No Strings Attached

By queen_kara9

9 0 1

Idk yet More

Part 1

Part 2

3 0 1
By queen_kara9

Liam aggressively slammed his hand against his alarm clock, internally begging for it to stop beeping.

He groaned awake before pulling back the covers and staring blearily at the shadows encasing his room.

He made his way down the stairs (he actually floated cuz he's secretly a Pegasus) and began to make some pancakes (which goes against pegasi law but who cares).

After eating a delicious scrumptious healthy nutritious meal he skidaddled upstairs. He lived by the phrase "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" He succeeded in only tripping and face planting twice, which was a new personal record for him!

His eyes zeroed in on the HUGE pink water bottle sitting on his dresser. His boyfrie- best friend  Francisco also has a HUGE water bottle. His is purple tho. Liam got one the second he saw Francisco carrying one around because every time he looks at the HUGE water bottle it reminds him of Francisco.

It's safe to say that he has a bit of a crush on Francisco.

"Unfortunately," Liam grimaces while taking a swig of the vodka from his HUGE pink water bottle, "Francisco only thinks of me as a friend."

"No he doesn't *SQUAK*" says the parrot in the corner of the room (dw the parrot is in its cage).

Liam jumped, spilling water onto his fresh drippy swaggy handsome clothes. "Darn it," he thinks, "I wanted to show off my clothes in front of Francisco during lunch today :("

Liam then dramatically turned on his heel and looked at the bird with hunger despite just eating breakfast. He marched toward the parrot with is finger waggling in the air. He put it down quickly tho because he didn't want to seem like those white moms who use their pointer finger to lecture their children.

"What did you mean when you said that Francisco doesn't like me as just a friend?"

"He has a crush on you too bro." The parrot said puffing up its chest. The parrot thought he was a gangster although everyone knows the real gangster is this cool guy named Tedtaotao who is dating an equally cool girl called Mariyah (that's a story for another time tho).

"No he doesn't," Liam said adamantly, "He thinks I'm one of those weird anime kids."

"Liam you are one of those anime kids." The parrot said.

"Oh yea I forgot."

The parrot side-eyes Liam. Then he points to Liam's arm (idk how he points because he's a bird but birds don't talk either so don't pay attention to it).

"Dude your soulmate literally just wrote to you. I'm willing to bet my life that your soulmate is Francisco."
The parrot squaks out, which is good cuz I was beginning to think that it wasn't even a bird.

Liam's head swivels downward to his arm. The wrong arm because I said so. (Reminds me of a certain someone).

Liam's head swivels to the other arm and he lets out a huge breath that knocks over the parrot in the cage.

The parrot starts crying on the ground for multiple  reasons. 1: The parrot hates being called the parrot. He wants a name. 2: His brand new Jordan's just got creased when he fell. Liam better be paying for a replacement. 3: The parrot isn't a he. It's a she and you've been misgendering her this entire time.

But who cares about a dumb parrot anyway (her name is yet to be determined).

The real issue is Liam also landing on the ground. It wasn't because of his breath although he hasn't brushed yet so that could be a factor. Liam is now on the floor because he fainted.


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