Beauties And Beasts || Taeggu...

By _A_for_ARMY__

114K 5.8K 1.9K

Where the cold CEO Jeon Jeonggukk , also known as JJK in underground mafia, falls for a cute boy named Taehyu... More

1 | Twins |
2 | Mr. Bunny |
3 | Petal |
4 | Smile |
5 | Brothers |
6 | Hyung |
7 | Date |
8 | Plan |
9 | Meetings |
10 | The end |
11 | Duty |
12 | Meetings - II |
13 | Work |
14 | Kids |
15 |Text|
16 | Apologies |
17 | Memories |
18 | Preparation |
19 | Friend |
20 | ✨The Date✨ |
21 | The Date - II |
22 | Moon |
23 | Talk |
24 | Anger |
26 | Deficiency |
27 | Chocolate |
28 | Sleepy |
29 | Trouble |
30 | Meetings-III|
31 | Secrets |
32 | The Christmas |
33 | Gift |
34 | Monster and Angel |
35 | Twins pt II |
36 | Kim Taehyung |
37 | Ideal couple |
38 | Using |
39| Kiss |
40 | Something |

25 | Saviors |

2.2K 138 131
By _A_for_ARMY__




Jungkook wiped his tears which are continuously flowing down his cheeks . He can't even imagine something bad happening to V. The thought of V getting hurt and probably because of him was eating him alive.

Jungkook reached the hospital as fast as he can , praying to every god's he know. He ran to the reception and enquired. "I- I got a call from here. A man named V..?" Jungkook said between his sobs.

"Calm down sir , we'll look." The lady at the desk said and typed on her keyboard. "What was the name again?"

"V ."

"I'm sorry there's not patient named V here. But t aahere are somes without any records of identification. Why was the patient brought here ?"

"Said he was found unco. - unconscious." Jungkook sniffed .

"Oh wait... Room No. 013."

Jungkook bowed to her and ran away to find the room. He didn't care if he bumb onto someone or not , all he cared was making sure V was okay.




"WAIT A DAMN SECOND !! If Jungkook's beast is V and his bro is my Taetae then Justin is ... JEONGGUKK ???!!!"

Jin choked on the water he was drinking when he heard Jimin. He coughed and stared at Jimin.

"Holy shit ! But ... So... Huh ?" Jin was processing everything.

"That brat lied." Jimin cursed.

"How the fuck you know that he's Jeonggukk????" Jin glared at him.

"Oops I forgot to tell you something." Jimin grinned.




Jungkook couldn't control his tears anymore. He covered his mouth with his hands as we watched V laying in the hospital bed. It's the first time he ever saw V in such vulnerable state. Without his warming smile.

He stepped closer to the bed and took the cardboard hanging in the side of it. It contains details of the patient and his conditions , for the doctors. Jungkook was analysing it.

"I think you already know what's happening."

Jungkook put the cardboard back as he heard a voice. He bowed to the doctor who appeared. "Dr. Lee. "

"I didn't expect you here. Is he your relative ?" Dr. Lee asked. He is one of Jungkook's professor.

"Yeah he is." Jungkook glanced at V. "He's family."

Mr. Lee nodded. "So his symptoms includes mild anemia, low blood sugar , tachycardia , dehydration , pale complexion ... " He trailed off. "Make him eat and rest more please. He's really weak. We'll give the meds and he can discharge if he wants to rest at home. Take care , bye." Dr. Lee left with an assuring smile.

The doctor didn't explain why he got these symptoms is because Jungkook is one of his brightest student , so it's obvious he'll understand.

Jungkook glanced at the laying figure. He remembered that they were going to eat dinner before Jungkook started arguing. V said that he was hungry but he didn't even listen. "I'm sorry" He mumbled.

He took out his phone and walked outside the room. He didn't inform Jin where he was heading , just left as soon as he received the call from hospital. He dialled Jin's no. and the elder picked it up soon after.

"Where are you ? Are you okay ? Are you at V's ? Or -"

"Hyung I'm fine. " Jungkook replied. Jin sighed . "But he's not."

"What ? Who? V? " Jin asked and glanced at Jimin who alarmed at the serious expression of him.

"y-yeah. I'm at AMC . Someone brought him here coz he fainted." Jungkook sniffed.

