Ash x Helltaker

By AshFan-27

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Ash had figured that he was just gonna go back home and spend some time relaxing when Team Rocket was up to t... More

Chapter 1: I'm in Hell?
Chapter 2: A few roadblocks
Chapter 3: 2 Heads are better than 1, but what about 3?
Chapter 4: One too many is never enough P1
Chapter 5: One too many is never enough P2
Chapter 6: A wandering angel?
Chapter 7: An awesome encounter
Chapter 9: The Ticket Home
Chapter 10: Home Sweet Home... Not So Much
Chapter 11: Life in the Abyss
Chapter 12: A plan to escape
Chapter 13: Some things never change
Chapter 14: Date with Pandemonica
Chapter 15: An Unexpected Visit
Chapter 16: A Small Dilemma

Chapter 8: A meeting with the queen

692 18 14
By AshFan-27

As our hero pushed the doors open, he stepped inside with the demon girls and looked around. The place had a wide hall that led straight down to a desk and everything was red, just like almost every place in this place.

Once they made it to the desk, he and Pikachu looked around. There wasn't anyone sitting behind it and there wasn't even a bell to call anyone down.

"Usually there's a line of residents lined up to speak with the queen." Monica explains. "Guess we're lucky."

"Does someone usually sit here?" Ash asked.

"Yeah, Lucy is usually here. Guessing she's up in her office her something." Justice explains before pointing. "Might have to take the elevator."

The boy looked where she was pointing and it was at a blank wall. Monica took the blind demon's hand and pointed it in the actual direction of the elevator. All she did was chuckle and scratch her neck.

"I don't think everyone's gonna fit in there." Ash says while looking at how big the group has grown.

"It's not gonna matter. I'm going to be the one to take you up to her." Monica states.

"What? Why you?" Modeus says while looking annoyed.

"No fair, Pandemonica!" Cerberus says.

"Yeah, you trying to steal him for yourself? I could take him up just fine." Zdrada jokingly says while lighting another cigarette.

"I'm pretty sure he shouldn't be alone with either of you." Malina spoke up.

"The reason I am going up with him-" Monica says through gritted teeth. "Is because I'm one out of three here who knows how to behave." She says while glaring at them. "Also, since I met him first, I have the right to call dibs."

"What?" The boy asked, puzzled.

"We can hold down the fort here." Justice says while raising her shades and winking.

"I can wait for your return. It'll surely be worth it as long as I get to meet the queen." Azazel says with her creepily wide smile.

"Good to know." Ash says while giving them a thumbs up. "See you all when we get back."

"Please get back soon, my love." Modeus says while hugging his arm.

"Don't worry. I will be back."

"You know you sound pretty confident for someone who's going up to meet Hell's ruler." Justice states.

"Well, I've gotten this far. I'm sure I can get through this no problem." The boy says while flicking his hat's visor.

"That's the spirit, my dude." She gave him a thumbs-up.

Chuckling at her enthusiasm, he made his way to the elevator with Monica right behind. Before he got in, he looked back and gave them a little wave. Modeus sighed with hearts floating above her head, Cerberus waved happily, Malina gave a slight wave while looking away, Zdrada only winked... well, he couldn't see her other eye, but he could tell, Azazel was also waving happily, and Justice... couldn't see him so just stood still.

Monica cleared her throat as she was already in. Remembering what he was doing, he walked into the elevator... then got yanked back, turning a bit to see that his backpack got caught in the doors.

"Shoot." He says while hitting the button as the doors started to open up and he began to turn. "Should probably make sure nothing broke-"

As he had fully turned around, he saw that chaos was already unfolding. All the girls were beating the hell out of each other like no tomorrow. Ash, Pikachu, and Monica only stared with wide eyes. The tired demon face palmed as the boy's eye twitched... then he started grinding his teeth before shouting.


They all came to a stop and stared at him with wide eyes. Modeus was in the air about to slam a couch on someone before falling to the ground, Malina had Zdrada in a headlock, getting one last punch in, Cerberus was biting the last three demons on their legs, Azazel was mid-scribbling in her notepad, and Justice was still swinging fists, hitting nothing.

"Take that, and..." She slowly stopped before listening. "Did... did I win?"

"I haven't been gone for five seconds and you are already trying to kill each other?!" Ash says, angered.

The demon girls then all started talking over each other, trying to argue their case. The angel was back at it with her notepad, and Justice... just stood there.

"ENOUGH!" The boy roared as they all stopped and stared once as he sighed. "I'm gonna be gone for who knows how long. Can you at least try to be civil to each other?... PLEASE?!"

