very long moment, they pulled away from each other. Luna let her hands drop from his face and opted to hold onto his instead, falling back onto her flat feet.

"I love you," Noah told her sincerely.

"I love you more," Luna promised. "I'll see you in Vegas."

Noah nodded. He bent down again and pressed a kiss to her forehead before squeezing her hands and letting her go. Noah then slung his duffel bag over his shoulder and let out a deep breath, turning to walk up to security. However, he immediately turned around and walked right back to Luna.

"One more," Noah insisted, kissing her again quickly.

Luna grinned up at him. "I'll kiss you stupid next month."

Noah walked backwards for a moment, pointing to her. "I'll hold you to it."

Her smile widened for a moment. Luna watched as he went up to security, and she wrapped her arms around herself, already missing his presence. Noah went through the entire security process before stopping at the end and turning around. Luna gave him a watery smile and waved through the barrier surrounding them.

She then saw Noah pull out his phone, and a second later, her phone lit up. Luna looked down, and illuminated on it was a text from Noah. I love you. She glanced up for a moment, her eyes feeling glassy for a moment, before typing I love you more back. Noah waved at her again, and begrudgingly, turned around and walked off to go find his gate.

Luna turned herself around and let out a deep breath, starting to walk back outside. Sure, she might've been being dramatic. It was only for a month. But when she had gotten so used to being with him practically all the time, and when he owned such a large piece of her heart, she felt incomplete without him. It was just a strange and weird situation.

When she went back outside, she found Mary Jane and Karl waiting outside of the car, just talking. Their conversation immediately ceased when they saw her coming towards them.

Karl frowned at her. "Luna."

Luna sniffled, wiping the tears off of her cheek with her sleeve. "Can we go home?"

Mary Jane nodded, reaching out and rubbing her arm gently. "Of course, Princess. Let's go home."

And so Luna settled herself in the backseat of Karl's car, not saying a word and staring out the window, preparing herself to start her own adventure.



THERE WERE CERTAIN occasions that made Luna play certain songs on tour — songs that weren't on the set list, or songs she didn't play too often. Her own version of surprise songs, basically.

She had played a lot over the course of the tour, but there was one she hadn't played yet — not since March. Probably the song that meant the most to her, and the one dedicated to a certain boy who managed to own her heart. The very same boy that she would be seeing in four days after about a month apart, and the very same boy she didn't hesitate to stay up until ridiculous hours in the morning just to talk to.

Luna smiled at the crowd in Berlin, finishing up her speech about how much she loved the city. "So, um . . . this song, I don't really play it too often. All of my songs are really personal to me, but this one especially. I thought I would sing it tonight because the person it's about is going on their own adventures, and I'm really really proud of them." Luna cleared her throat, adjusting her guitar as the crowd cheered. "Besides the first two verses, this song is totally about them. If you know it, sing along."

She started to strum on her guitar, the stage lights changing color to encompass her in the color blue. Finally, after a small introduction, she started to sing.

"You live in Hollywood . . ." Luna began, her smile widening as she heard the gasps and screams from around the room.

And if she teared up while singing staying up with you despite the space between us because it reminded her of their phone calls when he was in Brazil and she was in Europe, nobody managed to see it.



IF THERE WAS one word to describe Luna, it was tired.

After being on tour in Europe for a month, she had taken a twelve hour direct flight from Zurich to Las Vegas for TwitchCon. Not only hadn't her body adjusted to the time zone at all, her voice was exhausted from singing every day, and she had to keep using it for the next couple of days. (I'm sorry for the spain erasure but for the sake of twitchcon the good riddance tour doesn't go to spain <3)

Don't get her wrong, she loved what she did. In the wise words of her very good friend, she got tired a lot, but never got tired of it. It was just strange going from work to work when all she wanted to do was go home. Nevertheless, she was excited to meet more fans — and meet so many of her friends in real life.

And see Noah again. That was a huge part of it.

She was currently sitting in her hotel room in Vegas, just waiting for people to arrive. Luna had gotten there a day early due to flight availability, and had spent the first night alone, but that was fine. She had tried her best to sleep as much as she could, because she knew that when it came to a QSMP meetup, she wouldn't get much rest.

Luna scrolled through her phone, tucking a piece of her now even shorter hair behind her ear as she did so. As she was doing so, she noticed a notification come in at the top of her screen. Luna immediately clicked on it, and it brought her to her to her messages with Noah. The last one he had sent her was him saying he landed in Vegas, but this was a new one.

