Three Mysterious Stickfigures

By Tinnylace

3.3K 77 270

It was a normal night in Alan's PC. After Alan and Tsc (the second coming) finish their animation, Tsc went t... More

Mysterious stickfigures
Meeting Alan
Secrets and confessions
Embarrassing situation
Painful Memories
Potion Trouble
Purple Hollow head
Y'all (request closed)
Good news guys!
Purple hollow head (pt2)
Full introduction
Another One?
Another One? (pt2)
Actually, FUCK
Pls give me a color
What happened?!
Searching for them
im not crying
not dead
Time for the plan
Long time no see


59 1 13
By Tinnylace

Guess who past their exam weekkkk!

Yes, I have officially finish my exam week and I'm gonna have a break from school for a week! Finally.

Anyways, nothing to say anymore so go ahead and read<3

We are now with black and venom. They- "WHERE ARE THEY?! I CAN'T FIND THEM ANYWHERE!" Oof, looks like someone is panicking- They have been searching the whole day and not a single clue of where mint and lavender is.

"Calm down, darling. We'll find them eventually." "How could I be calm right now?! I'm supposed to protect them!" Black shout at venom who's trying to calm him down.

Black was breathing heavily, worried and anxiety began flowing into his body. Just then black phone began ringing signaling both of them that someone had called, black look at his phone and it happened to be an unknown number "Try putting it on speaker" venom said before black answer the phone call.

"But you have to be quiet." Black replies back and venom nodded, black then answer the call.

"Hello?" Black said to the phone.


"Who is this?"

"The person who kidnapped your siblings. Who else?"

Black star's eyes went wide.


"Chuckled You will never find them~ only if your 'friend' doesn't come..."

Black look at venom, questioning does he meant him. "I don't know him." Venom whisper.

"Goodbye~" he hangs up.

Black starting to tremble with fears. "Okay okay, it's gonna be okay. Don't panic or anything just take this calmly" venom said as he hug black while he's sobbing a bit "What am I gonna do?! They got kidnapped because I let them go by themselves!" Black hiccup.

After he's done sobbing, he's calm now. Sudden light bulb went up venom's head "What if we ask the stickfigures to help?" Black realized that "Come with me." Black said before heading back to the house

After they got back to the house, black began searching for that button "I swear I put that somewhere... Where the hell is it?!" Black starts to be stressful while searching.

After he found the button, black then press it before they got teleported to Alan's PC and was in front of the door to the house. The black hollow head knock on the door so many time because of anxiety. "Okay, maybe don't knock too many time-" the door open.

"Why are you knocking so much?" "There's no time to explain, I need your help!" Black quickly ask second for help. The knocking were heard by the others and they came to the door as well "You need to help me! L-lavender and mint IS MISSING!!"

"What?!" All of them said in unison "YES, AND THEY GOT KIDNAPPED! THE GUY WHO KIDNAPPED THEM CALLS ME AND I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THEM FOR HOURS. PLEASE HELP!" black quickly told them about the situation right now.

"Okay okay! We'll help you." "Wait we are-" blue smack yellow's head for that. "Do you know where the guy told you?" Red question the still panicking hollow head "N-no!" "Wait! Maybe we can track lavender's phone!" Venom's suggest.

"Gaps Good idea! Let's go to the hollow head place!" Second said before bringing all of them to the portal. They all jump in and in a few minutes, came out into the hollow head place where a certain red and black hollow head were living.

Second then knock on the door, waiting for answers. Seconds later, the door open and dark appears "Second? What are you guys doing here?" Dark ask the color gang plus black star and Purple venom.

"Black star needs our help! His sister and brother got kidnapped while visiting their dad." Second quickly told him about what happens. Chosen then came to the door as well.

"But, how are we gonna help them? It's not like we can just go to their world and act like normal stickfigures."


(When he looks at me)

(And look at him)

(When he looks at me)

(And I look at him)

(When looks at me)

(And I look at himmm) Idk what I'm doing tbh-

"Wait, we can?" "Do I need to throw you into the portal?" "Okay okay fine" dark said.

They all gather in some place to discuss the plan or operation? I don't know. "Okay so the plan is... First, We need to track down lavender's phone to know where their location is. After that, we need to figure out how to save them. Any suggestions?" Chosen said from the group.

They begins thinking. while they are thinking, chosen has sent yellow to go and track down lavender's phone. "Hmm.. Maybe we cause some distractions while one of us can look for them in the territory." Green spoke to them.

