Fiancé | Dabi x Reader

By mypeachychan

52.7K 1.7K 501

A story in which a mafia falls in love with someone else's fiancé or better known as, his former fiancé. "I'm... More

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1.6K 54 32
By mypeachychan


You stepped through the front door, leaving behind the busyness of the outside world and entering the comforting familiarity of your home. The butterflies in your stomach were fluttering with nervous excitement, as tonight was the night you had been eagerly waiting for. It was your first official date with Dabi, a momentous occasion considering your unconventional histories.

You quickly kicked off your shoes and walked toward your room. Your mind raced as you fumbled through your closet, desperately searching for the perfect outfit that would make you feel confident and alluring. After rummaging through the hangers, you settled on a sleek black dress that accentuated your curves and added a touch of elegance to your appearance.

With your outfit sorted, you moved to the bathroom, wanting to make sure your makeup was flawless. You delicately applied mascara to your lashes, a hint of blush to your cheeks, and a swipe of glossy red lipstick. As you looked at your reflection in the mirror, you couldn't help but notice the excitement shining in your eyes. Tonight was different; tonight felt special.

Your heart skipped a beat as you heard the distant sound of the doorbell ring. Your anticipation grew to an almost unbearable level as you rushed towards the door, your steps echoing through the hallway. With trembling hands, you grasped the doorknob and swung open the door, revealing Dabi standing there in his usual suit.

A smile curled up on Dabi's lips as he took in your appearance. "Well, well, someone's gone all out tonight," he commented, eyeing you appreciatively. "You never dressed up like this for me before."

You couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and amusement at his remark. "Well, you never really gave me a chance, did you?" You countered with a playful twinkle in your eyes.

Dabi smirked, leaning casually against the door frame. "I suppose I should ask you out on a date more often, then," he replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Who knows what other surprises you might have in store for me."

Your cheeks flushed, a mixture of excitement and embarrassment washing over your body. You couldn't deny the thrill that his flirty remark sent shooting through your veins. Gathering your courage, you stepped closer to him and extended your hand toward him.

"So, are you going to keep me waiting, Dabi?" You asked, your voice slightly shaky but filled with anticipation.

Dabi's smirk widened as he took your hand in his, his touch sending a spark through your fingertips. "Of course not," he replied smoothly. "Shall we?"

With that, Dabi led you out of the apartment building and towards his sleek black car parked on the street. As you walked with him, you couldn't help but feel an eager anticipation bubbling within you.

As you slipped into the passenger seat of Dabi's car, you couldn't contain your curiosity any longer. The anticipation was building up, and you couldn't help but wonder where he had planned to take you tonight. With a playful smile, you turned to face him.

"So, Dabi," you began, your voice filled with excitement. "Where exactly are we headed?"

Dabi grinned mischievously, his cerulean eyes gleaming in the dim car lighting. "That, my princess, is a secret," he replied, his voice laced with teasing mystery. "You'll just have to wait and see."

Your cheeks instantly blushed, turning a delicate shade of pink upon hearing the new nickname he gave you. Choosing to ignore it, you leaned in closer, your curiosity brimming. "Come on, give me a hint at least," you pleaded. "I can't stand the suspense!"

Dabi chuckled softly, his fingers tapping against the steering wheel. "Alright, one hint," he relented. "It's a place that promises a night filled with thrills and laughter."

Your eyes widened, excitement bubbling in your chest. "Comedy show," you guessed, your voice barely a whisper.

Dabi smirked and shook his head. "Not even close, princess," he replied.

Throughout the entire car ride, you were making random guesses of the potential places Dabi would take you; however, you gave up along the way when he just kept on saying no. On the other hand, Dabi was taking a mental note of everything you've said, hoping one day he'd take you on all those dates you've come up with.

Eventually, you found yourself in the parking lot of an amusement park with Dabi as your heart skipped a beat. You had forgotten all about amusement parks but were still happy to be there. However, your excited smile soon turned into a frown as you turned towards Dabi.

Your expression turned concerned. But, Dabi, I'm wearing a dress. Won't it be inappropriate?"

"Don't worry about your dress. It'll be fine," Dabi assured you with a smile.

"Are you sure?" You asked, still not convinced by him.

Dabi chuckled warmly, assuring you in a comforting tone. "Trust me, princess," he said, reaching out to brush a strand of hair from your face. "I've made sure that the entire amusement park is rented out just for us tonight. Every ride, every attraction, for us and us alone."

