Sugar 'n Spice: A TeruTeru Ha...

By MindfulWriter1666

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My name is Y/N L/N. I know by looking at me you'd think I'm a person who does rituals and sacrifices. Hey, do... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to Hope's Peak Academy
Chapter 2: The Little Pervy Chef
Chapter 3: Bringing Back Peace And Starting Love
Chapter 4: The Love Hormone
Chapter 5: The Start of a Love Triangle
Chapter 6: Boys Cry Too
Chapter 7: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Chapter 8: Mistaken Love
Chapter 9: Potluck Party
Chapter 10: Something's Smelling Fishy
Chapter 11: Isolation and New Found Loyalty
Chapter 12: Not so Happy Halloween
Chapter 13: A Thankful Day
Chapter 14: Pity Party
Chapter 15: A Merry Motherly Moment
Chapter 16: Xs and Os
Chapter 17: Shit is Getting Real
Chapter 18: A Question With A Long Term Answer
Chapter 19: If You Can't Take The Heat
Chapter 20: Girls' Night Out
Chapter 21: Guys' Night Out
Chapter 22: Making The First Move
Chapter 23: Battle of the Sexes
Chapter 24: Hot Fun in the Summertime
Chapter 25: See Ya Later Alligator
Chapter 26: A Grizzly Fate
Chapter 27: New Semester, Same Problems
Chapter 28: Breaking Up Love
Chapter 29: Broken Hearts
Chapter 30: Investigation & Reconciliation
Chapter 31: All Rise! Trial's In Session!
Chapter 32: Battle of the Good and Evil
Chapter 33: Spring Break Beach Day
Chapter 34: A Strong Woman
Chapter 35: You Only Live Once
Chapter 36: Digital Reality
Chapter 37: A Path to Redemption
Chapter 38: Prom Night Problems Pt. 1
Chapter 40: Memorial Moment
Chapter 41: So Long, Farewell Hope's Peak Academy

Chapter 39: Prom Night Problems Pt. 2

73 1 1
By MindfulWriter1666

Previously on Sugar 'n Spice...

"Are you sure this is okay?" Teruteru asks.

"Dude, this is okay you don't need to go overboard with this." Nekomaru assures him.

"I know..." Teruteru sighs out. "I just want this to be perfect for Y/N."




Teruteru heard a knock on his door. Assuming that it was Nekomaru and Kazuichi, he walked up to the door to see nobody there.

He grew a bit irritated.

"Damn prankstas'." Teruteru muttered.

Before he went back in, Teruteru noticed a note on the floor then picked it up.

I'm back...and you're about to be dead.

Soon as Teruteru read that, he saw black.


"Where's Teruteru?"


When I got back, I ran straight to Teruteru's dorm room, only to see his door wide open and his hat on the floor.

"The fuck?" I muttered as I picked up the hat only for a piece of paper to fall out.

I caught the paper in mid air and read it.

My heart dropped once I realized what it was.



Teruteru's POV

Teruteru woke up with a gasp. He winced once he was face to face with a very blinding bright light. Teruteru then felt something holding him down as he looked down to see himself cuffed to a chair but this wasn't an ordinary chair however. He looked around to examine where he's being held captive in, which looked like one of those rooms that mental patient would be in.

"Hey! Someone get me out of here!" Teruteru yelled out, panicking.

He began to struggle to break free but it was no use.

All of a sudden, Teruteru felt a rush of electricity hit his body as he screamed out in pain. Once the shocking stopped, Teruteru felt his heart rate increased and his whole entire body in pain.

"I wouldn't try to escape if I was you." Teruteru heard a voice say.

Teruteru looked ahead to see a silhouette standing in front of him. He squinted to get a better image of who it is while the person stepped forward.

Once the person stepped into the light, Teruteru thought that he should've known but at the same time, he was still shaking in fear.

"Y-you..." Teruteru stammered out.

"Long time no see Teruteru." Nagito spoke with a sinister chuckle.

"Out of all people, it had to be you." Teruteru commented.

"Who said that I was alone?" Nagito asked.

Teruteru then heard heels clicking against the hard tiled floor. Teruteru's eyes grew wide at the two people who showed up.

