Battle Scars (Zayn Malik)

Par kersty_martinez

940 9 9

Kerstin is an 18 year old girl who is from California and is studying fashion in London. When her dream job b... Plus

Battle Scars (Zayn Malik)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 5

52 1 1
Par kersty_martinez




Suddenly it all made sense. The screaming girls and the security were all here for One Direction. I started shaking and getting really nervous. I could hear their adorable voices on the other side of the door.

I'M ABOUT TO MEET ONE DIRECTION!! Then I remembered how important this was to my career and to Stella. Stay cool Kerstin. Stay cool. I don't really know anything about One Direction not even their names. This made me nervous.

I finally got enough nerve to put my hand on the doorknob. I turned it slowly... until it was wide open.

"Hello love." said the one with curls. "Hello." I said calmly. For a minute I believed I could do this and be cool around these hotties. I was wrong.

"American." said the blond Irish one. "Yeah." I responded. 

I started to walk towards the folder on the chair with all the questions for the interview when I tripped over one of the boy's backpack. 

I fell to the floor before being caught by strong, muscular arms.

The boy that had caught me and I locked eyes. Those eyes. They were so familiar. Suddenly, I recognized him instantly from yesterday in D'Angelos. He was the boy in the red hood with the beautiful brown eyes that I ran into yesterday.

"So we meet again." he said still looking at my eyes. I felt my cheeks turning red and I thanked him.

"No problem." he said while smiling. He had perfect teeth. He put his hand through his hair and winked at me. His hair was perfect too. It was in a quiff and with a blond streak in the middle.

" Zaynie, stop flirting with the American hottie." the one with the curls said while showing me his cheeky smile. All the boys laughed. Zayn. Now I figured out his name. Zayn blushed and looked down at his feet embarrassed.

"Shut up Harry." Zayn answered. Harry winked at me and I saw his eyes look up and down my body. 

I giggled they were so cute! I walked over to my chair and grabbed the folder. All the boys were sitting in a circle and were all staring at me.

I took out the questions and looked at them. "What's your name love?" said Harry smiling again.

"Kerstin." I replied smiling also. Zayn looked up and we met eyes. He quickly looked away and I returned to my papers.

"Well you've already met Zayn and Harry. I'm Liam, it's nice to meet you." said the boy sitting across from me. He put his hand out and we shook. 

"I'm Louis!" said the boy to my right in a striped shirt.

"And I'm Niall." said the Irish boy on my left eating a cupcake.

"I'm sorry you tripped on Niall's backpack. I told him to pick it up." Liam said while glaring at Niall.

Niall didn't seem to notice, he was too busy eating his cupcake.

"It's OK." I said. I started to get nervous again so I started with the first question.

"OK let's begin. Who here is single?" I asked. The boys raised their hands if they were single. Immediately I looked at Zayn to see his response. He raised his hand and smiled. Relief went through me. 

Harry, Niall, and Zayn raised their hands and I recorded it in my notebook. "I'm free babe." Harry said winking at me. Those green dreamy eyes and cheeky smile made me blush.

Harry laughed and stood up. He looked me in the eyes and said, "Love, can we take a break?" 

"We just started." Liam and I said at the same time.

"I know I just wanted water, I think I'm getting sick." he said. He didn't sound sick at all but I replied. "I'll go get some." 

"Thanks babe." he said winking again. I got up and walked out the door. I heard the door close and faint voices behind it. I leaned in closer to hear the conversation. I heard Harry say, "Zayn you didn't tell us you ran into a hot girl yesterday!"

Wow Harry. You tricked me! I couldn't believe he was talking about me! My dreamy thoughts were interrupted by a beautiful voice.

"I'm sorry! She's beautiful isn't she? I really like her." Zayn answered. I got butterflies when he said I was beautiful."Zayn you barely know her." Liam added.

"I know but I really want to know her." Zayn replied. "Hey I like this hottie too! She's mine Zaynie!" Harry said jokingly but I could hear how serious he was.

How is this happening? One Direction is fighting over me! I rushed to get Harry his water so I could continue the interview and be with the boys as fast as possible.

I grabbed the water bottle and opened the door to the interview room. They all turned and looked at me. Harry stood up from his chair grabbed the water and kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks love." he said. I blushed. That boy knew how to make me feel amazing. I smiled at him amazed that he kissed me. He kissed me! A regular girl!

I felt so warm inside. I looked up when Harry was sitting down. Him and Zayn locked eyes. Zayn looked hurt and his eyes filled with anger.

"Next question." Harry said. I nodded but I kept my eye on Zayn.

"Who's the funniest member of the band?" I asked the boys.