Your eyes widen with surprise and amazement. "You rented out the whole park?" You exclaimed, your voice tinged with disbelief. "Why would you do that?"

Dabi's smirk softened into a gentle smile. "Because, Y/N," he replied softly, his voice filled with sincerity, "I wanted tonight to be just you and me. No distractions, no crowds. Just us, enjoying each other's company."

A blush crept onto your cheeks as you tried to find words to express your gratitude. "Dabi, that's incredibly thoughtful of you," you said, your voice filled with genuine appreciation. "But is it really okay? I mean, financially?"

Dabi chuckled lightly, amusement twinkling in his eyes. "Don't worry, Y/N. I've got enough money to do this for years," he confessed, his voice dripping with confidence. "You deserve nothing less."

And that wasn't a lie. In fact, working as a mafia executive earned him more than a regular CEO would earn annually. Finances would be his last worry; moreover, for you, he wouldn't hesitate to only give you the finest things in life.

With his reassurance, Dabi swiftly stepped out of the car and moved to open the passenger door for you. His actions were filled with an unspoken tenderness, leaving you feeling a flutter in your chest. You hesitated for a second, a shy smile gracing your features, before accepting his gesture and stepping out onto the pavement.

Together, you and Dabi walked hand in hand towards the entrance of the amusement park, your hearts filled with excitement and gratitude for the amazing night that awaited the both of you. And as you and Dabi stepped through the gates, your mind was flooded with thoughts of the unforgettable memories you were about to create, all thanks to Dabi's thoughtful and grand gesture.

You and Dabi stood at the front of the amusement park, the stench of cotton candy and excitement filling the air. The colorful lights from the carnival rides brought a childlike joy to your eyes, while Dabi admired the way your eyes sparkled.

"Alright, what ride should we go on first?" Dabi asked, his voice dripping with his usual nonchalant tone. But deep down, he was just as nervous as you were, with the adrenaline already beginning to pump through his veins.

Without hesitation, you pointed towards a large roller coaster in the distance. "Let's start with that one!" you exclaimed, a wide grin stretching across your face. Your hands trembled with anticipation, unable to contain your excitement.

Dabi couldn't help but chuckle at your enthusiasm, hiding his own nervousness behind a mask of cool indifference. "Sure thing," he replied, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. As you and Dabi approached the towering ride, you tightly clutched onto Dabi's arm, your grip betraying your fear.

The roller coaster roared to life as you and Dabi strapped themselves in, the metal bars clicking into place. As the ride jerked the both of you forward, you let out a blood-curdling scream, your voice piercing through the air. Dabi, on the other hand, tried to suppress his own screams, but they escaped in small, unguarded moments.

With each twist and turn, your screams grew louder, and your laughter mingled with the rush of adrenaline. Dabi couldn't help but steal glances at you, admiring the way your face lit up with pure happiness despite your fear. He found it endearing how genuine you were, and it made his heart skip a beat.

After what seemed like both an eternity and a fleeting moment, the roller coaster screeched to a halt, and you jumped out with flushed cheeks and a wide smile. "That was amazing!" You exclaimed, your voice filled with exhilaration.

Dabi climbed out, feigning nonchalance as he straightened his suit, but inside, he couldn't deny the feeling of exhilaration coursing through his veins. He had enjoyed the ride far more than he had anticipated, and he even found himself craving more of that thrill.

Your eyes sparkled as you turned towards the Ferris wheel in the distance. "Let's go on the Ferris wheel next!" you suggested, grabbing Dabi's hand and pulling him towards the towering attraction.

As you and Dabi boarded the Ferris wheel, you settled into one of the swinging gondolas, your cheeks still flushed from the thrill of the roller coaster ride. Dabi sat beside you, his gaze fixated on your blushing face.

"Do you remember the first time we rode this Ferris wheel together?" Dabi asked, his voice quieter and more vulnerable than usual.

A soft smile tugged at your lips as you nodded, your eyes locking with his. "Of course I do," you whispered, your voice filled with warmth and nostalgia.

The atmosphere between you and Dabi suddenly grew intense, both of you feeling the shift in your connections. Without a word, Dabi leaned in, capturing your lips in a gentle but passionate kiss. Time seemed to stand still as the both of you melted into each other, the world around you slowly fading away.

As the Ferris wheel continued its slow ascent, your kiss deepened, fueled by a combination of love, excitement, and the thrill of being caught up in the moment. Both of you were lost in each other's presence, forgetting the outside world and immersing yourselves in the electrifying connection you both shared.

