By helxiq

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I was drowning in her kiss. The intensity of it filled me with sensations I'd never felt before. I taste her... More



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By helxiq

November 12th, 2022

over 2 months ago..

5:30 p.m

"You're rude."  Hayden tells Alea as the both of them are in the library. On the contrary, Alea's actually studying while Hayden is slightly high.

NYU's library is vast and big enough for everyone to do their homework and study and do projects without anyone bothering anyone but just her luck, Hayden Zhang had to be there too.

And he was set on bothering her.

Why did he decide to go to the library high? The world will never know.

"I'm aware." She tells him, never looking up from her studies.

"And brutally honest." He adds.

"Yes.." To say she was irritated would be an understatement.

"And just plain cruel." He adds, again.

"Are you going to get to the point now or are you just going to continue to bother me?" Alea asks, finally looking up from her textbook on innovations of marketing, what she should be reading and taking notes on.

"See! Just proved my point." Hayden says, slouching over the chair to face her.

"What point?" She asks angrily.

"That you're mean."

"Yes, you've mentioned that already." Alea didn't have time to be conversing in such a pointless conversation yet he was provoking such anger in her she couldn't help but reply.

"Why is that?"

"Why is it that you're insufferably annoying?" She counters, her bad mood only increasing.

"That's just who I am. To my core."

"Hm. I think you got your answer then."

"Nope. That's not it. People aren't born mean. They're made that way." Alea tilts her head as she asks,

"Do you have anything else better to do than to disturb and infuriate me?"

"No, not really kiddo."

Alea rolls her eyes at the idiotic boy before going back to looking at her textbook.

"Come on! Just- what's that word again? Engage me? No, um.."

"Indulge me! That's the one." Hayden smiled at getting the word out, pointing in the air.

"Just indulge me. Pleaseeee?"

Out of fury and rage, Alea snaps.

"What do you want me to say? That personal life experiences have made me the way that I am? That my mom dying and my uncle killing himself only months after— has changed me?"

"Made me mean and cruel and unloving and uncaring. Because yes, yes it has." Alea can't even stop the words coming out of her mouth as she's just so incredibly annoyed and irritated,

"I'm getting meaner by the day and I can't even help it. Each day that passes by, I just get more and more sick and tired of everyone else in the world."

"So I'm sorry, Hayden. I'm sorry I'm not some ditzy daisy of a person like you, is that what you so desperately wanted to hear?" Alea asks.

There's silence for a while before he speaks,

"I think you're only mad at the world. For taking the two most precious people to you, so young too." The sincerity in his voice takes her aback, causing her to freeze. She just yelled at him and yet he's talking to her with such gentleness it unnerved her.

"I think when you see people you're just constantly reminded of the two people you lost. Because, why out of everyone else in the world— did it have to be them?"

Could everyone just see right through her?

"I'm not in psychology and I'm not trying to analyze you or anything but I think it's at least important to take note of."

"I care about you. You're one of us now, whether you like it or not." Alea almost laughs at this.

"What does that even mean?"

"It means, you have people who care about you and that's going to annoy you out of your mind constantly."

Unintentionally, this makes her smile. Alea's smiling so hard it hurts, but she can't help it. She has to fight the urge to not cry. No one's ever been there for her before, a couple a times yes, but everytime she's only ever pushed them away.

Pushed him away.

Now, here stands Hayden, declaring her one of his friends. Declaring that he cares about her.

Even though they've only known each other a little while.

"I'm sorry I was mean to you." Alea apologizes.

"It's okay. You can make it up to me."



"Count me in." A familiar voice added.


Despite not talking to each other that much, Alea always felt a certain pull towards him. Or perhaps, that's because she found him so attractive. Which he was, he was beyond that.

"Jamie! My best bud, what are you doing here?" Hayden exclaims, getting up from his chair to greet the boy with a tight hug.

Alea always thought of their relationship as.. sweet.

"Well I asked Aidan and Leighton if they were with you and they said no, so I checked your location and came here to make sure you weren't.. I don't know, sleeping somewhere. High out of your mind."