"That might work but someone could be guarding the cage and it might be dangerous to go alone." Venom replies "He's right, even though the plan might be working but it could backfired so, any other suggestios?" Black ask the group. None spoke because can't think of a plan.

After a while, none of them got a good plan "Guys! I found the location!" Yellow shouted from the door and everyone ran to the computer to look, it seems like lavender and mint are in a unknown location "Huh... I never seen that place before. Weird." Dark said, even though he been gone to many places, he never saw or hear anything about that place.

"I don't care if that territory is far from here, the only thing I care is getting my siblings back." Black said, aww.. So sweet. "Ugh.. Why don't any of us know how to save them..!" Blue said with a sad tone or whining?

They then went back to thinking a plan.

~In the territory~

"Ugh! Stupid cage..!" Lavender began stressing out while trying to break the bars of the cage. That yell woke up mint and mint saw his sister trying to break them out "Mhm... Sis? Where are we..?" Mint rub his head from the headache. "There's no time to explain, some guy kidnapped us and I am trying to get we out of this." Lavender said to her brother.

The door suddenly open catching their attentions. "Will you two be quiet?" A girl from the door spoke "Let us out of here!" Lavender yelled at her "Who are you anyway?!" Mint shouted as well. "I'm Rosy but that's none of your business and no, you two are getting out until my boss said so." Rosy replies.

The door then slam shut leaving mint and lavender in disappointment. "UGH! I wish I could get out of here to punch those two!" Lavender grump.

A light bulb went up lavender's head. She had just noticed she have her phone, looks like they didn't know she have it. "Wait..! I have my phone. Maybe we can call black.!" Lavender said to mint which his expression turn from sad to happy.

"But, what if there's security cameras here? Aren't we gonna get caught?" Mint suggest and lavender realized again. "Damn it.." Lavender said disappointed with this situation.

Mint sees how sad his sister is "Don't worry, sis. We'll get out of here somehow." Mint smiled at his sister to reassure her everything is gonna be okay. Lavender smiled back "Alright." They then continues to figure how to get out of here.

~Back to CG and bs plus pv~

"Sigh We tried thinking of a plan but none of them we can use?!" Yellow shouted from the group. They been thinking of plans but nothing make sense or doesn't work (does that make sense?) Anyways, "We need to have patience in making a plan so, anymore suggest..?" Black sigh feeling annoyed because every plans doesn't work.

While everyone is making a plan, dark have been real quiet since they started making the plan. Maybe he's thinking of a good idea?

"Hmm.. I think I have a solution for this rescued." Dark finally spoke and gathering everyone's attention to him. "Do tell." Venom said "Alright, so I think we need some of us to distract, some of us to find them, one person to hack the security cameras and some of us to guard the portal back home. That's just gonna leave us to picking groups." Dark explain to them.

"Actually, that's a great idea." Black said to the red hollow head.

"Alright, so the groups will be..."

Green Team:Black and Venom

Red Team:Second, Blue, Green and Red

Yellow Team:Yellow obviously

Blue Team:Dark and Chosen

"Alright, that's all of the team.?" Black said after giving them each team. "Alright, we got the team. Now, which team does what?" Red ask black who seems to be thinking "So here's everything everyone have to do."

"Red team will distract the guards."

"Me and venom will find them."

"Yellow will hack the security cameras to lead me through the headpiece to find them."

"And Blue team will be guarding the portal back home."

Black told everyone about what to do and they agreed. After that, they begins to get ready for their rescued mission and second had to ask Alan to draw him a headpiece, Alan ask him why and second said for no reason, totally not sus at all.

They are done getting ready and headed to the portal that was set the coordination. "Alright, Yellow I hope you are good at hacking because this is a serious mission. Got it?" Black said to yellow which he replied with a nod.

"Alright everyone, I also hope you are gonna be serious with this mission. We need to save them as soon as possible because we never know what they are doing with my siblings." Black told everyone good luck on each team mission and all of them jumps into the portal.

-To Be Continue-

~The End Of Part 12~

I'm glad I finished my exam cuz the math one isn't playing around and one of my classmate ended up throwing up cause of stress so yeah, I'm worried for her even though she didn't know me but that's beside the point.

Y'all, even my friend called Sapphire hot like what..?

Haha... I am not getting over Murder drones episode 6 ending. My poor V😭

Anyway, see you guys on the next chapter, bye bye!

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