Crossing Boundaries

By deblaru

31.5K 512 53

To my astonishment, I saw Reece situated between my legs, his actions mirroring those of someone savouring th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 18

619 8 0
By deblaru

Slight mature content ahead :


The weekend zoomed past, and I hadn't caught sight of Lorna or the others much—except for Connor and Austin. We spent our time at my place, immersed in video games and pool dips.

Austin tossed out the idea of throwing a pool party and inviting the girls over. He joked about wanting to see Lorna in a bikini, which earned him a shove from me, causing him to tumble into the pool. Connor couldn't contain his laughter, quipping, "Serves you right, man!" Austin retaliated with splashing water at us insisting, "I'm just saying what you both are thinking," his tone slightly whiny.

"Shut up," I retorted. "Come on, Reece, are you seriously telling me you wouldn't? I mean, I saw the way both of you danced with each other on Friday night. It was incredibly sexy—even I was getting turned on by just watching you two." He chuckled whilst wiggling his brows ..

Rolling my eyes, I muttered, "Just drop it." Connor sprang up from the sun lounger, exclaiming, "Holy shit, man, you need to see this." Bringing his phone over to where I was sitting.

Austin swam over, and Connor displayed his phone, with the caption 'Hot Sexy Blonde Dancing.' "What am I looking at here, Connor?" I asked, my brow furrowing. Connor pointed and said, "Look." Taking another look and saw a stunning girl dancing sensually on a dance floor. Her hips swayed to the music, wearing a gold silk dress with long blonde hair cascading down her back. "She's hot, reminds me of Lorna," I commented. Connor looked at me quizzically, as if to say, "Really?"

Austin snatched the phone from my hand, looking  at it, and bursts out with a laugh. "Holy shit, is that Lorna?" he exclaimed. Connor sighed and nodded, a tinge of exasperation in his expression. "Yes . She's TikTok famous," he explained.

I stammered, "W-wait, what?" Grabbing the phone back, I looked again and swore, "Fuck, it is Lorna. Who the fuck uploaded this?"

My mouth tightened into a straight line, my temper rising as my fists clenched. I felt the need to punch someone, infuriated by the thought of who could have recorded Lorna dancing in my dad's nightclub.

"Whose name is on that profile?" I asked, my anger intensifying. "It doesn't say, man. No profile pic either," Connor responded.

"What fucking weirdo records a girl dancing and uploads it onto TikTok?" I seethed, my frustration boiling. "Unfortunately, lots do it," Austin chimed in.

"She had over three hundred thousand views and over a hundred thousand likes with thousands of comments, mostly by creepy older men," Connor added.

A sickening sensation settled in my stomach, and my anger intensified. "I need to let her know," I stated as I began to dry myself off.

"Relax, man, it's only a video," Austin quipped, but I quickly retorted, "It's not only a video, Austin. Some creep was recording her and decided to put it up on TikTok. You know she suffers from anxiety, so when she finds out about this, god knows how she'll react."

"We all know what she went through 5 years ago. She's only now starting to come out of her shell. "I added, the weight of the situation heavy in my words.

For years, she was almost a recluse, not wanting to talk to anyone, apart from her close friends, but only because we knew what happened, as it was the day of her birthday,

Austin's face contorted into a guilty expression. "Shit, sorry, man. I wasn't thinking," he mumbled, his concern evident. "What'll we do?" he asked.

"I don't know," I sighed, my own frustration and helplessness apparent. "I need to ring her..."

I made the call, but she didn't pick up, so I left a voicemail, asking her to call me back.

Hours later, she returned the call, apologising and mentioning she had been out. When I inquired about who she was with, she hesitated her response, "Nick," it hit me with a pang of jealousy.

Needing to know I asked if they were together now. She went silent , then cautiously replied that they were just friends. Something in me sensed she wasn't completely honest, but I brushed it aside, focusing on telling her about the video.

Panicking, she questioned why someone would do that. I tried to reassure her, emphasising that it wasn't something negative. I complimented how amazing she looked in it, hoping to prevent her from overthinking and worrying about potential creeps watching her. I offered the explanation that it was probably someone who admired her and thought it would gain likes for their page. She calmed down a bit, though I could tell she wasn't entirely convinced. I shared her uncertainty, but unfortunately, there was little I could do.
I didn't Lorna at school today. She was here  yesterday and the day before, but not today. It's not like her to miss. Wondering where she was, I texted her.

She texted back saying she's sick in bed with the flu. Which was weird, 'cause she hardly gets sick, "except for bad cramps and migraines – yeah, the time of the month thing. I know, I'm a guy, what do I know? But being her best friend, I've gotten the brunt of her mood swings when in them, also I have had to buy her chocolate and ice-cream to help with cramps .. so she says..

I asked if she wanted me to come over later, but she said no. She's contagious and didn't  want me to catch it.