"Hey hey hey. Don't worry . He's gonna be okay. Hyung will be there soon. Hmm ?" Jin got up at Jimin followed.

"It's okay. You don't need to." Jungkook stopped them.

"Are you sure ?"

"I am. Please hyung, let me stay here. " Jungkook sat on one of the side chairs of the long hallway. It's 2 am and the hospital is extremely silent.

"Hyung , I didn't even let him eat last night." Jungkook cried.

"Honey , it's not your fault, okay ?. So Don't blame yourself. " Jin put the phone on speaker for the curious Jimin. "He won't faint just because he skipped a dinner right ?

"He hasn't been eating anything for so long. Like he's so dehydrated. And over working to the point he -" Jungkook sighed. "I shouldn't have left him at that time. I should have just ask nicely or atleast made him eat something." The regret was killing him.

"How's he now ?" Jimin enquired.

"Sleeping." Jungkook said. "Probably doing that after a long time too. "

"Jungkook-ah , I know you're blaming everything on yourself right now but please don't. None of it is your mistake. He may be my ultimate crush and all but he brought this to himself." Jimin sounded serious. "And he have his reasons too."

Jungkook kept silence. This is a serious situation but still the 'crush' word that Jimin's saying for a while has been bugging him a lot.


"Excuse me , sir ?"  A girl voice.

Jungkook lifted his head to the side only to see four peaple standing beside him.

"Hyung I'll call you later if something's up."

"Take care you both." Jin said and hung up the call while Jungkook nodded at the people.

"Are you the guy's relative?" The girl spoke again pointing at the room where V's admitted.

"Yes." Jungkook nodded with a questioning expression. "Who are you ?"

"My name's Euneol and we were the one's who brought him here." Another male said with a smile.

"Oh .. Thank you very much. I can't tell you how greatful I am .. really" Jungkook clasped his hands together.

"Oh it's okey. We were waiting for someone to come. He only had his phone with him. When we found him he was calling someone. And we tried to call the same ID again sometimes before the phone went off." Another one informed.

"We charged it here but couldn't open the phone without password."

Jungkook frowned. "Then how did you-"

"Fingerprint." A short male grinned and earned a smack from the female.

"It's illegal but it was an emergency right??" She said with an hopeful eyes.

Jungkook chuckled. "It's fine. I already owe you a lot for what you've done."

"How much?" The short male from before spoke again. "Shut up for gods sake , Min" The rest pushed him back hiding him from Jungkook out of embarrassment.

"Sorry from his behalf. He's lacking a lot of braincells by birth. T-These are his things. Phone, clothes ect." The girl handled him a cover.

Jungkook bowed slightly as he examined the things inside it.

"He's hot." The shorter male whispered.

"Stop , Minie . Can't you see he's been crying." The girl whispered to his ear.

"Oh come on , BB. Atleast I didn't drooled over an unconscious man like you did earlier." He replied. The girl gasped.

"Even if he was not awake , that man was hot af."

The Euneol guy glared at both of them amd they both shut their mouth like obedient puppies.

"Are you single ?" The three of them facepalmed when the fourth one spoke for the first time. "Can I get your number?" He smirked.

Jungkook looked bewildered. "I -"

"I'm sorry for all of them." The Euneol guy spoke again with a disappointed face towards his friends or siblings.

"It's okay. I'm not single by the way. It's my man you saved." Jungkook said and watched the guys being shocked.

Are they homophobic?

"Two shots missed." Min groaned.


"You mean that godly sleeping creature is taken also ?" The girl groaned.

"I'm sorry from their behalf. AGAIN. "

Jungkook let out a small laugh. Thanks to them he feels a little light by heart.

"Sucks to be you." The one who asked for Jungkook's no. laughed at the two.

"Oh I will get that man in another universe." The gurl flipped her hair.

"Then I will get this guy in another universe too." Min flipped his imaginary long hair too.

Jungkook stared at them. "And I will fall for for him in every universe. Sorry." He smiled trying to be polite and not let his jeonlous side take over.




"It's fucking 6 in the morning , Why'd you call ?"

"Good morning to you too. Anyways , Jeonggukk is giving everyone a hard time at office."

"So ?" Yoongi grumped.

