STEVEN UNIVERSE - "the off co...

By Rubeedude111

85.3K 2.4K 1.4K

you, the reader, are an off colour Male gem, a turquoise, to be exact. This story is kind of a ship story. Tu... More

0. About Turquoise
1. the new gem
2. welcome to beach city!
3. catch an release!
4. when it rains...
5. back to the barn
6. Too far
7. The answer
8. It could have been so great
9. Message received
10. Log date: 7 15 2
11. Super Watermelon Island
12. Gem Drill
13. same old world
14. Barn mates
15. Hit the Diamond
16. Clean slate
17. Too short to ride
18. Alone at sea
19. Videocall / gem hunt!
20. Return to roots
21. Bismuth
22. Beta
23. Earthlings
24. Back to the moon
25. bubbled
26. Kindergarten Kid
28. gem harvest
29. Steven's Dream
30. Adventures in Light distortion
31. The new Crystal gems
32. Room for Ruby
33. Raising the Barn
34. Back to the Kindergarten
35. your mother and mine
36. can't go back
37. a single pale rose
38. Now were only falling apart
39. whats your problem
40. The question/Ruby Rider
41. Made of honor
42. Reunited
43. legs from here to homeworld
44. Familiar
45. Together alone
46. Escapism
47. Change your mind PT.1
48. Change your mind PT.2
49.Change your mind PT.3
50. Change your mind PT.4

27. Last one out of beach city

1.1K 33 7
By Rubeedude111

Turquoise stands in the barn doorway holding his jacket and scarves over his shoulder

"I'll be back soon, Amethyst wishes to teach me about to one of earth's entertainments" Turquoise ruffles Peridot's hair

"Here If it gets to loud for your sound detectors take these" Peridot hands Turquoise a pair of headphones

"Wow. Thanks," Turquoise kneels down

Peridot takes a step closer twiddling her thumbs "Good luck confectionery lip touch?"

"Of course" Turquoise smiles and puts his jacket on the floor along with his scarves and noise cancelling headphones "come your you" Turquoise says

Peridot hugs Turquoise standing on her tippy toes to wrap her arms around his neck and Turquoise wraps his arms around her waist

"Here" Turquoise closes his eye and gently kisses Peridot's lips

Peridot blushes and closes her eyes as well

Turquoise holds Peridot close for a moment before breaking the kiss

"Do you want to fuse before I go?" Turquoise asks

"...for what occasion?" Peridot blushes a lot her cheeks a dark green

"There is no occasion, just wondering if would like to before I go for the day?" Turquoise asks

"Course!" Peridot jumps into Turquoise's arms excitedly

Turquoise smiles and touches his forehead against Peridot's gem and both of them become engulfed in a pale blueish green light as they form Aventurine

Aventurine sits down and just hugs themselves as Lapis clears her throat

"OH! Apologies we didn't observe that you where positioned there" Aventurine blushes and unfuses

"Lapis!...didn't see you there" Peridot blushes and leans against the doorframe like nothing happened

Turquoise stands up "I just offered to fuse with her because I'm going away for the day" Turquoise brushes off his legs

"I see," Lapis looks at peridot who is now hiding behind Turquoise's legs

" wanna fuse before I go?" Turquoise asks

"Sodalite?" Lapis asks

Turquoise nods as Lapis steps forward

"Well?" Turquoise holds his hand out

"Why not it couldn't hurt to see her again" Lapis takes Turquoise's hand

Both Turquoise and Lapis fuse with a loud guitar riff playing as they form

"The punk rock gem is back!" Sodalite says stretching

"Hello again..." Peridot blushes slightly

"Hello my little triangular clod" Sodalite smiles widely before picking Peridot up

"Cold! Cold! Cold!" Peridot wriggles

"Sorry," Sodalite laughs snorting a little

"Hey Peri check this out..." Sodalite sticks they're tongue out and splits it into two tongues, Peridot blushes a lot as Sodalite twirls her tongues and accidentally getting them stuck in a knot

"Ow," Sodalite says with her tongues out before unfusing

"That was gross." Peridot says truthfully

"Well, your taste muscle is good enough for me," Turquoise says leaning down and kissing Peridot gem

