Crystal Heart || Ninjago x re...

By Starligt_galaxy

12.6K 482 1.8K

a crystal clear mind, a crystal heart and a lot of chaos. Running away from home wasn't the Smartest idea, no... More

A rocky start
A little heat
Rise of the snakes
Never trust a snake
Can of worms
The Snake King
Tik Tok ⏳
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
The Tale of Two Sisters
The Green Ninja
All of Nothing
The Rise of the Great Devourer
Day of the Great Devourer
Darkness Shall Rise
Pirates vs. Ninja
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
Child's play
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
The Stone Army
The Day Of The Last Voyage
Island of Darkness
The Last Hope
The return of the spinjitzu master
Tommorow comes today


581 23 75
By Starligt_galaxy

(Y/n) runs at Cole, using her staff to launch herself at him.

Cole dodges her attack, he holds his scyth tightly and gets ready to Strike her. Only for Zane to snatch it and use it to split a dummy in half.

The two ninja's pause and look at eachother in confusion.

Zane proceeds to use spinjitzu to cover the whole training course in ice. Making Kai slip and fall onto his back.

He stands up and walks to the other three ninja, whom were watching Zane 'train'.

"That's one way to train" (Y/n) remarks, crossing her arms.

"This roof isn't big enough for the five of us" Kai comments, turning to his teammates.

"Correction: This roof isn't big enough for him" Cole corrects him.

"It's like he's in his own world" Jay raises his voice "I BET HE CAN'T EVEN HEAR US!"

Zane seemed too caught up with his own to realise the others' annoyance. He continues training in his own way.

Sensei comes out his room, catching the four ninja's attention.

"Sensei, Zane's... weird" Kai says, slightly trailing off.

"What is weird? Someone who is different or someone who is different than you?" Sensei Wu questions.

"No, Sensei. He's "weird" weird" Cole answers.

"He's been like that since the day he arrived" (Y/n) adds, slighty shrugging her shoulders.

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┗━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┛

(Y/n) leans against a pillar looking at the empty training course, still pondering if her decision was right.

'Sis is gonna be furious when she found out that I didn't go'

"Who are you"

She flinches when she hears a unfamiliar voice close to her. She looks up to find guy who looked around her age with white stiff hair.

(Y/n) stands up and faces the new commer. "Were you recruited by Sensei Wu aswell?"

The stranger nods "Yes, I had no idea he had other apprentices. I'm Zane"

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n),'s nice to meet you" the (h/c) haired girls puts her hand for a hand shake.

Zane looks down to the hand, he pats it and walks off to who knows where.

(Y/n) looks after him with a confused gaze.

"What an interesting guy"

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End of flashback
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They look over, watching Zane bow to one of the dummies and bumping his head against it.

We like the guy. He's really smart. He's just..." Kai sighs "a little off sometimes"

"Zane is a brother and brothers are often different. I should know" Sensei Wu says, with his arms behind his back.

Suddenly the bell rings, alerting them.

Cole, Kai and Jay rush to the door "Mail!"

The delivery man sighs "Let's see, a letter from Jay's parents, Kai has a fan letter, oh, something from Cole's father"

He pulls out each letter which get snatched out his hand by the respective ninja.

"What, no package? I'm expecting something from Creatures, Beasts, and Beyond" Cole asks.

The delivery man looks back in his bag "No. Nothing from...uh-uh. Here it is!" He pulls out a box and hand it to Cole.

"Ha! Rocky's gonna love this!" The earth yells before running off.

Kai and Jay notices the other two ninja standing without any mail.

"Hey guys, why don't you get ever mail from your parents?" Jay questions.

(Y/n) just frowns and looks away, not interested in telling why the lack of mail.

"I don't remember my parents. I've been an orphan all my life" Zane explains, with a sad expression.

Jay and Kai exchange looks before looking back at the ice ninja. "You mean you've never had a home?" Kai asks, Zane shakes his head as reponse.

"The Monastery is your home now" Sensei annouces.

