Pedro Pascal imagines

By dirtyfantasies_

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COMPLETED 18+โ€ผ๏ธImagines of Y/n & Pedro Pascal character or Pedro himself. Do not read unless you are 18+. M... More

Late Night-Din Djarin
Meet me at the Hotel Room-Javier Peรฑa
Stuck In the Elevator -Marcus Pike
To Break An Office Chair - Javier & Steve
Love To Hate You - Dave York
The Afterlife of Peรฑa - Javier Peรฑa
The Blizzard (Pero Tovar x Reader)

Pureza - Javier Peรฑa

1.2K 19 11
By dirtyfantasies_

Warning: Smut—Reader losing virginity

Character: Javier Peña
Show: Narcos

Summary: Your family, damn their impoverished souls, had sold your virginity to the wealthiest man in all of Colombia, maybe even the world. You were trapped, no matter how lavish the estate where you were being held was, until Pablo could.


You pretended not to listen as Blackie spoke into the satellite phone. Not that it really mattered, the sicarios that guarded you never seemed to have any issue with talking about sensitive matters when in your presence. You were the newest possession of Pablo Escobar, no more of a threat to him than the giraffes that he was rumored to have on his estate he shared with his family.

You were his prisoner for the time being. Your family, damn their impoverished souls, had sold your virginity to the wealthiest man in all of Colombia, maybe even the world. You were trapped, no matter how lavish the estate where you were being held was, until Pablo could find time in his busy schedule to come to complete the transaction that he had paid your parents for and take your virginity.

Javier puffs on his cigarette, scanning the paperwork in front of him and he looks up at Steve. "You find anything?" He asks and Steve shakes his head. "Nope. All of these transactions are for minor things like a vacuum cleaner or a bar of soap" Steve pinches his brow. "What about this one?" Javi asks, pointing at his own file. "One hundred thousand dollars? The item just says livestock. Do you think it's the giraffes?" Javier asks and Steve frowns. "Maybe. It looks like it was brought in by Blackie to that nice dig Escobar has out in the countryside. How about a ride over there? We can check it out and see if there is anything going on?" Steve suggests and Javier snuffs his cigarette out in the ashtray on his desk. "Got nothing to lose. These fuckers are playing hard to get at the moment and anything will help. Besides, you can drop me off at Vanessa's on the way back" He smirks at Steve who wrinkles his nose.

You moved around under the watchful eyes of the guards. You were starting to become used to it. Men armed with rifles, staring at you. You didn't fear them, Blackie had made it very clear to you that you were to be untouched. Their boss wanted to experience a virgin again, and they all knew they would die if they spoiled that for him. The senior sicario walked up to you, his tone abrupt, "El Patron needs me. You will not try to run, if you do, you know what will happen." He tells you, making you shiver. While they could not rape you, Blackie made it clear that bruises healed and bones mended. You hadn't tried to escape, knowing there was nowhere for you to run to. Your parents would give you back to Escobar, the money they received from him meaning more to them than your welfare. You nodded, staying silent. Blackie turned and shouted to a few guards to come with him, leaving just two to watch over you. Looking out over the countryside, you wondered if death was a better fate than the toy of a drug lord.

Javier and Steve pull up in the field nearby, using binoculars to try and figure out what livestock is being held at this compound. "I don't see a fucking thing" Steve huffs and hands the binoculars to Javi. "Let me look" Javier holds his hand out and takes the binoculars, looking through them and he inhales sharply when he sees you on the balcony. Even through the blurry focus, you look beautiful and he knows that you are far too good looking for the sicarios. He notices the two guards around you and sighs, "I think I figured it out. It's a girl" Javier tells Steve and hands him the binoculars. "Look. She's being guarded...but what woman costs one hundred grand?" Javier muses.

You sigh, bored out of your mind and pull out the little notebook that you had kept. You told Blackie that it was your journal, that you had kept one since you were a child. You glance over at the guards and notice that they are busy talking, so you pull the pen out of the spine and start writing down the side of the phone call that you had heard. You had written everything down since you had been here, hoping that you could somehow use it as a bartering tool to get away once Escobar had tired of you.

You knew you wouldn't be welcome back home. A twenty-six year older daughter with no husband or even a boyfriend had been a burden on your parents, at least that was what they told you countless times. Regardless of the fact that before you had been sold to Escobar, you had worked at the local market and took care of their house. No, you needed to find some way to get away from here, to leave Colombia.