They all looked at each other, then all agreed with their own words.

"Thank you. Just for a little bit." He says before Monica stopped the doors from closing.

"I don't trust them not to do this the moment we're out of sight." She says.

Ash sighed before thinking, then looking at his Pokemon. "Pikachu... think you can keep an eye on them?" He says as the mouse looked surprised but then concerned. "Don't worry. I'll be fine. Promise."

With a nod, Pikachu jumped off his shoulder and ran over before onto Azazel's shoulder, who giggled as he did. The boy smiled before stepping back and next to Monica as the doors closed. Before he could say a word, he heard the sounds of Pikachu screaming with electricity.

"Oh, come on!" He says in annoyance.

"Told you." The tired demon says.

A minute passed by, and the two stared at the numbers that were slowly passing by. Monica looked at Ash who was staring, not looking nervous one bit, although he was sweating a bit. She scratched the back of her neck before thinking.

"So... you sure that you're ready to meet her?" She asked, expecting him to say something like he was not worried.

"Truth be told, I am really nervous." He says much to her surprise. "One wrong move and... I might actually be stuck down here." He says before turning to her and smiling, albeit, nervously. "But I still have hope that it'll turn out okay. I just gotta do my best to act appropriately when talking to her. Plus, I still got to get you that coffee I promised."

She blushed when he said that before she looked away. "T-Thank you for... remembering that." She says as he laughs. "Still, after all that happened, I think... I want more than just coffee."

"Really? Well, I could get it for you if-"

She then took ahold of his hand, much to his surprise. She was still blushing, refusing to make eye contact with him. His cheeks flared up when he realized what she was insinuating. He looked down, then held her hand back.

"I see." He says before looking at her face.

"You've noticed it, haven't you? Despite what Modeus said, she was right. You were building a harem this entire time, even involving an angel."

"I mean... I guess it could be. But still, Azazel is just curious and Justice is just tagging along."

"Well, the other girls I'm sure have grown pretty attached to you. How long do you think it'll be until the rest will?"

The boy was about to argue back, but then he thought back on it. Thinking back on it, it did seem to look like it. He was one boy with a group of girls, which one would see as such. At this point, he'd be stupid to deny it.

"Who knows." Monica says, getting his attention. "Maybe you can use that charm on the queen and speed things up." She then says with a teasing smile.

"I..." He says before looking away and clearing his throat. "I doubt that's gonna be the case, I'm sure I can just talk this out."

"We'll just have to see. Won't we?" The tired demon then says before humming to herself. "Wow... that's the first time I've ever flirted with anyone."

"T-that was flirting? Didn't sound like it to me."

"Again, I've never flirted before so-" She started to say before the elevator dinged and the doors opened. "Okay, we're here." She says while letting go of his hand and they stepped out before standing near another door. "Now, I'm gonna go in first. Once ready, you will likely have to speak to her on your own."

"Got it." The boy says before she went inside.

As soon as she stepped inside, an authoritative voice spoke out. "Pandemonica, I assume."

"Yes, it is me, your greatness." Monica started to say. "If it's not too much trouble-"

"I know the boy is here. Bring him in."

She looked surprised before looking down and nodding. "Of course." She then left the room and hugged the boy. "Please, don't die." She says as he looked at her.

"I won't." He says while hugging back.

As she separated from him and stepped back, looking concerned, but allowing him to go forward. The moment Ash entered, the door behind him slammed shut, startling him, but he quickly composed himself as he stepped forward, stopping in front of a desk.

Behind the desk was a chair that was turned to face away from him with two skeleton guards standing on protection next to it. It was a bit of a fearful sight, but it was broken by the smaller Pokemon resting on the desk, and it's what shocked him the most to see.

Was that... a baby Giratina? How was that possible? Much less, it didn't look anything like any of the Pokemon that have been demonized when in Hell, and was probably the least scary he's seen by far. It just seemed so out of place. He was confused by it all.

"So..." The one sitting in the chair spoke up. "You're the supposed human I've been hearing about."

"You've heard of me?" He asked.

"Please, news of a human appearing in Hell spreads like wildfire. Especially, from those who have lost battles against him."

"Oh... well, if you wish, I'd like a word with you."

There was a pause for a second before the ruler turned the chair and stopped. Now he could see her fully, the ruler of all of Hell. She had similar features, however, her suit looked more professional, her horns were longer and white, she looked more mature, and she had what could be assumed to be a crown of some sort.

