Save the World Again [Crimina...

Door rowena_nightingale

141 10 0

Everyone remembers that day, November 9th 2016, when a team defeated a criminal organization that was on the... Meer

Book 1. Chapter 1
Book 1. Chapter 2
Book 1. Chapter 3
Book 1. Chapter 4
Book 1. Chapter 5
Book 1. Chapter 7
Book 1. Chapter 8
Book 1. Chapter 9
Book 1. Chapter 10

Book 1. Chapter 6

8 1 0
Door rowena_nightingale


Warning: sex scenes


When Flora freaked out after Harriet had told her about her possible presence, she should have. It wasn't something Harriet would make up toscare her away. It was true. She could hide and stay unnoticed. But... Harriet wasn't aware of it either. She didn't tell her she was in Algeria.

After Alex and Flora had left, she knew it was time to do the same. She heard everything. She knew the King twins learned about her past. She hoped they wouldn't tell anyone else and took Harriet's warning seriously. She slid in her smoke form through the vent and got out in a few seconds. After leaving a few more blocks, she hid in a narrow space, so she could return back to her human form. 

She came out and no one suspected her presence. She walked back to her hotel room to pack her things. Her father was going to return in any minute with the tickets. They were going to Tripoli.

When she was prepared, she checked her phone.

I bought the tickets! We have enough time to go to a cafe.

Are you done? Don't stay too long!

Where are you?

The first two were from her father and the last one - from her boyfriend. 

She forgot how much time had passed. She was supposed to put the files, send a message to Harriet and make sure they're taken to the Bureau.

But she saw Flora asking Harriet about her and decided to take a glance at it. 

She had to shred no tear. She didn't want to make them worry about her. She was fine... Fine, but scared.

She heard familiar footsteps becoming louder until they stopped near the door. She went to see them.

"There you are!"

Her father entered first. He came to hug her. He was worried sick about her.

"Where have you been?"

He couldn't be mad at her. Her own father, Jonah Karam, a strict man, who wouldn't approve of his mentees' misdeeds, couldn't be mad at his sweet daughter for her shenanigans.

"I was bored." She smiled.

"Don't say you wanted to see Harriet's teammates."

"I only saw those two detectives you talked about."

Viktor joined. He was watching the cute moment with his arms crossed.

"The sister of the duo is very nosy!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well... somebody wanted to open Pandora's Bpx."

Both men realized what she meant and became concerned.

"Harriet handled it! She warned to stay silent if she wanted to mess with us!" she ensured them. "I wish I could scare her, but I would blow up the mission."

"You always seek trouble." Viktor smiled.

He kissed her on the forhead.

They prepared everything and left the hotel quickly as they finished their mission in Algeria. Their next quest was to catch Hassan. There was enough evidence to take him and put him in prison. It could have happened earlier if there hadn't been a little problem during the search in South Africa.

Jonah was aware of it. And he was worried about her safety. He had arrived in Algeria for two reasons: to give the files to Viktor and check if Tanya was doing well. Once they confirmed Hassan gave up on searching her, everyone was relieved.

"How did you know about it?" Viktor was curious.

"You aren't the only ones who know that guy.. or what I have to say right now... my "father"."

"What?!" he gasped.

Tanya frowned. She learned about her estranged grandfather... the man who never loved his son and would find pleasure in tormenting him and his family.

"So, that guy... Osman... was her..."

"Yes, he knows I'm his granddaughter." Tanya interrupted.

Viktor said nothing. He held her hand tighter. They found a taxi and told the driver to take them to the airport. They said nothing there and watched the city one more time before leaving.

They reached quickly. They had time left, so they went in a cafe.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Viktor questioned.

"We don't talk about him at all."

"It's a long sad story." Jonah answered. "We can forget about it."

Viktor wanted to know more about it, Tanya shook her head. IT was the first time he found out his godfather and , hopefully, his future father-in-law, had secrets. And Tanya stayed silent which made him wonder if the rest of the family was affected by it.

"So,,," Jonah broke the silence. "I've heard about the new Bureau team."

"Yep... I'm disappointed at agents... well... at Flora."

"What about the others? Are there any familiar faces?"

