By introvert_expert

834 80 3

❝ I could never love someone.❞ She liked him. But god forbid life happens and screws everything up. Doubting... More

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volume one
chapter one: you're a genius
chapter two: the note
chapter three: 𝐡arrington to the rescue
chapter four: hopp𝐞r?
chapter five: farrah f𝐚wcett
chapter six: 𝐝umb & dumber
chapter seven: th𝐞 𝐯isi𝐨n
chapter nine: the calm before t𝐡e sto𝐫m
chapter ten: dear abuela
chapter eleven: valentina's husband
chapter twelve: the 'if'
chapter thirteen: the truth
chapter fourteen: i could never love someone

chapter eight: trish johnson

28 3 0
By introvert_expert


Everyone has a way of showing affection. People buying stuff for others, and friends, well friends always did have a way of showing they cared. Because when being in a worrisome position creates havoc, all of a sudden they don't know what to do.

But one thing's for sure, Valentina Alma was not like others, she would either run away from her problems and when she wanted to save someone, she ran to them.

Therefore she quickly got out of the car and ran inside where she called out, "Max! Dustin! Harrington?"

"Yeah over here," a familiar voice answered.

With both Nancy and Robin caught up to the group, Max began going into detail, "It was here. It was right here."

"A grandfather clock?"

With the furrowing of her eyebrows, Max continued, "It was so real. And then when I got closer, suddenly I just I woke up."

There was quite a long pause in the room before it was broken. "It was like she was in a trance. There was a clock, a grandfather one at that. She was sitting in Ms. Kelly's office, but she was mentally in a different world where Vecna was calling for her."

"H-how do you know that?" Max questioned Valentina in amazement.

"I was in a trance myself and I uh- I saw you, but it felt like I was frozen and couldn't do anything."

"Oh, so you're a visionary or a visionist! Cool, that's great, totally not strange at all," Steve commented, "While that's a new concern, we have more stuff in our hands than we think."

Nodding her head, Max explained, "Fred and Chrissy, they both came to Ms. Kelly for help. They both were having headaches, bad headaches, that wouldn't go away. And then the nightmares, trouble sleeping, they'd wake up in a cold sweat, then they'd start seeing things. Bad things, from their past."

Valentina's hands started to shake as her breathing patterns started to slowly intensify.

"These visions, they just, they kept on getting worse and worse, until eventually, everything ended." Everyone else's minds started to put the information together, seeing where Max was heading.

"Vecna's curse." Robin declared.

"Chrissy's headaches started a week ago. Fred's, six days ago, mine started four days ago, so for all we know there's someone else out there who's going to die tomorrow," Max claimed while giving Valentina a glance, but then realised she was about to have a panic attack. "Valentina, can you hear me?"

Everyone turned their heads to her, but seemingly grabbed Steve's focus more than anything. Rushing to her aid, he took a hold of her hands to guide her to a chair.

As she sat down, Steve's eyes were filled with worry. He put his hands on her face trying to steer her focus away from the ground. "Alma, look at me. Look at me, it's okay. It's just you and me."

She didn't budge until she muttered the words, "I'm going to die tomorrow. I'm not ready to go."

Awkwardly turning his head to the group, Steve widened his eyes, before trying to contain himself, to try and calm Valentina who was still panicking. "It's okay! You're not going to die, I won't let you. Can you tell me what you see right now?"

Finally looking up, she asked shakingly, "W-What?"

"Tell me five things you see."

Blinking a few times, Valentina cleared her throat, "A lamp, a clock, papers, blinds," she then looked back at Steve, studying his stare, making him smile.

"That's good, you're doing good. What else do you see?"

Her breathing started to ease at a normal rate, where she then answered in honesty, "Your eyes. They're brown with hints of hazel in them that could make any girl swoon if you ask me."

Steve's hands still remained on her face, that hid her blushing, but didn't hide his. "Thank you, I guess. Do you feel any better?"


Then there was a bang. As Valentina was about to poke her head out of the room, Steve put out an arm in front of her as protection, while grabbing the lamp by the door.

"Where are you going?" Valentina whispered harshly. There was no answer as Steve walked out and the group then simultaneously followed.

