Crossing Into Forever

By violetclair267

352 3 0

In the darkness of her dreams, she saw herself standing at a window looking down below, only to see a misting... More

EXCERPT and then into Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - A New Home
Chapter 3- The Invasion
Chapter 4 - Christian is Born
Chapter 5 - Mother Stand Your Ground
Chapter 6 - Christian Grows up
Chapter 7 - Ella
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 8

10 0 0
By violetclair267

After some time at the park a familiar face arrived, and Ella was thrilled to see it. It was Sebastian, who was a monk from the monastery. Sebastian was more like a father to Christian than a friend. He had known Christian since he had been born and he had been a huge part of Christian's life. Christian had only found out when he announced he was engaged to be married, exactly how much of an impact Sebastian had had on his life. Sebastian was paramount in keeping Christian safe since his birth. Unbeknownst to Christian until then, Sebastian had always been in the shadows guarding Christian. However, Christian felt like the danger to himself, and his family had past, and Sebastian and Mother Christina were wasting their time always being on guard for him. He insisted that the watch stop. He wanted to speak to Sebastian about this alone before telling Mother Christina. He felt like with Mother Christina and Sebastian getting older, the constant watching and worrying would eventually take a toll on their health. He also felt like it was preventing him from moving forward with his own life. His main purpose for this meeting was to tell Father Sebastian that he had been offered a high paying job out of the region they now lived in and had decided to accept the offer. He knew this would upset Sebastian and Mother Christina, but he decided he would hear no argument about it. It was a huge promotion for him, and it would benefit his family immensely. In his opinion, his life was no longer in danger. Everything that had happened was so long ago. He didn't believe that anyone would want to harm him because he himself did not consider himself a threat to anyone, especially someone on another planet. Sebastian argued and pleaded with him, but to no avail. Mother Christina was in disbelief when she heard the news. She also tried to talk to Christian about his decision, but his mind was made up. He would not listen to reason, and it was not long before Christian and his family moved away.

It was only seven months after leaving the safety of the watchful eyes of Mother Christina and Father Sebastian that Christian and his family were involved in a horrible car accident. The authorities were puzzled because it was a single car accident, but the damage to the vehicle was catastrophic. The car had left the road at a high rate of speed and traveled into a wooded area and hit a tree. There was no apparent cause for this to have happened. There was no doubt in Christina's and Sebastian's mind as to what had happened. They felt that the Warbrotums had something to do with the accident. It was only by miracle that little Ella survived with not much more than a few cuts and bruises, but her parents both lost their lives in the event.

Mother Christina and the entire convent and monastery were devastated when they got the news. Once more, Christina gave thanks to God for a child surviving. But it took many months for the anger and despair in her to ease. Ella coming to the convent to live helped ease the pain and eventually, she was able to see past her deep depression that had overtaken her. She made a promise to herself and to God that she would do everything in her power to keep Ella safe and not allow any harm to come to her. She felt like she had failed Christian, but she would not fail Ella.

It is hard to convince someone when they are young and full of excitement for life that there are risks involved that may not be worth taking, and life can be put in jeopardy by simply seeking one's dreams. The young will never appreciate the wisdom and foresight of those that are older and have the understanding to know what is best. But is it worth not living in order to ensure life? History is known to repeat itself and that is a difficult concept to have peace with. It is because of this that Mother Christina has forever dedicated her days to protecting Ella from the merciless fate of her father and grandmother. But the young will not rest until they get their way no matter the conceivable consequences because there is no convincing someone that is so full of hopes and dreams for their future. 

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