When the Ferris wheel finally reached its peak, you parted ways from Dabi, your breaths mingling with the cool night air. Your face flushed once again, but this time, it wasn't solely from the thrill of the rides.

Dabi grinned, his usual cockiness replaced by a softened expression. "I guess the Ferris wheel holds a special place in our hearts," he mused, his voice tinged with a newfound tenderness.

You nodded, your eyes filled with affection. "Definitely," you whispered, mustering up the courage to reach out and intertwine your fingers with his. "And I can't wait for many more rides and memories together."


As you and Dabi finished your date with a meal at a cozy restaurant, you couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and contentment. It had been a wonderful date, filled with laughter, intimate moments, and a genuine connection that steadily grew stronger.

Before you could step into your apartment, you turned towards Dabi, a slight blush gracing your cheeks. "Hey, Dabi," you began hesitantly, "I know it might be a bit forward, but...would you like to stay the night with me?" You felt a warmth building up inside of you, an undeniable desire to spend more time with him.

Dabi's eyes flickered with surprise, his gaze softening for a moment. He considered your invitation, a mixture of uncertainty and longing playing across his features. He had been drawn to you since the beginning, but he didn't want to rush anything if you weren't comfortable with it.

He paused for a beat, feeling the anticipation bubbling within him. Finally, he nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "I'd like that," he replied, his voice a gentle reassurance. "I want to spend more time with you too, princess."

The evening continued in the comfort of your living room, where you and Dabi settled on the couch, side by side. The TV provided a soft background noise, but your attention was drawn to each other. You stole glances at Dabi, noticing the intensity in his eyes as he watched you.

Curiosity and a hint of nervousness filled you as you turned your head to meet his gaze. Before you could utter a word, Dabi closed the distance between the two of you, cupping your face gently with one hand. Without a warning, his lips met yours, igniting a fire within you.

The kiss was passionate. Time seemed to stand still as you and Dabi surrendered yourselves to the moment, your connections growing stronger with each heartbeat. The world around you both faded away, leaving only the two of you enveloped in an electric embrace.

With his free hand, Dabi was roaming around your body as you allowed him to learn about your curves. Your hands, which were cupping his face to bring him closer to you, made their way towards his hair, tugging it slightly as the sound of sucking and moans filled the air.

As the both of you pulled apart, both of your breaths were mingling as your hearts raced in your chest. You could see the desperate needs in his eyes as he gazed into your e/c eyes with half-lidded eyes. There was no denying that he needed you, and you too needed him.

However, you were a mere virgin, and asking for him to screw you was probably too much. Embarrassed, you were the first to look away with your cheeks still blushing.

"Hey...look at me, princess," Dabi whispered, his voice laced with gentleness as his hands gently caressed your jaw. His fingertips are placed behind your ear and his thumb rests on your cheek. "Don't be shy, princess."

Turning your gaze back on Dabi, you swallowed the dry lump in your throat before mustering up the courage to ask him, "Dabi, can you be my first?"

"Are you sure you want this, princess?" Dabi asked, but deep down he was stunned to know you had been saving yourself. Moreover, he was more than happy to be your first.

"Yeah...I'm sure." You tried to answer confidently, but all that came out was barely above a whisper.

And no, that wasn't a lie. You had never been more sure of anything before. The thought of your first being with Dabi was more than enough to convince yourself that it'd be worth it. Moreover, you couldn't help the tingling sensation between your inner thighs.

It was the first time you were ever this desperate for someone.

Without hesitation, Dabi stood up, carried you bridal style, and walked into your room. Gently, he placed you down on your bed before unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt.

"Tell me if you ever want me to stop, alright, princess?" Dabi was straddling you, and with a little nod from you, he dived into your lips. There was no denying that he desperately needed you, as you felt his bulge against your gender.

A tingling sensation ran through your body as you allowed Dabi to explore your mouth with his tongue. His hands trapped you as you tugged at his hair from beneath him, moaning into his mouth. In that moment, nothing else mattered—you had no worries or fears, not even your past or future matters.

It didn't take long for Dabi to undress you, leaving you naked as he admired your body. His eyes made sure to admire every detail of your body as if you were a map he needed to learn about.

Embarrassed, you covered your breast with your arms as you blushed, feeling a little self-conscious as Dabi stared.

"You're beautiful, so don't hide yourself from me, princess," Dabi whispered, his voice gentle and raspy yet filled with lust. He gently removed your arms that were covering your breast before he allowed himself to suck on your tit. His free hand was massaging your other breast, showing equal attention to both of your breasts.