Javier and Steve stare at each other after Steve lowers the binoculars. "What do you think? Should we try and rescue her or wait until we have back up?" Steve asks and Javier frowns at the idea of leaving a young woman in the hands of sicarios. "There's only two guards. I think we can take 'em and get her out" Javier clenches his jaw. "If you think so" Steve nods and grabs his gun. "Connie is gonna kill me for doing this without backup but time is of the essence. She might know where Escobar is'' Steve reasons. "Exactly. Come on Murphy'' Javier grabs his own gun and the duo make their way through the field to the wall of the compound.

You were just putting the pen back in the spine of your journal when all of a sudden the front door of the villa bursts open. Obviously not Pablo's men, you jump out of the chair you were sitting in and duck down behind the sofa when two men came bursting into the house, pistols in their hands. Fear and adrenaline courses through your veins as you see a blonde man and a darker shorter man come in, both of them displaying no fear as the guards lifted their weapons and fired at them. You let out a half scream before you bite it down and immediately start running for the back of the house, using this as your means of escape.

"Alto, hermosa" Javier grabs your upper arm to stop you from running after he shoots one of the guards in the head. Steve takes out the other and stands watch while Javier talks to you. "We are here to save you. We are DEA" Javier explains in Spanish and your eyes widen. "You- you are American?" You ask in English and Javier nods. "Thank God" You mutter in Spanish. "We gotta go." Steve says, his voice tense. "Yes" Javier nods, "come on. We will take you to the Embassy." You nod and run out of the front door just as Blackie and several other sicarios make an appearance. Steve fires back when Blackie shoots but you are too far away for them to hit you. "Hurry Steve" Javier pleads as you get into the truck and your heart is thumping as you watch the sicarios drive through the field, firing at the truck. "I know Peña. Fuck" Steve hisses and puts his foot down, speeding down the dirt track. You look out the back window as dust kicks up and you pray you can get away before the sicarios can catch up. "Hang on" Steve shouts and turns down another dirt track, down the side of a hill and you are thrown around the backseat, your journal in your hand. "Shit Steve" Javier grunts and you sigh in relief when you make it down the end of the hill and Steve speeds off through the field to get back to the main road. There is no sign of the sicarios and you slump back into the seat, exhaling shakily. "You good?" Steve asks you and you nod. "Yeah"

You look at your saviors. The man driving, Steve, looks like what you think a classic gringo would look like. Blonde hair and blue eyes, he doesn't fit in here. The other one, you didn't catch his name, but he's the one that looks like he belongs here in Colombia. Dark hair and eyes, you thrill when they turn back to you, the warm chocolate orbs look like they could be icy cold at times, but he looks at you curiously. Chiseled features and an aquiline nose, you can't help but think that he's incredibly handsome, even if you've never been one for mustaches. "What are you doing here?" He demands. "Why were they guarding you? Who are you?" You tremble in relief, finally realizing that you are free, as you look up and catch Steve looking at you in the rear view mirror. "My parents sold my virginity to Pablo Escobar."

Javier inhales sharply and glances at Steve. He swallows and hates how his immediate reaction is to twitch in his pants at the thought of you being a virgin. Being pure. He shakes his head and focuses on the issue at hand. "How much did Esocbar pay?" He asks and you bite your lip. "One hundred thousand American dollars" You reveal and Javier's eyes widen at the confirmation that you were the livestock. He feels sick now. "That motherfucker is buying human beings" Steve spits in disgust, turning onto the main road.

You feel your entire body heat up in shame, even though you have nothing to be ashamed of. "Where are you taking me?" You ask quietly, hoping that they weren't going to try to take you back to you communa. His sicarios would pick you within the hour after setting foot in there. "Please don't take me back home, he will have me picked up again." You toy with the edge of your journal. "He was- is a monster. The things he's done, the things he's going to do." You shudder.

