Love Me Like You Do (Harry St...

By livelaugh124

257K 6.4K 424

What happens when 21 year old Kylie Hayes goes to Vegas on a trip with her best friend? One morning she ends... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 53

3K 93 14
By livelaugh124

Harry POV

The last week has been hectic, we went hanging out with Gemma and her friends I have know forever at Fleetwood Mac concert, hung out with all them for a day. Showed Kylie the rest of my town, my old school, the baker introduced her to everyone. She finally met my dad over lunch a couple days ago loving her instantly.

We finally are back in London two days ago,I just got done doing a radio interview with Ryan Seascrest. I sigh loudly, tour starts back up tomorrow already. Where has the time gone? It just feels like yesterday.

I hear the front door open from the living room.

"Hub Bubs!"i hear Kylie's voice

"In here Babe!" I yelled to her as I hear her footsteps I sit up on the couch

"I love classes like those!" I see her come in having lighter colored hair at the bottom and her same dark on top

"You get your hair done in class?" I ask her she nods

"Only some classes this was a hands on class with color Lou did my hair and I did hers, she is currently that gray color blond, she said I should do ombré so she did" she told me sitting down next to me I pull her legs into my lap

"You look beautiful baby I love your hair" I told her smiling as I pull at her tips of her hair

"Thanks" she smiled "I'm still getting used to it I tried it one other time with pink and I hated it."

"Don't change it it looks lovely" I told her she smiled starting to play with the buttons on my shirt

"How was hanging with Grimmy?" I nodded

"It was good. He couldn't stop talking about you." We went to his TOPMAN dinner last night for his collection, they finally met last night.

"He's nice!" She said leaning her head against the back of the couch facing me, leaning her head close to my shoulder I kiss her forehead softly as i start rubbing my hand softly up and down her legs "are you excited to go back on tour?"

I nodded my head again "Yes to see the fans and do what I love, but these last 2 months starting our life fully without the crew around was amazing I don't want it to stop."

"Harry our love is not going to change when we're on tour. Their may be days we don't see each other as often but we will still be in bed together that same night" she said I nod to her smiling

"Your honestly the best do you know that?" I ask her

"You have told me a time here and there" she smiled "I feel really tired..."

"Did you not sleep well last night?" I ask her

"No I did... It must be my PMS taking over again..." She said

I start pulling on her legs so she's in my lap fully she makes herself comfortable as I have my arms wrapped around her waist

"I planned on making chicken parm for dinner does that sound good?" I ask her as she nods

"That sounds freaking delicious." She said I chuckle


Kylie POV

It's now Saturday we are a Wembley Stadium for the Summer Concert Series. I haven't felt good or normal since Thursday night. I haven't told Harry about me feeling ill because I know he will worry too much, I feel sore in my lower back and lower stomach but I just think I'm having a bad PMS month. The boys are on the last song of the And we are catching a jet back to Wales quickly. I feel a arm go around my back I turn to my side and see Lou standing frowning

"What's wrong girlie? Your not your self" she said to me as I nod

"I have been feeling like crap every since the class Thursday... It's me just PMSing badly it's no big deal" I told her smiling

"Harry doesn't know does he?" She asks as I slowly shake my head no

"I don't want to worry him, with tour starting back up its been busy the last couple of days." She squeezed me by the shoulder

"If you feel like more crap tonight just relax ok? Harry is going to find out" i nod too her

"I'll tell him on the way back to Wales." She nods at me


My plan on telling Harry on the way back from Wales never worked, he had to go on a private plane with Modest with the boys to have a quick meeting on the way to the Stadium

It's now 8:25 and I have felt much worse than I have the past couple of days.. I'm now getting some cramping in my stomach, the aches are worse in my back. I wanna curl in a ball and cry because I'm in so much pain. But I'm standing tall besides Harry whose getting ready to head on stage in a couple minutes. I feel him kiss my lips I didn't kiss back he pulled back frowning

"Are you ok?" He asks I don't want to lie to him but he goes on stage in a couple minutes I don't want him to worry the whole show, I nod my head at him

"I'm great" I said biting my lip form the shooting pain I just got I look down

"You don't seem great" he said running his hand through my hair I cross my arms over under my boobs

"I am don't worry" I said quickly

"I am going to worry" he said seriously

"STYLES" we hear a security guy yell

"You need to go" I told him

"Not until you tell me what's wrong"

"Nothing! I'm good! Go!" I exclaim tightening my arms

"Kylie this is serious, you look like your in pain"

"STYLES WE NEED YOU NOW" the guy yelled again

"Harry please go!" I tell him

"Will you tell me after the show?" He asks me I nod slowly

"I will" I nod at my worrying husband he sighs
Walking away I didn't want to piss him off before the show but that's what I did sadly and I feel bad feeling tears in my eyes

"Come on" I hear Lottie say as she pulls me away "were staying back here tonight Lou recommends it" I nod


The show is already half way through it almost time for the encore, we have been watching on the little TV. Lou just went back to re do the boys make up, I have been curled on the couch all night holding my stomach.

