Destruction of the Universe |...

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Marvel x Harry Potter x TVD Book 1 of the Storm of Destruction Dilogy Y/N Stormgreen has the rare power to tr... Higit pa

Y/N Stormgreen
Part 1: The Multiversal Traveler and the Giant from Space


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Galing kay HeroesWilliamsFamily

You stood in front of all 6 of your parents, Peter, Loki, Steve, Thor Tony, Clint, Strange and Wong. You felt uncomfortable as you did so. Not only did you hate speaking in front of people, you didn't like to talk about the subject.

"No one knows her real name, but she goes by the Destroyer of Time and Space or the Black Hole of Time. Last time I saw her, I was 12. Ever since my birth, she has seen me as her enemy. I barely made it out alive when she destroyed my universe and when I thought I killed her", you explained.

"You invited a universe destroying demon to our universe?" Strange asked furiously.

"Do you want to shut up? It's not like she meant for this to happen", Hayley snapped.

"How do we stop her?" Tony asked.

"I don't know", you said.

"But you've defeated her before", Steve pointed out.

"I barely escaped with life! And defeating her isn't going to be enough! We need to kill her and no one-not Klaus, not Wanda, not even I am powerful enough to do that! And with all of you here, she'll kill you all and your universes after she has killed me!"

The whole room was silent. You didn't want to do this, but you didn't have a choice. "She won't try to consume any universes until she has killed me. If I leave now, she will follow me. I can probably run for about 20 million years. Most of you willl be long gone, but I can make sure the rest of you-"

"Hang on, kid. You're not going anywhere. We'll stop her", Clint said.

"Clint, she's too powerful-"

"Perhaps with all of us together, we can stop her", Sirius said.

You didn't like the sound of that. If there was a chance you could actually kill the Destroyer of Time and Space, you would take it, but someone could die. Someone like Natasha or Remus or Sirius or Hayley.

"We won't let you do this alone. You are family to us and to these people", Klaus said.

"We'll stick with you, Y/N", Rebekah said, walking into the room. "Always and Forever".

Sam came into the room. "I hate to interrupt, but we have a problem", he said. He handed Tony a phone. Tony puts it on speaker.

"I recognize this number, unfortunately", Tony said. "What is it, Ross?"

You and Peter exchanged looks as General Ross spoke on the phone. "I heard about the little situation with your friend, Y/N Stormgreen", he said.

"We got it under control, Ross", Tony said.

"You are aware that half of the city has been destroyed, right? We're going to have to take her in".

"That won't be necessary. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have something actually important to do", Tony said before he hangs up the phone.

"What else do you know about her?" Remus asked you.

"I know she's as old as time. That's all I really know", you said.

"Do you know of someone who knows more about her?" Bruce asked.

"I don't..." you paused and looked at Loki. You stared at each other for a moment until Loki nodded in understanding.

"I know someone", Loki said. Everyone turned to him. "I can take Y/N to a someone who is skilled in sorcery. She has been alive for almost a thousand years, but she is extremely knowledgeable".

Bruce and Natasha looked at each other. "Are you sure you two can handle a mission together?" Steve asked.

You nodded, but you glanced at Loki uncomfortably. Loki looked at you for a moment.

Behind you, Rebekah looked at Loki with a realization. "This is the ex", she said. Loki waved awkwardly at Klaus and Rebekah. Klaus glared at him with his hybrid eyes.

"Take a team with you. Be careful, okay?" Bruce asked. You nodded.

You and Loki walked out of the room. You motioned for Peter to follow you.


You and Loki recruited Hermione, Peter, Wanda, Luna, Rebekah and Stefan. Loki didn't like the idea of taking Peter, but you argued that Peter is pretty smart and could help you.

You stood in a room with Harry, Ron and Hermione as you waited for your group.

"Your ex is that Loki fellow?" Ron asked.

You nodded. "Yeah", you said. You sighed and spoke sarcastically. "This won't be awkward at all".

"You're going to spend time in another realm with your ex?" Harry asked.

"Yes, if that wasn't obvious", you said.

"What happened between you two?" Ron asked.

"Ronald! You can't just ask what happened. What if she doesn't want to talk about it", Hermione said.

"It's fine", you said. "Usually, Korg or Louis tell stories, but I can tell you this one".

Harry, Ron and Hermione sat down and stared at you with their attention fully on you.

"It started when I was 15. Loki and I became a couple during one of Tony's parties and we were happy", you explained.