She turned her glass a bit, watching the wine slide around and ripple a bit. Then she turned her gaze to meet the trainer and smirked.

"We meet at last."

Well, there she was. Lucifer. Her mere gaze and smile sent a shiver down the trainer's back, more than the guards by her side did anyway. The small Giratina moved closer to her and she started petting its back as it cooed happily.

"I'm sure there's a reason you've come to speak with me, is there not?" She asked while tilting her head a bit. "You've come a long way."

Ash stared for a moment before swallowing some saliva and straightening up. "Yes, there is. You're the only one who can help me out of Hell and bring me back home." He explained as she rose a brow. "I just want you to take me home."

"Oh, so soon?" She says. "I was hoping you'd stay for longer."

"I can't. I just... I really wanna go back home."

"Such a shame. We've hardly spoken for that long."

Lucifer finishes her glass before setting it down, then stepping out of her seat. She waved the guards off and they stepped back before she made her way around the table to the boy. A bead of sweat ran down the boy's face, but he kept his composure. She stood over him, his forehead just reaching her chin as she looked down at him.

She looked him up and down, staring back into his eyes as if piercing his soul, and smiled wider. He was about to say something before she moved and put her hands on his face, caressing his cheeks.

"Certainly a cute one. I see why all those other girls followed you. ~" She says before running her fingers through the back of his hair. "Are you sure you wish to leave... and not stay a little longer? ~"

As she did this, the boy was starting to blush a bit. On the one hand, he was baffled to be flirted with by the devil of all things, but on the other hand, she was an attractive woman, and no one had ever been this flirtatious or handsy with him.

"I-I'm sure." He tells her as her smile faltered a bit.

"Hmmm, interesting... Well, I propose something else." She says before smiling again and leaning closer to his face. "Pledge your soul to me... and I'll gladly make you my most treasured and beloved slave."

He got nervous as she was now right in his face, the feeling of her breath against his lips. It was clear that she wasn't gonna let up that easy. She had her ways. However, with the thought of giving up his soul and being a slave to the devil, Ash was not about to give up, even to something so powerful. He recomposed himself and formed a stern look before removing her hands from him while gently pushing her away.

"Sorry, but I won't. That's not what I came here for and there's no way I'm gonna let myself become a slave. Not for anyone and especially not for you." He says in a stern tone. "If you know who else I came here with, then you know that I made promises to bring them with me and I'm not about to go back on any of them. All I want to go home, that's it."

The two skeleton guards stared in shock while the Giratina was amused. Lucifer simply stared at the boy with a stolid expression, this time her gaze not affecting him. Then her smile returned before she chuckled and crossed her arms.

"Speaking to me in such a manner. You've got some balls for your age." She says.

"I've already been through enough just to get here."

"So it would seem." She says before chuckling again and leaning down while taking his chin. "Tell me, if I 'were' to bring you back to the mortal realm, what can you offer me in return?"

Hearing that, Ash's eyes slowly widened. He had expected something like this, but he clearly wasn't prepared for it. What could he even offer the queen of Hell? His soul was clearly off the table and he was sure he didn't have anything worthwhile.

Should he challenge her to a Pokemon battle? Usually, he'd be up for that, but with this being the devil, she had to have much more powerful Pokemon and he only had four he hasn't had the time to train. He knew Scyther, Cyndaquil, and Sableye would go down easily and even if he had brought Pikachu, he was sure he wouldn't be able to survive a mini Giratina. And there was also the fact that Pokemon in Hell were bloodthirsty... He couldn't take that risk.

'Come on, Ash, think...' Ash thought to himself while balling his fists while sweating. "C-Coffee... games... some time in the mortal realm as well... p-pancakes?" He says.

She simply stared at him, her stolid expression not changing. "Really?..." She says with a brow raised. "You come here into my office, make demands, and think you can buy me over with pancakes?"

Ash only kept his mouth shut, more sweat running down his face. He closed his eyes, expecting the worst... then he felt her hands on his shoulders before she leaned into his ear.

"You're lucky I have a thing for pancakes."

Then she kissed him on the cheek and pulled away. The boy opened his eyes before looking up. She had a less seductive look and a more somber smile while blushing. That baffled him. Did he actually manage to make the devil blush?

"So... are you gonna let me go home?" He asked.

"Of course." She says before leaning closer to him. "As long as you hold up your end of the deal."

'... T-that worked?' Ash thought in disbelief that he was able to sway her with... pancakes. "N-no problem."

"Good. Now let us go, shall we?" She says before walking past him while patting his shoulder. "I'll show you to the portal."