Running footsteps were heard and Steve got ready to swing to lamp.

"Ahh! It's me!" a teen yelled.


"Jesus! What's wrong with you, Sinclair? I could've taken you out with this lamp!"

Shaking her head, Valentina replied, "You wouldn't be able to even if you tried." The commotion stopped. "What? Just because we had a moment back there, you think I'm going to be worshipping you now?"

Steve opened his mouth, but was interrupted before he could say anything. "Don't you dare answer that."

"Valentina? How'd you end up in all this?" Lucas wondered.

"You should ask these people. They're the ones that dragged me into it. In fact, I gave in, I'm helping and the next thing you know, I'm dying tomorrow. Who would've thought!" she expressed. "I'm mostly talking about you, Harrington."

Groaning, Steve looked up to the ceiling. "It's always my fault."

Everyone was somewhat dispersed, still at the school.

The Alma girl was walking around the parking lot, mumbling incoherent words. "Stupid Steve. Stupid boys. Stupid crush. God I'm hopeless! He knows I exist, but at the same time he doesn't."

"Valentina, wait up!"

Rolling her eyes, she started to pick up the pace, that was until Steve stood right in front of her. "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Walk away from your problems! And then back there, you just pretended like nothing happened," Steve moved his hands around.

"Well I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry that I was raised the way I was. Just a few days ago no one ever paid attention to me, not even a second glance. Why do you even care, you're like the ex king of Hawkins or some bullshit like that. Go back to going on dates with girls everyday and not caring about people like me."

A look of hurt on his face, slowly turning to anger. "So that's just it? You think all I do is see a different girl everyday? I once had sex with that Trish girl you hung out with, she's in your clique, isn't she?"

Gears were turning in Valentina's head. That bitch. "I'm sorry? You had sex with Trish? Trish Johnson?"

Steve shook his head, yes.

Laughing in shock, Valentina took small steps towards him. "When was this?"

"It happened two years ago. She made me promise to forget it ever happened. That's why she asked me out, well you asked me out through her."

She stopped walking when she was in front of him. Her voice laced with venom, "I will walk away and you will not follow me this time. I'm done."

"There you go, walking away like always. Poor Valentina Alma getting her way cause she said so."

"You have no right to say anything! I trusted her. I just started trusting you. But I'm always left in shambles. In pieces because poor little naïve me, has a fucked up life. To think I ever had a crush on you."

"You like me?" There was hope in Steve's eyes.

"That's all you got from what I just said?"

"No! No, of course not. I'm sorry, if I would've known-"

"You would've what, Steve? You would've asked me out and then we'd just end up going to your house and have sex?" Valentina wondered. Just like minutes prior, she stopped him from speaking.

"I'm so glad I didn't have the courage to talk to you. All you did was look at me in the halls. I was too in my head, thinking 'maybe he likes me, maybe he wants to talk to me.'"

"Where's all this coming from?"

"Maybe it's the fact that I've always been alone! My family, we're a mess. My parents fight and my brother and I have just accepted it as the norm. I go to school and my so-called friends leave me out. They go out and do their own stuff together. I'm pretty sure when Trish and I went to your job last summer, it was only because my mom called her mom and made Trish hang out with me," Valentina took a breath and buried her face in her hands.

Steve took a hold of her hands, "Okay. I get it and I'm sorry, okay? My parents, it feels like they're almost always on a business trip. And then with all this wacky stuff going on in Hawkins, I get these nightmares each time. I can't go to Robin cause then she'll make jokes about it and Dustin, well I can't go to him because he's, well he's basically a kid."

For the first time, Valentina looked up at Steve, "Guess we both have our own secrets, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"I love you, Steve," a mimicking voice was heard in the background.

"I love you more Valentina, I can talk about you all day," another mimicking voice was heard.

Turning both of their heads at the same time, they found Max and Dustin using their hands as puppets.

- i'm deeply sorry for not updating sooner !!

- as far as i know, i'll try to update as much as i can, seeing i'm starting college next week !

- i'm excited, i'm going to horror nights next week as well (definitely going to the stranger things maze)

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