"LOUIS!" they all screamed. "Thanks babes." Louis replied to his compliment. We all laughed.

"Zayn who is the hardest person to wake up in the morning?" I asked. "Definitely me." he laughed.

"So you're not a morning person?" I laughed. "Nope not at all. What about you?" Zayn asked me. He looked into my eyes smiling.

"Of course not." I answered giggling. This was the most fun I've had in awhile.



When I saw Harry kiss my girl on the cheek something inside me snapped. I could feel my eyes fill with anger. She was mine not his. Harry always gets the girls I like. But today it's going to change. I'm getting Kerstin.

When she asked me the question about waking up I perked up a bit. She laughed when I asked her a question. I loved her laugh. I got butterflies, no not butterflies thats too girly. I was excited when she talked and I heard her voice.

"Who eats the most?" Kerstin read from the papers she was holding. We all looked at Niall who just shoved the cupcake in his mouth. He looked up at us a smiled. That boy always made me laugh.

"How was your cupcake Niall?" Kerstin asked smirking. "Hadkfjsd." he said, his mouth full of cupcake. We all laughed at the Irish lad. 

"It was delicious." he said when he finally swallowed the cupcake. He licked his fingers and looked up at us. We burst into laughter. 

I looked up and I met eyes with Kerstin. Her eyes reminded me of the ocean. She was beautiful. She suddenly looked down at her paper and continued asking us questions.

She asked us stuff about our hair, style, hometowns, family and what we miss. It was a lot of fun except for the part of Harry flirting. It went by faster than I wanted it to. Finally the last question came.

"Last question. What country has the craziest fans. Louis?" she asked. "Ummm I have to say America." he said smirking, remembering our past visit there. 

"Liam?" she questioned next. "Definitely the U.K." he answered.

"Niall?" she asked. "Ireland." he said while smiling crazily. That boy is definitely the craziest lad I've ever met.

"Harry?" she said while blushing. "America." he said while winking and giving yet another one of his famous grins. That boy does not understand the word "mine". I saw Kerstin blush even more and look down at her feet.

"Zayn?" she finally said. I looked into her blue eyes. "All I know is that America has the prettiest fans." I said while smiling. I'm not the kind of flirting guy like Harry but after living with him for a year I've become a little better.  

Kerstin blushed even more and smiled. I smiled back hoping I still had a chance.



When Zayn said that Americans were the prettiest, all I could do was blush. He was adorabe and just perfect.

I had ran out of questions but I didn't want the interview to end and then later having to get back to reality. Everything about the boys seemed like a dream, a dream I hope I never wake up from.

"That's all the questions." I finally said. The boys all moaned and told me that they didn't want the interview to end.

"Kerstin it can't be over! You're the best interviewer we've ever had!" Louis said while pouting. 

"Aww thanks Louis. I don't want it to end either!" I said. I looked up at Zayn and we locked eyes again. We've locked eyes many so many times but I never want it to stop. Zayn smiled and I blushed.

Louis gave me hug and didn't let go until Liam told him too, which was at least 5 minutes. 

"Bye Kerstin it was nice meeting you." Liam said. We hugged and him and Louis left the room.

"Bye Kerstin!" Niall said running towards me. "Bye Niall!" I said. He literally attacked me and we hugged. 

"Thank you so much love. I had an amazing time with you. I want to really get to know you though. I need your number!" Harry said while hugging me.

I hugged back so happy that I got the chance to keep in touch with the boys. "Of course." I said smiling  

Harry and I switched phones and put our numbers in. He gave me his cheeky irresistible smile and then kissed me on the cheek and left the room.

Now it's just me and Zayn. Zayn smiled and walked towards me. "Kerstin, I really like you. And I would love to get to know you." he said a little nervous.  

"Me too." I said. We hugged. The feeling of his muscular arms around me  made me feel safe and happy for once.

I gave him my number and we hugged one last time. 


12:00 PM

Finally time for lunch. I ran to Stella's office and told her I was going to lunch and coming back soon. "Bon Appetite." she said smiling. I giggled and left her office.

I ran towards my car. The anxiety of not knowing what happended to Alex was litterally killing me. 

I finnally pulled into the hospital and ran to the entrance. I ran through the hallways looking like a crazy person. I passed the waiting room in which I waited all last night in.

I flew by many doctors and even ran into a nurse holding papers and we both fell. The papers went everywhere but I ran off. 

Finally I reached his door. Room #205. I stood infront of the door frozen, scared about whats on the other side. 

I opened the door slowly. My mouth dropped unable to speak. Only a scream of terror escaped me.



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