"We ain't gonna take you home" Steve assures you. "We are going to take you to the U.S Embassy since you have answers to the questions we want to ask." "Did- did Escobar touch you?" Javier asks and Steve frowns at the question. You shake your head frantically. "No thank God. He was too busy to come and take what he paid for. That's why I was being kept under lock and key. I- I wrote down everything I heard" You hold up your journal. "Really?" Steve asks and Javier reaches out for the notebook that you eagerly hand him. "Goddamn. She wrote down everything she heard about shipments and where he is" Javier mumbles and Steve grins. "We can finally get that son of a bitch." You gulp, hoping they won't throw you aside once you have answered their questions. "It will be late when we arrive back in Bogotá. We can put you up in a hotel and-" Javier begins but you cut him off. "No. Please don't. They will find me and take me back" You plead, gripping Javier's seat. "She's right Peña. They will be looking for her. The safest place is with us. Considering the info she has on them, they will be wanting her dead" Steve says and you gasp. "Connie would let her stay but we don't have the room and I'm sure she doesn't want to be woken up several times by Olivia. I think it's best if she stays with you" Javier sighs, hating company. He likes his own space but this is more important than his introverted ways. He nods, agreeing to letting you stay with him. "Thank you" You squeeze his shoulder and Javier doesn't like the way his heart thumps in his chest at your touch.

You sit quietly during the journey back to Bogotá. "You still want me to drop you off at Vanessa's?" You heard an undertone of amusement in Steve's voice as he looked over at Javier. "Fuck off, Murphy." He shoots back, his jaw clenched and you can see that he isn't happy. "You can go to your girlfriend's." You offer, not wanting him to resent you for ruining his plans. "He can just let me in right?" You ask, pointing to Steve. "I won't touch anything." You promise. A loud bark of laughter came from Steve that makes you jump and you look at him in confusion as he slams his hand against the steering wheel in amusement.

"Shut up, Murphy" Javier mumbles and Steve pulls up in front of a building. You watch the two men get out of the car and Javier opens your door. "Come on. Let's get you inside" Javier glances around and grabs your forearm gently as he guides you into the lobby. "Steve. We will leave early tomorrow morning for the Embassy" Javier tells Murphy, who nods and walks up the stairs to his apartment. "This is me" Javier says and you grip your journal to your chest as Javier opens his front door and lets you walk in first.

You are struck by how large and nice the apartment for the DEA agent. You stop in the entryway, hesitant to intrude farther into his private domain. You got the feeling that he didn't really want you here. His eyes seemingly searching you for something every time he looked at you. "You can leave me here." You say quietly. "I doubt the sicarios would look for me here. I don't want to intrude more than I have."

"No. It's okay. I don't- we can't risk it. You know so much" He beckons you closer. "Take a seat and I will get you something to drink. I, uh, I have coffee, Tap water. Whiskey" he lists and you bite your lip. "I have never tried whiskey before" You confess. "Wanna try it?" He tilts his head, reckoning that you need a drink after such a dramatic day. He knows he does. "Yeah" You nod and he walks over to his small bar to pour out two tumblers of whiskey. "Here" He hands you the glass and sits down next to you with his own. "So...want to tell me what happened?" He asked after taking a sip.

You take a sip of the whiskey and your eyes widen at the burn of the liquor as it goes down your throat. "Whooooo" You wheeze, making Javier smirk as he lifts his glass to his lips again. "Good?" He asks. You shake your head to get rid of the sensation and feel it warming you. "Blackie and Poison used to come into the market where I worked often." You explain, looking down at your glass and tilting the amber liquid around. "They mentioned one day, while my mother was there, that they were looking for a virgin." You give a half-hearted laugh. "My mother immediately spoke up, telling everyone in the area that I had barely kissed a boy, and most assuredly had never had sex." Javier shifts in his seat, his cock twitching at the idea that you were untouched. He frowned. "And Escobar?" He asks. Your hand shakes slightly as you lift the glass to your lips, wincing as you take another sip. "I didn't let it bother me, but later that night when I got home he was waiting for me. Escobar and a doctor, along with Blackie and other guards." You flushed, your cheeks heating up and lowering your voice. "The doctor examined me to make sure I was still a virgin. Once he had, Escobar opened a bag and offered my parents one hundred thousand American dollars for me." You look back up at Javier. "I was immediately taken to the villa where you found me. And I've been there ever since."

Javier feels sick at the revelation that you had been inspected and sold like cattle for Escobar's pleasure. "Motherfucker" Javi hisses under his breath. "Did you ever see Escobar?" He asks and you shake your head. "No. Thank God. Otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here as a virgin" You shudder and Javier bites his lip. "Why, uh, why are you still a virgin? You're a beautiful woman" He comments and hopes you don't think he's being creepy.

