Three is the Perfect Number

By davina_forevra

8.5K 384 127

A love story between Kelly, Michelle, and Beyoncé. Kelly and Beyoncé had the perfect relationship built on lo... More

Valentine's Day- A TITPN Oneshot
Subdrop- A TITPN Oneshot


459 24 22
By davina_forevra

Just a fair warning: There's a lot of crazy stuff in this chapter at the funeral in particular... HAPPY READING!

Michelle opened the small rectangular box that Kelly gifted her. She was in the process of beginning to move out her stuff before the wake of her ex-husband. She decided to open this gift as the last thing she did before moving in with Kelly and Beyoncé. If you opened this, that means you are by yourself and you're ready for my final test. Inside the box is a vibrator. The most important part of this test is that you need to have the vibrator on the highest setting on your clit for two minutes straight and you need to video it. For me, this counts as a pre test to see how far I can go with you and I want you to be very familiar with this before our trip together. I can't wait to see you in person, sweetheart. xoxo Kelly

Michelle was extremely excited to use this so she rushed to open the box. The device was rather small and it already had batteries in it, which was helpful. She turned the device on, jumping at the vibration in her hands. Michelle figured it was supposed to be like a massage type of thing so she took her bottoms off and angled the camera. Once the vibrator was placed on the highest setting, Michelle placed the device directly on her clit.

The pleasure felt indescribable as the two minutes went by. Moans flew from her mouth as her legs began to shake and that familiar feeling of righting in her stomach returned and cum dripped out of her. The two minutes were over and Michelle stopped the video, falling onto the bed as the aftershocks from her pleasure continued. After she recovered, Michelle flipped the note over and saw another note: Here's my number to send the video to, sweetheart. I know it's not going to be like seeing your pleasure in person but at least I can see how beautiful your pussy is. Michelle saw the number and texted the video to Kelly.

After cleaning herself up, she changed her clothes and got in her bed. Michelle began fantasizing about what Kelly looked like and longed to hear her voice again. Those thoughts made her tired, so she quickly fell asleep.

"Beyyyyy, I don't wanna go to his funeral!" Michelle whined as she pulled the covers up over her head."I know baby, but it would look bad if the woman he's been with for the last 10 years doesn't show." Beyoncé said, pulling her up from the bed. "Fine. But can we have coffee before we go?" Michelle asked with pleading eyes, Beyoncé smirking at the cuteness.

Beyoncé just couldn't say no, she needs some relief before she goes to that place of hate and toxicity. "Ok, but only for a few minutes and then you have to get dressed." Beyoncé replied, taking her boxers off. Michelle smiled at the pleasure she was about to receive.

After about 20 minutes, Michelle and Beyoncé finally got dressed for the service. "Did that make you feel better, baby?" Beyoncé asked, placing her hair in a half up half down style. "It did, but why aren't you wearing a suit, daddy? You look so good in it." Michelle pouted, fixing her dress.

"As much as I would like to wear a suit, I'm about to be around a bunch of raging homophobes and just people who don't have good sense in general. I just gotta be careful of everything I wear and say." Beyoncé replied, grabbing her purse.

"Okay." Michelle said, pecking her lips. "We just gotta get through today, ok? I'll be here with you every step of the way." Beyoncé said reassuring Michelle, noticing her nerves getting to her a little. Michelle mouthed a thank you before walking out the bedroom with Beyoncé following behind.
Michelle was highly considering murder. If she had to hug one more person, she would snap their neck. There was only so much her morning coffee could do for her. At this point, she needed some drugs, if she was going to make it through the day. Everybody was offering their condolences, and she had to smile and act like she gave a damn about the stories these people told. Hear people tell her how good of a man he was. She had to save face because her mother was by her side the entire time.

Soon enough his ex mistresses started to pour in. They were trying to outdo one another. Michelle's favorite was Bernice. The old, slim woman gave the performance of a lifetime. She came in wearing a black dress. She had a hat with a black veil. As soon as she saw his body from the entrance she screamed and fell to her knees, sobbing real tears.

As people tried to comfort her, she pushed them out of the way and sprinted for the casket. She was pretty fast to be fifty-seven. "Noooo! You should have taken me too, lord!" Bernice pleaded. She jumped. Not climbed. Jumped into the casket on top of Charles' dead body. She held him close weeping on his chest. To everybody else this was sad, but not to Michelle. She looked at Beyoncé who had the most dumbfounded look on her face. She hid her smile behind her church fan.

No one saw big Shirley come to the casket only to drag Bernice off. Bernice held onto the casket. It didn't help because the casket fell to the floor, causing Charles to roll out. Bernice knew then that she was in trouble as Shirley punched her. The size comparison was like a dull toothpick fighting a marshmallow. Bernice never stood a chance. The men finally separated the fight. Bernice was either dead or unconscious. Either way the ambulance was called.

In the midst of the chaos, Odessa took this as an opportunity to wheel herself to the casket. She said her goodbyes, and rolled away. She thought she was safe, but she rolled right into another fight on the opposite side of the church.

