Crossing Boundaries

By deblaru

14.2K 200 28

To my astonishment, I saw Reece situated between my legs, his actions mirroring those of someone savouring th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 14

305 6 3
By deblaru


Closing the bathroom door behind me, tears start to well up in my eyes, and there's a lump in my throat that's making it tough to swallow. Glancing at my reflection in the mirror – my eyes are red and my lip is quivering. "Get a grip, Lorna," scolding myself, trying to shake off this overwhelming feeling. "He's not yours." But why does it hurt so damn bad? I've never felt like this before. Maybe it's because your finally admitting it, that stupid voice in my head tells me.

I splash my face with water, giving myself a stern pep talk, and then I head back downstairs, determined to salvage the rest of the night. I'm not even sure what time it is, so I pull out my phone from my bag. It's already 12:30am.

A few text messages await me. One from Sarah saying she went to another party with some girls.. another one from Jordan saying he had to bring Samia home as she puking everywhere, I chuckle at the thought ..
The night had flown, debating whether to go home as everyone abandoned me..Maybe I'll just go and say goodbye to Nick and Connor and go home.

Entering the kitchen, Connor is there, chatting up some girls. He spots me and waves me over, concern etched in his eyes. "You okay?" he asks. "Who, me? Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I reply, trying to sound nonchalant. "Uh, it's just that your eyes look all red, like you've been crying," he says, his doubt clear despite the chuckle.

"Ahhh sprayed some perfume in my eyes," I say, dismissing his suspicion. Connor's "hmm" doesn't hide that he's not entirely convinced. "Hey, where did Reece go?" he asks, scanning the room. "Oh, I saw him head upstairs," I mumble, avoiding eye contact because my own eyes would betray me, showing how much his departure is bothering me. I might just go home, I say to him.

Ahh don't go please, he says pleading, I'm on my own here. Where's Austin ? I ask, he's waisted threw him on a bed in one of Nicks spare rooms. We laugh out, "yeh Samia was brought home  by Jordan and Sarah is gone to some other party. I reveal to him..

Come on , stay for a little longer please, he pouts at me .... "Ahh fine only for little while, I tell him.. "he gives me a big grin in return..Then hands me a drink and urges me to down it. "What's in it?" I inquire, peering into the cup. "Captain Morgan and coke," he replies.I take a gulp and end up coughing, the strength catching me off guard. Connor bursts into laughter at my reaction.

Thanks for that, I push him in the shoulder.

We're chatting away when I feel a hand snake around my waist. It's Nick. I notice Connor looking at where Nick's hand is, but he doesn't say anything.

Honestly, Nick seems like a nice guy. Maybe I should stop thinking about that certain brown-haired, green-eyed, muscled hot douche and just enjoy myself. Have a little fun for once.

Suddenly, there's a commotion from the living area. We head over to see what's happening. I spot Kady, and she waves at me. I notice three girls and two guys with her, being obnoxiously loud.

"Hey Lorna," she chirps.
"Hey," I reply, keeping it short. Not really in the mood for Kady's weird mood swings tonight. Plus, I'm not liking the vibes I'm getting from the guys she's with. They look familiar, but I can't quite place them. One guy is tall and lean with crazy tattoos covering his right arm. His hair is short on his head. He looks over at me, grinning slyly, making me shiver.

Connor and Nick notice my uneasiness.
"Do you want to go outside?" they suggest.
"Sure, yeah, let's go. I could use some air," I say. Kady shouts out to ask where we're going.
"We're just going out the back," I reply without looking back.
"Oh, okay. I'll be out soon, just going to grab a drink."
I can tell Nick isn't too pleased with the guys she's brought, but he probably doesn't want any drama, so he lets it slide.

As we walk towards the back area, Nick is suddenly pounced on by someone, almost knocking me over. Connor supports me and stops me from falling.

"Mia, what the fuck," Nick doesn't look happy. "Why are you here?"

"I missed you, babe. I bumped into Kady, and she told me you were having a party," Nick looks over at Kady not too pleased.

