Kingsley Ranch

بواسطة BSchmitz32

11.1K 260 70

Charlie is independent, stubborn, and too smart for her own good but she's doing just fine or so she thought... المزيد

Chapter 1- New Kingsley In Town
Chapter 2- How Many?
Chapter 3- I Got Lost Twice
Chapter 5- Less Than Four Months
Chapter 6- Back To Square One
Chapter 7- With A Straight Face
Chapter 8- IDK By Some Big Rock

Chapter 4- I Hate Them With A Passion

1.2K 32 4
بواسطة BSchmitz32

Charlie's POV:

I woke up sometime in the middle of the night to a dark room. I must have fallen asleep from crying. I sluggishly changed into pajamas and slid into bed. I was awoken by the blinding sun, note to self don't forget to close the blinds before bed. I rolled over feeling Drake, my dragon underneath me. I held a small smile on my face while picking him up. He's over four years old now but he looks brand new, I've always made sure to take good care of him. I remember the day I got him it was my sixth birthday. Mom never really celebrated my birthday so I spent the day with Connor and Liam as I have every birthday since. It was after dinner and we were at Liam's house, they both walked into the room together carrying this crudely wrapped gift. They were so proud that they wrapped it all by themselves. I, of course, was overjoyed. I rarely get gifts so I thought it was great. Liam's mom followed them in and said she thought maybe a Barbie would be good for a little girl but my two best friends insisted that I'd hate the Barbie and would love what they picked. They of course knew me well. I definitely would have hated a Barbie. I opened the gift and it was a stuffed animal, it was a first for me. It was an olive-green dragon with cream wings. I immediately gave home a big hug and couldn't stop smiling. Later that night we decided to name him Drake and I've cuddled with him every night since.

I have to remember to talk to my friends today about everything that's happened. Maybe we can FaceTime later. As I became more awake everything that happened last night started to pop into my head. I let out a groan. I should probably get ready. It's going to be another long day. I grabbed a pair of black jeans and a black T-shirt. Then I made my way into the bathroom. Before I headed out the door I put my hair up in a bun, slid on my black combat boots, and grabbed my red plaid button-up shirt. Checking the time on my phone while shoving my inhaler in my pocket, well I missed breakfast oh well. Taking a big breath I opened my door and made my way down.

As I walked through the sitting room and into the large dining room I was surprised to see Colt, Wyatt, and some random man. He looked to be in his forties. I planned on ignoring them and heading to the kitchen but that didn't work. "Morning Charlotte, how'd you sleep?" Colt asked with way too much energy for the morning. "Fine" I tried to keep walking but then he called me over asking me to take a seat. "Charlotte I want to introduce you to Luke, he's our head ranch hand. We'll introduce you to everyone else later today." "Hello, it's nice to meet the famous Kingsley sister," Luke said with a kind smile. I returned a small one while I added a "Hi." Then a tall older man, not as tall as my brothers but still over six feet with white hair walked in carrying a plate and a glass of juice which he set in front of me. I smiled at him and offered a sincere thanks. Anyone who brings me food is good in my book. Colt then introduces him "Charlotte this is Jack our head chef. I had him save you a plate this morning." "Nice to meet you Jack" "You too short stack." Wasn't too impressed with the nickname but I'll let it slide. As he turns to walk away I ask "If you're the head chef did you cook our dinner last night?" "Yes ma'am" I put a big smile on my face "That was the best Mac and cheese I've ever had, thank you!" I could hear my brothers chuckle. Jack says "Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it." With a smile before walking back to the kitchen. He is by far my favorite person on this ranch.