"Well I'm not sleeping anywhere, I'm actually wide awake but high out of my mind? Maybe." Hayden grinned.

Jamie groaned before making eye contact with Alea. It was like he didn't even see her before, as his eyes widen in surprise.

"I hope he wasn't talking your ear off."

"Oh no, he was. But I kinda enjoyed it. He was saying things I needed to hear." Jamie slightly smiled at that. "Yeah, he does that."

"I'm right here, by the way! I can hear what you're saying about me." He whined.

"Yeah, yeah. Maybe we should go to Starbucks, calm you down." Jamie suggested which was like music to Hayden's ears.

Hayden's smile was as big as ever when he said, "You'll go to Starbucks with me?"

"Sure, Hayden."

"I love when you say my name." Hayden rejoiced, hugging Jamie one more time. It was like he couldn't let go of him.

"Alright, alright." He said, gently pushing Hayden off him.

"Hey, Alea, do you want to come?"

Alea wasn't sure. She'd barely even spoke to Jamie before let alone hung out with him and she did have her textbook and notes and studies to get back to-

"Sure." She said without thinking.

"Great." Jamie smiled.

"Oh and by the way, what's your favorite book quote?" He asked.

* this will be a VERY smutty chapter, read at your own discretion! *

Friday, January 30th, 2023

5:37 p.m

3 hours before..


"Has anyone talked to them today?" Hayden asks me and Jamie as we all sit inside a Starbucks, referring to the Valak siblings.

"I haven't spoken or seen Leighton since last weekend." I say, as nonchalantly as I can trying to hide the fact that I actually care that we haven't spoken, but failing miserably. Not because anything happened but we've both been busy, I suppose. And tutoring had been canceled all week so it wasn't like we were forced to see each other.

I hate that I care.

But I do.

I really do.

Despite all of our notorious ups and downs, I've gotten used to his presence. His eyes, his smile, his voice. I'm too accustomed to it all and to be without it, to be without him?

I can't even fathom the thought.

I can barely remember how life was before meeting him, he's completely taken over my life.

At times it feels as though we've always known each other, like I've never not known Leighton Valak. Which is foolish on my part, considering I only met him several months ago.

Instinctively, I touch my necklace, it being a reminder of him. So, even though he isn't around, I can always feel him. It some way shape or form.

It's ridiculous and absurd and I despise it.

"They did say that it was a family day." Jamie says
as he sips his Mocha latte. His dark chocolate eyes only on Hayden as he speaks.

Hayden frowns. "I just feel bad about the entire situation. It's all really fucked up, you know?"

Jamie and I both nod in unison.

No wonder Leighton's the way he is. His father never gave his existence a thought, his mother was incredibly overbearing and his girlfriend took advantage of his brother and though it was a misunderstanding, practically ruined their relationship for 2 years.

Makes me realize how you can never really know someone.

Makes me regret even more all I said to him months back. I was ignorant. I didn't know him. I still don't, to be fair.

"It's even more fucked up when you think about how much Leighton cared about Emmalyn. I haven't known him for all that long but I don't think I've ever seen someone so distraught over an ex." Jamie adds and his words are like a punch to the gut.

I grimace at the reminder that Leighton and that girl were together. It's disturbing to think about. Even more so as my heart almost sank at the thought of him caring so much about her.

I don't know why it bothers me.

Me and him aren't together. We're just having fun, as young adults often do.

"Don't even get me started." Hayden murmurs,

"When I met him last year, he was so depressed and beat up about it. I thought going to parties would help, but now I see it probably just made things worse for him." He sounds regretful.

And considering how he was just crying in my arms Sunday, he probably feels like it's his fault. Honestly, I never would've thought Hayden to be so complex and complicated.

He always seemed so happy, so energetic. He was literally the embodiment of living life to the fullest.

Now, I can't help but think he's just as deeply broken as the rest of us.