"Alright. Thank you!" The boy says as he went to walk side by side with her. "I promise you, I will make the best pancakes possible."

"I hope you will." She giggled.

The skeletons watched in disbelief at what happened before one of them slapped their face then pulled out twenty dollars and handed it to the other.

The small Giratina flew over and landed on Lucifer's shoulder as she gave it a scratch. They stepped through the door and Ash looked around, confused before he heard snoring, and turned, seeing Monica sleeping in one of the chairs.

"Huh, still exhausted. Not surprising." He says.

The moment she fell off balance, she woke up and quickly adjusted her glasses. Then she looked up and gawked when she saw the two at the door, she first looked shocked before she went over to the boy and grabbed his shoulders.

"Ash! What happened? Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay." She asked, worried.

The trainer looked up at Lucifer who gave him a smile before he looked back at the tired demon with a smile. "We're good." He says as she heaved before hugging him tightly.

"I was worried." She says as he patted her back.

"I believe you mentioned some other girls here, correct?" Lucifer stated as they separated. "Why don't we go grab them so we can leave? The sooner we do, the sooner you can fulfill your promise to me."

Ash nodded before they entered the elevator. He watched as the numbers were going down this time with the two demons standing next to him, worried about what he might be coming down to see, but also a bit anxious with you know who next to him, and the tired demon seemed to have the same feeling.

He heard a small shuffle and looked up and saw the queen seductively looking down at him, her smirk widening which made him nervously laugh before looking back at the numbers. However, Monica seemed more anxious about something.

"S-so... not that I'm implying anything, but... what did you offer her?" She asked as the boy looked at her.

"Eh... y-you'll see when we get back. Don't-don't worry, it's not my soul or anything." He explained as she sighed in relief.

"There's nothing to worry about, Monica. In fact, I have to thank you for supporting him." Lucifer says as the aforementioned demon looked up at her. "After all, I wouldn't have met this cutie if you hadn't." She says while caressing one of the trainer's cheeks.

"I-it was... no trouble. I'm glad you're happy." Monica says.

Then the elevator dinged before the queen stopped what she was doing. As the doors opened, they were greeted by the sight of Malina and Zdrada on the ground, smoke and some sparks emitting from them, one of Cerberus poking them with a stick, Modeus hiding behind a couch, Azazel writing stuff down on her notepad, and Pikachu sitting on Justice's shoulder with a disapproving look.

"For the love..." Ash says while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I was afraid to be right." Monica says while covering her entire face.

"I'm sorry. They seemed to have a tendency to fight since... well since we got here."

"Hmm, perhaps it was to be expected. Especially with such a big group like this." Lucifer says.

"Yo, Ash's still alive!" Zdrada says with her arms up.

"Yep, I'm alive!" He says while he and the others stepped out of the elevator.

"Master! Master!" Cerberus says while all three of them rush over to him and started rubbing against him as he laughed before petting them.

"W-wait what?" Lucifer says in shock from what she heard before one of the triple demons repeated 'master' before Pikachu jumped into the trainer's arms, getting his own petting. "Wha... I-I'm supposed to be the one they refer to as-"

"So, any of you wanna explain what happened this time?" Ash says with a disapproving stare.

"I-I... before 'she' says anything, this was NOT my fault." Malina was quick to say as she got up.

"Oh, sure. Like you weren't the one who socked my ass first?" Zdrada also got up.


The two of them then started at it again, throwing punches.

"Alright, ENOUGH!" Lucifer shouted... but nothing happened much to her shock. "Wha... I said, ENOUGH!" She shouted again... but they kept going. "Why aren't they listening to me!?"

Pikachu was ready to shock them again before the boy stopped him.

"Girls, cut it out!" Ash shouted as they stopped and looked at him before shoving each other away and scoffing. "Thank you. Now please stop, already." He says before he continued to scold the two of them.

'What... what is going on? Why didn't they listen to me? Why did they call him master? What...' Lucifer thinks before looking at the boy.

"-especially not if you're gonna be staying in my house." Ash tells them.

"Okay, sorry." Malina says sincerely.

"Yeah, whatever. Sorry." Zdrada says dejectedly before she got a glare from the boy that while normally would've fueled her masochist side, actually made her feel bad before she said it more sincerely. "I'm sorry."

'W-what did he do to them?' The queen thought to herself as the small Giratina looked at her with a puzzling look.

"Yo, Lucy!" She heard before turning to Justice who was looking around. "Uh, where are you exactly?"

"Over here. It's been a long time since I've seen you, Justice." She spoke up.