"I...." Peridot's pupils turn to stars

"I gotta go but I'll see you tomorrow" Turquoise says picking up his things before walking out the barn

"Is that your guys way of flirting?" Lapis asks

"What's flirting?" Peridot asks rubbing her gem

Turquoise warps to the temple ans is greeted by Steven

"Turquoise!" Steven says excitedly

"Sorry I'm late," Turquoise says stepping off the warp

Turquoise looks at Pearl and Steven are attempting to piece together a puzzle in the living room, while Amethyst, shapeshifted into a ball, is bouncing rapidly and excitedly in the house, shaking the table and puzzle pieces.

"Amethyst..." Pearl starts

"Do you mind not bouncing so much?" Steven asks

Amethyst shapeshifts back to normal "Oof! Uh, sorry. I'm just super excited. Greg is taking me to a show!"

"Us, to see a show," Turquoise corrects

"A show? You mean like at the..." Steven puts on a fake British accent "Theater?"

"No, like at a..." Ameythst puts on a fake British accent as well "Rock show! Ha! Like a band! At a house, with a bunch of people hanging out and doing stuff!"

"What are the doing?" Turquoise leans and whispers to Pearl

"No idea." She says bluntly

"Oh man, that sounds cool! We have an awesome night planned, too! We're doing a puzzle." Steven says

"Puzzle?" Turquoise scans the table looking at the unfinished puzzle

"Wowee." Amethyst says unenthusiastically

"I know it sounds tame. But it has 612 pieces. And no corners!" Pearl says enthusiastically

Steven picks up a corner puzzle piece "I.. found a corner."

"Oh." Pearl says glumly

Turquoises looks at the puzzls confused as Greg enters the house "Hey, y'all!"

"Greg, Greg, Greg, Greg! So, you ready to throw down in the pit?" Amethyst asks excitedly

"No pits for me tonight. I'm sorry, Amethyst, it totally slipped my mind that Barb invited me and Vidalia over for cards." Greg says scratching the back of his head

"Cards?! Ugh, who broke you guys out of the retirement home?" Amethyst asks

"Trust me, I'd love to go to the show! But Barb threatened to hold my mail if I didn't. She is not a woman of empty threats." Greg explains

"Ugh, man, forget it. I can't go show-lo, that'll be boring!" Amethyst sighs

"You could hang out with us tonight." Pearl offers

"And do a puzzle? Ha, maybe we could fit in some knitting, too." Amethyst jokes

Pearl blushes slightly "That's... not what I meant. We could... go to the show... with you."

"Really?" Steven asks

"Wha?! You wanna go to a show, with loud music and people pushing each other?" Amethyst playfully pushes Pearl's arm

"I've done my fair share of... pushing. Pearl gently pushes Amethyst's arm back

Amethyst grips her arm in pretend pain "Ooh, I think it's broken!"

"You three just never saw me in action! Breaking every rule, taking on the authorities, so I could indulge in the joys of life on Earth!" Pearl says

"Done." Turquoise says straightening up revealing the complete puzzle

"Nice!" Steven says

"Well, if you'd like to go, you guys can take the Dondai!"

"Thank you, Greg!"

"Woohoo! Rock show!" Steven says

"Rock show?" Turquoise asks thinking about a literal rock show

"Hold on, Pearl, Turquoise. This is a human thing, not a Gem war. Before you rock out, you're gonna wanna blend in." Amethyst says

Pearl is seen wearing a short jacket and jeans on top of her normal outfit. Turquoise is seen in ripped black jeans, bandages ove his cracked eye and a spiky black leather jacket while Steven is provisioning for the trip.

"Now you're lookin' good!" Amethyst says

"Oh, yes. But I can make it look even gooder." Pearl says ans flips up her jacket collar "It's cool, because the collar isn't supposed to go that way."

"You a natural!"

"I look like Sodalite" Turquoise says looking at his jacket

"That's kinda the point Sodalite does look punky so I took some creative liberties" Amethyst shrugs

"We're almost set on snacks for the road. We just need some beverages." Steven takes two cans out of the fridge "Strawberry Sugar Shock Shutdown or... good old-fashioned apple juice?"