"Yes... little Clayton and June."

"No fucking way! You're joking!" Jonah tried to contain the joy.

"I'm not! Well... June got along very well. As for Jason, it took her weeks to convince him that she got the job fair and square."

"Why tho?"

"He didn't like her and thought Chris would join."

Viktor was listening to the father and daughter talking about their friends and didn't understand anything. 

"I think I should leave! I won't bother you!"

"We'll call you!" Tanya promised.

Viktor left the cafe and had a peaceful walk in the airport. It was a good idea to let them talk without being interrupted for no significant reason.

"What about Sanjay?" Jonah asked.

"He's Antarctica. He had got the offer a few months before June joined."

Jonah took a sip of coffee and thought about something.


"Josef told me about you and Viktor. Care to explain?" He grinned.

"Well..." Tanya blushed. "We have a good time together..."

"If Viktor had told you from the start, I would hear the wedding bells right now!"

"Papa, no!" she burried her red face. "Why so soon?"

"What? You've been friends since childhood! He was there when you were at your lowest back then. And he's perfect! Listen! He's the man everyone would fight for! No ounce of toxic shit! No ounce of hate! He's the perfect man for you! And you know how much I want you and Kiara be happy! Kiara and Rob are engaged. I'm waiting for the same news from you both soon!" he winked.

"Well... we'll think about it!" she blushed.

"No "think"! You will do it! I know you will get married sooner or later!" he smiled like he predicted the future with no concern.

Tanya thought about it. On the other note, her father was right. She fell in love with Viktor last time he visited. And she had never thought he'd love her back. She'd known him for a long time. She knew he deserved someone, especially after his previous relationship... while she used to second guess her worth in love after disappointing attempts. 

"If it were easier!"

"Come on! He didn't bring you down when he heard about it! His parents welcomed you with warm arms. You'll understand soon that you deserve Viktor. He will never regret loving you."

"Are you sure?"

"Would you doubt your father?" he smiled.

Viktor came back, running. Tanya and Jonah paid for the drinks and they took the bags.

"I think we should get in the plane immediately!"

"What's wrong?"

"The team is coming! And they shouldn't see us!"

They hurried to the plane. Viktor looked around and drew a short smile.


"They're pretty far!" Tanya ensured. "We have enough time!"

Jonah hugged her one more time. He tried not to cry as he had to say goodbye to her and he spent little time with her.

"Stay safe!"

"I promise!"

"Take care of her, buddy!"

Jonah put a hand on Viktor's shoulder. He didn't forget about the promise he gave to the family.

The couple walked to the plane. Jonah watched them get inside safely and he evaporated in the crowd where the team would barely find him.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah..." Tanya lied...

She hid her frustration about that day. She wondered how Flora could find out about it. Her family wouldn't dare give the records to anyone. Which means somebody might tell her. Could it be them? Coupld they plan to terrorize her again?

Moreover, somebody else wanted her dead. Her paternal grandfather. Her grandmother used to warn her and Kiara about his ill intentions, about how he treated the family, about his promise to destroy it.

She placed her head on his shoulder. She felt his hand on her arm and took a nap. She needed something to make her forget about it.

She woke up and saw the ground through the window. The plane his finally landed.

They left the airport and and rushed to a hotel. They booked a room and got inside.

Tanya plopped her backbag on the bed and took off her clothes. The long sleeves did their job hiding her tatoos: lilies on the left forearm that hide her scars, Medusa on the left shoulder. Then, she grabbed cotton pads and make up remover. She took off the foundation that covered the blue butterfly tattoo on the right wrist. She took off the contact lenses and finally saw her blue eyes. In the end, she removed the headscarf, finally spreading her auburn curly hair. She could finally see herself in the mirror. So did Viktor as he hugged her from behind and admired her.

"You missed something, my love!"

Tanya applied the make up remover once again. She wanted to keep that as it was. She saw Viktor's puppy eyes, begging her to do that. She smiled. She cleaned around her left eye, revealing a long scar. The incident that caused it didn't damage the eye, but it still gave her bad memories.

"Now, I can see you! The real you!"