It wasn't much comfort as Zane walks sadly into one of the room.

"I'm going to my room" (Y/n) pouts and storms away.

"Ofcourse, little miss secret goes crying in her room" Kai says, mockingly. Glaring at the retrieving girl.

"Seriously, man, is the only hobby you have is hating on her?" Jay raises his eyebrow while turning to the other teen.

"It's not my fault, that she is being so pissy towards me" Kai complains.

Jay huffs "whatever gets your dick hard, kai"

"Wait, hey- hey!" Kai yells with a red face, matching his gi.

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Gather around the table, they wait for Zane to bring the rest of dinner.

The door opens revealing Zane with a turkey. He puts it down to reveal he was wearing a pink apron.

"Dinner is served"

There was a short silence before the room is filled with roaring laughter. (Y/n) stays quiet, not quite getting what was so humerus.

"What's so funny?" Zane asks, confused.

"Zane. You're wearing a... Even I wouldn't wear that" Nya says, gesturing to the apron while trying to hold her laugh back.

"You laugh because I take steps to ensure I'm clean after cooking?" Zane questions, looking down at the bright apron.

"No! We laugh because you came out wearing that ridiculous outfit!" Kai explains, continuing to laugh.

Zane frowns "I guess we don't share the same sense of humor"

"Well, how about this?" Cole grabs a plate of shrimps and throws it in Kai's face. Everyone begins laughing again, Kai glares at him before joining in.

"How could you not find that funny?" Cole asks, before Sensei puts a bowl of soup on his head.

The old man chuckles, places his hands on Zane and Cole's shoulders. "Now you are brothers"

"I think it's quite manly" (Y/n) comments.

"Psh, you find anything manly" Kai responds smugly.

(Y/n) uses her fingers to flick a shrimp in the fire ninja's face a shrimp in face "Calm down with the insults, shrimp boy" she smirks.

Soon a food fight breaks out, laughter echoes as food flies through the room.

They fail to notice that Zane had left the room.

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Zane walks outside, putting out the trash along with dirty apron, covered in food from the food fight.

A sound of a bird catches his attention. He looks up to find a Falcon perched up on a branch.

Zane tilts his head, the Falcon coping his action. Zane proceeds to shake his head, which the Falcon also copies. The white haired ninja does a silly little dance and watches the bird mimic it.

The Falcon flies off the branch. Zane looks back at the Monestary before following his feathered friend.

He runs through the woods after the Falcon. Soon finding a tree fortress, where Lloyd and the Hypnobrai were residing.

The Falcon chirps and motions to the ninja to return home.

Zane smiles "Thank you, my mysterious friend"

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The next morning, Zane and the others run through the forest. Zane stops, letting the others catch up to him.

"Uh, tell us again how you stumbled upon Lloyd's secret headquarters?" Kai asks, bumping Zane's shoulder.

"I followed a bird" Zane simply explains.

"Why did you follow a bird?" Jay questions.

"Because it danced"

"Oh...okay. Was it a cuckoo bird?" Jay jokes, getting a slap to the back of the head by (Y/n).

"Ow, hey!"

"Of course not. Everyone knows cuckoo birds are not indigenous to these forests" Zane replies, fully serious.

Zane sprints away, the others shrug and his obliviousness before following after me. They soon arrive at huge tree house, they could hear Lloyd's whiney voice yelling.

"Watch it! No, bigger! Come on, we don't have all day! It's not time for a lunch break"

"Holy cannoli, Frosty was right!" Cole says, looking up at the hanging building.

Kai points towards it "We can't let that brat and those snakes get a foothold of Ninjago. We gotta destroy that thing before it becomes operational"

"Alright, guys. What do we do?" Cole asks.

Kai points to three trees surrounding the fortress "It looks like the entire place is being supported by those three trees. Once those ties are severed, the whole is gonna fall like a house of cards"

"But why would one make a house of cards? Such construction would be careless" Zane questions, making Kai groan.

"Travel in shadows, guys"

Each of them sneak onto the fortress their own way.