You shrug. "All the men in my communa are just -" You trail off, trying to find the right words. "They either worship Escobar or work for him. I don't - my sister died from an overdose. My older sister." You clarify. "I want nothing to do with that and I'm certainly not sleeping with them." You take another sip of the whiskey, getting used to the taste. "I just concentrated on helping my parents and one day I ended up being a twenty-six year old virgin."

Javier nods, grateful that you hadn't let some sicario touch you. Take away your purity with their sullied hands. "I understand. I mean, I don't. I lost my virginity at fifteen" He snorts and sips his whiskey. "Are you- have you never been tempted?" He asks, tilting his head. "Never met anyone who made you think about it?" He asks out of interest.

"Oh I've thought about it." You tell him. "But I just - couldn't imagine sleeping with someone from my communa. It's not as if I intended to be inexperienced." You look over at him. Of course he lost his virginity young. You were sure that he had plenty of experience in the bedroom, he had a look that just screamed 'I will take you to bed'. "I'm sure most men would hate me being a virgin. Not knowing what they like."

"What?" His mouth falls open. "Most men would be privileged to take your virginity, show you how good it can be. You are...unsullied by bad habits. The majority of men would love the chance to help you discover what you enjoy. I- I know I would" He admits quietly, fingers flexing around his glass and stares at the tile floor.

"Really?" You stare at him, watching the way the muscles in his neck move as he swallows. "You are probably so experienced, you would really like that?" You pause and shake your head. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't ask that, I'm sure your girlfriend wouldn't appreciate me asking you those types of questions." You sigh, wondering if you weren't a fool for imagining that he would actually entertain the idea of taking your virginity. At least then Escobar wouldn't want you anymore.

"It's okay. I - I don't- she isn't my girlfriend. She's...she's a prostitute" He reveals. "I...I don't have a lot of time for relationships and my life is too dangerous for love. I am very experienced" He admits and tries to squash the thought of you breathless beneath him as he makes you cum. "What are you thinking?" He asks after you remain quiet for far too long.

You stare at your glass then toss the rest of the drink back, swallowing it down before looking at him. "If I'm not a virgin anymore, Escobar wouldn't want me. He specifically said he wanted to mold me to his particular sexual desires." You shudder and set your glass down, reaching out carefully to lay your hand on Javier's arm. "Would you - would you be willing to help me? Sleep with me?" You ask nervously.

Javier is frozen, his eyes burning into yours and he tries to calm his racing heart. He never imagined that he'd be taking someone's virginity when he woke up this morning and he clears his throat, praying you don't notice his bulge in his tight jeans. "You...are you sure? You don't want to wait until you fall in love? When you're in a relationship? I'm not a good man, hermosa. I'm...I've done bad things. Are you sure you wish to sully yourself with my tainted touch?" He asks, tilting his head.

You nod. "You saved me. You probably didn't have to. You didn't want me to be here, yet here I sit. You seem like, despite what you are saying that you are a good man. Bad men don't admit they are bad." Your eyes sweep over him. "You're attractive, very attractive. And I think I would enjoy myself in your bed. You strike me as the type to make sure a woman is satisfied as well."

Javier is shocked at your words. The fact that you think he's a good man. The fact that you think he's attractive. That he'd look after you in bed. He's never admitted it but he has always had a slight fantasy of finding a woman who has never had another man. He has often pondered if it's because of his own past or his affliction for whores, but the thought of a pure woman makes his cock hard as steel. He gulps and sets his glass down, reaching for yours and he sets it down on the coffee table and shifts closer to you. "Are you sure you want this hermosa?" He checks one last time. "There's no going back. No redo. Are you certain that you want to lose your virginity to me?"

"Yes." Your stomach twists with nervous anticipation. You aren't scared, not the way that you were at the thought of Escobar touching you. Instead you were eager, wanting to know how this man who had such expressive eyes would touch you. You could see the emotions he probably scoffed at having in their depths, right now looking at you with something akin to wonder. "I would like to give you my virginity."

He inhales sharply and nods, shifting to face you and he tentatively reaches out to cup your cheek. "You are so beautiful" He whispers and leans closer, nudging your nose with his. "Can I kiss you?" He asks and you whisper, "yes." Javier gently pecks your lips with his and moves to pull away but you reach up and cup his cheeks, keeping him close. He takes the hint and deepens the kiss, tilting your head before his tongue licks along the seam of your lips, making you gasp out. It's a little clumsy the way you slide your tongue against his but he guides you and you are soon making him moan into the kiss. "Goddamn" He breathes when he pulls back and he strokes your cheekbones with his thumbs. "Escobar was a fool to pay one hundred grand for you" He whispers and you move to pull away, frowning. "You are priceless" He continues and leans down to press his lips to yours once more.

