When A Game Goes Wrong

By Nekowolf17

9.3K 25 3

when a girl has a chance to live out a fantasy she takes it in a heart beat, however sometimes fantasies are... More

Chapter 1 "Truth Or Dare"
Chapter 3 "The Facility"
Chapter 4 "The Arrival"
Chapter 5 "The Planning"

Chapter 2 "Start Of A New Life"

2.6K 6 0
By Nekowolf17

          Saturday morning had been set aside for the next milking session for the four of us, and over breakfast Jo and I eagerly chatted together about it in anticipation. We noticed Ali had a wicked smile on her face over breakfast, and was telling us that she expected more milk from her two 'cows' that day than before....... or else! We suspected as with the previous time that our yield would be slightly more, but not dramatically so......... but Ali seemed to think otherwise.

Anyway, an hour or so Amanda, Ellie and Faye all turned up with big smiles on their faces, Amanda carrying what looked like a small briefcase as well. The 'Milking Parlour' door was hastily shut down and locked, and the four 'cows' stripped ready to be connected up, this time there was no danger of resistance from any of us. It was only then that Amanda opened the briefcase to show us what was in there, four syringes, a collection of needles, and a large bottle of a white liquid.

"What are they for?" Ellie asked, probably wishing she hadn't after she'd said it.

Amanda grinned wickedly, "Well even you have to admit that the milk yield so far of our cows has been pathetic, no more than a tiny drop so far, so Ali and I took the opportunity to investigate means of increasing it slightly. We found a website for a research lab looking for breast feeding mothers to help out with research into increasing their milk yields to help babies that needed it. Well none of you four are breast feeding mums, but increasing your milk yield sounded good to us, so we put your names forward, and this is what we've been supplied with. Apparantly this white liquid stuff works on stimulating your milk ducts to increase the flow dramatically, so combined with regular milking sessions on the machine you all become useful dairy 'units'............"

"........You will be helping to feed young babies with some proper milk rather than the powdered stuff without their mums needing to breast feed if they can't, or won't for any reason. And judging by the payment we are getting for this, our little herd of 'dairy cows' will pay for themselves which is good news." interrupted Ali.

"Yes, and they've even supplied us with all the necessary teat cups to carry out your duties, we start off with some that should fit you nicely post-injections, and then as your milk yields grow they 'develop' along the way into these full breast cup types that will hold your breasts nice and tightly in the suction with no danger of them falling off. And we are told it will only be a handful of sessions before you are ready for those."

The cups we were going to use first looked like the traditional teat cups that would be used on a cow, other than the fact that the part that suctioned to us was larger, and would certainly cover much of the 'milking zone' of the breast. The full breast type ones were almost like a large bra with a suction pump connector to place over the nipple to transfer the milk into the tank. They looked amazing, and just the thought of it being attached to me was enough to dampen my panties considerably.

But hang on, those injections we all need to have for this, now is that wise? I guess it was fair to say we all looked unsure, but the other two weren't going to stop now we feared, and we were right.

"Is it safe?" asked Faye nervously, "And are we milked for life, or is there a way of stopping it?"

Amanda did her best to reassure us, "Perfectly safe, so we are told, and no side effects other than the much increased milk flow. Well not that they know about, they assure us you won't start hankering to eat grass or anything my sweet little Buttercup." and teasingly patted Faye on the head, "And yes, we have a bottle of a 'stopper solution' as well, or well, we will have in 6 months time at the end of the trial period. But in the meantime we will have our own profitable little dairy unit. And you only need to be milked once a day so it won't interfere with your work. Each evening we milk you on the machine, and the next morning they take it away to pass on to needy babies. Sounds perfect, you all get milked regularly as per your fantasies, and it's beneficial as well, what more could you ask for? And assuming you want to, in 6 months time you can become dull little humans again."

