Tied Beginnings (Classroom of...

By Jinzooru

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Embarking on his second year at Advanced Nurturing High School, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka readies himself for the i... More

Prologue: A Free Bird
Chapter 1: A Transfer Student
Chapter 3: Meeting of the Fourth Generation
Chapter 4: Friendly and Unfriendly Interactions
Chapter 5: The First Years
School Database: Shiro and Yuki
Chapter 6: Free Time
Chapter 7: Hatching Plans
Chapter 8: Let Him Cook

Chapter 2: Unexpected Reunion

3.8K 167 45
By Jinzooru

<< CotE: Tied Beginnings >>

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

During lunchtime, I messaged the Ayanokouji group, informing them that I would be hanging out with Yuki. In response, Akito suggested that I "show her the T-rex".

Can people stop talking about that? Honestly, it was starting to get annoying.

As Yuki and I strolled along at a casual pace, I chose to initiate a conversation.

"Why did you come to this school— no, actually, how did you get into this school?"

As Chabashira mentioned earlier, student transfers were a groundbreaking occurrence in this school. Seeing Yuki, of all people, as a transfer student, was certainly surprising.

"Hm~, that's a secret!" she replied, putting her index finger on her lips.

"Well, can you tell me who we're meeting with at least?"

"That's also a secret~"

How troublesome.

Upon entering a cafe called Pallet, I was met with a rush of cool, conditioned air, providing a refreshing escape from the outside weather. The cafe reverberated with the lively sounds of bustling students and upbeat music, enveloping us in an energetic and vibrant atmosphere.

Once we settled at a table for three, Yuki reached for her phone and began to fiddle with it. Presumably, she was informing the other student of our location.

A waitress, upon noticing our presence, immediately greeted us, "Welcome to Pallet Cafe! May I take your order?"

"Three lattes, please!" replied Yuki, just as I was about to speak.

"That would be 750 private points," said the waitress, to which Yuki agreed to handle the payment. Afterward, the waitress departed, leaving the two of us alone.

"You didn't have to do that. You probably have fewer points than I do."

"My treat, Kiyotaka," stated Yuki. "I'm the one who brought you here, so it's only fair that I have to pay."

"I guess so."

After a few moments of silence, Yuki spoke up again.

"You know, Kiyotaka... You're really amazing."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You survived in that place... a-alone... f-for years..." She stammered, as her breathing became ragged. A bead of sweat formed on her forehead, while her eyes started to water.

The amygdala, a small part of the brain, activates in tandem due to the emotional significance of the memory—in Yuki's case, her memories from the White Room. This causes a surge in stress hormones, prompting the hypothalamus to signal the autonomic nervous system. In turn, this would force the 'fight' or 'flight' mode.

"Yuki, calm down," I said, using a gentle voice. "Take deep breaths."

Deep breathing activates the vagus nerve, which in turn triggers the release of acetylcholine, prompting relaxation and reducing heart rate. In other words, it's an effective way to recover from a PTSD episode.

She took a few moments to breathe, gradually steadying her breaths. Her shoulders eased, indicating that she was recovering.

"Sorry, I—"

"Are you okay, now?" I asked, to which she responded with a nod.

Confirming that she had completely recovered, we decided to engage in meaningless topics.

It seemed that Yuki had managed to lead a relatively normal life after dropping out, which likely contributed to the improvement in her trauma. I also learned that her younger sister, Tsubaki Sakurako, had successfully enrolled in this school as a first-year student.

At times, Yuki would playfully poke fun at my gloominess, something that I didn't particularly appreciate.


Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of a chair rattling, causing a sense of anticipation to tingle through me. I glanced toward the source, my gaze locking onto a figure that seemed almost unreal in its familiarity.

Seated in the third spot, a boy with short indigo hair and deep violet eyes stared right back at me, wearing a gentle smile. Strangely enough, I wasn't able to discern his presence until he settled in his chair.

"It's been a while, Kiyotaka."

Then, I felt something click. Upon realizing his identity, a pool of memories began to resurface. Although we were just classmates, he remained the very last person I had conversed with before embarking on years of solitude in the White Room.


"Kazami Shiro of Class 2-A."


Needless to say, our first conversation in years was extremely awkward. Yuki, who was watching our exchange up close, desperately tried to suppress her laughter.

The initial aspect that struck me about Shiro was his personality. While it hadn't undergone a drastic transformation, there was a noticeable shift, indicating that he managed to break out of his shell. This change was probably attributed to his departure from the White Room at a younger age. Since he appeared to be unaffected by the trauma of his past, he wasn't assigned to Class D.

Not long after our brief conversation, a waitress approached our table with our order. As we received our drinks, I opted to cut to the chase.

"Is there any reason why you guys attended this school?" I asked, sipping my latte.