"Don't beat yourself up about it." Jamie reassures him, putting his hand on his shoulder and they have a short moment of prolonged eye contact. I immediately feel like I'm interrupting something just by being here.

"Um, anyway—" Hayden clears his throat when Jamie removes his hand from his shoulder, his face a bit red.

"I just hope everything's okay."

Me and Jamie agree.

"Honestly, I kind of blame myself," Hayden admits, his eyes full of sorrow.

"Why?" Me and Jamie say in unison.

"I always knew he was sad. Hell, anyone with fucking eyes could see it. But I never looked past that."

"I never considered how deep it ran."

No one ever does.

"Hayden, I don't think that's on you. At all." I say, attempting to reassure him but I feel as though he's not even trying to listen.

"I don't know."

"He's lonely. He's always been so lonely and I never knew how to make him feel less alone so I just didn't do anything about it."

"Stop swallowing in self pity. It's not your job to make everyone happy." I tell him, my tone harsher than I intended.

"Listen to Alea. She's right, that type of thinking is not going to help anyone, least of all you." Jamie chimes in, which seems to hopefully help more effectively as his tone is soft and gentle. It always is when he's talking to Hayden.

"You weren't there for him when he needed it then. Just be there for him now, when he needs it most."

Hayden gives a slight smile at the both of us, nodding in agreement. It looks as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders and I feel a little happy to have helped it lift. Hayden's one of the reasons why I've been trying to change. Be nicer, more patient, open. He saw a side of me that I didn't even see myself. And now I'm trying to live up it.

"Alea, I know you don't think so, but ever since meeting you— I think, he's been a lot less lonely."

"What?" I'm taken aback immediately by his sentiment.

"I don't know, it just seems like you get him in a way none of us really do." Hayden states. My heart stupidly flutters in my chest and I almost smile at the thought.

"Maybe that's why you guys want to hate each other so much, you see yourselves in each other."

Sometimes Hayden Zhang says some really smart things, and sometimes Hayden Zhang says some really dumb things. Which one was this?

I couldn't tell.

"Leighton's friends! And Alea.." A voice. A particularly annoying voice said, walking up to the table. My head almost wanted to explode the minute I heard her say my name.

For reasons unknown, Marissa Peters hated me.

From the moment I walked into our shared dormitory, she looked at me with so much disdain I almost thought I knew her. Which I didn't. That was the first time we had ever met and she had already made up in her mind to loathe me.

The irony is not lost on me.

Perhaps she hates me because I'm everything she's not, which is why girls often hate other girls. And because of other foolish and idiotic reasons, like boys.

She isn't ugly by any means, well, at least her face isn't. She's very skinny and petite, she has the body girls would kill and sometimes, literally die for.

Marissa Peters is also very rich, of course, it's all daddy's money but she's still rich nonetheless. It always confused me vigorously why she hated me when she had practically everything I didn't.

Whatever the reason, it was tiresome.

"Marissa, Leighton's one hit wonder, how's life been?" Jamie asked, prompting a laugh from me and Hayden— who spits out his coffee in dramatic Hayden fashion. Marrisa's pale face heated up instantly, her white cheeks now rosy.

Or maybe that was just due to the cold.

"2 hit wonder, actually." She grinned, watching the expressions on all of our faces. I controlled mine, not letting her get to me. The others seemed pretty unimpressed as well.

"And when was this?" Hayden taunted. His eyes making fun of her. "Last weekend."

"You're lying." Jamie says.

"Am I?" Her grin grows more wide. I roll my eyes, unfazed by her and her attempts at deception. Even if what she was saying was true, who cares? I don't.

It's not like whatever Leighton does is any of my business. Marissa storms off to get in line as she sees she didn't get the reactions she had wanted.

"Anyway." Hayden says before starting up a conversation about basketball which prompts a heated discussion about whether or not football or basketball is better with Jamie.

I just laugh at their ridiculous argument.

Their bickering being one of a married couple.

"Oh and I almost forgot, Marissa told me what happened at the party last weekend." I tease
Leighton jokingly.

