Star Wars The Mandalorian War...

By TheJediKnightRevan

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It has been two years since Y/n made a last ditch effort to save the Republic from Darth Sidious and Order 66... More

Trial By Fire
The Need For Revenge
Despite Rescues
Making a Stand
War Has Begun
Rebuilding the 501st

Act 1: Two Years Later

931 28 12
By TheJediKnightRevan

Two Years of pain and sadness.

Two Years of guilt filling every fibre of my being, I can't get those images out of my mind, the smell of sulfur and the heat from the coursing flow of the lava, and those eyes, the look of pure hatred and all senses of love gone, the screaming, the screaming most of all, at the temple, all those children, all those I didn't save, I can hear their screams every time I close my eyes, and the man standing over them. Vader.

My brother.

His eyes open wide and drenched in sweat, he shoots up from his bed with a fight or flight instinct as he looks around the darkly lit room, as a glimmer of the rising sun across the farmlands, Y/n Skywalker the Jedi that saved the Republic had chosen to leave his life behind and live on a farmstead on Ord Mantel with the one he loves.

Ahsoka: Another Nightmare?

Y/n nods whilst getting up from the large wooden framed bed they shared and heading downstairs for the day ahead, the farmstead was a peaceful place full of workers who had tried to find a new start after the war, those who had lost their homes or families from the chaos between the Republic and Separatist Alliance, Y/n and Ahsoka sat down for breakfast ready for the busy day ahead of them but they ate in a uncomfortable silence as the sun slowly raises into the sky giving off a red and orange after glow.

Ahsoka: Looks like we're in for a beautiful day.

Y/n grunts as he ate his breakfast and focusing on his bowl as Ahsoka looked out of the window watching as the sun slowly raises above the hills across from them.

Ahsoka: Hopefully the wheat is ready for harvesting today. I know everyone is eager to sell it in Mon-Hella

Y/n continued to eat in silence, Ahsoka knew that something was bothering him but has never pressed the issue, she could only imagine what he was going through since losing Padme and Anakin, but what was bothering her was the fact he's had no contact over Luke or Leia and has refused to see them, was it the idea of seeing them without both Padme and Anakin, or was it something else entirely.

After breakfast they proceeded onto the fields where many of the other handlers were picking out the vegetables and fruits that were growing on the fields, many were happy with their new lives on Ord Mantel growing wheat, fruit and vegetable even raising up herds of animals, but as much Ahsoka like this new way of life, she felt that her and Y/n were missing the bigger picture as they were very unaware of the changes that were happening across the galaxy and how important those changes were, Y/n would avoid everything going on in the galaxy by keeping to his small bubble that was the farmstead, Ahsoka thought it was rather irresponsible for someone like him whoever only wanted to help people in need and protect those he cared about, but those days were gone.

Before lunch everyone gathered up the wheat that they grew in the fields across from them and laid it into stacks where a pair of young twins called Forionn and Sylven, who started to put in on the wagon, they could only have been fifteen or sixteen with no parents due to the wars casualties, the two continued to argue as Y/n and Ahsoka worked across from them carefully watching them as they continued to stack up the wheat on the wagon.

Sylven: You just leave me to it.

Forionn: This is my payload. Not yours!

Sylven: I'm just telling you, you gotta hurry
up. We're gonna break for lunch.

Forionn: You're piling them up too high. Again.

Sylven: I know what I'm doing.

The lunch bell began to chime causing everyone to stop what they were doing and start to walk towards the food hall that was at the centre of the farmstead, as the sister goes to leave her brother and droid to stack up the wheat the rope holding it all together started to strain and unaware of the situation as the Sylven goes to leave her brother behind.

Sylven: Hey, droid. Finish up!

Forionn: You can't leave it like that.

Sylven: I'm hungry!

Suddenly the ropes holding the wheat snaps causing the droid to beep and shriek in a panic as the giant stacks of wheat began to topple off the wagon and onto Forionn who had curled up into a ball and covering his head waiting for the inevitable damage that was going to put him into hospital but, the wheat never landed, he looked up, and what he saw was floating inches above him, a Jedi he thought as he looked up and around the area, nothing, but Sylven saw it all, just across from the wagon Y/n was standing with his arms crossed looking at the wagon, it was very subtle, only his index and middle finger was extended upwards and then dropped back down onto his arm after he'd moved the wheat across slightly from her brother before dropping it like nothing happened. One of the elderly men came rushing over to see if the boy was injured and to only find the boy still covering himself waiting for the impact.