Just as I was finishing my breakfast I heard this loud high pitched voice say hello while walking in the room. I look up and see this girl about my age, maybe a year or two older wearing a bright pink hoodie and pink cowgirl boots. Her outfit and smile are screaming at me there so bright. "Hi Colt, Hi Wyatt, Hi Luke." They answer with a chorus of hellos. "Charlotte this is Hailey, her father Anthony works as one of our cooks and her mother June is one of the housekeepers. I figured it would be nice to have someone close in age to spend time with today and give you a tour of the outside." Oh no definitely not! "Yesterday Kaison said he was giving me a tour of the property," I say not before shooting Colt a look. "Kaison is busy right now and I think you'll have fun together." I think Colt and I would disagree on what's considered fun. "I'll pass," I say with as much disinterest as I can as I start to make my way out to take my plate to the kitchen. "Charlotte!" Colt says while adding authority to his voice. After I drop off my plate I walk back into the room with both my brothers staring at me "What!" I say with probably a little too much attitude. "Watch your attitude young lady and it wasn't a suggestion you will spend the day with Hailey." I stare back at him before I put on a big sarcastic smile and sweetly say "Yes Sir" and then finish it with an imaginary curtsy. The look on the three men's faces was priceless. I walk out of the room and out the back door with a smirk on my face.

I take a look around the back porch. It's huge and covered. It's the whole length of the house. There's a large porch swing big enough to take a nap on and perfect for reading. There is a set of gray wicker patio furniture with navy cushions. Lastly, four black rocking chairs on the side. Down the steps and to my left I can see an inground pool and hot tub surrounded by several lawn chairs. Past that, it looks almost like an outdoor kitchen. It has a table and everything. In front of me is a concrete patio and past that is a huge fire pit surrounded by what looked like outdoor couches and a few wooden Adirondack chairs. Then too on my right is a nice-sized flower bed and two hitching posts. Farther back the lawn is covered in thick green grass and a big tree with what looks to be a rope swing. I can see a barn down a pathway to the right and another path leading to a building farther back on the left. At least the weather is nice today, sunny and in the mid-sixties. When I left NY it was cloudy and with a high of 48, another week or two and we'd see the first snow. I just stood there taking it all in and looking at the places I plan to take pictures. It was nice and peaceful with the slight sound of animals in the distance. "Hey, there you are, now that I found you we can start the tour." Hailey all but squealed. Well, I enjoyed the quiet while it lasted.

It's been a long day and it's not even lunchtime, we are on our way to the horses which I'm excited to see but Hailey hasn't stopped talking the whole time we've been walking, it's been two hours. I did find out she has a twin brother Zander but he's at a friend's house. Finding out there are two of them is frightening. She tried to get me to skip and hold my hand but I shut that down immediately. She showed me the giant greenhouse and I liked it there even though it was humid and smelled like dirt. It was made of glass and connected by black beams and had raised flower beds with several kinds of vegetables. We stopped at the pole barn which was a simple metal building filled with hay. The storage barn matched the house and the horse barn; it was white wood with black trim. There were several four-wheelers, other ATVs, tractors, and two horse trailers. She said there are more but they are probably being used at the moment, good grief. There was a shed that was filled with wheelbarrows, shovels, and lots of other types of tools. We went to the area where the pigs were. There were 40 of them and it was gross and they smelled, I learned the only form of pigs I like are the cooked kind. Hailey just continued to smile along. We then went to what I considered my own personal hell, the chicken coop. I don't just dislike chicken, I hate them with a passion. I'm not just prejudiced against chickens either, it's also ducks, geese, almost all birds really. There were so many, too 80 in fact, and another 20 rosters. When I asked why so many Hailey said Jack will use around six dozen eggs for breakfast so they needed a lot of chickens. First, that's a lot of damn eggs, and second, who wants to deal with that many chickens? I couldn't leave there fast enough so that led us towards the horse barn.

It was huge, probably the biggest barn I've seen. Connor's cousin had a few horses and we spent some time at his house helping with the horses but this barn is probably four times the size. We walked into the main door and I was blown away. It was nice and of course fancy. There was more than one walkway and a loft around the outside. If I counted correctly 24 stalls, a storage/feed room, Luke's office, a shower stall, and a room for their saddles. The stalls were all empty which was disappointing. Hailey said the ones that weren't being used by the ranch hands were probably out grazing in the big pasture off the barn.

