Shinobi Pokemon Master

Oleh CrimsonHunter-7567

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Naruto was banished for failing bringing to Uchiha back, and so decided to leave. To never look back at the p... Lebih Banyak

Intro song
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

864 23 8
Oleh CrimsonHunter-7567

     The plane soared through the skies, carrying two travelers with hearts full of anticipation. Naruto sat comfortably in his seat, his attention focused on the small, dark fox Pokémon, Zorua, nestled in his lap. He gently scratched its back as it slumbered peacefully, a contented expression on its face. The rhythmic hum of the engines created a soothing backdrop to the moment.

      Beside Naruto, Fu gazed out of the window, her eyes fixed on the changing landscape below. The sight of fluffy clouds, distant mountains, and sprawling cities invoked a sense of wonder within her. Her fingers lightly traced the outline of the window frame, her thoughts wandering as the plane carried them closer to the Kanto region.

     Naruto glanced up from his interaction with Zorua and noticed Fu lost in thought. He smiled and gently nudged her with his elbow.

Naruto: (grinning) Hey, Fu, you excited? We're finally on our way to Kanto!

     Fu turned to him, her expression shifting from contemplation to excitement.

Fu: (enthusiastic) Yeah, Naruto! It's like a whole new world waiting for us out there. I can't wait to see what Kanto has in store.

Naruto: (nodding) Totally! And guess what? We're gonna catch tons of Pokémon, train hard, and maybe even challenge the Gym Leaders!

      Fu's eyes sparkled with determination, mirroring Naruto's enthusiasm.

Fu: (determined) You bet! I want to become a Pokémon Master and show everyone what we're made of.

Naruto: (pumping his fist) That's the spirit, Fu! We're not gonna back down, no matter what challenges come our way.

      As the plane continued its journey, Naruto's gaze drifted back to Zorua, who had now woken up and was playfully batting at his fingers. The small Pokémon's presence was a constant reminder of their new adventure, and Naruto couldn't help but feel a surge of determination.

Naruto: (softly) We're gonna make the most of this, Zorua. It's a fresh start for all of us.

Fu: (smiling) And we'll give it our all, just like we always do.

    As the plane's engines hummed on, Naruto's thoughts took a turn down memory lane. He recalled the moment when he had activated the jutsu that brought them to this new world. The sensation of falling through the rift, surrounded by swirling energy and cosmic colors, was etched vividly in his mind. And then, he remembered catching a glimpse of a colossal and majestic creature that Juniper had identified as Palkia, a Legendary Pokémon.

Naruto: (thoughtful) Hey, Fu, do you know anything about Palkia?

     Fu shifted her attention from the window to Naruto, her curiosity piqued by his question.

Fu: (contemplative) Palkia... I think I've heard the name before. Isn't it one of the Legendary Pokémon? But I'm not sure about the details.

     Naruto nodded, his brows furrowing slightly as he tried to recall what Juniper had told them.

Naruto: Yeah, Juniper mentioned that Palkia is one of the Legendary Pokémon that can control space. I saw it briefly when we were falling through that rift. It was like... a guardian of the dimensions.

Fu: (intrigued) That sounds incredible. A Pokémon that controls space itself? This world is full of wonders we've yet to discover.

Naruto: (grinning) You got that right, Fu. And who knows? Maybe one day, we'll get to meet more Legendary Pokémon and have some legendary adventures of our own.

      As their conversation wove dreams of legendary encounters and epic journeys, the plane continued its course, carrying Naruto and Fu toward the horizon of the unknown. With Zorua as a reminder of their fresh start and Palkia's fleeting image in their memories, they were ready to embrace the challenges and mysteries of the Pokémon world with open hearts and unyielding determination.

    Fu and Naruto shared a moment of anticipation as the plane carried them closer to the Kanto region. Their gazes were fixed on the window, both eager to catch the first glimpse of their new adventure unfolding before them.

Fu: (whispering) It's almost time.

     The landscape outside the window transformed, revealing the sprawling Kanto region with its lush forests, bustling cities, and rolling hills. Fu's eyes widened with wonder as she took in the view, captivated by the diversity of the terrain.

Fu: (in awe) Cool.

     As they continued to watch, something caught Fu's attention in the sky. She squinted her eyes and soon spotted a graceful migration of Pidgeot and their smaller counterparts, Pidgey, flying together in harmony.