"Definitely Sugar Shock Shutdown." Amethyst the can from Steven "It turns everything red." Amethyst opens the can, shoves the whole thing in her mouth and eats it

"Turquoise what are you drinking?" Steven asks

"It's..." Turquoise squints "dat...det...ergent" Turquoise answers

"Oh... right..." Steven looks at him confused

"I'll have one, too, Steven. I think I'll try drinkin' tonight." Pearl says

"Wow, really? I didn't know you liked apple juice!" Steven hands Pearl the other can

"There's a lot you don't know about me, Steven." Pearl tries to open the can, but fails

"Whoa... So, Amethyst, tell me more about this band we're seeing."

"We're going to see Mike Krol. He's got that real garage vibe. Songs about being nostalgic for the suburbs." Amethyst explains

Pearl finally manages to get the can open "Nostalgic for the suburbs? Psh, they've only existed for, what, 70 years?"

"That's barely anything I could nap for that long" Turquoise adds

Amethyst chuckles "Okay, so, when we get there, we gotta walk in like we own the place."

Pearl begrudgingly takes a sip of the apple juice, when the store door opens. She then spits out the juice in shock as she see a girl with long pink hair and piercings walks in, staring at her intently as she walks by.

Amethyst points at the Mystery Girl "Oh, hey, right there! Perfect example!"

Pearl's can slips out of her hand onto the floor, as she continues to stare at the Mystery Girl.

"... Pearl? You okay?" Steven asks as Turquoise waves his hand in front of her face

"Hmm I've see Garnet do this is she thinking?" Turquoise asks

"Uhh..." Pearl snaps back to reality "I just didn't realize humans could come with pink hair."

Steven chuckles "They don't! You gotta go to the store and get this goo. It smells really bad, and it turns your hair whatever color you want!"

"Why would she do that?" Pearl asks

"Yes why?" Turquoise adds

"Why don't you go and ask her?" Steven asks

"Hey, yeah! We're about to go hang out with a bunch of cool humans! Go do a practice round!" Amethyst starts chanting "Do it! Do it! Do it!"

Pearl nervously walks up to the mystery girl, who is fixing herself a drink. Pearl peeks over her shoulder at her, before attempting to casually pick up a cup, but accidentally knocks over the whole stack of paper cups, startling the Mystery Girl.

"I... Uh..."

The Mystery Girl just walks away without saying a word. Pearl stares in slight disappointment as the Mystery Girl leaves the Big Donut.

"... Wooooow, woah woah woah, wow!"

"That was...what's the word...?" Turquoise starts

"Awful." Steven finishes Turquoise sentence

Amethyst and Steven buckle up in the back seat Turquoise takes the passenger seat, and Pearl buckles up in the driver seat.

"Well, you sure showed those cups who's boss." Amethyst jokes

"How do I..." Turquoise tries to click in his seat belt

"Here let me" Pearl takes his seat belt and clicks it in

"Amethyst, seat belt." Pearl says Amethyst complies. "Now let's go have the night of our lives!"

Pearl turns the car radio on and begins to drive. Amethyst starts air-drumming to the song, and nobody speaks during the trip until Steven breaks the silence.

"Okay, nobody's gonna say it? She kinda looked like Mom. You noticed, I noticed, we all noticed." Steven says

"I did notice that too" Turquoise adds

"Oh. Ohhh!" Amethyst kicks Pearl's seat "That's why you were acting like such a goon! Ha!"

"No, no, that's not it. I'm done thinking about the past. Tonight, I'm all about the future. I'm going to a show. I'm a new Gem who loves socializing with humans." Pearl blushes

"That's what that was?" Amethyst asks

"Are you sure? Seems like she still has a thing for pink hair" Turquoise says

"Sarcasm Turquoise Sarcasm" Amethyst says

"Look, you weren't there by the cups. I could've talked to her! The timing was just wrong." Pearl says

Just then, the Mystery Girl pulls up next to the Dondai on her motorcycle.