We walked out and headed toward one of the corrals. I could see Wyatt leading around a huge light-colored horse, I later learned it was a palomino horse. It was pretty. Its two back legs had white on them and they almost looked like socks. Colt was there along with Lucas. Hailey immediately climbed on the railing and sat down talking excitedly about the horse. It was new and they were still training it. Wyatt's old horse Rocky was getting up in age so they wanted to add another horse. I eventually climbed up to sit and watch. It was interesting watching Wyatt work with the horse, someone so big being so gentle. I don't think I'd believe it if I wasn't watching with my own eyes. Hailey after begging for several minutes finally convinced them to let her help. I was going to start begging on her behalf soon just so she would stop.

My phone vibrated in my pocket taking it out. I see it's a text in the group chat I have with Connor and Liam. I can't help but smile. I'm used to seeing them every day and I haven't seen them since yesterday morning. We continue to text back and forth as I start to explain everything that has happened after we last talked yesterday afternoon.

Colt's POV:

I watched as the girls walked up and I heard Hailey before I saw them. You could hear that girl a mile away. When they walked to the fence I noticed the look on Charlotte's face. I forced myself not to chuckle. She looked miserable with a scowl on her face as she slumped on the railing. Of course several feet from the rest of us. I asked Hailey's mom yesterday if she could bring Hailey up so my sister had someone to hang out with. After spending some time with my sister I realized she and Hailey could not be any more different. While my sister wears almost all black Hailey is covered in pink. Hailey has always been a talker and my sister surprisingly keeps to herself another trait she shares with Brady. I was hoping they could be friends but we'll have to wait on that one. Turning back to continue to watch Wyatt and his new horse Sheriff.

While listening to Hailey and Wyatt talk back and forth I noticed Charlotte now sitting on the railing. She was almost studying Wyatt and the scowl now missing from her face and she looked more relaxed. Before I could think too much about it Hailey started to ask to help with the horse. I wasn't too sure but after a few minutes, I agreed. I swear I heard a faint thank god from Charlotte's direction when Hailey stopped begging. I couldn't help the smile that time and from the chuckle that escaped Lucas next to me he heard her comment too. I guess we'll have to take things slowly. She seems to have a lot of personality. We just have to soften some of her rough edges. Suddenly I feel the rail vibrate and watch as Charlotte takes out her phone and a big smile slides onto her face, well at least someone can make her smile. She continues to text back and forth letting out an occasional chuckle and I even heard her laugh. She finally looked her age happy and carefree. Eventually, her phone rings and she jumps down and then walks away. She walks over to lean on the barn. Talking away to whoever is on the phone. "I liked hearing her laugh," Lucas says from beside me I'd almost forgotten he was there. "Yea, she looks happy and relaxed like a normal ten-year-old," I said as I turned back to face the corral. "It'll take time but hopefully she'll be like that all the time." "Did you see the scowl she had when she walked up? I swear I had Brady flashbacks." Lucas said in between laughs. "Yes, it's like the female version of Brady." As I laughed along with my brother.

Charlie's POV:

I answered the FaceTime call as I walked to the barn and sat down. It felt so nice to not only see my best friends but hear them. I told them all about last night in our group chat so I started telling them in detail about this morning. Connor said I'll have to give him a tour of the horses and the barn. Liam wanted to see all the four-wheelers. They both can't believe how I described my room and that I have my own bathroom. I said I'd show them after I finished decorating. They thought it was hilarious that I hate chickens and my brothers ended up having so many. I proceeded to call them both asses. Then I bragged that I'll be able to swim in a big pool without having to go to the town pool. They shut up about the chickens after that. We continued to go back and forth for almost a half hour about everything including school, Connor's weird 81-year-old next-door neighbor, and last weekend. That's something I loved about my best friends. We always had something to talk about. And I never minded talking to them. "Are you guys going to the fall fest again today before it's over?" "My mom wanted to get more fresh apples so we'll probably go after lunch," Liam said. "I want to get more kettle corn and maybe a Caramel apple," Connor added. We both usually have food as our top priority. "Those Carmel apples were good," I remembered last Saturday. "When I got lost last night I thought of us in the corn maze," I said laughing as they joined in. "Charlotte, come on, it's time for lunch," Colt said as I looked up to see my three brothers heading my way. "Is that your brother?" Liam quietly asked. "Yes, I'll talk to you guys later." After they both said their goodbyes I stood up to make my way back to the house.