Suddenly, he stopped, lifting his head up to look into your desperate eyes. "Are you sure you want this?" Dabi asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.

"Yeah, because it's you," you nodded, blushing.

Without a word, he brought his lips to yours and kissed you as he placed his hand over your gender. His fingertips aligned over your slit as he felt how wet you were.

"You're so wet," he smirked, eyeing your blushing face before he brought his fingertips to your clitoral area, earning a moan from you.

"You're so hot," he praised, rubbing your clitoral area as he watched your expression fill with pleasure.

With every motion, Dabi's fingertips sent a shockwave of pleasure through your entire being as you allowed yourself to get lost in his touch. And when you thought it couldn't get any better, he slid a finger inside your damp entrance, causing a sigh to escape your lips.

Without warning, he slipped another finger into you, pumping you in and out without stopping as he kissed your lips. You were drunk and drowning in pleasure as you felt pressure building up inside your stomach.

"Fuck..." you moaned, your eyes rolling back. "Dabi, I... I think I'm gonna..." Clenching onto your bedsheets, you let out a pitched cry as you cum, back arching and head rolling back onto your pillow.

Satisfied with you cumming all over his fingers, Dabi slowly slid his fingers out of you and licked your juices all over his fingers. "What should I reward you with for cumming like a good girl?" Dabi teased, his cock throbbing and asking for release.

"Y—you..." you mumbled, your face hot and red.

With that, Dabi got off the bed as he fumbled with his shirt, unbuttoning it as fast as he could while keeping his gaze on yours. Impatient, you got up and walked towards him as you fumbled with his belt.

"Let me help you," you whispered, hoping he wouldn't notice how desperate you were to feel him inside of you.

The moment he took off his shirt, you shimmy his jeans down as you eyed the scars on his body. It was beautiful. Though it did make you worried, you couldn't imagine how much pain he was in when he got these scars. However, your mind soon shifted when you saw the huge bulge in his boxer. If he was this big without taking off his boxer, just exactly how big would he be without them?

"Eyes on me, princess," Dabi brought his hand to your chin and lifted your face. "I want to be the only thing you look at tonight," he added, his hand caressing your face before he smashed his lips into yours.

Amidst the passionate kiss, Dabi managed to push you onto your bed as he followed and position himself between your legs as he stroked his cock, his eyes locked onto yours. "Tell me, how bad you want me," Dabi teased, moving the tip of his cock up and down your damp entrance.

"Please... I need you now, Dabi," you pleaded, your eyes longing to feel his cock inside of you.

"Good girl," Dabi smirked before he pushed his entire cock inside of you, letting out a groan as your wall clenched around his cock. Slowly, he rolls his hips, slipping his cock in and out of you, allowing you to adjust to his girth.

It hurts. He was so big, as if he were stretching you apart. Slowly but surely, the pain soon disappeared as pleasure soon filled you. The sound of bodies slapping against one another filled the air as your moans filled Dabi's ear, turning him on even more as he thrust into you.

"Fuck... you're so tight," Dabi groaned, thrusting harder and faster as your wall clenched tighter around his cock, inviting him in deeper. With every thrust, he went in deeper and harder as the tip of his cock grazed against your cervix, filling you with pleasure.

Soon, the familiar sensation was back as pressure began building in your stomach. You were lost in euphoria as you urged Dabi to fuck you faster, desperately in need of release. "F—faster, Dabi," you pleaded, your voice breathy and desperate.

"F—Fuck..." Dabi groaned, thrusting into you faster as his thrust got sloppier.

"Fuck..." Your eyes rolled back and your back arched. "Dabi, I'm..." You didn't finish your sentence as the pressure within your stomach exploded, releasing your warm juices all over his cock as you let out a pitch-perfect cry of pleasure.

"Fuck, I'm cumming too, princess," Dabi groaned, his cock throbbing as he made one final thrust, releasing his seeds inside of you. He couldn't think straight, getting lost in the euphoria of the moment as he rested his forehead on yours. The sound of panting soon filled the air as you felt his hot breath fanning your face, and your eyes locked onto his.

"You're so hot like this," Dabi praised, smirking whatsoever as you playfully hit his shoulder.

"I'll get you some emergency contraceptive pills tomorrow," Dabi said softly, getting off of you as he lay next to you on your bed.

"It's fine. I'm on birth control," you managed to say, turning on your side as Dabi wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

‧₊˚✩彡𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟‧₊˚✩彡๋ ࣭ ⭑๋ ࣭ ⭑
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙
This chapter was longer than I thought it would be...
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙

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