Elderly Man: Lucky. Very lucky, child.

He walks away to leave the twins to restack the wheat as Sylven whispers to Forionn about what she saw and who it could be. However they weren't the only ones to see Y/n use the force, Ahsoka who was just adjacent from him smiled and knew that he wasn't going to let the teenager get hurt, even when he was trying to isolate himself he was still the Jedi who saved the Republic, and the person she loves.

The hours quickly rolled by as everyone gathered for lunch and talked about their days on the farmstead and what was left to be done, Y/n remained across from the group's sitting in a corner alone eating what was made, Ahsoka would talk with the other farm hands enjoying the social interactions that she's grown so accustomed to, the other farm hands would ask her for Y/n to join them, or what had happened to cause him to be so isolated from the rest of them, Ahsoka would only reply saying that he had suffered alot in the war, everyone understood that as many of them were the same, and some still haven't recovered from the losses.

Sylven: Ashla, come sit with us.

Forionn: Please?

Ahsoka smiled and joined the twins for lunch as Y/n remained in the silent corner across from them. Ahsoka can see him glance up occasionally as the twins talk looking frustrated with the quotas

Forionn: No one can keep up with
the Imperial quotas.

Sylven: It gets more difficult
every season.

Suddenly an elderly man across the table from them yelled at the twins which seemed to get Y/n's attention.

Elderly Man: In the beginning, you
all welcomed the Empire.

Sylven: Not as warmly as you make it out to be.

Elderly Man: Emperor Palpatine brought peace.

Forionn: Through persecution. And having all the Jedi killed.

Elderly Man: Not citizens like us! Only
rebels who threatened the Empire.

Y/n: No one is safe.

Everyone looked at Y/n, shocked and also surprised that he didn't remain in his stoic and silent ways and walked up to the table, and looked angry. The elderly man looked at him unfased by his words.

Elderly Man: Only if you aren't loyal.

Y/n: Only fools support the empire!

Elderly Man: It sounds like you have had experience with the empire, is that why your here?

Y/n was about to say something else but was interrupted by Sylven who stood up defiant and looked at the elderly man as if she had the courage to stand against him.

Sylven: We are safe. But not because of the Empire.

She looked at Y/n with a sense of safety and gratitude, however Y/n turned around and left the room and striding towards his and Ahsoka's home, unknown to him Ahsoka had also chosen to follow him home as she knew Palpatine was a subject he tried to avoid because it always turned to anger and rage.

Ahsoka: Y/n, just breath.

Y/n: I'm breathing, and now I wonder what was it all for.

Ahsoka: You can't predict how things would turn out, only act accordingly.

Y/n huffed.

Y/n: Now your starting to sound like Obi Wan.

Ahsoka shifted a smirk.

Ahsoka: Well he was like another master to me, and still is.

Y/n stopped at the front door and turned to Ahsoka knowing there's an answer behind her words.

Y/n: You've spoken to him haven't you.

Ahsoka looked at him directly and did not try to hide the fact that she's been talking to Obi Wan and not just for the first time in years.

Ahsoka: Of course I have, I'm always speaking to him even when you try to avoid him and everything else.

Ahsoka spoke with such venom in her words, but she was right, he had been avoiding Obi Wan, the Jedi, his nephew and niece, but most of all from himself. He sighed as he opened the door and sat at the kitchen table with his head facing down at the floor as Ahsoka sat across from him. Their home was only a small house that sat across the farmstead away from the other homes that surround it, the sun would rise directly on it every morning where they would wake up to lovely mornings nearly every day.

Y/n: What did he want?

Ahsoka: To know your alright, and that you haven't abandoned yourself to a life that you yourself never wanted.

Y/n: And what life is that, huh. A life with the Jedi who continued to throw their rules at me as I tried to live upto what a Jedi really is, and most of all.....

He fell silent.

Ahsoka: What is it?