(Y/n) climbs onto one of the trees and jumps on the lowest level. She turns around to face a shocked Hypnobrai.

She punches them by reflex, knocking them out. She whistles while shuffeling past the unconscious body.

They all make their way to the roof, they watch as Lloyd evilly giggle.

"It's almost finished. Soon, my fortress will be complete. You! Hold up that sign for me!" He points to a Hypnobrai.

They pull out a sign that says no Ninja.

Lloyd grabs a nearby lever and pulls it, making the snake fall into a trap. "Booby trap!" The boy yells.

"You know where rules are made for?" (Y/n) asks.

"To be broken" Kai answers, with a smirk.

They jump up to the top of the fortress, where the supporting ropes were. Jay runs over one of them and uses spinjitzu to cut it off.

It begins hanging side ways, making snakes fall out. Zane uses spinjitzu to cut the second one, making the fortress soley reliant on the last tree.

Most of the snakes fall off. Lloyd holds onto a part of the fortress and looks up, spotting kai on the roof.

"I said no ninja! Attack!" He exclaims.

"Everyone! Retreat!" Skales yells. The Hypnobrai begins fleeing the collapsing building.

"Cole! Wait till we're off the treehouse, then cut the line" Kai calls out to his teammates, getting a nod in return.

Jay and Zane jump back onto the shaking tree house, trying to hold their balance.

"This whole place is coming down!" Kai yells.

Cole jumps onto the roof with his scyth ready, his eyes were a bright red instead of the usual warm brown.

"No one goes anywhere until you deal with me!"

"Cole..?" (Y/n) mumbles, backing away from him.

"He's under their control" Zane explains.

"Yeah, well he better snap out of it quick because this whole place looks like it's about to go down!" Jay shrieks.

"Okay, now come on. Friends don't hit friends" he sheepishly says. He proceeds to get a kick in the face from Cole.

"Ow, okay. I-I-I-I'm gonna ignore that"

Kicks and punches from Cole fly around, it was similar to the behaviour of a wild animal.

"What're we supposed to do? If I use my Sword, this place will turn up into flames faster than a tinder box" Kai says, dodging the earth ninja.

"Isn't the anti venom in the staff?" Zane asks.

"It is at the monastery, there's no way we can get it" (Y/n) reponds.

Cole kicks Kai, making him almost fall off. Luckily Zane grabs his foot and swings him back up.

"Jay! Use your Lightning! Try to shock him out of his trance!" Zane suggests.

"Oh, sorry, Cole, but this is gonna hurt you a lot more than it's gonna hurt me" Jay pulls out his nunchucks and uses its wound up electricity to shock the earth ninja.

It knocks him back, he sits up to reveal it didn't work. Very frustrated, he pushes Jay off.

Making (Y/n), who was behind the ginger fall off aswell. She grabs onto the edge of the roof, catching Jay's hand with her free one.

"Guys!" They hear Zane and Kai call out.

Cole runs back up to the tree and gets ready to cut the last rope. He raises his scyth but pauses when a flute could be heard

He shakes his head, his eyes returning to normal. He rubs his head in pain "Huh? Where-where am I? What are we doing?"

The one who was playing the flute was Sensei Wu. He was riding Kai's dragon along with Nya.

"Hello, a little help here!?" Jay yells, still holding on to (Y/n) while she dangels under the edge

Zane and Kai rushes over and pull the two up. They and Cole quickly jump into the dragon before the fortress fully collapses.

"That flute!" Kai exclaims.

"It cancels their powers!" Jay continues.

"It's as old as the Serpentine themselves. But we must hurry! The Monastery is unguarded! Quickly!" Sensei Wu clarifies.

They soon arrived, finding their home burned up in flame. (Y/n) could feel the warmth on her face as smoke fills her nose.

Cole rushes down to free the trapped dragons. They fly out immediately, Zane's dragon flying above the burning building.

"Shard! Put this out!" Zane commands.