His smile fades. "What?"

I can tell immediately that what she told me was true by the look in his grey eyes. Disappointment ran through me as well as doubt. I had only mentioned it because I thought it was a lie, a joke.

"Oh. It wasn't.. a lie?"


"No need to explain. Just shut up." I tell him, attempting to kiss him and avoid the awkward conversation but he pulls back.

Only looking at me somberly.

"Don't look at me like that."

"Alea, I'm sorry. It was so fucking stupid and I-"

I cut him off.

"It's fine. I don't care, we aren't together."

He rolls his eyes, annoyance slapped on his face. "I know that. We both agreed on this not being anything more than what it is."

"Great. So why are you still talking?"

"Because I don't want to you to think that I want anyone else other than you." My brain almost melts.

He brings his hand up to cuff the side of my face, his grey eyes seeping into mine. I can't even stay mad at him. Not that I even had a real reason to anyway.

"Okay." I say, finally.

"You believe me?" He asks, he hands going back down to my waist as I'm still sitting on top of him, in his lap.


"Yes. Yes I believe you, Leighton." He smirks up at me as our lips meet cautiously and carefully.

It's a soft and gentle kiss before it turns back into seething hot passion. As our tounges roam each other's mouths, the only thing keeping me sane is my thoughts as his hands roam my upper body, his hands massaging my chest.

I grind against him, my bare underwear feeling his erected penis through his pants.

I want so badly to pull his pants down and have him all in my mouth, but I retrain myself as the mere feeling of it underneath me causes my panties to be soaked.  Which Leighton notices immediately as I can feel his lips form into a delighted smile before he whispers in my ear,

"I've barely even touched you and you're already so wet." 

The sound of his voice so closely against my ear makes me almost lose the ability to think.

I push him down on the bed and I allow my hands to venture up his shirt, caressing his fit body before I take it off myself. I start kissing him everywhere, behind his ear down to his neck, all the way down to his chest. His body is perfectly smooth and fine as I make my way down to his waist line.

I can hear him groan slightly, which only encourages me more. His groans resonating in my head. An unknown longing grows in me.

I go back up to him as I say in his ear,

"Make me wetter." Our eyes meet and the shared lust between us is overwhelming.

He flips me over powerfully, his broad tattooed shoulders loaming over me.

God, he's so sexy.

He goes under my shirt as he kisses and bites up to my neck, down to my chest. I'm going crazy as I arch my back slightly against the sheets at the sensation of his lips on my body. Nothing feels better than this, when his every touch ignites such a strong intense craving for more.

I can never get enough of him. Even if he's thawed into my skin, I will always be yearning for more of his touch, his kiss, his tongue. Him. More of him.


I don't ever want to know what it feels like to be untouched by him.  

"Oh, fuck.. Leighton.." I moan as he starts sucking on my left breast, the feeling making me lose my mind. His tongue swirls around my nipple while his hands go down my panties, his fingers entering me with such ease that I let out a gasp.

He takes off my panties leaving me feeling more exposed, but I nod for him to continue.

He goes down and with one hand, pins both of my hands up over my head as his tongue flickers my clit.

He licks my warm cunt with pleasure as soft moans leave me, I've definitely gone insane now.

My eyes almost roll to the back of my head as with his other hand he continues to finger me while simultaneously eating me out.

His tounge going so deep inside me, I didn't even know it was possible— I'm whining and losing myself as his nose is buried inside me as he continues to eat me alive.

He stops fingering me for a moment while he uses his free hand to spread apart the lips a bit more before going right back to devouring me.

I can't control myself nor my moans any longer, I roll my hips as a murmured 'fuck' leaves my mouth when he licks from my hole to my clit, filthy sounds filling the room.

He smiles all the while, seeming to enjoy me beyond comprehension.

A series of moans and profanities leave me. Watching him enjoy me so much turns me on even more, "L-Leighton.." I whimper, feeling my climax.

"I love when you say my name like that." Lifting his head up, Leighton finally releases my hands as his own come up to neck.