Y/n: Nothing. I've lost everything, and all I want to do is be left alone.

Ahsoka stood up from the table and walked out of the kitchen not before turning her head towards Y/n and carrying on.

Ahsoka: You haven't lost everything, it just feels like it because you tried so hard to keep it safe.

The sun soon started to set leaving an orange and blue colour in the sky as the stars started to shine and the few lights that lit around the farmstead fields as everyone had returned to their homes for the night, inside everyone either gone to bed or had a few new friends over for dinner, but at Y/n and Ahsoka's place they were just having dinner in silence where Ahsoka would occasionally look up at Y/n who was barley eating a thing which was strange by his standards, after a very silent dinner they went to bed and for Y/n It was just another night of nightmares, so he thought.

3 years ago

Y/n had received a message from Anakin to meet him in the training room for some unfinished business which was rather cryptic for his brother's standards, however Y/n arrived just as Anakin turned to greet him.

Anakin: Your on time for a change, good.

Y/n: Of course I'm on time, I've had nothing to do all day because of the council.

Anakin smiled and tapped his younger brother on the back.

Anakin: Well I'm sure this will be a good distraction.

Y/n looked at Anakin with a smirk and curious about what he had planned, he already could tell it had something to do with training as he had grabbed his lightsaber.

Y/n: Let me guess, we're going to spar.

Anakin: Yep, but this time I want to see how far you've come.

Y/n ignited his lightsaber at the same time as Anakin they both smirk at each other as they got into their individual stances.

Y/n: You still sure about this, I might beat you this time.

Anakin laughed.

Anakin: You will try.

They charged each other clashing their lightsabers together, Y/n used his speed to hopefully over come Anakin's raw strength that Y/n still wasn't up to par yet, Anakin swung his blade towards him but Y/n dodged and flipped over Anakin but he expected such a move and quickly swinged around and brought his blade down on Y/n who was now struggling to push the blade back, but as Y/n looked up at Anakin, his eyes were yellow filled with hate, he jumped back in a panic as Anakin walked towards him with the intent on killing him
as he swung his lightsaber down once more Y/n awoke in a cold sweat and shot up from his pillow heavily breathing once more.

The morning was very much the same where Y/n would eat in silence and Ahsoka trying to talk with him about the nightmares and to no avail but something else was making him feel more on edge this time as a knock on the door quietly echoed. Ahsoka looked up from her food with a puzzling look on her face as she stood up from the table and walked towards the door, and upon opening it seeing, and old friend.

Obi Wan: Good morning Ahsoka.

Ahsoka smiled at this sudden suprise.

Ahsoka: Obi Wan, this is. Wow. Come in please.

He bowed his head and walked into the house and looked around, it wasn't high quality but it made up for the view and scenery along with the smell of fruit and vegetables every day.

Obi Wan: This is quite the home you've got yourselves, I imagine the work is tasteful.

Ahsoka: Every day, it's always nice to wake up to the smell of the fruit and vegetables growing here, especially the people here are kind but also understand the suffering that has happened over the years.

Obi Wan nods understanding what she means by the suffering that had happened across the galaxy, more so than ever, Ahsoka offers Obi Wan and drink along with sitting at the table as Y/n had disappeared upstairs full knowing that it was Obi Wan at the door.

Obi Wan: Is our other host coming to join us?

Ahsoka: I imagine he will shortly, especially with the fact he's left his food on the table.

She was right, as Y/n sighed and groaned his way back to the table from upstairs and sat adjacent from Ahsoka and Obi Wan, there was a uncomfortable silence for a few minutes before Ahsoka prodded Y/n in the side to speak with his former master.

Y/n: How was your journey.

Obi Wan: Oh yes, it was fruitful, the checkpoints are becoming more of a problem these past few days.

Ahsoka looked concerned.

Ahsoka: How much more of a problem?

Obi Wan looked at Y/n as he spoke.

Obi Wan: Like a war is about to begin.

Silence fell, Y/n didn't look up from the table as for Ahsoka she leaned in closer, Y/n didn't want any involvement with the possible conflict that seemed to be brewing with each day.

Ahsoka: Another war? So soon?

