Flirting Fails

By Christinaclair

435 37 6

Just cale trying and failing to get out of friend zone. Because his love interest defines the terms dense an... More

The color of love


160 16 2
By Christinaclair

Cale finally decided on the wall because given his history of epic fails , he could quite vividly imagine what would happen if he tried the bed.

First, he would easily succeed in getting Roksoo under him and his traitorous face would redden with a too loud heartbeat.

Immediately after that, Roksoo would look at his flushed out face and frown slightly with concern. Then proceed to put the back of his hand on Cale's forehead to check his temperature which would be hot and keep getting hotter with his increasing embarrassment.

Lastly, before Cale could even register what happened, he would be tucked into the bed securely, sheets upto his chin as Roksoo goes to look for a thermometer to check how high his non-existent fever is because his face will be burning in shame of yet another fail.

He just knew it would happen.

In that order.

So that became an instant no. And walls were usually used in dramas too. Right? So wall it is.

Even then , there were a surprising amount of problems with something that was supposed to be so simple that it was a rather famous cliché.

It took Cale three attempts to finally get it right. The first issue he faced was when he thought to corner Roksoo on the kitchen counter while he was busy cooking.

The redhead stared at the cook that looked just as delicious as the food itself and couldn't stop himself from going up to him and just wrapping his arms around the cook after giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Roksoo didn't turn around but he did bring one of the hands around him to his lips to softly kiss the back of the his hand in greeting. Cale ended up leaning on Roksoo, cheek pressed against  his neck and just looking over his broad shoulders at the food , forgetting all about his plans and melting into the comfortable warmth.

By the time Cale remembered what he  initially came to do , the food was done and he had remembered a rather crucial detail about kitchen scenes.

In media, One person gets pushed and more or less ends up laying on the counter while the other looms over them , which causes the tension in the air around them to tighten and then snap into a make out session that either starts or ends with a confession.

Even if Cale can get Roksoo to turn around and push him all the way to an empty space that they can lean on, Regardless of whether Roksoo is standing or sitting , he would still be looking down on Cale, there was just no looming over Kim Rok Soo.

At least, not anymore considering the once scrawny kid now towered over everyone.

Lost in his thoughts,  Cale hadn't even noticed that he was no longer in the kitchen but seated at the dining table, having followed Roksoo's lead unconsciously until a pair of chopsticks with food on them touched his lips and brought him back to reality.

Blinking up at Roksoo who was looking at him questioningly, Cale wordlessly opened his mouth to accept the food and got lost in thought again while being fed as Roksoo simultaneously feeds both of them.

For his second attempt,  Cale did a much better job of keeping his head on track as he prowled towards Roksoo with perfectly measured, confident steps. His face set in a stoic mask as he approached the other.

In a perfect scenario, for every step Cale took forward,  Roksoo would have taken a step back until he hits the wall and has no where to escape with no other choice but to be at the Redhead's mercy.

There had never been perfect scenarios as far as Cale could remember and his luck wasn't about to start favoring him now.

Roksoo didn't move an inch from his place.

Cale scowled when he reached Roksoo and the other didn't so much as flinch when Cale entered his personal space until they were toe to toe with Cale looking for all the world like he was planning to commit  murder.

Instead he got enveloped in a warm embrace, Roksoo's hands running through his hair and back in comforting motions until he couldn't hold up the act anymore and slumped into the other's hold , thoroughly defeated.

"What's wrong?" Came a nonchalant voice in his ear as he felt lips press against the side of his head and Cale had to look up, and into worried eyes when the hand in his hair cupped his jaw and gently lifted his face up, thumb brushing his cheek soothingly.

"You have been out of it since morning Cale, Is there something wrong?"

Ah, now there was an undertone of a threat there. Not directed towards Cale but at whoever caused him distress.

Cale was starting to feel bad now , so he smiled at Roksoo , tilting his head to the head to kiss his palm.

"Nothing. I just wanted to hug you." Then proceeded to do just that. Slightly having to tiptoe to hide away his face in the others shoulder.

"Hmm. As long as you are alright." This time the kiss landed on the exposed part of his neck and his eyes fluttered closed to savor it. This wasn't what he was aiming for but it isn't all that bad.

Theoretically, Cale could just slam Roksoo into the nearest wall and there would be no more hassle but there was absolutely nothing in Cale willing to cause Roksoo any form of pain. He would happily take a 100 more embarrassments and fails over even a second of Roksoo's pain.