"It's the girl! She's driving right next to us!"

"No way!"

"Yes way" Turquoise says
"You've got another chance!" Steven says

"Yeah, do something!" Amethyst says

Pearl starts sweating anxiously "Like what? Flash my lights? Honk at her"?

"Just shoot her a look! ... Wait, not yet! Okay, okay. You can look... Now!" Amethyst says

Pearl nervously turns and looks over at the Mystery Girl at Amethyst's signal. The Mystery Girl looks back and smiles at Pearl, causing her to blush. The Mystery Girl then picks up speed, riding ahead of the Dondai and past a traffic light. The lights quickly turns red, forcing Pearl to stop the Dondai as the Mystery Girl rides off.

"Ooh, there she goes."

"You tried your best" Turquoise says

"Hey, maybe she's going to the same show as us!" Steven suggests

"I dunno. A girl that cool probably knows about a million shows going on tonight." Amethyst says

Pearl looks up at the red traffic light anxiously.

"Look at the probabil..." Turquoise is cut off

Pearl then suddenly puts on a determined look, shifts the car gears and hits the accelerator pedal, speeding through the red light.


"This is very irresponsible!" Turquoise says panicking by Pearl's reckless driving

"Gahhh!... Hahaha! Yeah, P!"

"W-What're you doing? The light was red!" Steven says

Pearl smugly smiles "I know."

Pearl shifts the car gears again, and begins to catch up to the Mystery Girl.

"There she is!"

"What's your plan?!" Steven says

"New Pearl; no plan."

"Oh, no kidding." Turquoise adds

Suddenly, red and blue lights beam into the Dondai, as a police siren is heard. Everyone gets uneasy as they spot a police car chasing them from behind.

"What's that?" Turquoise looks through the back window at the light

"The police want us!" Steven yells

"Oh, snap!" Amethyst says

Pearl gasps in panic "What do I do?!"

"You have to pull over to the side and show them your license." Steven explains

"I don't have a license!" Pearl yells

"Haha, oh stars" Turquoise begins to panic

"But you're old!"

"What was I supposed to tell the D.M.V? That I'm from another planet?! I'm not exactly a citizen, Steven!" Pearl explains

"Then what do we do?!" Steven cries worried

Pearl thinks for a bit and puts back on her determined look. She steps on the accelerator, causing Steven and Amethyst to yell in shock, as they speed past the Mystery Girl with the police in pursuit. Pearl turns up the volume music of the car radio while Amethyst cheers excitedly and Turquoise begins to get nauseous.

"Pearl, you can't just drive away! This is serious!" Steven says

"I don't like this!" Turquoise yells

"Pearl, you're a total bad-"

Pearl suddenly slams on the brake, jerking the car a bit as the tires screech on the road.

"This is why we buckle up." Pearl drifts the car around a sharp turn "Hold on!"

Pearl continues speeding along the road, leading the police car in a high-speed pursuit.


"Oh boy..."

"I don't feel good..." Turquoise says nauseously

The chase continues until Pearl spots a billboard that reads "OCEAN TOWN - No longer on FIRE". Pearl pulls on the hand brake and spins the Dondai around, parking it behind the billboard, out of the sight of the police. The police car drives by, not seeing the Dondai.

"Are they gone?"

"I think so." Pearl says

Everyone but Turquoise sigh in relief. Turquoise opens the window and throws up. Pearl attempts to start the engine of the Dondai, but fails.

"What is it?" Steven asks as Turquoise continues throwing up loudly

"We're out of gas." Pearl says looking at the fuel gauge

"Aww, what?"

"Wait, I'll find a gas station." Steven pulls out his phone "Looks like the closest one is... 20 miles away."

Amethyst facepalms "Ughh..."

"Maybe I could..." Turquoise starts to say but sticks his head back out the window and continues throwing up

The Quartet having decided to abandon the car, walks along the roadside, when Pearl stops abruptly

"I can't believe this."


"I was so ready! I really wanted to see your Krol."

