The Irony Will Kill You (Dang...

By Hello_Truth

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Raku Nanashi On his first day at Hope's Peak Academy, he had been transported to a tropical island with the s... More

Jabberwock Island
My Name is Raku
Again, My Name is Raku
Akuto Amano
Happy Times
The Return
Group Meeting
The Guts to Kill
Akuto Amano The Mind

Free Time

280 6 13
By Hello_Truth

Sigh. Even after we worked together to investigate we still have no clue who's behind this, why we're here, or how we can escape.

That reminds me, Soda told us to come to the beach. I better go find Raku before Soda gets mad.

It didn't take long to find Raku. I found him immediately after leaving my cottage, he was just standing by the bridge.

"Hajime, I was just about to knock on your cottage." Raku smiled at me.

"Hey, Raku. Um... Weren't you with Chiaki."

"I carried her to her cottage. She could use a break to be honest, the whole time we were investigating I had to carry her around because she was always falling asleep."

Well... she DID stay up all night playing video games...

"By the way, I saw Soda earlier. He was with Hanamura, they were headed to the beach. I think they found out how to split the coconuts."

"I guess we won't be needing this sword replica I found earlier." I said raising the sword.

"Whoa! That's a very well made replica. If your not gonna use it, can I borrow it for a while?"

"Sure. But what for?"

I gave the sword replica to Raku.

"I just want to look cool while I walk around. Don't you think it makes me look like a badass swordsman from an action manga?" He said posing like a badass samurai.

He kinda does look like one but if he tries to swing it, he'll probably just look like a kid with a stick.

"Lord Hajime, Let us be off to go meet, Lord Soda." He said as we began to walk towards the beach.

He's getting into character!? Maybe he just really likes action manga with swordsmen?

Come to think of it, Raku never really talks about himself that much, huh? Maybe we can use this time to get closer to each other

"Hey, Raku? Where'd you go to highschool before enrolling in Hope's Peak?"

"Kodaka Highschool."

He talked calmly and there wasn't anything special about Kodaka Highschool but it really surprised.

"That's the same highschool I went to."

"Really? It's a shame we never bumped into each other until now. Though even if we HAD met I doubt we would have become friends."

Why did he say it like that? Could it be?

"Did you not have a lot of friends?"

"Busted, huh? What gave it away?" Raku sighs. "It's not like I was a loner or anything. My family decided that I was to become the next head of the family business, I was always honing my skills to become the next head. So I never had a lot of time to make friends."

"What was your family's business?"

"Inn keeping and hotel management. My family owns a lot of lodging houses, we even have Inns that were preserved from the Edo Period."

Raku continued to tell me about his family business and though there was enthusiasm in his voice, it sounded fake for some reason.

"My parents were strict too. Everytime I  would see them the would tell me "Don't leave your stuff lying in the living room!", "Clean up after yourself!", "You're the next head so you need to always be prepared", although I never really got to see them much because of how busy they were."

I never knew Raku had such heavy burdens on his shoulders. Being the head of a company is pretty big deal it's almost in the same league as being an Ultimate.

"But you know. I don't dislike the fact I'm inheriting the family business. Sure there's a lot pressure when I finally inherit it but.... I don't really have dreams of my own, at least this way... I can be of use."

"Ah look there's Soda! What are Hanamura and Pekoyama doing there?"

At least this way... I can be of use

What did he mean by that?

I feel like I got to know Raku more,

I decided to join him with Soda and Hanamura.


"What took you guys so long?" Kazuichi whined as he saw Raku and Hajime arrive at the beach.

"Relax, it hasn't even been an hour." Raku said resting the sheathed sword on his shoulder.

"What are you doing here, Hanamura?" Hajime asked the cook.

Teruteru explained his reason for coming with confidence.

"Mmhmhm! To be able to taste the natural flavor of freshly picked coconuts, of course. I rarely got experience them since I was mostly stayed in Aoyama and Azabu. Naturally, my curiosity as a chef has stimulated me!"