You remembered the times you and Loki walked in central park, when you two rode on your motorcycle to avoid Tony's party on Halloween night, when you two stood outside, kissing under a tree. Even though his skin was blue, you kissed him.

You remembered a memory of you two on the beach. You jumped onto his back. Another memory of you two sitting in a library. Your head rested on his shoulder as he reads.

"Then, he started leaving Earth. The more he went away, the longer he stayed away and the more we argued", you said.

Your mind came to the memory of the night you and Loki broke up.

10 months ago

You and Loki shouted at each other as most of the Avengers listened in from the doorway of the common room.

"5 months, Loki! You don't do that to someone!" You argued.

"For the last time, I was busy!" Loki argued.

"I've been busy with missions and I still try to reach out to you throughout the galaxy to make sure you're okay!"

"Can we talk about this in the morning?" Loki sighed.

"That's exactly what you said last time and when I woke up, you were gone again!"

"I have a life of my own-"

"I get that, Loki!"

"I can't always stay here all the time!"

"I understand that!"

"No, you don't!"

You and Loki argued more for 15 minutes. That's when you shouted, "What's next, a year? You disappear for a month or longer without any contact and you won't tell me what you're doing! You have my worried sick and I-I don't want to feel that feeling!" you argued.

"Then don't wait for me. Don't wait for me ever again", Loki said. "We can't do this-I can't do this".

"You're breaking up with me", you said. You held your head up and held back tears.

"I guess I am", Loki said.

You nodded. Without another word, you went to another universe. You didn't want to be here. You didn't want to be near him. The man who once made you happy was the creator of your loneliness and unhappiness.

Present day

The Bifrost transported you and your team to one of the nine realms, Alfheim.

"This place looks beautiful", Luna said. "I wonder if wrackspurts roam here as well".

"Uh, is it just me or does this kid seem a little unhinged?" Stefan asked.

"A little, but that's just the Luna we know and love", you said.

Luna puts on her glasses. "Those are some interesting glasses", Rebekah said.

"It helps me search for the wrackspurts. Hermione has a lot of them, but not as much as Harry. It looks like Wanda and Loki have them too", Luna said.

Loki and Wanda looked at you. "She's fine. Luna is being Luna", you said.

"I get that, but what the hell do I have? If she's say I have lice, I swear-"

"I don't know what they are, alright?" You shouted, interrupting Wanda. "Her and Xenophilius Lovegood believe they exist".

Later, Loki knocked on a door to a cottage. "I must warn you that she is quite sensitive when it comes to her heritage", Loki explained. "As well as I, she comes from giants, but she was banished because of her height. So, please don't mention anything about heights or giants".

The door opened to reveal a woman, who was 8 feet tall. She was a plump woman with dark brown hair and silver eyes. She wore a shawl over her dress.

The woman smiled. "Loki", she said.

"Delphi", Loki smiled.

Delphi turns to you. "Is this your girlfriend?" She asked. You and Loki looked at each other uncomfortably. You both looked at the tall woman.

"My...ex now", Loki said. Delphi looked at you and Loki sadly. "We need your help. Do you happen to know anything about a universe destroying entity?"

"Someone who goes by 'The Destroyer of Time'?" You asked. Delphi stared at you, horrified.

"How do you know that name?" Delphi asked.

"She has threatened to destroy our universes", Hermione said.

"I'm sorry, but I can not help you".

"Delphi, please", Loki said.

"No! If she has already marked our universe, we are doomed".

"Not yet. She will not destroy more universes until she has killed Y/N. We can't let that happen", Loki said. Delphi looked between you and Loki.

"I thought you didn't care about this universe, that Thor was the only person left you care about", Delphi said.

You frowned in confusion. Did something happen between he and Frigga? Or...

"What about Frigga?" You asked, hoping he wouldn't say what you were thinking.

Loki looked at you sadly. "She's dead", he said. Loki turned to Delphi. "For your information, I found someone else to care about-to love..." You held your head up, even though you were heartbroken that Loki moved on already.

As long as he's happy. Isn't that all that matters?

"I would go to Hel before I let anything happen to Y/N", Loki said. You looked at him in surprise.

After all this time?

Delphi sighed in defeat. "Come in", she said. You all came inside. Delphi led you all downstairs. She took you to library with billions of books.

Delphi grabbed a book. "This one mentions the first universe she destroyed", she said.

"How do you know so much about this stuff?" Peter asked.