I didn't expect to receive truthful responses from them, given the looming possibility that they might have been sent to expel me. Though, the chance was extremely slim, as that man wouldn't rely on failures.

"I would tell you, but we need some privacy," suggested Shiro, causing Yuki to wear a perplexed expression. It appeared that his senses hadn't dulled, as he could detect the presence that watched us from afar.

"Okay. How about we go to my room after classes?" I offered, to which they all agreed with a nod.


Just as Shiro was going to continue our conversation, my phone vibrated. A public message by Ichinose Honami, the leader of Class 2-B, had been shared on the OAA app, accessible to every student.

'We just got permission to hold a meet-and-greet for first- and second-years in the gym today from 4 to 5 pm. If you've got time to spare, please stop by!'

In the partner exam, this message was a blessing for the students who were faced with the challenge of establishing contact with the first-years.

"Taking the initiative like that requires leadership and socialization skills," Shiro remarked. "I'll have to commend Ichinose-san for that."

"Hmm, I don't think I'll be attending though," said Yuki, resting her chin on her hands. "I'll just partner up with my sister."

Individuals who were already familiar with first-year students, such as Yuki, didn't necessarily need to expend too much effort in this special exam, given that finding a partner wasn't particularly challenging for them. Due to her experience in the White Room, Yuki should be quite capable academically, so she'll manage just fine on the written test.

"Alright, but I think I'll attend. It wouldn't hurt to scout around," said Shiro, then turning his gaze to me. "What about you, Kiyotaka?"

"Sure." Seeing no reason to refuse, I decided to follow through.

<< CotE: Tied Beginnings >>

The gymnasium was brimming with both first- and second-year students. The air hummed with palpable energy, a fusion of excitement and the eagerness to forge new partnerships, while the walls echoed with the sounds of chatter and occasional laughter. We were also greeted by a few stares, indicating that news of a new transfer student had already begun to circulate.

After a few minutes of surveying my environment, I noted that the majority of attendees were indeed first-year students, who probably saw this event as a significant opportunity. Amidst them, I spotted a handful of students from Class 2-B, including the event host, Ichinose, and Kanzaki, who was standing by her side. When it came to socialization, we couldn't rival them, meaning that attending this event seemed rather pointless.

"Yo, if it isn't Kazami— and the king, too?!"

Shifting my focus to the origin of the voice, I spotted Hashimoto. From what I could discern, apart from Shiro, he appeared to be the sole representative from Class 2-A. It seemed highly probable that he was tasked with observing the event.

"'King'?" repeated Shiro in confusion, slightly tilting his head.

"It's best if you don't know," I sighed.

"Anyway, what're you guys doin' together? You know each other?" inquired Hashimoto.

"We're childhood friends," answered Shiro, as I nodded along with his statement. Although our connection didn't exactly mirror friendship, it remained the most reasonable explanation.

"Alrighty then," said Hashimoto, seemingly satisfied with the answer he was given. "Man, that Ichinose, she's the same as ever, isn't she?"

"What do you mean? Does she always organize events like this?" asked Shiro. His confusion was understandable, as he had never met Ichinose in person before.

"No, not that. She's just overly nice and stuff, always trying to save everyone," explained Hashimoto. "Oh, and before I forget—the princess wants to see you."

Shiro had already captured Sakayanagi's attention, probably due to being a transfer student. I still had doubts about whether she was aware of his connection to the White Room's fourth generation.

"Where is she now?" questioned Shiro.

"She should be waiting outside, near the gym I think," answered Hashimoto.

We still had approximately thirty minutes before our second meeting with Yuki, affording us ample time to meet with Sakayanagi.

"Lead the way."

Given Hashimoto's lack of objection to me joining their meeting, I was probably going to be pulled into it alongside Shiro.

As the three of us emerged from the gymnasium, we were welcomed by the warm, golden glow of the afternoon sun. On the way, two familiar figures came into sight—Sudo and Horikita. It appeared that we hadn't gone unnoticed, as they both approached us as soon as we stepped outside.

"Ayanokouji-kun," huffed Horikita, narrowing her eyes. "You refused to answer my calls."

That's right. Rather than making an excuse, I had chosen to completely ignore Horikita. In hindsight, it was clear that it might not have been the wisest decision on my part. Shiro's look toward me, although unexpressive, somehow conveyed a sense of disbelief as if saying, "Are you serious?"

"Sorry. I didn't know my phone was on silent." I responded, earning a sigh from Horikita.

"Regardless, I've devised a strategy to successfully navigate through this exam. I would fill you in with the details, but..." trailed off Horikita, slowly turning her gaze toward Hashimoto and Shiro. It was evident that she was reluctant to disclose her plan in the presence of another class.

"Ayanokouji, who's that other gloomy guy beside you?" asked Sudo, his gaze shifting between me and Shiro. "And why're you with that jerkoff Hashimoto?"