As we entered the mud room Lucas finally asked "Who were you talking to? It sounded like a boy." "Connor and Liam, why?" I looked over at him. "Just wondering, you looked happy. Not to mention you actually talked." He said casually. "That's because I like them and they're my best friends." I then left the room and headed straight to the dining room. I walked through the door and immediately stopped in my tracks.

I couldn't move and froze slightly panicking. I had seen some of the other ranch hands throughout the morning but now seeing them all sitting at that giant table is freaking me out. I used to spend my lunch in the art room just so I could avoid eating with all the other middle school kids being crammed in like sardines. Nope, I can't do it. Maybe if I just slowly back out of the room no one will notice. As I start taking steps backward I run into the wall. Or not apparently it was just Colt. He puts his hand on my shoulder "Come on Charlotte, you can sit by me." Colt starts to lead me to the opposite side of the room where we both sit down with him in the chair at the end. Then he does the worst thing I could think of right now. "Hey, guys." The room goes dead silent "I wanted to make sure I introduced everyone to my sister Charlotte." Then they all started to stare directly at me. Now would be the perfect time for a hole to appear and swallow me whole, but of course, I have no such luck. "I hope all of you can help my brothers and I make sure she gets adjusted to being a part of this ranch. I would like to remind you that she is a ten-year-old girl so please try to keep things appropriate for a young lady. Thanks." Thankfully they went back to eating and having their own conversations. Colt wants to keep it 'appropriate for a young lady' that ship sailed a long time ago. I know way more than I could ever want to but I'll keep that to myself. I don't want to make things any more awkward.

I focus on my food trying to forget about all the people. It helps that this soup or stew, whatever it's called, is so good. It's creamy with shredded chicken, corn, black beans, tomatoes, and green chilies giving it a little kick. Yum, I love spicy food. I even added some shredded cheese. I wish I could eat more than one bowl. I think I might get fat living here with all this good food. Maybe I should start running, yeah because I'm definitely going to keep eating. I take care of my bowl and make sure I thank Jack for lunch. While talking to Jack he introduced August and Anthony who help in the kitchen. Hailey must be like her mother because Anthony is relaxed.

After lunch, I saw Hailey talking to Jessie, one of the ranch hands so I made my escape. All I want is a little peace and quiet. I can't hide in my room. That's too obvious but maybe I can sneak up, grab my skateboard and sneak back out. I make it into my room without running into anyone, perfect. I grab my helmet, my board, and my headphones. I take two puffs from my inhaler so I don't have to stop when I get outside. I slowly creep out of my room not hearing anything. I make my way to the stairs. Everything is going well. I'm down to the first floor but then I hear talking so I dart into the first door I see. Now I'm stuck in a coat closet waiting for the twins to walk far enough away from the entryway so I can sneak outside. When I can't hear them anymore I dart out making it through the front door.

I needed this time alone and the wind in my face. I may not be able to skate around town or at the skate park but this long driveway isn't too bad. Skateboarding has always been relaxing to me along with photography, music, and reading. Maybe it's also because I can zone out the outside world and just focus on doing what I like. After about two hours I headed back to the house. As I skate back to the house I see my brothers all standing outside watching me reach the house with scowls on their faces. This can't be good.

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