"Kylie are you sure your okay?" Lottie asks me
Again I nod

"Yeah"i sit up and stand up fast to show her I was fine that was a mistake.

"I'm just going to use the bathroom." I tell her as she nods I walk into the bathroom right away

I went to pull my pants down and I notice bright blood spotting oh no...... I run out of the bathroom right away seeing Lottie jump

"I need Lou now!" I scream

"Kylie what's wrong?!" I feel the tears stream

"Lottie please please find Lou now!" My voice cracked "I need Harry but I am not pulling him off stage!"

"What's all the yelling?!" Lou was back in seeing my face

"Lou I need to go to the hospital now!" Her eyes bulged

"Why what's wrong?!"

"AHH" I fall down to the floor screaming holding my stomach

"Oh no.... Lottie get Jacob now!" Lou yelled

"Why what's going on?!"

"SHE'S HAVING A MISCARRIAGE GO!" she screamed as Lottie runs out quick I begin sobbing hard

"Honey breathe in and out we're going to get you to the hospital, I will go with you, Lottie will watch Lux. Everything will be ok I know it sucks now and I have been there you will be ok" I just sob

"Harry is going to be mad" I whimpered out

"No he won't honey."


Harry POV

This show tonight was hard to get through and not knowing how Kylie was, I asked Lou when she came back, she's said she was good. That didn't make me feel any better. I did well showing I was fine tonight when I really wasn't we finally got off the stage throwing our Mics to one of the crew members. Jacob was right their getting off

"We need to leave" he said really seriously

"What? I need to go talk to Kylie!" I told him

"Something happened Harry... I need to take you to the hospital." I gasp

"What?!" I start speed walking fast with him

"Lou is with her, I took them to the hospital a half hour ago, both your guys things are in the car."

"What's wrong with Kylie?! What's happened to my baby?!" I scream feeling the tears spring in my eyes as we made it to a back door

"I'm not aloud to tell you... Kylie wants to tell you herself." Jacob said as I jump in the car right away

"How far is the hospital?" I ask him

"Only a mile in a half away." He said starting the car

"Why didn't anyone tell me or get me?!"

"She didn't want you to disappoint the fans and have you come off stage." He said starting to drive "I have the police giving us lead way to the hospital so we can get there in 3 minutes"

"She knows me too well that I would get off stage. " I whispered as I hear the sirens go Jacobs hands me my phone, I text the boys letting them Kylie is there that's why I rushed away. "How bad was she?" I ask

"Harry i really sho-"

"No! Tell me how bad"

He sighed " when I came in the room she was crying... A lot. I got told what was going on and carried her out to go to the hospital." I sigh

After a couple of minutes he parked infront I jumped out of the car right away as he follows me we enter the Emergency Room I start to follow him now he leads me through doors, I hear scream but I'm literally in a blur right now just wanting to get to my wife he stops suddenly at the door I look to see Kylie through the window in a gown I open it right away see her face turn to me, it's all red and her make up is smeared, I see Lou come over to me

"Thanks for being there for her" I said

"Your welcome. If you guys need anything just call" she said and turned back to Kylie "Text me when your home sweets"

"I will" Kylie said having a raw tone I have never heard before Lou walks out closing the door. I walk to the side of the bed I sit down facing on her the mattress

"You scared me" I told her softly she nods

"I know.."

"What's going on?" I ask her softly playing with my fingers.

"I was going to tell you on the way back from Wembley but a sudden meeting happened... Ever since I told you Thursday I was feeling tired it got worse, I got back aches and cramping in my stomach.. It got unbearable tonight during the show. I went to go use the bathroom and I saw spotting of blood... I automatically knew I was having a miscarriage." I gasp at her words as she starts crying "I didn't want you to come off stage, I did want you I needed you but the fans and i" she started sobbing as I feel tears stream down my face stand up quickly laying next to her being careful of the needles in her arms tightly around her

"Shh Baby Girl... "

"I lost our baby!" She screamed into my chest going to hysterics I couldn't help my tears streaming down

"We are going to be ok Honey you need to calm down" I told her quietly as she gasps for air from crying hard

"Are you mad at me?" She whimpers out

"Kylie Nicole I am absolutely not mad" I told her seriously "Sad yes but defiantly not mad" I kissed her forehead

"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner"

"Baby stop saying sorry" I told her quietly kissing her temple having my lips linger as she starts crying hard again "Let it all out Baby" as she cried harder and I cry with her.

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