Fu: (giggling) Look at that! It's like they're on a journey of their own.

     Naruto joined her in observing the beautiful sight, a smile tugging at his lips.

Naruto: (grinning) Yeah, and they make it look so effortless.

      Their exchange was light and filled with excitement, a testament to the journey they were about to embark upon. Naruto's gaze shifted to Fu, a playful glint in his eyes.

Naruto: I'm surprised Tayuya didn't want to come with us. She seemed pretty interested in Pokémon.

     Fu's expression turned thoughtful as she considered Naruto's observation.

Fu: Well, maybe she'll change her mind in the future. For now, we need to focus on our own journey.

     Naruto nodded in agreement, his gaze returning to the window.

Naruto: Yeah, you're right. We've got our own path to follow.

     Their conversation turned to a lighthearted topic as they remembered Tayuya's recent experience. Naruto couldn't help but chuckle at the memory.

Naruto: (laughing) And she got herself a shiny Pokémon as her first partner. She's lucky.

      Fu joined in the laughter, remembering Tayuya's surprised expression when the shiny Pokémon appeared before her.

Fu: (smirking) It's not every day you come across a shiny Pokémon. She's off to a unique start.


     In the Lab and Naruto and Fu were helping around, then suddenly the door burst open, startling them. Tayuya stumbled in, her breathing heavy, and the look on her face a mix of exhaustion and panic.

Juniper: (concerned) Tayuya, dear, what's wrong?

Tayuya pointed towards the door, clearly distressed.

Tayuya: (out of breath) It's been following me for almost an hour.

       Everyone's attention turned to the entrance, where a small Pokémon stood. It resembled a bipedal dragon, lacking a neck but sporting a large mouth filled with sharp teeth. Two horns adorned its head, with a striking blue stripe in the middle, and a sizable dorsal fin ran along its back. Its underbelly was a vibrant red, and a small tail sprouted from its rear.

Gible: Gible!

Tayuya: (angered) Get lost, damn it! Leave me alone!

      In the background, Naruto and Fu observed the scene with fascination, clearly intrigued by the new Pokémon they were encountering. Juniper, on the other hand, had an expression of astonishment as she recognized the unique quality of the Pokémon before them.

Juniper: (amazed) A shiny Gible... This is quite the extraordinary encounter.

       The unexpected appearance of a shiny Pokémon was a rare and remarkable occurrence, and it seemed Tayuya had found herself an uncommon and captivating partner for her journey. As the scene continued to unfold, the world of Pokémon proved to be full of surprises and adventures beyond their wildest imagination.

Tayuya: It's been following me since I helped it out of a hole it was stuck in, and now it won't leave me alone!

       The Gible excitedly ran up to Tayuya, and she started to move around the lab in an attempt to evade it. Juniper couldn't help but burst into laughter at the comical sight before her.

Juniper: The reason he's doing that is because he likes you and wants to be with you.

       Tayuya found herself perched on top of a table, looking down at the persistent Gible with a mixture of confusion and amusement. The small Pokémon was hopping around, attempting to reach the top of the table with its tiny limbs.

Tayuya: Huh, why?

Juniper: (smiling) Because you helped Gible here. Pokémon can form strong bonds with those who show them kindness. Sometimes their reactions can be unexpectedly heartwarming.

       Tayuya glanced back at Gible, her curiosity piqued. As she looked around the lab, she saw Fu and Naruto with their own Pokémon. A sense of determination began to well up within her – she too wanted to have her own Pokémon partner one day.

Tayuya: What type of Pokémon is Gible?

Juniper: (smiling) Gible is a Dragon and Ground-type Pokémon.

       The notion of having a Dragon-type Pokémon as a partner intrigued Tayuya. She could feel the excitement building within her, a newfound motivation to embark on her own Pokémon journey and discover the bond that awaited her.

Tayuya: (getting off the table) So you want to be with me?

Gible: Gib!

      Tayuya's curiosity was met with an unexpected reaction. As she reached out to pat Gible's head, the small Dragon-type Pokémon suddenly opened its mouth wide and playfully nipped at her hand. Tayuya's eyes widened in surprise, and her attempt at bonding quickly turned into a comical scene that had everyone in the room laughing.