Tanya missed those moments with her lover... They had to avoid contact as much as possible in Morrocco. And Viktor could finally spend time with her.

"Get dressed! We're going to a restaurant!"

Tanya watched him leave the room. She grabbed her bag and went through her stuff to find what she needed. She found a dress she had bought in South Africa. She wanted to wear it on a special occasion and she considered that moment a perfect one. She put on make up and arranged her hair.

She looked at herself once again. She felt something was missing. Then it hit her! She opened a pocket that had been shielding a very valued object for her. She put on her nacklace with a yellow heart shaped gem. 

"There is one near the hotel!" Viktor said as he returned. "I reserved a table and... Oh!"

Tanya was giggling when she caught him blushing. He was mesmerized by his beautiful girlfriend.

"Can... can you wait for me outside?"

Tanya left the room, smiling at him. She walked to the entrance. She watched people come and go. When she hoped she could have a safe evening, she heard a voice that uttered concerning words. 

She kept listening to the man talking with a certain someone as she had a feeling there was something concerning. And she was right when he mentioned Hassan. 

Everything is prepared! We are waiting for your command! They are here!

And the man ended the conversation. Tanya had expected to hear Hassan's voice, but he wasn't there. She had to tell Viktor about it. Could it be a trap? Another murder? A meeting?

Viktor was putting on his shirt when she opened the door. But this time, she looked alarmed.

"We need to find Hassan!"


"I heard one of his people talking. They planned something! But I don't know what it is-"

"It's fine! I got a call and I was going to tell you the same. Hassan set up a plan. There's no need to arrest him immediately unless we find out what it is."

"So, that means... we need to go to that center where Hassan claimed he is right now."

"But the Bureau team had probably arrived and they're doing it as well."

"I'm going! They won't find me and I will come back quickly."

"Are you sure?"

"I'll be fine! I'll chase them and find out if Hassan is here or not."

"Alright! If you insist. But don't stay for too long like last time."

Tanya turned into a black smoke and flew away. She quickly learned how to get there as it was easy to find the facility where Hassan should be. 

She saw two familiar faces. The King twins. She wasn't surprised they reached there, because it went according to the plan. But it had to be changed. 

She followed them to the reception. A middle aged woman welcomed them.

"We are from the Bureau. We want to talk with one of your volunteers, named Ammon Hassan."

"I am sorry, but he left this place a few hours ago."

"Can you tell us where he is?"

"It's uncertain, but... he told us he went in a town."

"Show us, please! It's very important!"

"Yes, of course!"

The woman wrote down the location. Tanya questioned his sudden disappearance and decided to reach his room instead. The place was empty. She couldn't find any of his files. Everything was taken to avoid suspicions about his purpose of those missions.

In the end, Tanya had an idea...


Viktor was waiting nervously in his room. She was supposed to come back a few minutes ago. He imagined what could have happened.

She's just stubborn! She is probably searching for him.

Tanya didn't take her phone, that made him worry more. The more time had passed, the stronger the urge to look for her became. She finally returned with a bright smile on her face.

"Where have you been?"

"Well, I had some stuff to do!"

"What stuff?"

"No questions!"

She pressed the index finger on his lips. He wondered why she was so delighted.

But it didn't matter as long as she returned unharmed.

"Hassan left Tripoli. He's in another town."

"Really?" He groaned. "I can't believe he disappeared. We were so close."

"We'll see. We've got help."




He eyebrows went up. Tanya still smiled.

"Why her?"

"Well, Alex and Flora are going to that town to find him. I asked her to keep an eye on them."

"How can you be so sure she will help us?"


Tanya's phone showed a notification.

BBB sent you a voice message

She was excited to hear it.

Tatyana, I swear to God! You could have just called me! Why do you have to confuse me with your weird shit? We won't bite you!

Viktor kept his composure. Tanya laughed a little bit and talked with Harriet.


"Finally, peace and quiet!" Viktor rejoiced while he was eating.

"I missed these kind of moments!"

Viktor gave a spoonful to Tanya. They finally had an evening together, without being bothered by any news. She didn't hear any concerning voices. She relaxed and enjoyed her long-awaited meal with him.