Jo and Ellie looked doubtful, but Faye and I were more of the 'in for a penny' types, so nervously nodded agreement. After a while, and a little pressure from the two A's they agreed to try it, but asked if Amanda could see if they could get a bottle of the 'stopper' provided just in case, and she agreed to try and do so. Anyway, I'd been the one that got us all into this, so it was only fair I had the injections first......... I think.

I suspected a needle injected into the nipple was going to hurt, and I was right! Despite Amanda swabbing me with something to dull the pain it still stung a lot. But as the white liquid was injected into me it seemed to sooth almost instantly, but as I 'lived' she hastily repeated the process with my second breast. Then she turned her attention to Faye and Ali began connecting me up to the milking machine. It felt sort of different, the previous times she'd more or less had to squeeze my nipples into the teat cups, but this time they almost seemed to suck themselves into the cups. She connected the tubes up to the milk cylinder, and then patted my backside saying as she did so,

"That's lovely my bovine beauty, and once your companions are connected up we will get those gallons of milk out of you!"

Gallons, I hoped she was kidding, OK, I was going to presumably produce more than before, but these injections weren't surely going to work that quickly? It was only when all four of us were in position that they placed a bucket under each of our slits, and fed some sort of teat device into our already dampening sexes, and the tube down into the bucket.

"What are they for?" squealed Jo as something suctioned onto her clit.

Ali laughed, "Oh didn't we tell you. We are going to collect cream from you all as well. Enjoy!"

Then Amanda switched the parlour on and,................... almost instantly milk started to flow from my breasts, I knew because I could see the white liquid washing down the tubes. Well I could until that teat on my clit took one suck too many, and I exploded with a massive climax. I took a quick look down to see my juices dripping down into the bucket. And judging by the moans of pleasure down the line everyone was enjoying the same process. The clitoral stimulation wasn't continuous, presumably they realised we would collapse if that was the case, but they made sure we came often enough to keep us content. My main surprise was that very soon the clock suggested we had been there 20 minutes or so and still the milk was flowing from me quite rapidly, and judging by the rate the tank was filling the others were doing the same. In fact it was well over an hour before my milk supply began to dry up, and the nipples begin to ache. Clearly Ali was watching the flow rates on the monitor and realised because soon my machine began to stop. Apparantly Ellie and Jo had 'dried up' a short while earlier, and a few minutes after me Faye did as well. It was only after we were all disconnected and looked at the cylinder now more than half full with our milk that we realised just how much milk we had produced.

"That can't be natural!" Ellie said, "Especially so soon after receiving the injection." then she looked down in the bucket at the 'cream' she had produced and added, "Mind it was an amazing sensation! I think I'm looking forward to that again."

"Well, it isn't natural." said Jo being practical, "Its something to do with that injection, but if its for a good cause, well with that much related pleasure.......... I'll live with it!"

Amanda laughed, "That's nothing, according to what I've been told after 24 hours you should be able to fill that cylinder each night between the four of you........... and I'll expect nothing less."

And for the next 7-10 days we did just that. We'd all come home from work heavy with milk, be connected up to the milking parlour, and issue gallons of milk from our full breasts. Trouble is all that stimulation of breasts, nipples and pussy made us all very horny. So more often than not the evening meal afterwards was each other! But it was strange, we were eating less 'normal' food than before, but it didn't affect our figures, or leave us feeling hungry........... just very, very horny! The bottle of 'stopper solution' did arrive as requested, but none of us were planning to use it, the sensation was too good for that. Each day the research lab would come by and collect our milk and 'cream', and leave the four of us some 'additives' for our diet to help keep us in peak condition, which we took eagerly.

Then to our surprise we received a letter from the research centre involved thanking us for all our 'produce' and inviting the four of us into the centre that weekend so they could carry out medical checks on us just to make sure that we were all OK, and showing no side effects from the injections, and that our milk ducts were alright with the high flow of milk now passing through them. We were informed that they would be more than happy to milk us in the same manner while we were there. Amanda and Ali were also invited to join us, to have a look round, and to see the work that was carried out there. We were thrilled by the offer and eagerly said yes

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