"Hello perverted piggy." Hiyoko greeted as she held a nail gun in her tiny hands.

"You like my new invention of the electric chair?" Miu asked, referring to the chair Teruteru was strapped in. "This give you a feeling so shocking you'll have something awaken in you."

"I don't know if that's supposed to be a sex joke or...?" Teruteru questioned. "Because you really need to rethink what you say."

Miu frowned as she pressed a button.


Teruteru screamed as he felt his body get shocked. Once Miu stopped, she chuckled.

"Next time I'm increasing the volts." Miu threatened. "The more voltage you receive, the more dead you're going to be."

"Why are you still coming after us!?" Teruteru yelled at Nagito. "You could've literally left us all the hell alone after your expulsion." He points out.

"Because...I crave for hope upon your despair." Nagito replied. "I enjoy tormenting you all until you're filled with nothing but despair...the more despair you receive...the more hope I'll achieve in spreading that despair around." He explained.

"So, you started all of this...just cause despair upon me?" Teruteru asked.

"Not just you, but your little lady friend as well." Nagito chuckled out.

Teruteru saw red.

"What did you do to her!?" Teruteru barked. " 'F ya do sumthin' to ha Ah' swear A'hll kill ya ass!" He threatened in his Cajun accent.

"Actually, we didn't catch her." Hiyoko replied. "She wasn't in the school by the time we got you." She explained.

"I don't need to give her the same treatment you got in order to give her despair, I have another idea." Nagito stated as he reached into Teruteru's pocket to pull out his phone.


We were all in my dorm room, panicking the fuck out.

Especially me, since I was pacing back and forth rapidly while hyperventilating.

"Where is he? Who took him? Please tell me they didn't kill him!" I cried out.

Nekomaru pulled me into a hug.

"We'll find him...and we'll make whoever did this pay." Nekomaru assured me.

I sniffled into his chest.

Why? Out of all the days in my life, why it had to be at prom!?

I was sobbing uncontrollably into Nekomaru's chest as Nekomaru did his best to console me.

All of a sudden, I jumped at the sound of my ringtone blasting Cookies and Milk by Melanie Martinez. There was only one person who I had that ringtone set to specifically.

I quickly took my phone out to see Teruteru's name across the screen and exclaimed as I quickly answered it.

"Teruteru! Where are you!?" I screamed.

Everyone was shocked as they huddled around me to listen.

"Teruteru's...unavailable right now." I heard a voice say.


"Whoever you are...I swear to fuck if you lay a finger on him I will fucking burn you alive." I threatened with such malice.

The person chuckled.

"Long time no see to you too Y/N." The person replied.

My heart dropped at who it was.

"Is that...?" Akane quivered out.

"Why are you still around?" Kazuichi asked. "WHY ARE YOU STILL AROUND!?" Kazuichi yelled.

"With the hope to bring despair upon can't get rid of me that easily." Nagito replied.

"What did you do to Teruteru!?" Hina yelled.

"Let him speak for himself." Nagito replied as I heard footsteps then Teruteru's panicked voice.

"Y/N! Cher!" Teruteru yelled out.

"Teruteru!" I cried out. "Where are you? Where does he have you captive!?"

"It looks like I'm in some sorta room where they hold insane people in." Teruteru explained.

I couldn't process where that could be until Sakura spoke up.

"Mental Manors!" Sakura exclaimed.

"What?" Mikan asked.

"Mental Manors, it's an asylum for the mentally unstabled." Sonia explained.

"Seems to fit Nagito perfectly." I thought to myself.

"I thought that place was shut down." Ibuki points out.

"It was 5 years ago." Hina states. "I guess he took Teruteru there because it was the last place we would think he would be in." She explained.

"Nah, that's the first place I would think of when it comes to Nagito." I spoke.

"Aw, I'm hurt." Nagito chuckled out over the phone.

"Listen you psychotic bastard! When I come there, I will fucking break your goddamn neck!" I yelled out.

"Well, you better get here soon if you want your little piggy to still be intact." I heard Hiyoko say.

Then I heard the sound of something shooting off as Teruteru screamed in pain.

