Cold Bones Embrace (UTMV X OC...

By Deadly_Beasty

361 11 14

!!!!THIS IS A SANSES X OCS/ SELF-INSERTS BOOK!!!! ||20,172 words|| The cover was made by my good pal @horror... More

Prologue | Lights Out
1| Drag
2| Tek It
5| Show Me How
6| 1901
7| This December
8| Half Broken Japanese
9| Frankly Mr.Shankly
10| Something Good can Work
11 | Back to the Old House

4| Money

31 1 1
By Deadly_Beasty

•Honey we ran from the country, when we rushed to the city, now there's nothing to be done.•


"Explain to me why I'm bringing you two along again?" Micheal muttered, combing a hand through his hair a moment, gesturing to the two skeletons in front of him. Dust and Horror.

Horror, looking more like a kicked puppy than a skeleton, worried about food or something.

Micheal didn't care too much.

Sighing, he walked past the skeletons, to go grab his wallet from his room, suddenly realizing that, one of, if not the most, annoying skeletons was inhabiting his room.

Reaching the door, he knocked hard. A little pissed off he had to spend his own money on groceries when the skeletons cleared out what he was going to eat for the next week.

"Wassup?" Killer opened the door to his room, the smile from earlier still plain on his face, Micheal was starting to get fed up with his smugness, though he tried to regain his composure.

"I need in there for a bit, I got things I need to grab," Micheal almost mumbled, still tired from the sudden wake up that had been less than an hour earlier.

Killer stepped out of Micheal's way, letting him inside, Micheal stepped in, going straight to his nightstand and snatching his phone, stuffing it in a pocket of his sweatpants. He went to his closet second, grabbing his jean jacket hoodie, the main body being jean jacket and the sleeves and hood being off-white.

Killer only watched him as he shuffled around in his room, looking for his wallet full of cash. Micheal got desperate enough to crawl under his bed, ignoring the box he kept his collection in and feeling around in the dark for his seemingly missing wallet.

Once he crawled out from under the bed he cursed under his breath.

"Fuck," he barely mumbled, now shoving around in the various books in the room.

As the seconds flew by he only got more worried, eventually a crowd gathered behind Killer, Dust and Horror now also watch Micheal as his panic rose, throwing open every drawer in his room trying to find his wallet.

"Where is it?!" He lashed out, slamming the drawers to his nightstand the tenth time, trying to keep calm but yet about ten seconds away from exploding at any given time.

Killer suddenly jumped to his side, Micheal still not understanding how he does that in half a second. Killer set a hand on one of Micheal's shoulders and holding Micheal's wallet with the other hand.

"Looking for this?" He spoke in a teasing tone that made Micheal suddenly snatch it with great annoyance from him.

"Killer you piece of shit, boss will strangle you," Dust slapped Killer on the back harshly, knocking him forward a few inches.

"Kinky," Micheal blurted as a force of habit, as Killer burst into a full hyena cackle, Dust snorting alongside him, though Horror didn't seem to find it funny. Micheal almost wanted to apologize for his joke. One of his friends from a long time ago would've smacked him upside the head, this made him stop laughing.

Reminiscing hurts, and the sudden pang in his heart was too much for him.

"You guys going shopping? Can I come?" Killer barely managed to say through his cackles and Micheal shrugged.

"Sure, I don't care," Micheal was barely above a mumble, Dust giving him a semi-knowing glance. Micheal was almost intimidated by this, taking a step back, playing it off as an inability to stand still.

After standing still in silence for a while Micheal realized they were waiting on him.

"You guys want me to drive to the store?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes a moment, something in the area was triggering his allergies, either dust mites or pet dander. Maybe even pollen.

"I know a short cut," Killer suddenly blurted, grabbing Micheal by the wrist, to which made Micheal panic a moment, about to tear away when in a split second he was in the parking lot of a grocery store that definitely wasn't in Westville, the town Micheal lived in.

If anything he recognized it from Ebott town- er- Ebott city now. Where the fuck was he?

"Killer you dimwit!" Dust smacked Killer for the second time today, yet Killer's stupid smile still remained.

"Where are we?" Micheal questioned before a sudden bout of sickness took him and he had to clutch his stomach and hope that his intestines weren't ruptured or something.

Today couldn't get weirder.

"Killer took us to Ebott City by accident, since it's the places we know best," Horror muttered, stepping in front of Dust and Killer, trying to cover them up as Dust muttered to Killer in a very aggressive tone. Micheal didn't catch on the full conversation, just something along the lines of 'do you wanna get us-' and then something unintelligible afterwards.

"Oh gee, you guys are lucky I used to live here, I know my way around, I could get us back but we don't have a car," Micheal sighed, the pain in his stomach subsiding after a while, he glanced around the parking lot, it was relatively full, but not too much.

"You used to live here?" Horror muttered inquisitively, his voice never going above a mumble, yet still audible.

"Oh yeah, I used to love this town, lived just down the road from the post office 'till I was 14 and the event happened," Micheal shuddered remembering that day, stifling back a lot of sadness.

"The event?" Horror let out, looking like he regretted it for a moment, still curious nonetheless.