Kazuichi grabbed a coconut, the size of a person's head. "Who cares? Here's the coconut we were looking for!" He then raised in the air, excitedly shouting.

"How are you going to split it open?" Teruteru asked with his hand stroking his chin.

"You mean you guys haven't figured it out yet?" Raku asked causing the others to look to him and see the replica sword.

The group then decided to use the sword to split the coconut open.

"Looks like the sword did come in handy." Hajime said to himself.

"Is there anyone who knows how to split open this coconut without spilling juice?" Kazuichi looked at the others who all shook their heads.

"Seriously?! Even you, Hanamura? Aren't you Ultimate Cook?"

"I don't use such a barbaric technique, Soda. My style is to use a sensitive, delicate touch, no matter who or what I'm handling. How about it care for a taste?" Teruteru creepily moved his fingers towards Kazuichi.

"Grrr! I've got a gaggle of goosebumps all over my skin! Honkhonkhonkhonk!"

Ibuki suddenly appeared from behind the four, causing them to be startled.

"Uwaaahh! Mioda? When did you get here?" Kazuichi held his chest, after being frightened.

"I just got here. I was holding hands with Peko and going for a walk when I saw you guys."

"We weren't holding hands." Peko clarified.

"Yes, I see it! A moist lily, glistening with morning dew, blooming vibrantly on a tropical island!  When the sun goes down Pekoyama is the one who frolicks in Mioda's lily field!" Teruteru was about to continue further but Raku smacked him in the head.

"Knock it off."

"I would appreciate it if you would not fantasize about weird things. More importantly what are you all huddling here for?"

"We're trying to split this coconut open." Raku took the coconut and spun around in top of his finger like a basket ball.

"Sooo cool! Hey, Raku, teach Ibuki how to do that. Pretty please." Ibuki put her hands together and gave Raku the puppy dog eyes.

"You don't have to do, Ibuki. Like I'd ever refuse to do anything with you."

"Alright! Once I learn it I'll finally be able to spin pizza dough."

Raku chuckles at her sudden idea.

"Nanashi, let me borrow that replica sword for a moment."

Raku handed Peko the sword and began to teach Ibuki how to spin the coconut. Peko observed the sword, caressing it as if to check it's quality then she nodded firmly.

Ibuki was quick to learn and was already spinning the coconut on her finger.

"Check. It. Out. You guys! Ibuki is such a master learner!" She said as she puffed her chest proudly.

"Mioda, if it's not to much of a bother can you hold the coconut towards me and rotate it so it'd face this direction?"

"Roger Dodger!" Ibuki does as she was told.

"If you do it like that you won't just split the coconut, you'll also spill the juice!"

"I won't make such a mistake. All you need to do is be ready to catch what's going to fall"

With a swift slash the coconut split into two bowls of juice in Ibuki's hands.

They repeated it again with another coconut so that there would be four bowls to drink from.

"Yahoo! Great success!" Ibuki yelled out, throwing her hands in air.

"Once again i have cut a bunch of worthless objects." Peko crossed her arms. "Well? Is it the coconut taste you've been longing for?"

"The smell is to die for and it's perfectly ripe!" Teruteru said as if reciting a poem.

"Does that mean its tasty?" Ibuki asked Raku sipping his share bowl.

"Yep! Really good!"

"Ibuki wants some too!" Ibuki grabs the bowl that Raku was holding and takes a sip, causing Raku to blush.

"Whoa! It's so sweet like sugar on water but not too sweet that it makes Ibuki get sugar rush."

"This makes every coconut juice I've tasted so far feel like a sham!" Hajime commented enjoying his share.

"That's right! I finally got to taste this tropical island sensation. Thanks, Pekoyama!"

"Thanks to this. I've come up with a new recipe! I hope you'd be willing to taste it once I make it, Pekoyama."

"You're all exaggerating, I only did what I can but if enjoyed yourselves because of this. I'm glad."