Tayuya: (shaking her hand with Gible attached) Hey, hey! Let go, you little troublemaker!

     Fu and Naruto burst into laughter as Tayuya shook her hand, trying to get Gible to release its playful bite. Gible, however, seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the interaction, wagging its tiny tail as it held on.

Juniper: (laughing) It looks like Gible is quite the energetic one!

     Tayuya's initial surprise gave way to amusement as she realized Gible's antics. She chuckled despite her predicament, and a hint of a smile graced her lips. In that moment, as she interacted with the enthusiastic Gible, Tayuya felt a sense of camaraderie and warmth – a small taste of the Pokémon journey that lay ahead for her.

      Eventually, Gible let go of Tayuya's hand, seemingly satisfied with the playful bite. Tayuya shook her hand again, this time in mock annoyance, but her eyes held a glimmer of affection as she looked down at the mischievous Gible.

Tayuya: (smirking) You're something else, aren't you? Fine, I guess we can give this partnership thing a shot.

Gible: Gible!

      The small Dragon-type Pokémon let out an excited chirp, as if celebrating its victory. Tayuya's smirk turned into a genuine smile as she looked at Gible, a sense of anticipation and excitement building within her. With Gible by her side, Tayuya's journey into the world of Pokémon was about to begin, and she was ready to embrace it with all the determination and spirit she possessed.

Flashback over

      As the plane descended, Naruto's eyes widened with awe as he looked out of the window. The sight that greeted him was nothing short of breathtaking. The surface of the Kanto region stretched out before him in all its natural beauty. From high above, he could see lush forests, sprawling fields, and winding rivers that crisscrossed the landscape.

Naruto: (whispering) It's incredible...

     Fu's excitement was palpable as she tugged Naruto over to the window, eager to share in the moment with him.

Fu: Look, Naruto! We're here!

     Naruto's gaze followed Fu's pointing finger, and he felt his heart skip a beat. The skies were alive with the graceful forms of Flying-type Pokémon, soaring through the air with elegance. Over the oceans, Water-type Pokémon leaped and played in the waves, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

Naruto: (smiling) This place is amazing! I can't wait to start exploring and meeting all sorts of Pokémon.

      The anticipation and enthusiasm in his voice were infectious, and Fu's grin widened as she nodded in agreement.

Fu: Definitely! And with Zorua and Seawaddle by our sides, we're going to have some unforgettable adventures.   

      The plane continued its descent, its engines gradually quieting as the landscape came into sharper focus. As Naruto and Fu disembarked from the aircraft, their excitement was palpable. They were stepping onto the soil of a new world, a world brimming with possibilities and adventures. Their eyes gleamed with determination as they gazed out at the bustling Kanto region.

      Just outside the airport, standing among the crowd, was a figure that both Naruto and Fu recognized from their research and readings. It was none other than Professor Oak, a renowned Pokémon researcher and professor who had dedicated his life to studying these incredible creatures. His reputation preceded him, and the mere sight of him sent a thrill through both Naruto and Fu.

Oak: (approaching with a warm smile) Ah, you must be Naruto and Fu.

Fu: (enthusiastically) And you must be Professor Oak!

       She greeted him with genuine excitement, her eyes shining. As Professor Oak extended his hand for a handshake, Naruto and Fu exchanged a quick glance before firmly shaking his hand.

Oak: (smiling) Pleasure to meet you both. Juniper spoke highly of you, and I must say, I'm quite intrigued by the incident that brought you here.

Naruto: (nodding) Yeah, it's not every day you get sucked into a dimensional rift created by a legendary Pokémon like Palkia.

Oak: (chuckling) Indeed, you've already had an extraordinary introduction to the world of Pokémon. The possibilities are endless, and I'm eager to hear more about your experiences.

      Their conversation continued, a blend of excitement, curiosity, and shared passion for the Pokémon world. Professor Oak's presence was a testament to the remarkable journey that lay ahead of them, filled with discovery, growth, and the forging of unbreakable bonds with Pokémon. And as they talked about the mysterious forces that had brought them here, Naruto and Fu couldn't help but feel that their connection to this world ran deeper than they could have ever imagined.

      After their conversation with Professor Oak at the airport, Naruto and Fu found themselves on their way to his renowned laboratory in Pallet Town. The journey was filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation as they walked through the town's familiar streets, their eyes scanning their surroundings with curiosity.