'Other gloomy guy'? Are you implying that I'm also gloomy?

"I'm Kazami Shiro of Class 2-A, the new transfer student," introduced Shiro, offering a polite bow as he did so. "Nice to meet you."

"I see. My name is Horikita Suzune, nice to meet you as well," said Horikita as she nudged Sudo with her elbow, presumably prompting him to introduce himself as well.

"And the name's Sudo Ken," chimed in Sudo, gesturing to himself with his thumb. "Nice to meet ya."

"Anyway, what does Ayanokouji-kun have to do with Class A?" asked Horikita, her expression marked with skepticism.

"It mostly involves his friend here," cut in Hashimoto, placing his hand on Shiro's shoulder. "But other than that, I honestly couldn't tell ya."

"I see," said Horikita, turning to me. "Given that you have matters to attend to with your friend, me and Sudo will be on our way to Class 1-D."

"Alright, see you," I bid farewell before Horikita departed with Sudo.

It seemed that she aimed to capitalize on this chance to negotiate with the Class 1-D students while everyone else focused on the meet-and-greet. Her objective leaned towards evading expulsions rather than striving for the top positions in this exam.

"Well, we don't wanna keep the princess waiting. Let's go." urged Hashimoto as he began to walk, with me and Shiro trailing behind him.

Following a brief stroll, Hashimoto guided us to an area situated at the rear of the gymnasium. It was there that Sakayanagi greeted us with a friendly wave, as the tapping of her cane resounded through the concrete.

"We meet again, Kazami-kun and Ayanokouji-kun," greeted Sakayanagi. "You both are wondering why I organized this meeting, yes?"

It seemed as though she had already anticipated my arrival, implying that the person who was stalking us during our reunion in the cafe might have been acting on her behalf.

"I'd appreciate it if you got to the point," pressed Shiro. "Me and Kiyotaka have somewhere we need to be."

Right now, we had around fifteen minutes to spare.

"Very well then," started Sakayanagi, understanding our situation. "Hashimoto, you may leave now."

"Sure thing." With that, Hashimoto left, leaving the three of us alone in this secluded area.

A few moments of heavy silence shortly followed, with the occasional rustling of leaves.

"A world devoid of color, an environment lacking love," continued Sakayanagi, breaking the stillness. "Kazami-kun, do the words 'White Room' mean anything to you?"

Having his past laid bare, Shiro's eyes widened, as the calm demeanor he displayed until now started to dissolve. Knowing Sakayanagi, it was likely that she intended to observe his reaction to confirm his connection to me. Using a risky method like this indicated her confidence in the result.

Shiro cast a glance in my direction, and upon noticing my lack of reaction to her words, he swiftly regained his composure.

"How do you know about that place?" asked Shiro.

Shiro's astonishment seemed to stem from Sakayanagi's awareness of the White Room, as opposed to her knowledge of his childhood.

"Fufufu, that's none of your concern," answered Sakayanagi, her voice tinged with playfulness.

"Well, do you need anything else?" inquired Shiro. It appeared that he also managed to discern the underlying intent behind Sakayanagi's question.

After entering a moment of deep thought, Sakayanagi spoke up. "What do you plan to do at this school?"

It was evident that Shiro and Yuki had no intention of participating as normal students in this school, given their disinterest in the class competition. It was possible that they were sent to aid me in my battle against Tsukishiro, yet I don't recall doing anything to warrant their assistance.

"It doesn't involve you, Sakayanagi-san," answered Shiro. "But, I won't do anything to sabotage your class, so there's no need for concern."

"I suppose that's acceptable," conceded Sakayanagi. "In any case, I must discuss something with Ayanokouji-kun in private. Kazami-kun, might I kindly request your departure?"

Shiro turned his gaze toward me, and in response, I gave an affirmative nod. With that, he left the scene, leaving me and Sakayanagi alone.



"Do you desire to learn human warmth?"

That was an unexpected question from someone like Sakayanagi. Despite my belief that such sentiments were of little value, I remained curious about the significance of human warmth, given that they were regarded as essential by others.

"I do."

"I see. It warms my heart to hear that." She adorned a tender smile, in stark contrast to the smug smirks she typically displayed. "It might be best to take your leave. You do have a meeting to attend, yes?"

Glancing at the time displayed on my phone, it became apparent that I was running late for the aforementioned meeting.

"Yeah. See you, Sakayanagi."

"Goodbye, Ayanokouji-kun. Please convey my greetings to Tsubaki-san as well."


With that, my peculiar encounter with Sakayanagi ended.


Author's Note

Well, here's chapter two. I definitely did NOT have around ten creativity blocks while writing this.

Also, join my friend's discord server. Updates for this fic will be posted there.


The next chapter may or may not be posted tomorrow.

Anyway, peace out.

-Jinzoo (Reprobate Jr.)

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