"Haha, yeah it is! How you been lately?"

"Well, it's certainly been a while since I've been around this many of the smaller demons. I hadn't expected to see a human." She says before looking at the angel. "Much less this."

Azazel squealed before running over to the queen and hopping excitedly. "I'm actually meeting you in person! The actual queen of Hell herself! And a Giratina cub as well..." She says before showing her notepad. "I-if it's not too much trouble *gulp* can I... ask you... some questions for my thesis."

"Of course, of course." Lucifer says while patting her head before gently pushing her away. "For now, I believe it's time we take our leave. The gate is just this way."

"Wait, this is actually happening? We're actually going to the mortal realm?" Malina asked in disbelief.

"Indeed we are."

"... Y-you're coming... with us?"

"I believe I've stated that, yes."

"I promised her something from my world." Ash explains.

"Oh, shit. You ain't scared or nothing?" Zdrada asked.

"Nope. We're good." He says with a thumbs up. "Now come on. I believe I promised a couple of girls an experience in the living world, am I right?"

"Oh, I can't wait! ~" Modeus says while hugging his arm, giggling.

"Alright, then let's get going." Ash says before grabbing the blind demon's wrist. "You too Justice."

"Thanks, bud." She says with her casual grin.

He only laughed it off before tugging her along as he and the rest of the girls followed Lucifer to the stairwell, then going down thankfully only one flight of stairs to what could be the basement floor. Then to their dismay... boulders.

"Oh, for the love of Arceus!" Ash says in annoyance.

"Ash... I-I know it looks bad, but can you not use the lord's name in vain?" Azazel asked in a bit of a nervous tone.

"My apologies. I haven't been down here in a while, so I haven't had the time to clean up." Lucifer says while covering her face as Giratina comforted her.

"Ya know what, I've dealt with enough of these already. If this is gonna be the last time-" Ash says before going over and lifting one up, completely shocking the girls before he chuckled at it, causing it to smash against one of the walls. "Might as well get it over with."

"... Fucking damn..." Zdrada says with a wide smile.

"I know." Modeus says as more hearts flew from her head.

'Goodness, he's certainly powerful. At such a young age too.' Lucifer thought before smirking. 'I might actually be looking forward to this.'

"Gonna need a bit of help with this though." Ash says while taking out Pokeballs and tossing them, releasing all three Pokemon. "Alright, everyone. This is our exit from Hell. So, let's get rid of all these boulders." He says as the Pokemon all nodded. "Alright go!"

With his command, the trainer and his Pokemon started clearing out the boulders. Pikachu uses Iron Tail to destroy them, Scyther cuts them to bits, Cyndaquil melts them down, Sableye was just using his statue to tear them apart, and Ash was shoving and kicking the boulders away without trouble. Cerberus clapped while watching him at work, while the queen was intrigued.

"So, he was able to tame our Pokemon." She says as Giratina went and joined in on the destruction.

"Yeah, if we were down here any longer, I don't know how many more he would've caught." Monica explained.

"Oh, really now." Lucifer says, still smiling.

After clearing out the boulders, he waited for the dust to settle. Once it did, all the boulders were cleared out with no problem, to which he congratulated the Pokemon who smiled at being appreciated while Giratina went back to the queen. He looked up at the giant doors before him and smiled.

"Hey, girls! Come on, what're you waiting for?" He called back to them as they went to follow him.

"Well, this is it. After all this time." Monica says as she stood beside the boy.

"We're finally gonna be able to go to the human world and CORRUPT IT!" Cerberus cheered.

"Yeah, we're still gonna have a talk about that once we get up there." The boy states before stepping in front of the door.

"Well, if you don't mind doing the honors." Lucifer says before taking out a key and holding it out to him.

Ash took it and walked up to the door. As he unlocked the door and put a hand on it, he took a second. This was it. After all this time, he was finally gonna be able to go back home. With a whole group a demon girls... and the ruler of Hell, but back. It was finally gonna be over.

He opened the door and took a step through it... happy... happy to finally be back... happiness that was taken away as he felt something wrap around his leg. He looked down and found a chain before another chain wrapped around his arm, then another around more parts of his body, much to the shock of the girls and the Pokemon.

"YOU TRULY THOUGHT YOU COULD JUST WALK AWAY?!" He heard a voice shout as he looked around before chains wrapped around his face, covering his eyes. "YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE! THIS WILL BE YOUR GRAVE!"

To be continued...

Welp, we're finally here. I know some might expect the prosecutor to go easy on our hero, but... yeah, sorry.

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