    As they reached the entrance of the lab, they were greeted by the bustling activity within. Researchers and assistants moved about, tending to various tasks, and the room was filled with the hum of machines and the occasional cheerful cries of Pokémon.

Naruto: (looking around) This place is huge!

Fu: (wide-eyed) Yeah, it's like a whole world of Pokémon knowledge.

     As they entered, a friendly lab assistant approached them, guiding them deeper into the lab's interior.

Assistant: Welcome to the Pallet Town Pokémon Laboratory.

Fu: (smiling) Thank you!

     They walked through the corridors, passing by different rooms filled with equipment, books, and more Pokémon specimens than they could count. Eventually, they reached a spacious room where Professor Oak was busy examining a Pokédex.

Oak: (looking up and smiling) Ah, Naruto and Fu. Come here there three pokemon I want you to meet.

     They follow him to the lab and reveal them the three started Pokemon Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur. Fu eyes widen with sparkles and Naruto was in awed.

Naruto: Cool is the Kanto starter.

Fu: Is Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur.

    Fu run up to them and gave Bulbasaur a hug, Bulbasaur smile. Naruto smile at Fu happiness.

Naruto: So this the pokemon that are prepare for the trainers that are coming to pick them.

Oak: Next year I preparing a new ones and fourth in addition.

Naruto: A fourth?

Oak: Yes but he's a bit shocking.

    Naruto raise a brow with confusion. Naruto's curiosity piqued at the mention of a fourth starter Pokémon that was described as "shocking." His mind raced with possibilities, wondering just what kind of Pokémon could have such an attribute. Meanwhile, Fu continued to interact with Bulbasaur, her excitement palpable.

Fu: (giggling) You're so cute, Bulbasaur!

Bulbasaur: Bulba!

Naruto: (looking intrigued) So, Professor, what makes this fourth starter Pokémon shocking?

      Professor Oak chuckled at Naruto's eagerness and gestured for them to follow him to a separate section of the lab. As they walked, he began to explain.

Oak: This fourth starter Pokémon is an Electric type, known for its high-energy and electrifying nature. It's a Pokémon that's full of energy and can produce powerful electric shocks.

Fu: (excited) An Electric type starter? That sounds amazing!

Naruto: (grinning) Yeah, I can imagine it being really fast and full of sparks.

     They reached another set of Poké Balls, and Professor Oak gestured toward them.

Oak: (smiling) Would you like to meet this new addition?

      Naruto and Fu exchanged a quick glance before nodding eagerly. Fu's excitement reached its peak as the Poké Ball burst open, revealing the small, adorable Electric-type Pokémon known as Pikachu. Its bright yellow fur and distinctive lightning bolt-shaped tail were even more endearing up close. Unable to contain her joy, Fu rushed forward and hugged Pikachu tightly, her affectionate action causing a series of alarmed expressions from the lab assistants.

Oak: (panicking) Fu, I don't think—

       Before Professor Oak could finish his sentence, Pikachu's fur began to crackle with electricity, and a series of sparks surrounded it. Fu's eyes widened in surprise as she felt a tingling sensation, and then suddenly, a burst of electrical energy zapped through her, causing her to recoil in shock.

Fu: (shocked) Ahhh! Pikachu, wait, I'm sorry!

       Naruto's eyes widened, and he hurriedly stepped forward to help, but the damage was already done. Pikachu's expression changed from irritation to concern as it realized the unintended consequence of its actions.

Pikachu: Pika... chu?

Oak: (rushing forward) Fu, are you okay?

Fu: (rubbing her arm and laughing nervously) Yeah, I'm okay... I think. Pikachu didn't like my hug, huh?

     Naruto couldn't help but chuckle at the situation, and even Professor Oak's stern expression softened into a smile.

Oak: (chuckling) It seems Pikachu has quite the sparky personality. It's known for its electric abilities, after all.

Naruto: (grinning) Well, that's one shocking introduction.

Fu: (giving Pikachu a sheepish smile) Sorry about that, Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika!

Narrator: Despite the unexpected shock, the room was filled with a sense of lightheartedness and laughter. This unexpected encounter with Pikachu had certainly left a memorable first impression, and Naruto and Fu knew that their journey was off to an electrifying start.

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