So, I told her to feel better and that I'd see her at the weekend. My dad was having a barbecue, and her family was invited too.

'But I can't shake the feeling she's avoiding me.

"We hadn't even talked about what happened between us at the club.
Maybe it didn't mean anything to her ..

As I walked into the locker rooms , I could over hear some the guys talking.
So have you fucked her yet ?
Who were they talking about? 'I couldn't see who it was talking.

I was about to walk in and join in on the conversation, but stopped when I heard her name being mentioned. "Lorna one of the guys said, I think it was Keith.. he was talking to Nick, I swear to God if he says yes,  or even mentions trying to fuck her im going to kill him..

It was silent, the anticipation was killing me, I only prayed Lorna wasn't like that, no I know she wasn't , but her and Nick seem to be getting close, plus she been avoiding me.. So maybe ....

"No I didn't, came his reply, "phew letting out a big breath I didn't realise i was holding .. Thank fuck for that..

" But you want to right ?" Another voice,  it was Harvey's, one of the guys from the football team, ' I mean you had a perfect opportunity the other night, and you didn't

" I wasn't fucking her in my car man. " We were soaked from the rain I had to wait for a pick up truck because my tyres were slashed," it wasn't the most romantic setting. I think it was a perfect setting – keith teased him... shut up keith, anyway she's not like that, I like her I'm not going to treat her like that. 

I'm not sure how I felt about that, he liked her, did she like him? she must do if she's gone out with him a few times, ' but then why the fuck did she kiss me ?? I was so confused and angry., and now I know how she got sick ...

" Fuuuuuuck !! Fuck it if that's what she wants, then I'll leave her to it, I can't keep doing this I can't stop every guy from wanting to date her.. I have to let her go and just be her friend..

I stormed out of school and made a beeline for my car. I sent a text to Tanya, a girl I had a casual relationship with last year, asking if she wanted to hang out. She replied, "Of course!" and instructed me to meet her at her college fraternity house, which was just a 10-minute drive away. When I arrived, her friend let me in and informed me that Tanya was eagerly waiting for me upstairs, giving me a playful wink.

I walked into her room and opened the door, only to find her lying naked on the bed, with her short blonde bob splayed across the pillow. Her legs were spread wide open, and she greeted me with a smile.

Without delay, I undressed and put on a condom. Approaching her, I pulled her closer and positioned her legs over my shoulders. I slam my cock inside her. She let out a scream; she was familiar with the routine. This encounter was purely about sex – no kissing, no cuddling, and no dirty talk. The only sounds I desired to hear were her moans as I pleasured her forcefully and swiftly.

I understand that some of you may be thinking that I frequently engage in this behavior when I am angry. However, this time, I am feeling frustrated. Engaging in physical exercise or consuming alcohol may seem like possible solutions, but they would not alleviate my current state. The source of my frustration lies in my best friend, as I am experiencing intense sexual frustration towards her. She constantly occupies my thoughts.

The memory of the kiss we shared the other night consumes my mind. I cannot stop thinking about the way she moaned my name, the enticing manner in which she touched my fingers and lightly brushed her thumb across my lips, indicating her involvement in her own fantasy. I lost control of myself and could not resist kissing her. If we had not been interrupted, I would have taken things further.

No, I don't mean I would have had sex with her on the rooftop. Not that I wouldn't mind, but she deserves her first time to be special. Even though it probably won't be with me. I can only hope it will be.

After I finished with Tanya, I stood up and quickly dressed myself. "So you still haven't confessed your feelings to her?" she said, smirking.

I'd spilled my guts to Tanya about my feelings for Lorna last year. It was when she wanted something more from our deal. But I couldn't give her what she wanted. She loved the sex , so we agreed on a friends-with-benefits deal – a kind of booty call whenever I felt like it.

Yeah, I know, I'm a dick . But some girls are into that stuff. As long as nobody's getting hurt and emotions don't come into play, it works out for both sides.

Shaking my head, I replied, "No." I'd told her what happened between us. She suggested  that maybe Lorna was waiting for me to confess first or maybe she's just as confused as I was.

She decided to throw in a low jab , mentioning how my habit of storming off with different girls and fucking them probably wasn't helping the situation.

"If she's all you're saying she is, so pure, why would she even want a guy like you?" Tanya's tone got serious.

"Friend or not, that's gotta mess with her head, Reece," she pressed on.

I shrugged and muttered, "Yeah, whatever."Not wanting to continue this conversation, Opening the door, I walked out.

"You know I'm right, Reece!" she hollered after me.

Truth be told, my mood didn't exactly soar after that chat. Deep down, I couldn't deny she had a point...

Well Well Well so many questions unanswered 🤔 don't worry in time we'll find out ..

But seriously Reece really needs to stop messing around and just confess already !!😫

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