Cheryl and Margaret were going at it. It looked like a cat fight. Hair was being pulled and claws were out. Cheryl and Margaret were two skinny white women, so the fight was pretty even. Cheryl was winning because Margaret could only see out of one eye since the other was swollen shut. Odessa managed to get away from the fight. She rolled into the parking lot to find her grandson, but the events of earlier that day were just too much for her. Losing someone that she loved dearly and watching their wake be absolute chaos hurt her heart just too much. She died.

Meanwhile things were calming down in the church. No one was fighting. Michelle was agitated though. She knew that she should have skipped this part and went straight to the funeral.

"This is all your fault for not knowing how to be a good wife." Her mother whispered to her. "If you treated him well, then he wouldn't have cheated on you with so many loose women."

Michelle scoffed. "Don't get beside yourself. Isn't pops still beating on you? Does that mean that you are a shitty wife because he treats you the way that he does or is pops just a bad person no matter what you do?"

Her mother stayed silent.

Michelle glared. "Exactly. Let's not blame the victim. Don't forget you and pops pushed me to marry a man more than double my age. I was only eighteen. I was still a child. You, as my mother, was supposed to protect me."

Her mom looked down. "I thought that I was. You were different as a child. He would accuse you of being one of those gay people. That's why he would beat you. I knew that I had to get you out of the house and away from him and away from the abuse. I thought Charles would be a good man. He was a preacher and a man of faith. At that time, he was a good man in my opinion. I felt like I killed two birds with one stone. You married a man and stopped acting like an abomination, and I got you away from your abusive father. It worked."

At that moment, Michelle realized that her mother would never love her for who she is. Sacrificing her fragile relationship with her mother was necessary if she was ever going to love herself and take pride in herself for her sexuality. "Mom, I'm a lesbian. I've always been, and I always will be a lesbian."

Her mother gasped. "No." She shook her head.

The look of horror on her mother's face, broke her heart, but she didn't stop there. "You made me marry someone who was just as homophobic as you are. I hated myself for years. You want to know why Charles died. He died because he saw me getting pounded into the fucking mattress by my girlfriend." Michelle whispered harshly. No one was around them.

Her mom was furious. "No daughter of mine-"

"I'm not your daughter anymore." Michelle cut her off. "You will never accept me for me. I don't need you, and you can go."

Her mother didn't say anything else. She just turned on her heels and left.

Beyoncé saw the angry look on Michelle's face. She quickly walked over to help her out. She was about to speak when the loud noise of the double doors slamming against the walls caught her attention.

"You deceitful bitch!" An older woman yelled from the door. "You killed him!" The angry woman was wearing an all black church suit.

Beyoncé leaned in closer. "Ester?" She whispered. Every fiber of her being told her that she needs to protect Michelle from this woman.

"Ethel." Michelle corrected.

"Same difference." Beyoncé shrugged.

Michelle looked unamused as the older woman angrily stomped towards her. "Nice to see you again." She said flatly.

"You heard that he was going to leave you for me, so you killed him!" Ethel went to slap Michelle, but was pleasantly surprised when two fingers poked her eyes. She screamed loudly as she covered her eyes in pain.

Beyoncé snorted at the shrill that left Ethel's mouth. She didn't mean to poke her that hard. "You walked into it." She shrugged. Clearly, she wasn't making things any better.

"Ethel!" A man yelled.

"Bobby?" She asked. She couldn't see shit. Tears were pouring out of her eyes.

"Gun!" Someone screamed. Seconds later there was a gunshot.

Beyoncé tackled Michelle onto the ground, shielding her with her body. She turned behind them still forcing Michelle to look away. People were running and screaming behind them. It was chaos. Ethel was dead, lying a few feet below them. She got Michelle up carefully, so she couldn't see the body. They ran out of the church. Beyoncé took her to her car immediately and they drove off.

Michelle knew it was a bad idea for her to show up. She should have stayed at home.

Beyoncé drove them a few blocks down the road. She pulled into a nearly empty parking lot. She couldn't believe what she just saw. She never expected a wake to be this bad. She needed to get her mind off of it for now. Tonight when she was with Kelly, she would talk about it. Michelle was already dealing with too much right now. "Talk to me Michelle. What's on your mind?" She put her hand on Michelle's bouncing knee.

Michelle's knee still bounced. She stared out the window and shook her head. "My mom." She scoffed. "She said that my dad beat me because I was gay." She looked at Beyoncé. "I was seven years old when he first hit me. I dropped a plastic plate, and he slapped me." Michelle revealed with tears starting to well up in her eyes.

"Oh baby." Beyoncé didn't know that Michelle was abused as a kid.

"She said that she gave me to that-" Michelle took a deep breath as the tears rolled down her face. "She gave me to that predator in hopes that I would stop being gay which is beyond fucked up. She knew all of this time that I liked women, and instead of embracing me, she threw me away. I was never her daughter! I was a problem that she needed to get rid of. My parents never loved me and now I know why."