After they had paid the bill, they headed back to the hotel.

"Are you satisfied or do you want something else?"

Tanya grinned and her eyes narrowed. 

They entered the room and Viktor locked the door. She fell on the bed, waiting for him.

"Wanna come and play with me?"

Viktor came closer and kissed her. She wraped her arms around him like she was hugging a giant teddy bear. Viktor carrassed her gently. His hand reached her back and went down. Then, it went under her dress.

Tanya didn't stop him when he was taking it off. When the kiss was over, they were staring at each other, smiling and blushing. She removed his shirt, button by button, revealing his toned torso. His hands grasped her thighs and spread them. 

Tanya was smiling, breathing nervously. She watched him smirk, his eyes were focused on her genitals.

"You should take off your dress. You don't want to ruin it, do you?"

His words became a command for her. At this moment, in this place, she obeyed with pleasure. She took off her dress. She wasn't afraid to show him her naked body. She wanted him admire it like she was a marvelous sculpture in a museum.

Viktor quickly embraced her. His warms hands touched her bare back, which gave her a sense of comfort and safety. She put her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeats.


Viktor woke up and first thing he saw was her. She was still sleeping. Her body was covered by a blanket.

He got up and went to take a shower. The lip prints on his body and face didn't bother him at all. He returned to the bed all clean.

She opened her eyes and stretched.

"How did my kitty sleep?"

"Wonderfully!" she answered on a soft tone.

Viktor sat on the bed. Tanya got up, grabbing her blanket to cover her back. The kiss made her crave for more. Her sparkling blue eyes charmed him to get clsoer to her. Her lips approached his ears and she uttered her wish on a soft and gentle tone.

"I want it again!"

Viktor grinned. He grabbed her by the arms and pushed her on the bed. She covered her body in a hurry. 

"You know this is the last one. Do you really want it?"

Tanya nodded without second thoughts. Viktor took the last condom from the box and put it on the nightstand. He leaned on her chest and placed a hand on it, pressing gently. With a hungry look, he kissed the other one and slowly opened his mouth to take the first bite.

"Hey!" she flinched.

"I won't do it on the empty stomach, angel! You know me!"

"Be careful! It hurt!"

Viktor barely listened as he was busy "devouring" her. His hand massaged the other breast. Tanya put a hand on his curly  hair and patted him.

"Eat, cutie! Eat!.."

When she thought he was done, he grabbed her legs and spread them. She knew what was next.

She grasped the blanket. She felt his fingers touch the parts, his hungry teeth bitting her thighs. He found the clit easily. He squeezed it gently and he heard a fost moan coming from her mouth. It gave him enjoyment. He kept playing it until the sounds became louder. Then, he inserted two fingers inside her vagina. It intensified the ecstasy. The euphoria kept flowing in her blood. Hitting the spot tested her endurance till she screamed. She covered her mouth, feeling embarrassed.

"What's wrong?"

"It's... so awkward." Tanya answered.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of. I want to hear your voice."

"Then... hurry..."

"So be it!"

The more his moved accelerated, the more enjoyed and the louder she moaned. Viktor took a glance at her.

Every nerve of those parts were triggered. She felt something coming. Her legs started shaking. The aura warmed her body. She tried to catch her breath. Her heart was pounding violently. She felt his fingers tickling inside her. Her brain was twisted into an urge to release the glee. It all built up until it transformed into an explosion of pleasure. Viktor continued the process right when Tanya was at the peak. He tried to make it last longer. She felt paralyzed by that feeling of satisfaction. She screamed, without thinking of the neighbours.

When it was over, Viktor let her rest. Her body was sweaty. She got up and touched herself. 

"What's next?"

"I want you... inside..."

Tanya spread her arm, waiting for a hug. Viktor kissed her softly.

He lied on the bed near her. They looked at each other, smiling. Tanya got up and grabbed the condom. She sat on him and took off his towel.

"It's hard..."

She was hunry for it. And Viktor knew what she wanted.

She carefully put the condom, covering every part of it without missing anything or tearing it.

She positioned herself and stared at his face drawing a wide grin and desirable eyes. His hands were on her thighs, helping her put it in...

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