"Hiyoko you little shit!" I screamed out.

"Better get here soon before Teruteru will have to rest in pieces." Nagito chuckled as he hung up.

Soon as he hung up, I screamed as I ran out my dorm and out the campus.

My blood was boiling, I was seeing red, and I felt like I was going to turn into a legit demon.

"Y/N wait!" Sakura called out as she grabbed me. "It's dangerous to go alone."

"If I die, I die! I just want Teruteru to be okay!" I yelled out. "I just" I spoke in a cracked voice as I broke down and cried.

"Well, if you're going...then count me in." Nekomaru declares. 

"Me too! Teruteru's my buddy!" Kazuichi chimes in.

"I'm willing to kick some ass." Akane adds in.

I looked up and smiled then wiped my tears.

"Alright...we're going to need a plan." I announced.

So here's the plan:

For starters, we need transportation. Mental Manors is pretty far from Hope's Peak

Kazuichi: I do remember seeing a broken down school bus near campus. I can see what the problem is and fix it up for us.

Okay, we're going to have a school bus.

Next we're going to need someone to stay here to call the police.

Ibuki: I'll do it, because I don't think my guitar will make a great weapon for this rescue mission.

Okay Ibuki's on police duty, I'll give her the signal when to call the police.

Next, we're going to need a lot of combat people.

Sakura: Do we really need to go over who should do that?*smirks*

Gundham: I shall fulfill that role as well.

Me: Uhhhh, dude? I don't think you should involve the Dark Devas into this.

Gundham: Of course, this mission is too big for them. So I'll summon up a greater threat; COME FORTH URSIDAE AND SERVE AS OUR DEFENSE FOR THIS TASK!

A bear runs up with a roar. It sit next to Gundham like a trained dog.

Sometimes, I be forgetting that Gundham's the Ultimate Breeder.

Sonia: I'll stay back and watch the Devas Gundham.

Akane: I can climb and sneak attack one of watchers!

Me: That's a little risky because we don't know if he got backup besides Hiyoko.

Akane: Hiyoko is literally a little girl, even Mikan could take her down.

Mikan: W-what?

Akane: Hon, it's about time you stand up for yourself...especially against Hiyoko. Seriously, I don't know why you had a crush on her at first.

Mikan: Hmmph! You're right!

Alright so enforcers are in set.

I think we're all set here so let's fucking go!

We all went to the bus area where the broken down bus was.

"It's right there." Kazuichi points out as he looks at a classic yellow school bus in front of us.

Nekomaru opened the doors up with his bare hands as we all went in.

"Ew, it stinks in here." Hina complained.

"It'll have to do." I stated. "We can just crack open a few windows."

Kazuichi opened the hood and chuckled.

"Oh, this will be easy." He thought as he took out his tools.

Whatever he tinkered with, it set off the horn. Kazuichi frantically tried to fix it.

Once the horn stopped blaring, he chuckled nervously.

"Sorry." He apologized.

We all sat in the seats, debating on who should be the driver.

"I'll do it...I used to drive my dad's truck all the time." Nekomaru declared.

"Okay." Sakura agreed.

Hina looked at me to see me trying to hold back the tears then grabbed my hands.

"He's going to be okay." Hina assured me as she squeezed my hands tight.

I heard the hood door slam as Kazuichi ran inside the bus.

"Okay, try it now." Kazuichi ordered.

"We could...if we had a damn key!" Akane scolded.

Kazuichi facepalmed but realized something.

"Wait, I can hotwire it!" Kazuichi exclaimed as he crouched down.

All I can say is, thank God that we have a mechanic in our friend group.

Once I heard the engine start up, I was happy as Nekomaru got into the driver's seat.

"Alright let's do this!" Nekomaru barked out.

"Hey! Who's here!?" We were security yell out.


"Drive, drive, drive!" Akane yelled as Nekomaru hit the gas.


Nekomaru drove through the school gates and out the driveway of the school.

Okay...we're probably going to get in trouble for that. Hopefully the security guard doesn't suspect that it was us since it was dark outside.

Teruteru's POV

Teruteru whimpered as he looked as his bloody hand that had a nail pierced into it.