"Survivors were basically sworn to secrecy to protect themselves from the culprits coming back for them, now only monsterphobe's and shitty politicians use it to enforce their opinions, like one should do with any sensitive topic regarding murder," Micheal made a snarky comment, lazily and likely letting more than he should slip into his sentence, to be fair he hadn't exactly had anyone his age to talk to, "You guys are monsters, I'd figure you'd know when it's half the reason monsterphobia is so bad, especially in people our age."

"Oh right. Head crack makes it hard to remember," Horror gestured to his hole, to everyone but Micheal it was extremely apparent that he was lying through his teeth, but Micheal had always been a bit blindly trusting.

Micheal hadn't even realized they had started walking to the store until he almost collided with the door. He opened it, holding it open for the skeletons.

Once everyone was inside he grabbed a shopping cart, pausing, opening his wallet and counting his money.

"Alright, you skeletons get 100g to get whatever you want to eat for a week, and I'll just grab what I want," Micheal muttered, gesturing for them to grab a cart too.

"100g?!" Killer's jaw would've dropped to the floor if it wasn't for the magical forces keeping it attached to his skull. Dust held a hand above his skull like a threat for a moment causing Killer to giggle.

"My uncle's kinda rich, he left me some G to make sure I didn't starve to death while he was out," Micheal started pushing the cart around the store, only semi-focused on shopping.

"You live with your uncle?" Dust raised a metaphorical brow, and Micheal shook his head vigorously.

"I've lived with him since my parents- well- they died, and I was orphaned, so I lived with him since then, just haven't moved out yet," Micheal clarified, trying to make it seem like he doesn't have a predator for an uncle.

"Gee that sucks," Killer mumbled, yet his smile never faltered, maybe he just couldn't, Micheal quickly started feeling sorry for him, though he noticed the slight twitching of the glowing target in front of his chest. Wait, glowing target? Micheal hadn't noticed it before.

"On another note, why don't you guys go grab what ya want I don't care," Micheal quickly changed the topic, waving away the skeletons, yet Killer stayed.

"There's just something I gotta know," Killer mumbled and Micheal stopped walking, confused.

"What's up?" Micheal muttered, glancing at Killer yet quickly trying to choose between two sugary cereals, after having thrown a giant box of chocolate poptarts in the cart.

"Why?" Killer barely spoke now, and Micheal was starting to get worried. Killer approached him slowly and despite being at best an inch or two taller, Micheal was starting to be intimidated by those empty eyes compared to the other's spots of light he supposed were pupils, meaning Killer just didn't have pupils.

"Why what?" Micheal stammered, pushing the cart forward and quickly at that, going to the next aisle, where the snacks were, fruit snacks, chips, granola, nuts.

Heh nuts.

Micheal pushes the cart down the aisle ignoring the fact he left Killer in the dust behind him. He was trying to ignore the looming question and the eeriness Killer suddenly carried with him, while still being somewhat polite.

Micheal grabbed a box of chocolate chip granola bars and shoved it in the cart, as well as a bag of pretzels he was likely going to clear through in one night of hunger. He anticipated it in fact, and grabbed a second bag. He went down the aisle trying to think of what else he wanted to eat for a week, he was lucky the skeletons had caught him so early in his uncle's leave.

By now Killer had caught back up and Micheal wasn't too keen on facing the permanently (or so he assumed) smiling skeleton. Micheal jumped when he felt Killer's hand on his shoulder, Killer didn't even snicker this time.

"You didn't answer my question," Killer muttered, an edge to his voice, like he was angry, and Micheal just wanted to curl up all the more.

"There you are!" Horror called out, arms filled to the brim with foods, that he suddenly dumped into the cart, Dust dumping a similar load, yet smaller since he was a lot shorter than Horror, I mean Horror towered over Micheal of all people.

"We looked all over the store for you two, we would've thought you would've moved from these few aisles by now, but seems you're a bit slow," Dust spoke in a teasing tone, but Micheal barely picked up on it, shrugging it off, he didn't understand monster customs after all, for all he knew everything he experienced was just the monster's way of a good time. He found it a bit stressful though.

"I got a few more things to pick up, sorry 'bout the wait," Micheal spoke, pushing the now very full cart to the next aisle, finding it to be the one where many juices and things were found. He pulled up to a brand of drinks he enjoyed, juice in a can essentially, and looked around for a moment, "Shitty wallmart man, doesn't even have the twelve pack."

He sighed and started grabbing cans and loading them into the cart, at some point Dust and Horror had wandered off again, leaving Killer and Micheal alone.

Micheal shuddered out of nowhere, putting the last of the juices in the cart and turning, Killer's face had gone dark for a bit, Micheal growing more worried by the second.

"Hey man are you alright? You look ill or something?" He mumbled, almost tripping over his own words, watching with wide eyes as Killer snapped up to look at him.

"I just need to see something real quick," Killer barely whispered, magic igniting in his palm and Micheal flinched at the sound it made, almost like a high pitched lightning that wasn't nearly as loud.

Worried he just locked eyes with Killer and backed up against the wall. Killer's smile still remained. Unwavering. Something in the air made Micheal tense up.

Micheal was fucking terrified at this point.

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