Beyoncé's heart broke for Michelle. She was angry and crying too. She wanted to kill everyone who dared to hurt Michelle. She hugged Michelle, letting her cry into her arms. She held Michelle as she cried. She understood a bit of Michelle's pain. Her parents are very religious. At twenty-two, they disowned her because they caught her kissing Kelly in her bedroom. They haven't spoke since that day.

They don't know how long they stayed like that, holding each other. Michelle finally calmed down a headache slowly started to form. "I need a drink. I just want to forget for a few hours."

Beyoncé nodded. She looked out the window to see that their was a Mexican restaurant across the street. "You like Mexican food?"


Beyoncé was sitting in her booth with a smile on her watching Michelle have a great time.

Michele was on the dance floor dancing and singing to Amor Prohibido by Selena. They manager had managed to find her a microphone. She was butchering the words, but she didn't care. She was on her third lime margarita. She looked at Beyoncé singing along with her from her seat. She finished the song and set the mic on an empty table. She walked to Beyoncé smiling. "Hey daddy." She said, climbing into the booth to sit next to her. "Kiss?"

Beyoncé leaned in and pecked Michelle's lips. She could taste the sugar on her lips and the faint taste of tequila. Usually, they wouldn't be kissing in public in fear that someone they knew would catch them and tell Charles, but he is dead now.

Michelle pulled away grinning. "You taste like rum and strawberries."

Beyoncé, who was on her second daiquiri, giggled. "You taste like tequila and sugar."

Michelle took a sip of her margarita. "I told my mom that you were my girlfriend." She looked at the table. Beyoncé didn't say anything, so she continued. "This hasn't just been about sex to me. At first it was, but the more time I've spent with you, the more involved I became. I caught feelings, and I'm falling for you."

"I'm falling for you too, Michelle." Beyoncé admitted. It felt so good to finally get that off of her chest. "That is why it is so important for you to meet Kelly. I can't wait for you two to fall in love, and the three of us can be together."

"I'm excited to see Kelly too. I want to thank her in person for all of my gifts." Michelle smirked.

"Yall still haven't told me what those gifts are." Beyoncé pouted. "You could at least give me a hint."

"Kelly told me that I couldn't tell you." Michelle kissed Beyoncé's pout. "I have to listen to her."

"But you've known me longer." Beyoncé's furrowed her eyebrows. "You haven't even met Kelly yet.

"That is true, but still no. You will see them when Kelly says so." Michelle drunk the rest of her drink.

When she was finished Solange walked in. She spotted them easily. Beyoncé had called her to drive them home. She didn't want to leave her vehicle here. Michelle apologized for harassing her when she used to protest outside the clubs. Solange told her that it was water under the bridge. Michelle made it to Amria's safely. Solange dropped Beyoncé off at home.
Beyoncé walked into her house and immediately grabbed her white rum, which is an extremely strong alcohol and chugged the small bottle down. Kelly noticed her girlfriend drinking the rum and ran over to see what was wrong. "Bey, what happened to make you drink that entire bottle?" Kelly asked. She was nervous for the response. "Did you see the news? The wake was just a pool of death." Beyoncé simply responded.

Kelly looked on her phone to see a bunch of news reports on the disastrous wake. She clicked on one of them and began to read the article. Kelly's jaw dropped further and further as she read each sentence. "Wowww. Is Michelle ok after seeing all of this?" Kelly asked with concern for Michelle. Beyoncé's eyes began to well up with tears, "I hope she's doing better, she cried in my arms after she told me that her mother disowned her in the car after the wake. She just has been through so much and I just need to make sure she's ok at all times. That's why Michelle is moving in with us in two days." Beyoncé finally admitted.

Kelly's face became red and teary eyed as well. "That poor girl. We'll make sure she feels loved and protected because she never really had that and it's been time for her to be shown that love and care." Kelly spoke with a hint of anger at all the pain Michelle has gone through. "Well, maybe you can have that weekend with Michelle when you come back from that conference. I think it'll be what she needs after everything she's gone through." Beyoncé suggested.

"I think that'll be a great idea. I'll meet with her right when I get back. Will you drop her off at the garden I told you about?" Kelly asked, now even more excited to meet the woman. "Of course, are you coming back here afterwards? You know I have a big court case coming up and that I'll be in the city near the courthouse." Beyoncé reminded her. "Yeah, but I'm going to take her to the guesthouse with the bedroom with the mirror on the ceiling. Kelly responded nonchalantly.

Beyoncé's eyes widened. "I know you'll have her for 3 days but please don't do anything crazy to hurt her. I would hate to have to hurt you too." Beyoncé casually threatened. "Giselle! You know I would never hurt someone as fragile as Michelle. I'm just going to use this to teach her some things." Kelly said with a roll of her eyes. "Make sure you film some of it. I wanna see." Beyoncé said kissing Kelly on the cheek.

Kelly just smiled at the dynamic she and her girlfriend had. She was going to cherish this before it would change forever. For the better of course.

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