He could wait.

He could find different ways.

The time the redhead finally succeeded was when he spotted the workaholic slacker leaning against the wall ,typing away at his phone with immense concentration , definitely working again.

Cale, dead set on acting like his teenage self , speed walked upto Roksoo and slammed his hands on either side of his head, successfully caging him in.

He almost smiled in triumph when he saw  Roksoo get startled, finally a good reaction, Roksoo composed himself in less than a minute but his eyes were still shaking,  positively spooked by this sudden turn of events.

It was just like how it goes in fiction. Cale was just elated enough to ignore the fact that he could never get the full experience because Roksoo was about a head taller than him and had broader shoulders too. But that was whatever, he finally succeeded!

"I love you."

He declared once again with half lidded eyes, glaring at the dense idiot through his lashes because the idiot didn't get what Cale meant even when told to the face.


Before Roksoo could spew any form of bullshit,  Cale cut him off by covering his mouth with his palm.
Roksoo remained stoic but his eyes were now blown wide. Good.

Confidence increased and trashy persona cranked up to the max, Cale leaned in with a smirk on his face and demanded in a low voice.

"You will marry me."

There was a moment of silence and then Roksoo dropped his head on Cale's shoulder. His own shoulders visibly shaking. It made Cale wonder if maybe he overdid it?

From an outside perspective, it was the perfect scene, one many teens and  young adults tended to fantasize about,  hence its popularity.

Who wouldn't want a rich, hot CEO desperately in love with them? Cale had all of the looks, money, influence and in some cases even the older age that many people so desire. It was the reason why so many sought him out.

But at that moment, he was too fixated on his trembling heart to care about any of that.

Even though it was more than 2 decades ago, he can still vividly remember the fear on people's faces when he acted like trash. His own family intimidated and siblings he treasured shaking at his presence.

He didn't really scare Roksoo right?

Of course not. Roksoo had never been scared of him even when they hadn't really known each other. Looking through his mask since the day they met.

Cale let out a startled yelp when Roksoo suddenly grabbed his waist while his other hand took hold of his face to press their foreheads together. A look of pure adoration on his usually stoic face as mirth danced in his eyes.

"How are you so precious? Hmm?"

Cale almost short circuited as Roksoo affectionately rubbed his nose against Cale's. Confusion painted across his features.

Apparently, from Roksoo's perspective, Cale was about as scary as a toy poodle.

Cale tried to be offended, but it was really hard when so much sweetness was directed at him. He couldn't help but giggle as his cheek was nuzzled.

"So? Your answer?"

"I don't remember there being a question."

Roksoo teased and the redhead flushed a bit.

"Well?Do you love me?" Cale persisted because this has been going on too long.

"Of course,  that's what I was saying-"

"As a friend." Cale cut him off again, having heard this enough times already.


"You love me because I am your best friend."


"Oh...." Cale visibly drooped at the confirmation.

That finally clued Roksoo in that something was wrong here.

"What's wrong?"

Cale steeled himself for the rejection, now just wanting to get this over with because he could feel tears pricking the back of his eyes.

"I love you...."

"I-" This time he placed his shaking fingers over his friends  lips to shut him up because he needed to get away before the tears fell.

"Not just as friends but romantically." He whispered in a barely audible voice.

Instead of the response he was expecting, Roksoo kissed the fingers covering his lips, making Cale try to jerk his hand back. But it was caught again and The other entwined their fingers together.

"Who said anything about loving just as friends?"

"Huh?" It was the redhead's turn to be confused.

"I love you as my best friend and my lover. It doesn't have to be just one you know. You are just twice as important to me."

That was a lot to unpack. But first,

"Your what?!"

"Best friend?"

"No you bastard! The other one!"


"Since when?!"

"We have been together for years now? You just demanded us to get married minutes ago?"

"But-  I thought- you never- . Why didn't you ever say anything?!"

A single tear slid down his cheek from sheer relief he was feeling. This idiot!

That had Roksoo immediately panicking. Good. Suffer with me.

"I am sorry Cale. I am so sorry. I just thought it was obvious."

Cale closed his left eye as he felt lips press against the corner of his eyelid. Thumb brushing the tear away.

" Please don't cry love."

That address just made the redhead burst out more into tears instantly. And Roksoo changed tactics, pecking him all over the face until he starting laughing.