"This library is special. It records every event in the multiverse by putting them in books", Delphi explained.

You looked on the table to find a very thick, green book. In red letters, it said, "The One and only Y/N Stormgreen".

You opened the book to a random page. You found a picture of a you with the Order of the Phoenix.

You were reminded of that first meeting in 12 Grimmuald Place. It was the first time you had seen Remus and Sirius ever since you helped Sirius escape with Buckbeak.

A few months ago

You walked down the hall, getting closer to the sound of arguments. You stepped into the room, getting a good look at the Order.

You saw Dumbledore, Sirius, Remus, Mrs. Weasley, Mr. Weasley and the real Mad-eye Moody, along with people you didn't know.

Albus Dumbledore approached you. "Thank you for coming", he said. You nodded, even though you didn't want to be here.

"Isn't Fudge against you right now? How did you find all these people?" I asked.

"Some were part of the Order when Voldemort's reign first started", Dumbledore said. "Please, take a seat".

You sat across from Remus and Sirius. "I haven't seen you two since you left Hogwarts. How have you been holding up?" You asked.

"We've been fine, thank you. How have you been?" Remus asked.

"Good", you said, trying not to think of your break up with Loki.

"I would like to thank you all for coming. It is wonderful to have old faces here as well as new faces", Dumbledore said. "I'm sure you are all aware on why we're here. Voldemort has returned, Cornelius Fudge continues to deny the truth and people are dying".

You're already an Avenger, so saving the world was already your job.

"First off, I would like to introduce Y/N Stormgreen, who has been kind enough to come back to this universe to help us", Dumbledore said, putting all the attention on you.

You glared at Dumbledore. He knew you don't like to be the center of attention.

"Universe?" Sirius questioned. You were too busy helping Sirius avoid the Dementor's kiss to explain that part to him.

"Miss Stormgreen has the ability to go from one universe to another", Dumbledore explained.

When everyone looked at you, you looked down at your bracelet. Marcel had gotten you the bracelet.

You didn't like to talk about your ability to travel throughout the multiverse. You didn't want to risk anyone dangerous finding out. Not only that, but you also didn't want anyone to assume you had the answers to everything all because you're the girl who's seen other universes.

"Well, now that we got that out of the way, let us begin", Dumbledore said.

After the meeting, you waited for the Order to leave before you could stand up.

As everyone left, Sirius stood next to you and leaned against the table. He watched as everyone left.

"Would you like to stay for dinner? Molly is cooking tonight", Sirius said.

"I'm okay. I should get back to my place", you said. You felt a little uneasy. Was he asking you to dinner because he wanted something?

You didn't want everyone to assume you have the answer to everything. You wondered if this is how Bonnie and Davina feel whenever they're asked for something.

Sirius noticed the uneasiness in your expression, despite your attempts to hide it.

"Are you upset about what Dumbledore did earlier?" Sirius asked.

"Of course I am! He knows I don't like to be the center of attention!" You said furiously.

"Classic Dumbledore", Sirius laughed. You rolled your eyes.

"You don't understand", you said, looking away from Sirius.

Sirius sits down in the chair beside you. "Understand what?" He asked.

You sighed. "Now everyone only knows me as the girl who can travel throughout the multiverse and to them, that's all they need to know", you said. Sirius frowned in confusion. Clearly, he wasn't getting it. You sighed. Of course he doesn't understand. He's not a multiversal traveler. "When you have the power I have, many assume that you know the outcome of every situation and they come to you, searching for answers you don't have. Also, not everyone has good intentions. If a hateful person found out about my abilities..."

You paused, remembering the Rosewoods and the Destroyer of Time and Space.

"Multiversal travel isn't always a gift, Sirius", you said.

You convinced yourself that you are cursed. Being able to travel through the multiverse has helped you gain things, but it also caused you to loose much more.

Your universe, your parents, your childhood...

"How long have you been able to travel through universes?" Sirius asked.

"I think I had this power since my birth. It is an extremely rare power. Stephen Strange, an ally of mine says only 4 people have this power. Me, America Chavez and 2 others", you explained.

You knew you were the only Y/N Stormgreen in the multiverse. The other multiversal travelers were the only versions of themselves as well.

"I'm sorry you have to go through that", Sirius said. "If it makes you feel any better, I invited you to dinner because-well, Molly is a great chef".

You nodded in agreement. Molly Weasley is an amazing cook.

"Actually, maybe I will stay for dinner".

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