His dragon uses his ice breath to extinguish the flames, leaving the burned wood to smoke.

"The training equipment, gone"

"Our video games, gone!" Jay burries his face in Zane's shoulder.

(Y/n) walks over to where her room was and brushes through the ash. Finding her book, the cover was somewhat burned but the pages were fully intact.

"If you hadn't followed that silly bird, none of this would've happened!" She hears Kai yells behind her. She turns to find him yelling at Zane.

"Kai!" Sensei scolds.

"No, Sensei, he's right!" Jay storms up to Zane "Because of you, my high score has been deleted!"

"This is a teaching moment. We must learn from this" Zane tries to rationalise.

"A "teaching moment"? What's wrong with you? Don't you get it?! EVERYTHING IS GONE!" Cole glares daggers into the ice ninja.

"Guys!" Everyone turns to (Y/n) "it's no one's faults, none of us could've predicted this would've happened.

"(Y/n) is right, Zane is your brother. Apologize at once" Sensei Wu says sternly.

The three ninja turn to apologise to the white ninja, only to find him gone. They turn to see him flying away on his dragon.

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They sit around a campfire, holding up Mud newts on sticks above it.

(Y/n) sits on a flat rock near it, holding her book close to her chest.

''Wh-what are we eating again?" Kai asks.

Cole takes a bite of his 'food' "Mud newt. Not bad for something that lives underground"

"What?" Jay throws the cooked mud newt on the ground and picks up a rock, throwing it in a nearby can.

"Yeah! A new high s-sc-score!"

"Remember, we must be thankful for what we still have" Sensei Wu teaches.

"What do we have? Our home is gone" Cole replies, somberly.

"And Zane left" (Y/n) adds.

Kai nods "Yeah, I miss him"

"Me too" Jay says.


"Yeah, Zane. You know. White Ninja. The smart, strange one" Jay turns to Nya

"No" She points to Zane, who was walking towards them. "Zane!"


"Zane. We're so sorry for everything we've said. We're a team and that means we're all responsible" Jay atones.

Zane smiles "You don't need to apologize to me"

"But what about all those awful things we said? Isn't that why you left?" Kai questions.

"Of course not. I saw the Falcon again and I followed him" Zane answers.

(Y/n) chuckles "It's good to have you back"

They embrace the ice ninja into a big group hug before letting go.

"We're happy to have you back" Nya says, happy.

"Why? Is it my turn to make dinner?" Zane asks making the others burst into laughter.

"Yes, Zane. We would love for you to make dinner" Sensei Wu nods.

"But I already made it. Come. I want to show you what I've found. I think you will all be pleased" Zane walks off. The others look at eachother before following him.

They walk through the rocky dessert. Zane stops in his tracks and turns to his teammates.

"I can't explain it, but I feel a strange connection with the Falcon. I think he's trying to help show us the path we need to take"

They walk past a rock, revealing a modern looking ship. It was red and black, with a dragon head attached to the front.

"Our new home"

"Do i smell pie?" Jay asks, excitedly.

"Cobbler berry. Oh, and I made myrtle berry and apple and-" Zane was cut off by (Y/n) running towards their new home.

"Who is last there, is a rotten egg!"


The others chase after her, cheering excitedly.

"I've already found my family"

I will be putting %'s so you guys get a bit of an understanding of the relations. This will only be here when something importand happens.

Jay Walker | 32% | Friends/teammates


Zane Julien | 35% | Friends/teammates


Cole Brookstone | 47% | Best friends


Kai Smith | 23% | Frenemies


Nya Smith | 20% | acquaintens


Sensei Wu | 38% | mentor


Lloyd Garmadon | 7% | "enemies"


2797 words

Another chapter done

A little explanation to why (Y/n) doesn't have a golden weapons is Garmadon. He only have four arms, and making him clench a fifth weapon between his butt cheeks would be a little weird.

More of (Y/n)'s past will be revealed in the fangblades arc.

That will be all, have an amazing day/night!

-starligt 🐇⌚🍄♥️☕🎩

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