"Y-you little bitch." Teruteru whimpered out.

Hiyoko giggled out.

"Keep talking and it'll be your little dick next." Hiyoko threatened.

"Miu, keep watch for when they come." Nagito ordered.

Miu crossed her arms.

"I'm the one who created the chair and beefed up a security guard, don't tell me what to do!" Miu scolded.

Nagito rolled his eyes.

"A security guard? We need dozens you dumb bimbo." Nagito insulted.

Miu whimpered.

"Don't call me that and I only did one because this guy's supposed to be unstoppable." Miu announced.

Teruteru then heard robotic footsteps as a robot stepped into the room.

"What kind of Terminator shit is this?" Teruteru thought.

"Keebo?" Nagito asked.

"New and improved." Miu chuckled out. "He didn't want to do it at first so I knocked him out and altered him for this...and for some personal purposes as well." Miu chuckled as her face turned red.

"Nasty bitch...and they all called me the pervert." Teruteru thought to himself.

"Hmm, I guess you're more useful than I thought." Nagito commented.

"Keebo...come." Miu ordered.

"I can't in order to do that you mu-"

"Ha ha ha! I mean follow me." Miu nervously chuckled as she led Keebo out the room.

Teruteru just sat there.

"How did I wind up getting kidnap by a guy who has bimbos as his sidekicks?" He thought to himself.

"They shouldn't take to long to get here, Hiyoko nail him again." Nagito ordered.

Teruteru felt the fear rise in his body as Hiyoko shot the nail gun, piercing his other hand. Teruteru screamed as Hiyoko laughed.

"Lord if they don't come here soon I might actually die here." Teruteru thought.

All of a sudden...


Everyone jumped as the room grew silent.

"What the hell was that?" Nagito asked in an angry tone as he walked out.

Teruteru smiled as he thought of one possibility.


Okay, good news is that we got here but the bad news is that Nekomaru crashed into the side of the building. I mean, it's abandoned so it's not like we're gonna get in trouble for destruction of property.

We all hurried out the bus, hoping that no one will come out after that.

Man, I was really mistaken.

"Who's there!?" I heard a female voice ask.

Wait a minute...Miu? Of course, this bitch would be involved in this.

"We can easily jump her." I whispered. "By the count of three...get ready."




We all went flying back as the bus exploded on us.

I'm honestly surprised that we didn't die from that.

The bus was now completely destroyed as we watch someone walk up to us.

At first I thought it was Miu, but it was revealed to be...

"Keebo?" I asked.

I remember this dude! He's the robot at our school!

"Keebo, destroy!" Miu ordered.

Keebo aimed his arm cannon at us and we immediately jumped out of the way before the ammo hit us.

"Knowing Miu being an inventor, she might've did something to Keebo." Sakura points out.

"Only way to get pass them is to shut Keebo down." Akane adds in.

I looked at Kazuichi, who was just staring at Keebo.

"For all my years of doing mechanic work...I thought I'd never be jealous of an inventor." Kazuichi commented.

"Kazuichi focus!" Nekomaru scolded.

"I was, my best guess is to knock him out and pray he won't reboot and kill us all." Kazuichi guessed.

Gundham sicced the bear on Keebo. The bear tackled Keebo to the ground and roared.

Keebo struggled to get the bear off of him as Akane ran up to Keebo with a rock.

"No you don't!" Miu screamed as she tackled Akane to the ground.

Akane headbutts Miu, gaining her the upper hand. Akane bashed Miu in the face with the rock, severely injuring Miu's face.

"Eat rock bitch!" Akane yelled out.

Miu spat blood into Akane's face before she spoke.

"Get off of me or I will fucking blow you up myself!" Miu screamed.

Next thing I know, Keebo started beeping as his eyes flashed red.

Oh shit...

Self Destruct countdown in 






"Runnnnnn!" Sakura yelled as we all ran into the building.

Akane got up and followed us, leaving Miu behind.

Miu couldn't get up quickly due to her injuries and was desperate to try to escape before the countdown ended.



Unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough to get out of the danger radius then she just got on her knees and cried out,




"I'll see you all in hell motherfu-"


We all hid behind the walls to avoid being engulfed into the explosion's flames.