"What are you talking about?" Turquoise asks

Pearl throws her jacket on the ground, and struggles to get out of her jeans "I was going to drink a juice and wear these- Ugh- pants!" She falls over "And... Grrr- Hit people gently enough as to not actually hurt them, and you'd say, "Wow, Pearl is really cool!" But nooooo!" She finally takes off her jeans "Instead, we drove to loud music, chased a mysterious woman into the night, and broke the law." Pearl sighs sharply "I've lost my edge. I should have stayed home"

"Listen to yourself! You're so hardcore! Who cares about pants? You gunned it from the cops!" Amethyst says trying to cheer Pearl up

"That's the most scared I've been since you almost let me die!" Steven says

"You're a criminal now." Turquoise says

"Now?" Pearl gets up "I've been a criminal for 6,000 years."

Amethyst chuckles, when music can be heard in the distance.

"Wait. Do you hear that?"

The four scurries through the bushes to find the source of the music, turning out to be the Mike Krol concert.

"We made it!" Steven says

Mike Krol is seen singing while a crowd listens, dances and lip-syncs along to his songs.

Steven gasps "And there's the girl!" Steven points at the Mystery Girl standing nearby "She's actually here!"

"My calculations where correct" Turquoise puts his hands on his hips

"No way." Amethyst says shocked

"I'm going to talk to her." Pearl says

"Look, Pearl. I already think you're cool. You can ease into the socializing with humans thing." Amethyst nervously says

Pearl smiles and glances at the Mystery Girl "Watch Steven for me." Pearl says as she approaches the Mystery Girl

"Wait, no! You can start smaller! Talk to a nerd!" Amethyst yells

"No need." Turquoise nudges Amethyst

Amethyst and Steven watch on as Pearl begins interacting with the Mystery Girl. She first holds out her hand to the Mystery Girl.

"Oh no! Oh, she's starting with a handshake?!" Amethyst grips her hair

The Mystery Girl shakes Pearl's hand with a smile.

"Oh! She went for it! They're both smiling!"

"That's good right?" Turquoise asks

Pearl begins to speak to the Mystery Girl, inaudible to Turquoise, Steven and Amethyst over the loud music.

"I can't believe this. Oh, what is Pearl saying?" Amethyst asks

"I can't hear my audio detectors are overwhelmed by the loud music" Turquoise says

The Mystery Girl starts laughing.

"I don't know, but the girl's laughing." Steven adds

"Do you think she's laughing at her or with her?" Amethyst asks

"Hard to tell."

"With?" Turquoise suggests

"Shh, she's coming back!" Steven and Amethyst run over to Pearl, Turquoise following behind them, as she walks back to them.

"How'd it go?" Amethyst asks

"I asked her about her hair, and then she asked how I colored mine. I told her, "My appearance is just a conscious manifestation of light." And she said, "I know how that is." Although, heh, I highly doubt it. Oh! And then I added, "By the way, I saved your planet, and your species, and you're welcome." Pearl explains

Amethyst taken aback and Turquoise just covers his eye embarassed for Pearl "And how'd that go over?"

"Not very well. She walked off after giving me some sort of code." Pearl holds out a piece of paper, reading a 555 phone number. Amethyst starts chuckling in delight.

"No way!"

"What is this code?" Turquoise asks

"Pearl! That's a phone number! She wants you to call her and talk to her on the phone!" Steven explains

"Oh... well... I don't have a phone."

"Pearl! You just like gave her some Shakesperian spiel about light, then got her number like it was nothing?!" Amethyst keeps giggling "Pearl, you're a total rockstar!"

Pearl looks down at the piece of paper and smiles.

"Come on I wish to shove some humans"

Amethyst takes Pearl's hand and walks into the garage Steven and Turquoise following but Turquoise hits his head on the garage door.

That's chapter 27!!! One of my favourite episodes and im glad i got to squeeze Aventurine And Sodalite in there See y'all in chapter 28. "Gem harvest"

Let me know what you think in the comments!!!


INSTAGRAM: Rubeedude_Turquoise

TWITTER: OmegaRedArts1

ALL DRAWINGS WILL BE ON MY INSTAGRAM. If you have any fan art, send it to me there!!!

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