" So how was it obvious?" When all my flirting efforts failed. This was very important.

" I hug and kiss you on a regular basis?"

" Isn't that because we are friends?"

"Of course not. The most I let Jungsoo or anyone else ever do is pull me into a very very brief hug on extremely rare occasions."

"Really? I thought I was different because I am obviously touch starved so you just indulge me more."

Cale head slightly tilted to the side in confusion. At that fairly innocent response Roksoo had to take a deep breath. Was he mad?

"Cale. Listen to me carefully okay?"

The hand around his waist slipped inside his shirt, fingers brushing against his skin.

"I feel you up."

A soft kiss was placed on his neck, right on the pulse.

"I kiss you where no friend do."

The thumb that was brushing his tears started rubbing his lips.

"And I am downright perverted when it comes to you."

That last one was a soft whisper, like Roksoo was sharing a secret with him. Cale thought Roksoo was just being unfair to himself considering they had never really done anything.

" Those are not friendly or platonic things and i really hope you are not insinuating that you would let any friend touch you like that."

The hold on his waist tightened slightly. Huh. Guess he wasn't imagining the possessiveness afterall.

"Of course not. I only let you do all that because  it was you. I have loved you since forever you know."

That earned him a very rare, beautiful smile.

"Me too."

Well that had him skeptical.  So he raised an eyebrow on him.

" Since when exactly?" Cale was curious.

"I first started giving you flowers when you started growing your hair in our university years. That for starters is not just friendly behavior."

"I thought- So everytime you brought red roses for me , they weren't for my hair?"

"Red roses are the universal sign of love, desire and passion."

All this time that he thought that Roksoo was the oblivious one and he was the one failing spectacularly at flirting.

All this time....

"You were flirting with me?"

Since he first developed his crush. He failed to notice it was mutual.

" You finally noticed?" Now Roksoo was definitely amused. Cale was just plain dumbfounded.

They are both dense idiots.

"I think i need to lie down." Cale was starting to feel faint from that Rollercoaster of emotions.

Relocating to the couch, Roksoo helped lay down with a kiss to the temple before draping himself over like a blanket like usual, Cale took a moment to collect his thoughts and process everything that happened running his fingers through the silky black hair, enjoying the butterfly kisses on the column of his neck.

It wasn't anything unusual, though this time there was the knowledge that his feelings were reciprocated as he further bared his throat expecting nothing but sweet kisses or a little bit of nuzzling.

He was not ready for an open mouthed kiss , a bite, and harsh sucking that would definitely leave a hickey. The sensation of a tongue tracing his pulse wasn't unwelcome but it definitely startled him, specially considering he only then noticed his shirt getting undone.

Roksoo looked at him in confusion and Cale frowned at him for not warning him in advance. He was not pouting.  He definitely wasn't.

That only served to divert his lover's attention to his lips. Cale was suddenly feeling overwhelmed.

Instead of their lips touching , their foreheads touched instead. Noses bumping into each other and making them laugh slightly.


The caresses on his cheek was comforting and the familiarity gave him more confidence.

He breathed out a yes. But didn't want to back down.

"Close your eyes. Trust me."

So Cale did. Soft lips brushed against his own in a gentle touch. Once. Then twice and then again. It felt good and his lips parted on a content sigh. The other pair of lips on him caught his bottom lip , just briefly before letting go. Af if playing with him. It was strangely sweet. He felt himself relaxing and a getting a bit eager. When he felt Roksoo's tongue running  against the seam of his lips , his lips parted on instinct, easily letting giving  into it , lost in the pleasant sensation as the kiss slowly deepened.

It was a strangely familiar sensation, the feel of Roksoo's lips on his. As he had done it a million times before but from what Cale could remember this was his first kiss.

When they finally separated with just barely enough space between them to breath, Cale looked at the darkened but still full of love look in Roksoo's eyes and felt that it was familiar. The feeling of greedy hands running all over him was familiar too.

"I think this is our first time kissing with our heads clear."

It was an offhanded comment, meant to bring out a chuckle but it made Cale wonder when.

"We have done this before?"

"Yes? You don't remember?"

"Of course not. Or i would have kissed you when sober years ago."

"I thought that you just didn't like to mention it because you always told me when drunk that you drank so you could kiss me. I just thought you were shy."

They were both spotting twin dumbfounded expressions now.

