Tales of Pluto: Sparks Flying

By 27quil

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There are seven dragon tribes: Rose dragons, Nature dragons, Dark dragons, Moon dragons, Star dragons, Light... More

Chapter 1: Pineapple
Chapter 2: The Prophecy
Chapter 3: The Star Forest
Chapter 4: Starlight
Chapter 5: Rosar
Chapter 7: The Journal
Chapter 8: Corruption
Chapter 9: Library Conversations
Chapter 10: Queen Brightness
Chapter 11: Dark Island
Chapter 12: The Plan
Chapter 13: Queen Mythos
Chapter 14: Bamboo's Plan
Chapter 15: The Breakout
Chapter 16: The Dark Palace
Barlow Island
Chapter 18: The Betrayal
Chapter 19: The Battle

Chapter 6: Preanberry Pie

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By 27quil

The morning was stricken with the light bursting in from his cave window, and the cabous were chirping loudly; it was almost like they were Sparks' alarm clock most mornings. He yawns loudly and opens eyes to see... Pineapple?

"ARGH! PINEAPPLE?!",  he screamed as loud as a picklah screaming for it's lunch! For one, why was she here? And two, how did she get in Sparks' house?! 

"SPARKS! WE HAVE TO GET UPPPPP! REMEMBER! It's our playdate today! The entire gang is all going to your house!", Pineapple screamed. She immediately hit a quiet tone at the end though.

"Oh yeah! I completely forgot!", Sparks replied. He really had forgot about the playdate! "Just one question. Pineapple, HOW DID YOU GET INTO MY HOUSE?!"

"Oh, that! Well... first, I remembered that we had a playdate today, so I thought, maybe I could surprise you by coming early? So then, I raced downstairs and told my dads that..."

"Pineapple! GET TO THE POINT!", I asked. Pineapple wasn't very good at getting to the point. She would usually explain information that wasn't very relevant, or useful, and that would usually take five minutes or so. Then, usually after saying that, someone would do what Sparks just did, and ask for Pineapple to get to the point. But at that time, she would have usually completely forgotten what the point was in the first place! 

"Argh! Sorry! Ummmmmm...", she thought. Of course, she had forgotten what she was trying to say. Sparks always knew it would happen. 

"Pineapple. How you got in to my HOUSE?!", Sparks shouted. I think he had lost it! But he immediately felt bad for yelling, as he was never mean to his friends. So, he quickly apologised. "Sorry... So... how did you get into my house?"

"I just asked your mum! So I walked in?", Pineapple exclaimed. She didn't really know what else to say! She really did just ask Sparks' mum and then walk in the door! 

"Oh. Sorry Pineapple. Are the others here?", Sparks asked, looking around the room to try to find the answer himself. 

"No, sorry! I came early!", Pineapple explained brightly. Sparks let out a small sigh, got up from his sleeping spot, and lead Pineapple through the cave to the kitchen. 

"Hey Mum! We're just going to get our breakfast, okay?", he exclaimed.

"Alright, Sparks. By the way, this is my friend Goose, he's just going to stay at our house for a bit. Is that okay?", Coco explained. Sparks was confused. He had never even seen Goose before, but he didn't really mind. If his mum was friends with him, he was friends with him.

"Okay! Nice to meet you, Goose!", Sparks said, turning to look at him, and then back at Pineapple. "So, Pineapple, what would you like for breakfast!"

"Ummmmmmmm...", Pineapple just stood there, trying to decide. She could never decide what to have for breakfast! Half of the time she just ended up having a banana, because she never knew what to have. Even if she was super hungry, she would just eat a single banana. She was usually not very good at deciding anything. "I don't know! Whatever you want Sparks!"

"Okay! How about some preanberry breakfast pie!"

"Okay! Wait, Sparks! What's that?", Pineapple replied. She was pointing at an old painting. On Pluto, there were no pictures, so they used special sticks and painted the scene. The professionals were truly amazing. 

The painting that Pineapple was looking at had Coco with her beautiful twinkly smile, and there was another dragon next to her. He was bigger than Coco, and had dark black scales, but they too twinkled in the light of the moon behind them. Pineapple didn't know who that dragon was. The scenery around them was something quite extraordinary, with a huge mountain covered in snow behind them, and a lovely scene of snow behind them. It looked so soft and well painted that it looked like a huge white blanket, covering the entire floor. The moon sparkled behind them, like it was looking down on them, protecting their souls. Pineapple thought that a lot of moon dragons would love to visit that place, wherever it was. 

Pineapple smiled softly, looking at the wonderful painting. She really wanted to know who the other person was, though. 

"Thats when my parents took a trip to this amazing snow covered beach! See? There's frozen water behind it!", Sparks explained. Pineapple squinted closer at the painting and saw that there was frozen water behind it, twinkling. The painter must have done a very good job, because it truly looked like it was a moment in time. 

"Is the other dragon your dad, Sparks?", Pineapple asked. It made more sense now, because for one, Sparks was part dark dragon, and that dragon really looked like one. And two, who else would be travelling with Coco? 

Pineapple liked knowing a lot about her friend's families, but when she learned of Coco's friends, neither of them seemed close enough to her for them to travel to a beach like this! Plus, this must have been a time when dark dragons were depised amongst the others, so Coco must have been Sparks' dad's only friend. 

Coco and Pineapple were a lot alike, as they didn't judge people by their appearance, only by their true personality. That was why Pineapple didn't judge Sparks for being half dark dragon when they first met. Pineapple thought that it must have been the same for Coco and Sparks' dad. 

"Yeah, thats my dad. But... he's not around anymore. I didn't even get to meet him...", Sparks explained. Pineapple saw that Sparks had tears in his eyes, and that made Pineapple cry. But when Pineapple cries, it's not the soft, sad cry. It's the loud, ugly cry.

"WAAAAAAAAAAH! THAT'S SO SAAAAAAAD! YOU DIDN'T EVEN GET TO MEET HIIIIIIIM!", sobbed Pineapple in between tears. Sparks' tears slowly started to stop, and while Pineapple was bawling, he grabbed the preanberry breakfast pie from the great heat machine. The great heat machine was like an oven for dragons. It cooked food, and you could change how hot it was. The only difference was that the great heat machine was great. 

Sparks turned of the great heat machine and put the preanberry pie on one of the cave ledges. Pineapple immediately stopped crying when she saw it, and went and ripped a bit of the pie off. She gobbled it with Sparks just watching her with a sigh and a neutral expression on his face. He sighed once more. This was going to be a long day...

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