BLACK WOLF - GoT [s1 - s4]

By evelynsterlingg

6.5K 160 35

"she wasn't afraid to be herself. when everyone said, [be a lamb], she showed her fangs, and became a wolf."... More

act 1 - bastard girl
001 - desertion
002 - life and death
003 - the royal arrival
004 - a woman at the wall
005 - mother figure
006 - a needle in a haystack
007 - unbreakable tower
008 - slaughter of pigs
009 - screw jeor mormont
010 - a flightless bird
011 - prettier than a mole town whore
013 - cowardly tarly
014 - uncle benjen
015 - myths and traitors
act two - and now my watch begins
016 - frost-bitten decisions
017 - first kills and friendships

012 - broken promises

222 5 9
By evelynsterlingg

"because i'm your sister, and i'll never let anything bad happen to you."
- unknown


Edge of the civilized world. Nothing left beyond except a blizzard of cannibals, wintry forests, and mystical creatures. Sounded like a dream to Aloy, no rules and boundaries.
There was only one simple problem, not even a problem at all. Her younger half-brother, Jon. Aloy would feel horrid if she left him alone. Maybe it was her that was scared to be left alone.
A breeze of sub-zero winds enveloped Aloy, freezing her hollow face to solid matter. No matter how many layers she placed on her shoulders, the ice always found a way. The patter of meticulous placed footsteps crunched the snow below them, making their way up behind her.

"Tyrion." Her back facing him, eyes glued to the fogged horizon.

Tyrion smirked, "How did you know it was me?"

"Lannisters walk like their feet are made of glass." Aloy turned to face the obnoxious man.

"It is also true that we shit gold." He gushed, joining her side on the edge of the world.

A short silence somehow warmed the unlikely duo. A charismatic dwarf and a blood-thirsty woman of The Wall. Aloy's mind pleaded with her to ask Tyrion questions, to press him about his family and how they've begun to destroy hers.

"I have nothing to say to you that'll make you feel any better."

The brunette woman kept her eyes on the snow-dusted scenery, clearing her throat uncomfortably.

Tyrion spoke gently, "Your sisters are safe within the Red Keep. Safer than anywhere else in Weste—"

"And what of my brother? Laying waste to see the world around him become a circle of cobblestone. Everyone knows it was your bitch of a sister who pushed him or perhaps your lunkheaded brother did it."

Tyrion was at a loss for words, almost imagining the very last moments Brandon Stark was able to use his legs. It wasn't a pleasant daydream. He did assure himself that he was nothing like his older brother and sister, the incestuous pair. No matter how frustrated he was with Aloy about speaking bad on his family's name.

"My deepest condolences. However, Sansa will be the future Queen Of The Seven Kingdoms. She's untouchable." He explained, not breaking his eyes away from Aloy's face.

"And what of Arya? Watching her perfect sister be tortured by the likes of Joffrey Baratheon? Knowing she is next?" Aloy bristled, unable to hold her tongue any longer. "The way he looked at me even. Like I was a piece of meat, some weak little girl."

"He is my nephew and the future Kin—"

"I spit on the royal family. They've done nothing for me."Aloy's gaze was fixated towards Tyrion, a wolf-like twinge in her eye. "Promise me something, Lannister." She spoke.

"Of course. Anything for the bastard girl of Winterfell." Tyrion joked, chuckling dryly to himself.

Aloy's face did not crack, her stare hardening. "When you return to Kings Landing, you ensure the safety of my sisters on my behalf. If I hear about the mistreatment of them, you better pray to the old gods and the new that I won't slit your family's throats, starting with yours."

Tyrion's face fell, turning a sickly shade of pale white. His adams apple bobbed with a nervous gulp. He processed the information given to him, now partially regretting speaking to the she-wolf. One quick move, the wrong words, and he'd go tumbling over the edge by her frost-bitten hands.

"I promise." He nodded formally.

Aloy pivoted, unable to be in the presence of the Lannister without thinking of his disastrous family and her vulnerable sisters. Tyrion watched her leave, exhaling after holding his breath for more than a minute. He would be unable to pay his way out of that situation.


Aloy stormed out of her shared quarters with Jon. It was a week since Tyrion left down the Kingsroad to fulfill his promise to Aloy. It failed before he even reached the fork between Winterfell and Kings Landing.
The news received by a errand boy who knocked on the door after a day of chores and training. Aloy's reaction was grabbing the defenceless boy by the throat, threatening him with death if this ended up being a lie. Jon pried her off the boy who ran off at lighting speed to escape her clutches.
Jon, enraged as he was, put in effort to calm his seething sister. The clash of emotions would not help either of them.

"We have to head back." Aloy insisted, pacing back and forth in the middle of the compound.

Jon considered the options in his head. If they left, they'll be beheaded and that wouldn't help anyone. Jon felt as if his lungs were ripped out slowly by hand.

    "Father is still with them. He won't let any harm come to them." He assured, grabbing onto her arm with his leather-gloved hand.

    "Of course, surrounded by Lannisters." Aloy tilted her head violently. Her vision seeing spots of black. 

    Aloy saw two options sitting in front of her:

1. Go rogue in an effort to save her sisters and
probably die in the process.

2. Stay and defend the entirety of Westeros, leaving
her family to the lions...and probably die in the

Aloy's brain was riddled with possible outcomes, each one playing like a theatre show in her head. Jon's lips were moving as Aloy's ears rang, blocking any other noise beside her raging heartbeat. It slowed to a deadly rhythm, the spots evaporating into mist.
    Aloy had no words, no response to the whirlwind of emotions she was feeling.

    "Wherever you go. I go with you." Jon said, his hand still wrapped around her shoulder. "We are saying our vows in a weeks time. We'll be serving a greater purpose."

    Aloy forced a smile onto her lips. "You're only sayin' that for yourself."

    Jon pulled his older half-sister in for a hug. The cold wind turned stale, leaving the Snow siblings in a trusting embrace born out of loyalty and understanding.

    "If anything happens, we leave right away. I promise." Jon reassured.

    "You never break your promises." Aloy said, the forced smile still plastered on.

    Jon almost choked on his saliva. He covered it up with a simple clear of his throat. He never lied to Aloy, he was petrified to do it. It was for her own safety, they both knew the Red Keep was a death zone.

   The Snow Siblings have entrapped themselves, forced to listen to the sounds of their families screams.


word count - 1,110

I have a crush on Aloy Snow. No more comments.

1k reads!! Thank you!!

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