The Blizzard (Pero Tovar x Reader)

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Warnings: Vaginal sex, unprotected sex, mentions of impurity

Warnings: Vaginal sex, unprotected sex, mentions of impurity

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Movie: The Great Wall (2016)

Character: Pero Tovar

Summary: You are lost in the woods right before a blizzard hits. A grumpy Spaniard is the one who finds you, but there is no way to make it back to the village before it hits. You must take refuge in a cave while the blizzard outside rages.


"Mierda. (shit)" Tovar scowls, squinting to keep the wind from blowing snow into his eyes. Fool girl had to go and get herself lost now, when the snow had just started to fall faster, accumulating on the ground in soft piles that would soon build.

His horse is jittery, prancing around and snorting, obviously not happy with the circumstances. Leaning down, he murmurs to the horse, patting the large stallion's neck while trying to ease the large creature. He should be in the barn, safe in his stall and munching on a bag of oats after spending the day hauling logs to split for firewood. Instead, he and his human had been roped into a search party.

"She's probably already safe at home, sheepishly sitting by the fireplace while we freeze, no?" Tovar grumbles, scowling at the thought.

The temperature had dropped several degrees since he had been out and there was the scent of an oncoming storm in the air. Tovar urged his horse forward and called out your name again, like he had been doing for the past hour.


Your teeth start chattering and you sigh, looking around to try to figure out where you were. Your own horse had been spooked by a wolf, running wildly in the opposite direction of your home before throwing you. You didn't know how long you were unconscious before you came to, grateful that the wolf hadn't found you while you were vulnerable.

Pulling your shaw around you, you desperately look for broken branches, something that could indicate which way to head. The snow had started falling in earnest, covering any tracks and you were fast realizing that you could die out here.

"Shit." You can feel the temperature dropping and you knew that you only had a little while before the sun went down and you were going to be in serious trouble.

You hear a shout of your name, faint and for a moment you swear you are hearing things. Straining your ears, you try to listen for it again through the wind that was starting to pick up. Halfway believing that it was your hopeful wish, you close your eyes. Until you hear it again. "Hello!" You cry out, hoping that it's real. "Here! I'm over here!" You yell at the top of you lungs, finally hearing another shout and a horse's snort as the sun slips below the tree line.


Tovar's ear and better yet, the horse's ears perk up. He hears a small cry to the east, farther from town that he had even realized you had gotten. Shit, there was no way that he could get you back to your cottage before the storm came in. He guesses that he had about fifteen minutes before he would be in whiteout conditions.

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