Unravel. 2023 (Nero x male OC)

By _goblin_child_

311 8 2

With Dante and Vergil gone Nero takes his job even more serious now. When he hears of new monsters the crew i... More



53 2 0
By _goblin_child_

1st September

The sun shines as bright as ever and the blue sky is clear. Nero stretches his arms over his head before taking a deep breath.

Ever since Dante and his father left to close the gate everything has been quiet. For once in his life he enjoyed the peace, he was finally at peace.
He grabs the bell and rings it as loud as he can. "Come on, kids", He yells and not soon after he is overrun by a hoard of children of all ages, shapes and sizes. Nero sits them all down at the comically large dining table. He's gotten used to the little rascals running about. He's gotten so used to it that the thought of his own little spawn never crossed his mind.

Then the door to the kitchen opens, revealing a young woman with brown hair and brown eyes with a big pot in her hands. Nero jogs over to take it out of her arms and places it onto the table. Together Nero and Kyrie serve the children their breakfast porridge.

It wasn't always this easy but now that things have calmed down quite a bit Nero and Kyrie found more time for each other.
He wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her closer to his side while the children dig in. A happy sight for the both of them.

Suddenly their peaceful morning is interrupted by the shrill sound of the phone. "I'll get it", Nero says and grabs the phone. "Hello."
"Nero! Good to have you one the phone!"
It's Morrison.
"It's been a while, old friend. To what do I owe this pleasure?" He hears Morrison clear his throat on the other side of the line. "Turn on the radio", He says. A sudden worry fills Nero's mind as he walks over to turn on the radio. There his fear came true.

"Demons have been spotted near the ruins of Red Grave City once again after the Qliphoth incident. How did these demons enter our world again and who will stop them this time?"

Nero sighs and holds the phone up to his ear. "Any sign of Dante or my father?"
"Afraid not. Our priority is to get rid of these pests and find out how they got here."
"Alright, I'll be in headquarters in a bit."
Nero hangs up the phone and spots Kyrie by the door. "Demons? Again?" Nero nods.
"I'm sorry, Kyrie, but I have to go."
"I know. Promise you'll be careful?" Nero nods. "Always." He smiles at his fiancé.

When Nero returned from his last mission in Red Grave he became certain of one thing. He wanted to be with Kyrie. She was his rock. That call before that faithful goodbye with Dante and his new found father. It gave him the strength to do what he couldn't before. Save Dante and Vergil from themselves.
"I'll be back soon." He kiss her gently and leaves into the garage. "Nico, we've got a job to do."
The mechanic rolls out from under the familiar white van. "Finally! It's boring around here. I need some action."
"You mean action where I do all of the work?"
"Hey, I drive you all the time. Be grateful."
Nero playfully scoffs at Nico's remark.
"This will give you lots of action. We're going back to Red Grave. Looks like we missed something."
Nico raises an eyebrow. "Red Grave? Sounds serious. Let's go."

She hops onto the driver's seat while Nero gets into the passenger seat. He takes one swift look into the back of the van to make sure they packed everything.
Nico hits the gas pedal and they speed out of the garage.

As Nero watches the town fly by his mind wanders off to the mission.
They made sure to kill every last demon after leaving Red Grave last time. Even though the danger  seemed to have left, no one dared to return, leaving only ruins behind of a once thriving city.
Going back there won't be easy, especially after finding out about Vergil, his father.
He could never really accept it after they left to close the portal. Vergil wasn't there to talk, not even Dante, the man he secretly looked up to all those years.

Three hours later Nico and Nero finally arrive at the edge of what used to be Red Grave City.
It hadn't changed a bit, not even the plants dared to return.

Suddenly they are greeted by familiar friends.
"Hey, short stuff", Lady yells as Nero jumps out of the car. "I'm taller than you."
"I know, just wanted a good greeting. It's been a while!" Nico leans out of the car window to join in on the conversation. "Where do you want us", She asks Morrison as he takes a hit of his cigar.
"South wing."
"South wing? We'll be there in no time", Nico brags with a smirk. "Let's go then", Trish says and enters the van. After everyone enters the car Nico starts to drive through the ruined city.
"God damn", Morrison coughs as he sees the ruins. "I never thought we'd come back", Nero sighs.
The sight saddens him. It reminds him of how he couldn't help everyone.
"Demons ahead", Nico yells catching everyone's attention.
"There!" Trish points at a group of Empusas in the distance. All of them ready their weapons.
"Let's get rid of those things and call it a day", Lady says as she lifts her rocket launcher over her shoulder.

Nico slows down the car and Lady, Trish and Nero storm out of the car. They make quick work of the wandering demons. "Huh", Nero hums.
"What", Trish notices. "Didn't you guys notice anything? These demons... they're different."
"Different from the last ones we fought?" Nero nods. "They did seem kind of disoriented", Lady chimes in. "Let's take a look around", Trish suggests and the three split up.

Nero wanders down the empty street looking for something unusual that might explain the sudden appearance of demons. All he can find is rubble and rotten corpses.
Some of these corpses might have been parents of the children they took in after the incident. The thought makes his heart hurt even more.

Suddenly he hears a groan. He immediately draws his sword.


"Hello", Nero calls out. Nothing in return.
"If you're demons, I'm right here", He yells confidently. "If not, I don't want to hurt you. Come out." Nothing again.
Nero furrows his brows in confusion and takes another look around the area.
What he finds shocks him. "What", He huffs as he kneels down next to his discovery.
"Trish, Lady", He calls out in hopes of them hearing him. Nero then decides to inspect further.

Out of all things, he found a man. He's still alive but barely breathing.

Nero hears footsteps. "What did you find", Lady calls out as they step closer. Gasps leave the womens' lips as they see the young man laying next to Nero.
"He's alive", Nero says as he reaches out to take a closer look at the man's face. It's covered by his messy black hair.
After Nero removed the pieces of hair from the man's face they are shocked by how beautiful he is.
The man's features are sharp yet soft at the same time. His face rests in a blank but gentle expression. "We have to do something", Nero says.
"He's injured." He points at one of the eyes. While one looks untouched the other is covered in blood. "Nero, we can't just take in a stranger. What if he's responsible for all of this", Trish says, trying to throw in an ounce of reason. "I understand your concern but look at him. If he wakes up he can give us answers. He must know something. Why else would he be in Red Grave." Lady and Trish exchange a quick look.
"Fine. But if anything happens you're to blame."
"I'll take my chances."

Nero carefully lifts up the man and throws him over his shoulder. He carries him all the way back to the van.
"Wow, what's that", Nico says as she spots the three. "We found a possible witness", Trish says.
"So, we're keeping him?" Nero nods.
"We're keeping him.". Nero enters the van and carefully lays the man on the couch. A groan escapes his lips as his body hits the soft leather.
"Let's call it a day then", Morrison says, clearly satisfied with the little work he did.
"Nico, head back to the orphanage. We can take care of our guest there", Trish suggests and Nico hits the gas pedal once again.

While the others discuss their findings together Nero's eyes can barely bare to wander away from the strange man he found. Aside from the striking beauty the mystery surrounding him makes things even more intriguing.

Who is this man?

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