Obi Wan: I'm afraid there might be. Ever since Palpatine disappeared over half the senate left to join his empire and the chancellor has put up borders in hopes deture them, the galaxy is split down the middle, and unfortunately you're in the empire's territory now, which is why I've come to hopefully change your mind about staying, as the empire has put up bounties on any surviving Jedi that is in their territory, as much of the Padawan's and masters are still uncountable.

Ahsoka: That means we're no longer safe here.

Obi Wan: And I don't want to lose you too.

Y/n: Thanks but we'll be fine.

Ahsoka was shocked and stared at Y/n.

Ahsoka: What!?

He stood up from the table showing no sign of emotion and began to walk out of the room leaving both Ahsoka and Obi Wan at the table but turned his head once more before leaving.

Y/n: I'm not a jedi and nether is Ahsoka.

Ahsoka shot up from her seat stopping Y/n in his tracks.

Ahsoka: Just because we don't wave around lightsabers doesn't mean we don't know the force, especially after today, you used it to save the boy.

Y/n: That was on instinct.

Obi Wan: Recent Intel has been minimal at best but there are rumours of these Inquisitors hunting Jedi.

Y/n looked at Ahsoka who he can tell she has already made up her mind a long time ago, before any mention of Jedi being hunted down.

Y/n: You want to leave don't you?

Ahsoka sighed.

Ahsoka: I've loved the time we've had here but, there are people who need help and I know that I can do something to help them, Y/n, I know you feel something of the same.

Y/n looked at her and Obi Wan, then left the room, he couldn't, not after everything that happened, the nightmares, Darth Sidious, Anakin, he couldn't do it. Obi Wan said his goodbyes to Ahsoka and made his way to the spaceport in the city and returned to the temple on Coruscant as Y/n and Ahsoka tended to their work for the day.
The next day however, Y/n went into the shed next door that he built over a few years ago it was a wooden handmade shed made from the timber that was on the farmstead, inside the shed was an old large brown box that layed on the shelf in front of him, he didn't dare touch it, not ever since he placed it there and was now covered in dust, after a few minutes Ahsoka came inside and stood at the door wondering herself what to do next.

Ahsoka: Y/n, we can't keep hiding from the galaxy when something is going to happen.

Y/n: But what if it doesn't.

Y/n remained transfixed on the box.

Ahsoka: There are still people who need a home, I've been thinking about joining the relief efforts and maybe going back.

Y/n turned sharply.

Y/n: You said you wanted nothing to do with them.

Ahsoka: I said that because of you, because I want to be with you, but right now this isn't you, I understood that you needed time to grieve and we made something great because of it, but now it's time to come back and be the people who we are.

Y/n: And what are those people.

Y/n didn't know who he was now, for years he put everything into what he thought he wanted ever since leaving Earth and now that dream was gone in his mind. Ahsoka walked in and slowly placed her hands gently around his face stroking the side of his head.

Ahsoka: One is the person I fell in love with, and the person who did everything to protect those around him.

Y/n: I. I don't know if that person is me anymore.

Ahsoka: I think it is, deep down inside, or maybe your a butterfly, like those insects you told me about. Maybe your just waiting for the right time to come out of your cocoon and become the person you were ment to be.

Y/n: But, what is that person.

Ahsoka smiled

Ahsoka: I don't know, but he's going to change the galaxy someday, and I'll be by his side when he does.

She kissed him gently on the lips then made her way back inside to pack, Y/n knew she had made her mind up, it was only himself that was standing in the way, he went back inside to see Ahsoka had packed a few things, Y/n still couldn't leave, his mind was plagued with the memories of the temple massacre and the yellow eyes surround by glowing hot magma, he was afraid.

Y/n: I. I need to think about it some more.

Ahsoka hugged him and continued to hold him.

Ahsoka: I know, just call me when you do, I'll come and get you, okay?

He then returned the kiss and deeply for what felt like it could have been the last time for a while but he felt like she still loves him, but she couldn't wait anymore now that the empire and republic were boarded off from each other, they said their final goodbyes and Y/n helped her into the transport and watched as it leaves with Ahsoka, and started to question if what he did was the right thing.

A/N: Hey everyone I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of this new journey we're about to begin, some chapters will be short and some will be long but the story continues in the next chapter.

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