You feel his hands start to slide down your neck, sweeping across your shoulders and down your arm. Keeping his touch light and soothing as he kisses you. You don't feel like this is how he normally is, and you sigh into his mouth at the idea that he is being gentle, making it good for you. You protest when he breaks the kiss but your eyes flutter closed when he starts trailing his lips down your jaw to your neck. Your fingers sink into his hair, carding through his locks as he kisses and sucks at your skin.

"Can't wait to watch you fall apart, hermosa. I want to watch you cum. I want to show you how good it can be" He promises between kisses. He grips the bottom of your shirt and he pulls away to look into your eyes. You nod and he tugs it over your head, setting it down on the sofa beside him. His dark eyes drink in the sight of your heaving chest and he reaches out to trace his fingers along the lace of your bra. "So beautiful" He whispers and reaches for you once more, pressing his lips to yours and his large hand squeezes your breast.

You gasp out at the way it feels, his hand over your breast, applying pressure. So much better than when you ever touched yourself. He squeezes it again, this time kneading the flesh under the lace as he kisses along your collarbone and down your chest. "So innocent." He murmurs, but you don't think it's an insult. His tongue runs along the edge of the lace and he looks up at you again as his hands slide behind you to the clasps of your bra. You bite your lip and he grins, a wicked little flash of dimple and teeth that has you squirming as a bolt of heat shoots straight to your core.

He pulls the straps of your bra down your arms and sets it down on top of your shirt. "Hermosa" He exhales and you move to cross your arms but he shakes his head, reaching for your hands. "Don't hide yourself" He pleads and you lower your arms. He smiles softly and reaches out to cup your breasts with both hands, sweeping his thumbs over your nipples. "God baby. You are gorgeous" He sighs in awe and leans down to kiss the swell of your breast. He takes your nipple into his mouth and sucks, loving the way you tangle your fingers in his hair and gasp out his name.

You shudder as his tongue flicks over the peak again and again. Sucking on it until it's swollen and tender before he moves over to the other. You knew what to do, you weren't naive, but you didn't expect this to feel so good. Every time his mouth worked, sucked at you, it felt like you were in heaven. Your panties were growing more damp by the second and you ached, needing more even if it felt amazing. "Javier." You plead, petting his hair and pushing him away slightly. "Take me to bed".

He pulls back and sits up, kissing your lips softly before he stands up and offers you his hand. "Come on, cariño" He says and you take his hand, standing up and you let him guide you to his bedroom. You want to feel his skin against yours and you work on the few remaining buttons of his shirt. You shove it down his arms and he is pleased at how eager you are as you stroke his chest. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer so your tits are pressed into his chest. His lips kiss along the length of your neck and he works on the button of your pants. "I want to taste you. Can I taste you?" He asks, unzipping your pants.

You hesitate before nodding, surprised that he would want to do that. Sliding your pants down to pool at your feet, you were so glad you chose him to be with like this. When you are just in your panties, he walks you back to the bed and pushes you slightly so you fall back against the cool, silky sheets. You scoot back and lean against pillows, watching as he crawls up on to the bed after discarding his shoes and socks and unzipping his own jeans, giving you a tantalizing view of the scattering of dark hair that leads lower.

He grabs your ankle and kisses along your calf, your thigh until he reaches for your panties and he switches, going back to your other ankle to repeat the treatment. Once he is back at your core, he kisses your clit through the material of your panties and groans at how wet you are. He hooks his fingers in the elastic and drags them down your legs. He flings the material over his shoulder and spreads your thighs with his hands. He shuffles closer and uses his thumbs to spread your dripping folds. "Fuck. You are soaked" He mumbles in awe before flattening his tongue through your arousal and flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue.

You cry out, slapping your hand over your mouth at the feeling of his tongue on you. "Un uh." Javier reaches up and tugs on your elbow, pulling your hand away from your mouth. Looking down, you find his nose buried in the curls above your clit as he talks against your folds. "Want to hear every sound you make, cariño." He tells you before he flicks his tongue out again while keeping his eyes on you.

