Woso One-shots

By gb21thwfc16

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one shots with your favourite woso players More

Part 1 ~Lover~ ~Leah Williamson~
Part 2 ~My girl~ ~Keira Walsh~
Part 3 ~We've got you now~ ~engwnt~
Part 4 ~You. Are. Mine~ ~Georgia Stanway~
Part 5 ~We've got you now pt 2~ ~engwnt~
Part 6 ~It will be fine~ ~Keira Walsh~
part 7 ~You said forever~ ~Leah Williamson~
Part 8 ~We've got you now pt3~ ~engwnt~
Part 9 ~I'll still love you no matter what~ ~Ingrid Engen~
Not a part
Part 11 ~We've got you now part 4~ ~engwnt~
Part 12 ~Ok mum~ ~Sarina Wiegman (mother relationship)~
Part 13 ~I can't believe this~ ~Kyra Cooney-Cross~
Question about we've got you now, engwnt
Part 14 ~Ok mum pt2~ ~Sarina Wiegman~ (motherly relationship)
Part 15 ~Don't give up~ ~Mary Earps~
requests (again)
Part 16 ~We'll be ok~ ~Beth Mead and Viv Miedema~
Part 17 ~Kiddo~ ~Magda and Pernille~
Part 18 ~It's not your fault~ ~Jill Scott and Lauren Hemp~
Part 19 ~You. Are. Mine Pt2~ ~Georgia Stanway~
Part 20. ~I'm so proud~ ~Bethany England~
New requests!!
Part 21 ~What have I done to you?~ ~Afwc & Thwfc~
Part 22. ~You two can be so annoying~ ~Kyra Cooney Cross~
~She's so strong, she'll make it~ ~Leah Williamson~
~What have I done to you pt 2~ ~Awfc & Thwfc~
~Mini you~ ~Mackenzie Arnold~
~Watch it, darling~ ~Rachel Daly~
~I'm gonna miss you~ ~Celin Bizet~
~But your sister scares me~ ~Esme Morgan~
~But you're sister scares me pt 2~ ~Esme Morgan~
~I'm here to help~ ~Ffion Morgan~

Part 10 ~I wish I could take all your pain away~ ~Leah Williamson~

4.3K 52 1
By gb21thwfc16

Me and Leah have been flirting with each other for nearly four months now I would say, she is so cute and I just love everything about her but I'm too scared to do anything about it, even though I am pretty sure she does like me back I could never say anything, I'm too nervous. I've just got to training and as I'm walking in a feel an arm snake around my waist, I don't even need to look up from my phone to see who it is, I can tell it's Le.

Y/n: Hey Lele, how are you?
Leah: I'm good gorgeous, how about you? You're lucky you know
Y/n: I'm good, how am I lucky?
Leah: You are the only person that I let call me that, I normally hate it
Y/n: I know, I guess I'm just special Leah: You are indeed, now let's get to the gym before Jonas gets annoyed at us for being late

we just walk to the gym with her arm around my waist, we don't really mind flirting in front of our team because I'm pretty sure they already know that we both like each other. We walk into the gym with Leah's arm still around my waist.

Beth: Here they come, the love birds.
Kim: Just one of you make the first move already.

Kim and Beth both laugh at how red both me and Leah have gone at their statements, we look at each other before turning our attention to Jonas, who has just started talking to us all.

Jonas: Right so we're just doing a gym session today and then that's all, so just get on with it.

Everyone starts to go over to different pieces of equipment and start their workouts. As usual me and Leah are doing our workouts together but she some how manages to finish it all before me, so she just sits there and stares at me while I'm finishing mine.

Y/n: See something you like Williamson? *laughs*
Leah: Oh I see a lot I like, *grabs her stomach in pain* ahh
Y/n: *drops her weights* What's up darling?
Leah: I think I've just come on my period, can you check me?
Y/n: Ahh, ok take my jumper and wrap it round your waist, do you have any spare shorts you can put on?
Leah: No I wasn't due on for another few days, shit.
Y/n: It's ok, I have spare shorts, before we go to lunch we'll go get you changed and then after lunch we'll go back to mine and have a movie night ok gorgeous?
Leah: Thank you gorgeous.
Y/n: Of course, come on let's go.

We walk out of the gym with my arm around Leah's shoulder even though I'm having to stretch cause she is so much taller than me. She keeps giggling at me having to walk on tiptoes.

Leah: Bit too short there baby?
Y/n: Oh baby now is it? And yes, you're just too tall.
Leah: No you're just too small, and yes, I'd love it if you would be my baby *blushes*
Y/n: Well how could I say no to that?
Leah: You're too cute *kisses you on the head*
Y/n: Here you go gorgeous, put those on, then you just have to get through lunch.

I look at my phone to give Leah some privacy and when I look up I see her crying her eyes out but she's trying to be quiet.

Y/n: What's up babe, are you ok?
Leah: It's so painful, why do I have to have this stupid condition?
Y/n: I know, it's shit baby, I wish I could take all your pain away, I love you and I'm sorry you have to go through this.
Leah: Thank you, do you think we could leave now? I don't really want to see the girls right now.
Y/n: Of course, I'll go tell them you're not feeling too good and I'm going to take you home, can you meet me at my car?
Leah: Sure.
Y/n: Ok here *hands her your keys* ok I'll see you in a minute baby, I'll be quick.

I practically run to the dining room where the girls are because I want to get back to leah quickly and try and help her out.

Y/n: Sorry girls but Leah isn't feeling well so I said I'd take her home early.
Katie: Ok, hope she feels better soon.

Everyone else says something similar. I run back out and run to my car where Leah is sitting, with tears running down her cheeks, I get in the car.

Y/n: Oh baby I'm sorry you're going through this, is there anything I can do?
Leah: When we get back can we have a cuddle?
Y/n: Is that even a question, of course we can, I'll get you a hot water bottle too.
Leah: You're the best, I love you.
Y/n: I love you too baby

We get back to mine and I carry Leah in, much to her annoyance.

Leah: I can walk you know.
Y/n: But you're in pain and I want to help, but if you must *puts Leah down at the front door* Go and sit on the sofa, get comfy and I'll be in soon.
Leah: Ok baby, thank you.

I go and boil the kettle so I can make Leah a hot water bottle, I also get her favourite snacks and go back to her and see her laying on the sofa.

Y/n: I come with gifts, here you go *hands Leah the stuff* and here let's get comfy under here.
Leah: Thanks baby, you know me so well.
Y/n: You know, I always have your favourite snacks incase you come over.
Leah: you're so cute.

I put the blanket I got over me and Leah and then bring her into my arms and hold her tight until she falls asleep with the show playing that she wanted to watch but I knew she would fall asleep so I pause it all and fall asleep as well.

A/n: I'm back!! Sorry about the wait I've been busy, hope you enjoy.

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