"Thank you Ursidae...thank you for your defense in this battle." Gundham sighed as he wiped away his tears.

"I'm sorry Gundham." I apologized.

Hina then cried out in pain as she held her shoulder.

"Hina! Are you okay!?" Sakura cried out as she examined Hina's shoulder to see it bleeding with a nail impaled into it.

"What happened?" I asked.

Before anyone could answer, a nail was shot mere centimeters away from my eyes. I whirled my head to see Hiyoko holding a nail gun.

Hiyoko shot at us as we all moved out the way.

For a little girl who's a traditional dancer, she has crazy accuracy.

"Hey! Hold still so I can shoot you!" Hiyoko ordered as she continued to shoot the nail gun at us.

Hiyoko then looked at Mikan, who was standing there in fear, as she aimed at her.

"Mikan!" Nekomaru yelled out.

Kazuichi ran and jumped in front of Mikan as soon as Hiyoko pulled the trigger.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Kazuichi screamed out.

The nail hit Kazuichi right in the thigh as he hit the floor.

"Kazuichi!" Mikan yelled out as she knelt down to him.

Kazuichi groaned as he examined the nail pierced into his thigh.

"I-it's okay, I'll fix you up. Just please don't die!" Mikan yelled out as she began to sob.

"Dumb bitch, you can't die from getting nailed to the side." Hiyoko insulted.

Mikan's face then turned red as she stood up.

Hiyoko aimed at Mikan, getting ready to shoot her when suddenly,

*click click*

"What the?" Hiyoko questioned.

She then realized that she ran out of nails to shoot.

Mikan screamed as she charged at Hiyoko and then tackled her to the ground.

If this wasn't a rescue mission, I would've been cheering for Mikan right now.

Mikan ripped some of Hiyoko's hair out and punched her repeatedly in the face as Hiyoko was just laying there screaming and crying.

"Y/N, you go get Teruteru! We'll be okay from here." Sakura ordered.

I ran off, actually hoping that Mikan doesn't actually kill Hiyoko because shooting her boyfriend and all of those years of bullying...Mikan's definitely holding a big grudge.

I ran down the hallways looking into each room to find Teruteru.

I was about to lose hope until I saw Teruteru with his head down in one room. I looked up to see the name plate above the door,

N. Komaeda

I opened the door and ran up to Teruteru.

"Teruteru!" I exclaimed.

I looked to see his hands nailed to the armrests of the chair with blood dripping off of the fingers.

Okay, now I really hope Mikan kills that little bitch forreal.

I placed my hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat.

It was really faintly.

I lightly tapped his face to wake him up.

"Teruteru, we're here to rescue you." I spoke.

Teruteru's head shot up as he was face to face with me.

"No! You gotta ru-"


I fell to the floor after receiving a blow to head. I looked up to see Nagito towering over me with a now bloody metal pipe in his hand. 

"Y/N!" Teruteru yelled out.

I groaned as my head was throbbing.

"Surprised you're here on time." Nagito chuckled out. "Now, I get to kill you both."

I yelled as I tackled him to the ground.

I did my best to ignore the throbbing pain in my head as I began to punch Nagito.

"Fucking psycho! Die!" I yelled through each punch.

Nagito smacked me across the face with the pipe, knocking me off him.

Nagito then climbed on top of me and pressed the pipe against my throat in order to strangle me.

I clawed at Nagito's chest to get him to stop but it did no effect.

Just when I was about to accept my faith, Nagito was hit in the back of the head with a chair.

I coughed as I got up to see Nekomaru, holding the now broken chair, while Teruteru held his bleeding hands in pain.

"Nekomaru!" I coughed out.

"Hina already called Ibuki to phone 911, we gotta go." Nekomaru ordered as he picked me and Teruteru up and ran out the room.

By the time we stepped outside, I hugged Teruteru tight as I sobbed.

"Teruteru!" I cried out.

Teruteru hugged me back, despite getting blood on me.

I didn't care though as I kissed all over his face.

"Ohhh, I thought you were going to die!" I cried out.