He focuses on your clit, sucking on it and you arch your back, crying out at the intense feeling. He slides his hand across your thigh and circles his fingertip around your entrance. He waits for any protest from you before he slowly slides his finger inside of you. "Fuck" he hisses into your flesh. "So tight" He groans, imagining how much you are going to grip his cock. He slowly thrusts his finger and sucks on your clit, his dark eyes watching the way you writhe above him.

You don't know how to feel. Your thighs press against his head and then spring open as you move your hips down, wanting more. Your fingers claw at the sheets under you and you've never heard the tiny, almost pained sounds you are making before. Except you aren't in pain. It feels so good you want to beg him to never stop and push his head away because the pressure that is building inside of you is so intense. Those lust filled eyes watching you every time you look down and he curls his fingers up inside of you and strikes against something magical, making you shatter.

Javier grinds into the sheets when you gush around his finger. "Fuck hermosa" He groans into your clit and he withdraws his finger to slide his tongue into your quivering hole, lapping up every drop of cum. He moans your name and kisses up your stomach, flicking his tongue over each nipple before pressing his lips to yours so you can taste yourself. "Can- can I fuck you now hermosa?" He asks against your lips, his cock throbbing and he can't wait to feel how tight you are.

You moan at the tangy taste of yourself on his lips, your wetness clinging to the mustache over his lip. "Please" You beg, your hand stroking his sides and his back. "I want you." You admit, shuffling your legs open wider in invitation. Javier sits back and shoves the denim down his thighs, eager to fuck you. His thick cock springs up and bobs in the air, your eyes widening at his size and you wonder if it will fit inside you.

He reaches over and opens his nightstand, taking out a condom. He sits back on his haunches and rips open the condom, rolling it down his cock before he settles back between your legs. He slowly pumps himself and leans down to kiss you once he swipes his cock through your folds, positioning himself at your entrance. "Tell me to stop if it's too much" He murmurs and you nod, swallowing down your nerves. He slowly pushes inside of you. Pausing when only the tip is in and he leans back to check on you. "Okay hermosa?" He asks. "Yes" You nod and he pushes a little deeper, rocking his hips back and forth as he works his length inside of you. He groans, trying to control himself from blowing his load when he feels how tight you are gripping him and he's not even fully inside of you.

You tense a bit when you feel him nudge against the barrier of your innocence. "It'll be okay. cariño." He assures you. He leans down, pressing his lips to yours as he snaps his hips forward and tears through the barrier. You cry out, the sound muffled by his kiss and he stills, running his lips over every inch of skin he can reach while he waits for you to adjust and get used to him inside you.

"You're doing so well. So good for me" He murmurs into your ear and waits until you tell him you're okay. "Move" You whisper and he slowly pulls out, pushing back inside of you and you moan out as the stinging sensation fades away. "Fuck you're so tight" He hisses and grips your thigh, hitching your leg over his hip and he slides a bit deeper. You moan out his name and he grunts, pressing his lips against yours.

You're not quite sure what to feel. Thousands of different nerves are being set on fire every time he pulls out slowly just to bury himself back in your body just a bit quicker than the last thrust. Every time your muscles contract around him, he lets out this sinful little moan out of the back of his throat. The sound goes straight to your core and makes you roll your hips up, even if your rhythm isn't quite in sync with his. "I've got you." Your nails dig into his shoulders when he slides his hands under your ass and tilts your hips up, making him strike against a spot inside you that has your toes curling. "Javier!" Rips from your throat on a sob.

"That's it hermosa. Goddamn you look so damn beautiful. You gonna cum for me?" He asks and begins to rub your clit, loving the way you clench around him. "Cum for me baby" He grunts and leans down to press his lips to yours. "Cum" he mumbles against your mouth.

You had cum before, brought to your peak by your own fingers. Quietly satisfying and pleasant. This was powerful. The pleasure crashed into you as everything went white hot, racing though your body and electrifying every nerve. Your walls clamp down on him as he continuously drives into you, legs locking up and an almost hoarse wail comes out of your mouth as you forget how to breathe.

"Fuck yes. That's it baby. Oh fuck yes" Javi groans and buries his cock inside of you. "So fucking good baby. I'm gonna cum" He grunts. "I'm gonna cum" He warns you and lets out a groan as he cums, filling the condom up with his seed.