Softly choking me as he pulls me in for a kiss.

Our tounges are fighting for dominance and I can't help but lose, he's completely taking over me. I've never seen him like this before, dominant and aggressive.

I want more of it.

But he pulls back, allowing me to overpower him. His free hand, slipping two fingers inside me. I softly moan against his lips, my orgasm close.

Leighton pulls back from the kiss going back down my body and shoving three fingers into me, his tongue licking my clit at a faster pace than before.

I'm so stimulated that I hold his head tightly with my thighs and mash myself into his face.

Leighton doesn't seem at all bothered by it as the smile on his face just grows wider before he brings up his hand to choke me again.

This gives me such a hard jerk that I grip his head even harder with my thighs, my clitoral hood being almost inside his nose.

Still, he does not stop. He keeps on going while I'm turning left and right, tight and weak in between the legs at the same time.

"Fuck, fuck, Lei... I'm going to cum." I breathe, arching my back. The feeling of climaxing brings such ecstasy that I could've sworn I seen stars. He completely cleans it all up, licking away all the liquid with a devilishly smirk on his face before he mutters to me; "You taste so good, baby."

Leighton then licks his lips with a little smile.

I've never been a overly sexual person, I never craved intimacy such as this before. But being with him creates such a strong hunger, desire— that I've never once had. Each day that passes makes it more and more difficult to be away from him.

I want his touch every second of the day. I want his tongue deep in my mouth, deep in my body.
I want his hands in me, around me. Everywhere.

I want him, everywhere.

I wrap my arms around him as I pull him in for another kiss, my hands roaming, he's gripping my chest, my ass. I softly groan through our kiss while his tongue enters my mouth. This time, there isn't a fight for dominance.

I win instantly before I climb on top of him, flipping us over once more. Now I'm grinding on him again, never once breaking our lips apart. His hands are tightly wrapped around my ass as I continue to move, feeling his hard on getting even harder, if possible.

He groans and groans through our breathless kiss.

I kiss him along his neck, down to his chest, I kiss him everywhere. Sucking on parts of his neck, his chest, before going along his waistline, kissing down there as well.

I stop myself, remembering the last time.

"Can I...?"

Leighton hesitates. He's relucent. For what reason? I'm not sure. But I don't want to go too far nor do I want to make him uncomfortable. Sometimes, I want him so badly I forget myself.

He slowly nods.

We reposition again.

He's sitting on the edge of the bed, I'm sitting on my knees on the floor below him. I don't break eye contact as my meaty brown eyes meet his cloudy grey ones and I carefully slide his pants downward, my heart beating with anticipation.

When his pants are down and I'm left sitting in front of him purely in his underwear, I'm left speechless.

Fuck, he's huge.

Even through his boxers I can tell by the giant bulge that's infront of me. My mouth's watering just looking at it. I feel like a slut getting so excited and giddy at the sight of his penis.

But how can you not?

I pull his boxers down and his hard erection pops out. I lick my lips out of instinct before going to taking him in my mouth. I swirl my tongue around the tip first, testing it out.

I stroke his erected penis, feeling its slickly and hard erection. The veins are popping out. All the while, I continue to only look up at him.

His eyes are closed, almost as if he can't handle it. I move my hand to the base of his member and softly started to stroke it up and down as I take him completely into my mouth.

My eyes watering almost immediately as he's already hitting the back of my throat.

"Fuck." Leighton's breathes, lust heavy within his words.

I swirl my tongue as best as I can as I let my saliva all around the tip as I continue to suck his member rapidly, his deep sensuous groans increasing.

"Fuck, A-alea .." His voice cracks and his eyes finally open and meet mine. My head is bobbing up and down, my tongue swirling all around his dick. I'm sucking hard up and down, up and down, up and down.

Impure sounds completely entrapping the room as well as his own groans.

Full and utter euphoria flows through Leighton, I can see it on his face. His grey eyes darkens as he smirks, putting both of his hands on my head.