Mikan examined Teruteru's hands and then my head.

"Oh my God! You guys really need a hospital!" Mikan exclaimed. "I don't have my medical stuff on me right now and I only have enough to dress one wound." She explained.

"Don't worry about us, just tend to your man." Teruteru ordered. "We'll be fine."

"Ibuki texted, she said that the cops and ambulance will arrive momentarily." Hina explained.

"We are victorious! Let us all triumph in this successful rescue mission!" Gundham yelled out as he punched the air.

Nekomaru chuckled.

"While this wasn't how we all wanted to spend our prom night I'm glad w-"


Soon as we all heard that sound...the atmosphere had dropped drastically.

Nekomaru stood there trembling as he looked down to see a pipe impaled right through his chest. Nekomaru then looked at the corner of his eye to see Nagito holding the other end of the pipe with the evilest smile on his face.

"N-no..." Akane quivered out as she covered her mouth in shock.

When Nagito snatched the pipe out of Nekomaru's chest, Nekomaru fell to the ground.

"NEKOMARU!!!" Akane screamed as she ran up to him.

Sakura tackled Nagito to the ground as she took off her uniform tie and tied Nagito's arms and feet with it.

Nagito cackled as he yelled,

"Yes! Yes! Despair! I've finally filled you all with despair!" Nagito cackled out.

We all gathered around Nekomaru as Sakura flipped him over.

My heart was racing as blood began to quickly spill out of Nekomaru.

"Nekomaru, stay with us! Stay with us you can't die!" I screamed out.

"Nekomaru! Don't go!" Kazuichi cried out.

Nekomaru looked at us with a weak smile.

"I guess...this is it." Nekomaru began.

"No it's not! Please stay awake!" Teruteru yelled out.

Nekomaru was fighting the urge to close his eyes on us as he continued to speak.

"Don't worry everyone...I didn't have much time to live anyway." Nekomaru coughed out. 

Nagito continued to cackle, but it was tuned out.

"'s my time to go." Nekomaru groaned out. "It has been an honor to be you guys' mentor and best friend...and Akane?" Nekomaru continued.

Akane grabbed Nekomaru's face as tears slid down her face.

"Never take life for your life to the fullest as much as you can's too short and too precious, okay?" Nekomaru lectured. "Don't give up on life."

After he said that, Nekomaru's eyes closed with no possibility of ever opening again.

"Nekomaru...? Nekomaru!? NEKOMARU!?" I screamed as I shook him.

It was too late...

Nekomaru was gone.

There was a lot of emotions going on;

Me and Akane were sobbing while resting our heads on Nekomaru's head, Hina, Mikan, and Kazuichi were group hugging while trying their hardest not to cry, Teruteru wrapped his arms around my waist while resting his head on my back, and Sakura and Gundham was standing there with their heads down.

By the time the cops and ambulance showed up, Nagito got taken away while Nekomaru was wheeled away by medics.

However, we all know that Nekomaru's not going to recover from getting impaled in the chest.

The ambulance drove us to the hospital where Ibuki and Sonia was standing outside waiting for us.

"Guys! What happened?" Ibuki asked.

Sonia noticed that Nekomaru wasn't with us.

"W-where's Nekomaru?" Sonia asked nervously.

We all didn't say anything as Akane held up the chain necklace that was around Nekomaru's neck.

It didn't take Sonia and Ibuki long enough to realize.

"Nekomaru..." Sonia sobbed out.

We did get patched up with me, Hina, and Teruteru having to get stitches.

However, the doctor's gave us the worst news ever, despite us knowing the inevitable.

"We're sorry but, we can't save your friend."

At that point, we've cried so much...we couldn't even cry at the news.

When we got back to the campus, I was just laying in bed curled up. I heard a small knock as I got up and opened the door to see Teruteru. I didn't say anything as I invited him in.

Teruteru was cuddled up next to me, with him being the little spoon. I grabbed Teruteru's hand and rubbed the bandages with my thumb as I kissed the back of his neck.

When we drifted off to sleep, I thought of something...

We may have rescued Teruteru...

But we lost a wise soul.

R.I.P Nekomaru Nidai

August 14th, 2023

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