Free Time

Raku walked to the RocketPunch Market after tasting the best coconut juice he's had but not after playing around with Ibuki.

I decided to go to the Supermarket. After drinking some coconut juice, I'm in the mood for some rice crackers.

Is that Komaeda?

He was looking at the selection of drinks in the vending machine.

"Hello  Komaeda!"

I tried to sound as friendly as possible, he's harsh towards but I'm still not sure if it's because I'm a Reserve Course Student or if he knows.

It's unlikely to be the later but there is a possibility, can't hurt to be sure right?

He turned to me with an excited expression which quickly turned sour when he saw it was me.

"Oh! It's just you. Please, make it quick, I have little to no interest in talking to ordinary people."

You might as well spit in my face at this point

I kept my friendly smile and just laughed at what he said like he didn't just tell me to get lost.

"I noticed how you changed your attitude towards me when I said I was in the Reserve Course. Do you really hate me that much?"

"Oh no! I don't hate you at all, I just don't find you interesting or worth talking to. I mean why would I waste my time with trash like you when I could help build the hope that the Ultimates will bring."

He wrapped his arms around himself as he said that with the look of ecstasy on his face when he mentioned Hope.

He's a rather straightforward person. rom what I've seen, I think he's not the type to lie often. Though he could be a bit more polite...

"I appreciate your honesty. But why do you talk about Ultimates as if your not an Ultimate yourself?"

He's mentioned not thinking that his talent was anything special but it feels as if he's much happier to be with Ultimates than being an Ultimate himself.

"I've said it before haven't I? My luck isn't a talent worth of praise, it's just that insignificant when compared to the hope that the other Ultimates give off with their Ultimate talent."

He looked me dead in the eye, his face told me he didn't have any bad intentions but his eyes told me otherwise.

His eyes felt like a spiral of insanity. An abyss of admiration, to the point of obssession.

"Hope is absolute good. Hope and everything it creates is absolute good! An unstoppable positive force that triumphs no matter what it's up against."

He walks closer to me and places his hands on my shoulders.

"Even if I possess Ultimate Luck it can hardly be called a talent. Trash like me and you are just stepping stones for hope. That is why we must do what we must for the sake of True Hope! Fight! Kill! Die for Hope! That is our purpose!"

I gently took his hands off me and placed one of mine on his shoulder.

"I know... this might not sound too encouraging from me but I think your talent is also something to be proud of."

"And what makes you say that?"

"It's a part of you right? It's something special that was given only to you. It's what make you stand out from the rest of us, ordinary folk. It's how you got to Hope's Peak. You shouldn't think your worthless or disposable, because everyone is special in their own way."

"I never thought that I'd ever hear such kind words from worthless trash like me. Maybe your not so worthless after all. "

Nagito smiled at me, cheerfully this time.

"Thank you, Nanashi. I appreciate it."

Then he left without saying another word.

That was the first time since he found out that I was in the Reserve Course that he called me by my name.

Wait! Isn't it also the first he called me by my name?


Free Time

After lunch, I decided to rest in my cottage. At around 1:30pm, I left to go to the beach.

She's been following me since this morning.

I turned around and finally caught her, red handed.


She came out from behind the cottages and then she bowed repeatedly at me.


"For what?"

"F-For following you... it's just I wanted to ask if you wanted to t-talk b-but I can see that you're busy so please forget about it. Eeeekk! I'm sorry I'm not trying to tell you what to do, I was just–"

Raku smiled and gave her a headpat.

"It's alright. I'm gonna go to the beach right now, if you want you can come along and we can talk."

"Y-You'd do that!? I'm so grateful."

Me and Mikan exited the lobby and headed to the beach.

"So what did you want to talk about, Tsumiki?"

She stared at me then she slowly began to cry. I immediately stopped walking and checked up on her.

"W-What's wrong?!"

She wipe tears with her hands and sobbed as answered me.

"I-I f-forgot what I wanted... to t-talk about... even though I prepared over 5000 topics to talk about... I-I'm sorry."