"You're such a fucking good girl, baby." He moans out as my lips are still enwrapped and swollen around him.

He pushes my head all the way down, causing me to make a disgusting gag noise.

Saliva flows out of my mouth onto his member as he continues to push me up and down, looking down at me with such a pleased and satisfied look that it makes my eyes watering and my throat throbbing, worth it.

I can't take him all into my mouth but I manage as best as I can, which seems to be just enough as his groans and moans are still flowing out of him as naturally as he breathes.

"Keep going, Alea. I'm so fucking close." He manages to mutter. I obey him, like a dog. It's like I'm under a spell, an enchantment.

The only thing that matters is him and his needs, I want to pleasure him as he's pleasured me. So I go above and beyond.

I go faster and faster and each time his thick erection hits me harder in the back of my throat. Even though it hurts because of his size, I don't care.

I continue as I suck harder and faster, not allowing myself to breathe. I'm turned on even more when his breathing gets raspy and he starts panting through his groans, the sounds flowing out of him beautifully.

"Fuck." He finally finishes. Filling my mouth with his cum. I swallow it all without hesitation.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to finish in your mouth." Leighton says, bending down and stroking my face with his hand.

I just gape up at him, he's so beautiful. Those damn grey eyes. He sounds exhausted from so much pleasure, as if it was almost painful. He's tired, I'm tired and yet, I still want to do more to him. So much more. But it'll have to wait.

I shake my head, "l don't mind. It tastes like you."

He smiles a smile that could kill me.

He lifts my head up with his hand as he bends down slightly more and meets my lips. Leighton slips his tongue into my mouth, fully kissing me.

Our tounges meet once again, in a collision of impossible passion and desire and longing.

This time, I completely fall into him. He dominates me, his tongue reigning supremacy over mine. His free hand comes up softly to my neck, pulling me into the kiss further.

I can feel my heart racing, pounding against my chest as if trying to break free. The electricity between us is undeniable, drawing us together like two magnets.

The intensity of the kiss takes my breath away, leaving me craving more. Our mouths move in perfect synchronization, a dance of tongues and teeth, exploring and claiming one another. I can taste the desire, the hunger that fuels this connection, and it's intoxicating.

Leighton breaks apart from the kiss, breathing deeply. He's still lifting my head up as he speaks sinfully,

"You look so pretty with me in your mouth."

My bones cease. I can barely hold myself up, let alone breathe. For a moment, I'm paralyzed. Just sitting there, still on my knees, completely exhausted, my throat aching and my eyes entirely glued to dark-haired boy in front of me.

We stare at each other for a moment. Our eyes saying more than we ever could, ever will.

I laugh nervously, "Don't get used to it."

A while later, I lay tangled in the warmth of Leighton's embrace, I can't help but feel a profound sense of consolation. The night was long, filled with great pleasure but now there is only exhaustion, and in this quiet moment, we find comfort in each other's arms.

His body is pressed against mine and I can feel the steady rhythm of his breath against my skin. The exhaustion from the night's events begins to seep away, replaced by a comforting sense of relaxation.

I nuzzle closer, burying my face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his familiar scent.

It's a scent that speaks of safety and familiarity. His arms encircle me, holding me close, and I can't help but feel a surge of gratitude. In this moment, I realize I don't ever want to be without him. Without his touch, his presence.

I lay here, in his arms and realize that I have grown more comfortable than I'd like to admit.

And as I close my eyes, I let every doubt vanish. Every thought in my head disappear as I let myself fall into his arms. I let myself go and I let him in.

Something that terrifies me.


hey!! so sorry for the delayed chapter I know it's been a while, I've kinda been in a writing slump :/

but hopefully I'm getting out of it so I can create and write more chapters for you guys.

this was a heavily smutty chapter and I'm sorry if that made any of you uncomfortable?? I didn't expect for it to be this long lol.

anyway, thank you all for reading and for over 19+ reads <3 I truly appreciate it and I love every single one of you who reads, votes and comments.

& till next time !

- ria

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