But now that Roksoo mentioned it,It was obvious that Cale was the only black out drunk and Roksoo remembered everything with that perfect memory of his. Maybe his efforts weren't all a fail afterall. But now he was curious.

He always woke up normally so he never questioned anything but now he is curious.  The sensation of hands running all over him was familiar. But there was nothing notably different about him the next morning except for one thing....

"Say... Do i sleep funny when i am too drunk? I always have aching nipples when i wake up. Do you know something about that."

That got him a scammer smile and Cale thought that he might be right.

"Oh That? It was just...."

Cale suddenly felt a pinch that prooved his thoughts right. It wasn't nearly enough to cause that amount of soreness though. So Cale forgave him. Totally not because of  the mischievous expression that he had a soft spot for.

"Just how bad did you pinch them when drunk."

He gave a half-hearted glare. Only for that smile to widen.

"That's where you are wrong love. I only ever pinched lightly."

He then leaned over to whisper in Cale's ear.

"Anything else is because a certain someone always demands for me to kiss it better and then doesn't let me stop. What am i to do but follow my beloved's orders."

He looked like a cat. A very smug cat.

"Then how come am i always perfectly fine otherwise."

And now the smug black cat was chuckling at the poor clueless puppy.

"Well, someone always passes out before things could escalate too much  so."

That shrug screamed 'it is what it is.'

"What's stopping you now?" A challenge and a request.

"Absolutely nothing."

His eyes darkened some more with retrained desire but made no move to touch him expect for softly caressing his hair.

"Not nervous anymore?"  Roksoo moved some hair out of Cale's eyes to be absolutely sure. Because he would never hurt him.

"No. Because I trust you."

Cale let all his feelings show on his face. Pecking his lover gently as his lips curved up into a bright smile that always momentarily stunts Roksoo before surrendering himself over completely to the other. What is it that his Roksoo always says?

"So do whatever you want."


Extra: Late at night.

Cale couldn't get the thought of Roksoo hating his scars out of his mind that night and that was preventing him from falling asleep unlike a certain someone.

Looking at his soon to be husband and remembering Roksoo's obsession with his own singular scar that was barely visible unless you knew to look for it. Cale made up his mind.

Roksoo made sure Cale knew he was beautiful , always tracing and kissing the scar on his side loving as if was beautiful just for being a part of Cale.
He also knew that most of Roksoo's fixation came from the fact that Cale had gotten that scar before they met so Roksoo couldn't have prevented it.

Roksoo believed himself to be ugly and that was unacceptable. Cale was absent-mindedly tracing one of Roksoo's scars that wasn't covered,  since it was on the back of his palm when Roksoo stirred awake. Well better now than later.



He kissed the scar and saw Roksoo frown slightly. So he shifted his focus to kiss all of his fingertips instead, followed by all the knuckles.
He felt the other shiver slightly he dropped an open mouthed kiss on the  wrist , feeling his lover's pulse flutter against his lips.

Getting no resistance from the other , the redhead placed his hands on either side of his lover's head and braced himself on top of the other. He playfully kissed the younger man's forehead ,  eyelids , cheeks , nose and the corner of his lips.

Looking at the pleased confusion on the other's face.

" Let's reverse the roles for tonight."

Cale whispered in Roksoo's ear before kissing the reddened tips. He looks so adorable like this. Roksoo usually drowned him in affectionate caressed, Cale wanted to the same for him.

Cals traced the scar on Roksoo's collarbone with a feather light touch as he started to unbutton his shirt to reveal more of them. And felt Roksoo stiffen ever so slightly.

"Do you hate it or dislike my touch?"

He stopped instantly to inquire. Gently cupping one of his cheeks.


"Does it hurt then?"

He would stop if that were the case. His goal was pleasure not plain.

"They are ugly." Said in the most matter of fact tone ever.

"Don't you always tell me my scar is beautiful because it is a part of me? Would you not grant me the same honor of kissing them better for you."

Following a rather deep sigh were the magic words.

"Do what you want."

So Cale kissed and caressed every last inch of his lover. Making sure to pay extra attention to every little scar, every proof that Roksoo had survived.

He was curious about the stories that each one no doubt carries but asking would bring back bad memories and he would never do that.

Tonight would be a long night because he would drown Roksoo in his love until the frustrating idiot starts believing what Cale can so clearly see. That he is absolutely beautiful.


Anyone want Roksoo's pov?

Anyway that's the end. Toodles🖐

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