That's going a little overboard...

"It's okay... H-How about we talk about you?"

"M-me!? Why would you want to know more about me?"

"Why not? I wanna know more about you. You mentioned your parents before, right? What were they like?"

"My parents? I didn't really like them that much... at school and at home, I would often get beaten up. Then after they were done they'd just leave. Since nobody would treat me when I was hurt, I just did it myself and eventually, I got good at it."

Tsumiki continued telling me more about her childhood on our way to the beach.

How the people around her would make her do animal impressions for their own amusement, draw on her body, tell her to strip, settle their debts, and other ways how others would torment her.

It made me feel bad for her but not nearly as bad as watching her tell all those stories with a happy smile on her face. It didn't seem like she was forcing herself to smile and that concerned me even more.

Then we arrived at the beach and by then I couldn't help but grit my teeth and narrow my eyes.

She must have noticed because when I turned to look at her she became silent and began apologizing.

"I-I'm sorry! Please forgive! I'll take off my clothes right away!"

"Wait! No! Stop!"

She began to take off her apron but I stopped her. Grabbing her hand but I must have grabbed it too tightly because I saw her flinch.

I quickly let go of her and immediately apologized.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you like that... I just..."

Her eyes were watery and her arms went to guard her head as if to avoid being hit in the head.

"Tsumiki... I–"

Before I was able to finish, the monitor besides us suddenly turned on, revealing Monokuma on the screen.

"Ahem! Hope's Peak Academy's School Trip Executive Committee has an announcement to make... Hello everyone! The fun time you've all been waiting for is about to begin! I wonder what festivities await you? ...Oops, don't wanna ruin the surprise! It was a little "meh" at first, but anyway, please gather at Jabberwock Park!"

Tsumiki bowed to me apologetically.

"I-I'm sorry, I talked too much and got ahead of myself. P-Please forgive! I-I'll make it up to you, I promise so please forgive me!"

"You didn't do anything wrong, Tsumiki. I'm just... shocked and frankly really concerned. How did you manage put up with all of that?"

"Obviously, I don't want to do that stuff at all. But if it makes everyone not hate me and smile at me, then it's much better. Heh...hehehehehe."

There it is again. Her cheerful giggle and smile despite the terrible things she had to do.


"Oh my my! What are you two doing out here so late?" Ibuki suddenly appeared from behind Tsumiki and behind her were the others.

"Hmph! Whatever it is, I suggest you put it to a pause. There's no telling what the bear might do if we don't obey." Byakuya said, it looked like everyone thought the same too.

"Y-Yeah. Tsumiki, let's talk again later."

"Y-You'd really want to talk to me again?"

"Of course, I still want to learn more about you." I pet her and began walking with the others to the central island.

"C'mon. We better hurry and get to the central island before Monokuma does something." I said as I gestured Tsumiki to follow.

"O-Okay!" Tsumiki exclaimed before following us.

"Soooooo... what's the deal with you and Mikan? A confession? A rejection? Or could it be... an evening affair!" Ibuki said as she walked beside me.

"It wasn't anything like that, we were just talking."

Ibuki suddenly jumps on my back and piggyback rides me. "What the? Ibuki?!"

"Ibuki's a little jealous that your not spending much time with her! Sooo Ibuki thought you should make for it as Ibuki's steed. Giddy up! Raku!" She yelled out as she swung around her body on my back.

I chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Alright! I promise as your fan, that I'll pay more attention to you, Ibuki." I pledged as I carried her to central island.

And so we all went to the central island, with Ibuki on my back and curiosity on our minds.

Monokuma... what are you planning?

Finally, we're almost at the real beginning of the story. Next chapter's probably gonna be out in like five days so watch out for that.

Next free time, I really want to write one with Ibuki next since Raku hasn't really talked her much since their introductions. She's just so fun, she's the best. Chiaki too, she's a very important character and one of my favorites as well.

Anyway, that's all see you all later.

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