What would you do if I told you I made it to the hotel and was on the way up right now?

Her heart immediately started to race, and a bright smile made its way onto her face. Finally, the moment she had been waiting for ever since they said goodbye at the airport in North Carolina. Luna threw the covers off of her and instantly got up. There was no more time to waste.

Luna shoved her shoes on as fast as she could before grabbing her hotel key and her phone. She left her hotel room, glancing left, in the direction of the elevators. Sure enough, walking down the hallway, with a duffel bag slung over his shoulder, was the one person Luna had been itching to see for a month.

Their eyes locked, and instantly, Noah's face broke out into the widest, happiest smile she had ever seen. Luna let out a small laugh before rushing down the hallway towards him. Noah let the duffel bag drop from his shoulder and walked forwards a bit. Once they got closer to each other, Noah bent down at the same time as Luna leapt, and he caught her effortlessly, straightening up so she was completely off the ground. He held her extremely tight, but Luna sure as hell wasn't complaining.

"Oh, my beautiful Luna," Noah said. "I've missed you."

"I missed you more," Luna replied, her voice slightly muffled from the hug.

"Definitely not possible." Noah swayed them back and forth for a second. "Hey, c'mon, let me kiss you."

And . . . who was Luna to refuse that?

Luna instantly picked her head back up, and without a moment's hesitation, she kissed him full on the mouth. Just from that, she felt every single nervous thought she had fly away, and her entire body drained its tension. It was still crazy to her that something as simple as this could just make her melt into an absolute puddle and forget literally everything except herself and Noah. Especially after a month of not getting this, she was so fucking glad to have it back.

Miyoung — who had showed up out of nowhere — then walked past them. "You're doing this in the middle of the hallway?"

Tina followed after her with a scoff. "Oh, leave them alone, Miyoung."

"You guys are adorable!" Leslie added.

Luna pulled away from Noah, glancing back at the two of them. She instantly started to laugh a little, letting her forehead to rest against Noah's as he laughed with her. It also made her extremely happy that they were always able to just pick up right where they left off. That was one of the things Luna loved most about their relationship.

Noah raised an eyebrow at her. "Ready to stay out until 4 A.M. doing karaoke with the QSMP karaoke, knowing us?"

"Considering I missed the karaoke in Brazil, I'm glad I have the chance to do it now," Luna responded. "Only if you agree to do a duet to Gotta Go My Own Way with me."




tagged foolish_gamers

liked by kkatamina, bagi, and 983,203 others

lunahayes one year <3 adore you always my sunshine boy

view all 7,976 comments

username "my sunshine boy" I'm going to krill myself

username what if this was my last straw. huh. what if it was.

the_awesamdude we've been dating for longer
username sam ??????
username part of the bros agenda
lunahayes shut the fuck up
— username LMAO NO WAY LUNA

username ohhhhh the way she looks at him I'm losing it
— username NO SAME

maryjanebrooks my favorite people. I love you guys
lunahayes we love you mj ❤️

username 'cause I believe that we were supposed to find this . . .

foolish_gamers sunshine :D
username great observation
lunahayes you are the actual embodiment of sunshine
username so true luna so true
foolish_gamers I love you
username I'm sobbing????

username if he's the embodiment of sunshine and she's the moon . . . that means she shines bright with him ☹️



tagged lunahayes

liked by bagherajones, valkyrae, and 865,412 others

foolish_gamers ‼️ FELIZ UN AÑO ‼️ te quiero mucho, mi amor

view all 6,265 comments


username the spanish. I'm gone
username no bc I actually can't

lunahayes after ALL of the pictures we have together, you choose THIS ONE???
username oop
username now that I'm looking at it I completely forgot your hair was that long holy shit
username no luna I love it stop
foolish_gamers :D

etoilaisse oh the misery
username ETOILES??????
username no etoiles you are the best
foolish_gamers the legend!

username brb making this picture my entire personality

quackity I can't believe you would fucking cheat on me like this
username hey girlie . . .
username NOT THE HEY GIRLIE STOP username
username LMAO
foolish_gamers sorry, you've been replaced
username OH SHIT
quackity 😢

author there's only one more bonus after this but you didn't hear that from me

lunahayes I love you, though.
username AHHHHHHHH
foolish_gamers I love you an even stupider amount
username I can't with them rn

-ˏˋ ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ˊˎ-

sorry for the month-long hiatus, thank you for being patient <3

feliz un año, te quiero mucho, mi amor = happy one year, I love you very much, my love

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