"We need your assist Yoongs. Hobi is busy at Enfer and I'm out at port for dealing with NCT . The employees at our company is begging to me to save them from Jeonggukk's wrath. You're the only and finest solution." Namjoon sighed. "Please help them before they all run away."

"I'm not even in Seoul you Dumbass."

"Huh ?"

"I'm at Gwangju. Now let me sleep in peace for fucks sake."

"What about the employees then ?"

"Only god can help them." Yoongi hung up the call and Namjoon sighed.





"Hey , Are you okay ?"

It was the first thing V said when we woke up and saw a red eyed Jungkook beside him.

Jungkook punched him , not too hard tho. "That's not something you say when you youself laying on a hospital bed idiot." He sniffed.

V chuckled. "Sorry." His voice were dry and rasp.

Jungkook sighed and held V's hand tighter.

"Koo... I'm sorry. I was -"

"No. Not now. You need rest. We'll talk whatever you wanna say later okay ?"

"But -"

"No buts Mister." Jungkook crossd his arms. "I'm your personal Doctor , from now on I decide your meds, diets and everything. You will obey me like a good boy. Okay ?"

V blinked at him amazed. "I -"

"Or there will be punishments." Jungkook smirked. V had his mouth flung open.

"Let's go home now , shall we ?" Jungkook winked.




A loud thud was heard across the conference hall.

"I think the conference didn't go well." Shini , Jungkook's secretary when Namjoon's away , said biting her nails.

"Why don't you go in and check ?" Another employee pushed her towards the conference hall door.

"Oii , I don't wanna die !" Shini ran back.

They all flinched when the door flung open revealing a flaring Jeonggukk.


"S- ss - Sir  , T-there's.." Shini felt her knees going weak at Jeonggukk's glare.

"Are the papers ready ?" Jeonggukk asked with a cold voice which sent everyone a shiver.

"Sir , It will take time. If you give me an hour I will defene-"

"I'll give you 15 mins."

Shini gasped. "Sir that's too-"

"FIFTEEN MINUTES !!" Jeonggukk walked away leaving the employees behind to cry about their life.

"Namjoon sir said he it's better pray for gods till he cool his head." A employee peeked from his cubicle.

"That's a fucking volcano !!!! How would you expect it to cool down ???" Shini pulled her hair in frustration.

On the way to his office Jeonggukk recieved a call from namjoon.

"Jeonggukk , Mr. Sihyuk wanted to meet you."

"I don't wanna have his fucking dealership. Especially not now." The CEO growled.

"I know. I'll try to cancel the appointment but I think he might be already there. I couldn't call you because of the conference."

Jeonggukk groaned and hung up the call. He was so frustrated at everything around him. He even punched the mirror in the elevator out of anger. Gladly no-one saw it. He couldn't care less about it anyways.

As Jeonggukk was moving towards his own office room he saw Shini walking towards it with a tray in her hand.

She stumbled and stopped on her track as she saw Jeonggukk staring at her.

"T-there's a guest at your office. He -.. He asked for a drink." She explained feeling nervous at what reaction she's gonna get.

Jeonggukk took a clenched his jaw to control himself from punching the tray out of her hand. "Did you finish the papers I gave you before serving around some old hags?"

"N-no . I was going to-"

"10 MINUITES. You have 10 minutes to submit it in my desk." He gritted his teeth.

She bowed and left with trembling lips. It's an hour work and how is she gonna do it in 10 minutes ?

"Useless." Jeonggukk uttered under his lips and turned to his door.

He expected to see Mr. Sihyuk sitting there with an annoying tooth grin. So before opening it , he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm going to fucking kill him if it's for some shit deal." He said to himself.

He opened the door.

"Good morning, Mr. Bunny. "





Someone asked for long chapters 👀 ?

Anywayssss..... The cameo chatecters are not something random.....hehehe

Shini - Wet_Skies_of_Tears ( my cute  
              reader )

And the four guys who saved V was.....someone you might seeee later 🙈🙈🙈

Min - bunbungurl03 ( my rat )

Euneol - Nanzz_7 ( My hyung )

BB - mochibiasgirl ( my angel )

The one who asked for kook's no. - Xia




Anywaaayssss......Thoughts on this chapter??????

Not so much happening but ..... I promise next chapter will be SOOO eventful !!!! Trust me.



Borahae 💜

- your INNOCENT author

MooN <3

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