His hips slow down, lazily thrusts into you as his nose nuzzles your cheek and he scatters kisses along your jaw. Every time you clench around him in the after effects of your release, he twitches in response. Eventually his mouth makes its way back to your and he kisses you gently, his lips warm and soft against yours. "Perfect baby." He whispers. "You were perfect." He eases out of you and squeezes your hip gently as he moves to the side and looks down at you. "How do you feel, hermosa? Was I too rough?" He questions, his dark eyes watching you carefully.

"N-no. I - I can hardly speak. That was...better than anything I ever imagined" You confess and sigh, collapsing back into the pillow to look up at him. You cup his cheek and bring his face down so you can peck his lips with yours. "Thank you" You whisper, grateful for the experience and the fact that Escobar would no longer want you.

He's stunned, amazed that you were thanking him when you had just given him something that you could never give another person. He kissed your lips again and then your forehead, pulling back reluctantly. "Let me get you cleaned up." He murmurs before he very unashamedly climbs out of the bed, holding the condom and walks to the bathroom. Evidence of your innocence was streaked across his own body, but this time, he didn't feel the fury and the determination that he normally felt with bloodshed. He was proud of it, that he had made it good for you. His spent cock twitched, remembering your sounds when you took a man for the first time, grateful that you had not been subjected to being used by Escobar.

You watch him stride back into the room after cleaning himself up and he gently grabs your thigh to spread your legs so he can softly wipe away the evidence of your first time. Once you are clean, he tosses the cloth back into the bathroom and walks out of his bedroom. You fidget, unsure of what to do as he disappears and you shift to get off of the bed, reaching for your clothes. "What are you doing?" He asks as he walks back into his bedroom with a glass of water and a plate in his hand. "I- I thought I'd go sleep on the sofa" You tell him. "Get back in bed hermosa" He shakes his head, "you really think I'd kick you out of my bed after taking your virginity" He watches you get back on his bed and he hands you the glass of water. "Drink" He orders and when you are done, takes the empty glass to hand you the plate.

You look down at the sandwich, the simple food not failing to make your heart clench at the gesture. "You - made me food?" You ask quietly, making him huff. "You need to eat." He shrugs off the slight flush that deepened the tan of his skin. You smile and let the plate on your lap and pick up the sandwich. You hold it out to him. "Only if we share it." You tell him. "When was the last time you ate?" You felt like he was the type that was constantly neglecting his own needs in favor of pushing himself. Javier makes a face as you, a scowl that you didn't take to heart. You had just witnessed his kindness, so you could see through the facade. With a sigh, he relents and takes a bite of your sandwich. "Happy?" He grumbles, making you chuckle as you take your own bite.

You share the sandwich and you notice Javier relax as he leans back against his headboard. "Tomorrow, we will need you to discuss what you wrote down in your journal. Are you ready for that hermosa? We don't want to pressure you but we need the information to help us take down Escobar" He murmurs, stroking your hair after you set the plate down on the nightstand and recline into his side.

"Whatever it takes." You tell him, sounding more confident that you actually were. You knew corruption was rife in Colombia, and the lure of money would make the most honest man dirty his hands. "I wrote down everything they discussed around me. I wasn't a threat. A plaything for their boss, to be ignored until he could make time." You sounded bitter, and you winced. You should be grateful that he never had the time to come and claim you, that oversight leading this moment right here. In the arms of the American DEA agent. "I only hope that it is enough to allow me to be protected." You shiver at the idea of them interviewing you and cutting you loose to fend for yourself.

"I will make sure you are protected. We can get you a visa. Get you to the States. Or if you have any family in another part of the country, we can escort you there. If not, we can make sure someone watches over you while you remain here. I won't let anything happen to you hermosa" He promises and leans down to nudge his nose against yours.

You sigh and press your lips to his. "Thank you." You whisper against his lips and kiss him again. He hums and pulls back after a moment, watching the way that your eyes darkened again. "You will be too sore, hermosa." He says regretfully, cupping your cheek and running his thumb over your lips. "You are tired." He shuffles down and pulls you against his chest. "Sleep. You are safe and we will make sure you stay that way in the morning." He tells you, holding you tight. He had done so many bad things in his pursuit of Escobar, let so many people get hurt because of his need to take down this man. He closes his eyes and the vision of Helena, broken and bruised flashes in his mind. He presses a kiss to the crown of your head as you sigh, vowing to himself that you will never experience that.

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