She shrugs her shoulders, not taking the blame for it. "Who's this?" She points at me, glaring. "Eh, It's Lorna. You know her," Nick responds.
"Why is she here?" Her voice is whiny, and she looks like she's had a lot to drink.

Not wanting to get involved, I glance at Connor and tilt my head toward the back door. He nods in agreement, leaving Nick to handle his ex.

Connor and I settle down on a poolside bed, sharing laughter. "I kinda feel bad leaving Nick to deal with Mia," I admit. Connor chuckles, claiming Nick will be alright. We chat away, and it's easy to open up to Connor.

"Just need to go pee," he says, standing up. "That's nice, Connor," I chuckle, watching him go. He shrugs, saying he'll be back in a moment.

Left to myself, I recline, gazing up at the stars. The night is clear, and the weather remains mild.

Footsteps approach, and I assume it's Connor returning. But, it's not him—it's one of the guys who was with Kady, the same one who had that creepy grin directed at me. "Mind if I sit?" he asks. I look up to see his face. I hesitate, then answer, "Uh, I was just about to head back in," trying to sidestep him, but he blocks my path.

"What's the hurry, gorgeous? I just want to talk," he says, his tone unnerving. I feel fear creeping into my voice as I respond, "Look, I don't want any trouble. Please, just let me go back inside." My voice shakes as I speak.

His response sends a shiver down my spine, "I only want to get to know you."

His voice was laced with danger, each word dripping with a subtle yet unmistakable menace that causes me to step back.

"Well, I don't want to talk to you, so if you don't mind," I assert, attempting to maintain a firm tone as I make another attempt to get past him.

However, he grabs my wrist forcefully, yanking me back against his chest. His words cut through the air like a blade, "Listen here, you little slut. Can't go around wearing outfits like this and expect guys not to notice."

"Let me go!" My voice grows louder, a desperate attempt to attract attention. He reaches for my hair, trying to pull me into a kiss, but suddenly, he's ripped away from me.

Connor's punch lands in the guy's gut, causing him to stumble, his face twisted in anger. He spits on the ground, his laughter carrying a sinister edge. "Jesus, you must be really good in bed, blondie. Having two pretty boys fighting your battles? Where's the other one?"

Confusion clouds my mind, my brows furrow, and then realisation hits me. Kady and the guys from Brady's. He was the creep Reece almost punched.

"Well, I'm not gonna let an opportunity pass with a pretty little thing like you," he snarls, trying to grab me again. Connor steps between us, shielding me. The guy swings a punch, connecting with Connor's face. I scream, panic coursing through me. They're locked in a fight now, a crowd forming around them.

Some are spectators, others trying to break it up. Amidst the chaos, I lose my footing and fall over a sun lounger, hitting my head against the table. Pain shoots through it, landing hard on my knees, and I can't help but yelp out as my hands smack the pavement.

Tears now stream down my face. Someone lifts me up, and through my blurred vision, I see it's Nick. "It's okay, Lorna, I've got you," he reassures. He carries me inside, his voice commanding the party to end and everyone to leave.

Connor is hot on Nick's heels. The fight has now broken up. The guy ran off after his friend came out and pulled him away. Nick gently sets me down on the couch in the living area, a mixture of relief and distress on his face.

Looking at Connor, I see his lip is busted, and there's a gash above his eye. His knuckles are also cut. "You okay, Lorna?" He kneels down beside me, concern evident in his voice. I nod, my body still trembling. I want to ask if he's okay too, but I can't—my sobs preventing me from speaking.

Suddenly, Reece is before me. His hands cup my face, his voice laced with urgency, "Lorna, what happened? Fuck, are you okay?" My eyes are still teary as I look at him. He's shirtless, and I quickly avert my gaze.

"I'm fine," I respond, not wanting him to see the pain in my eyes. "He wasn't here for me, too busy hooking up with Nick's sister."

And now he wants to play the knight in shining armor. What a joke. A small crowd has gathered. Kady enters, attempting to sound sincere as she asks, "Oh, Lorna, are you okay?"

Connor's bitterness cuts through, "This is half your fault, Kady. If you hadn't brought that scumbag here, this wouldn't have happened. What the fuck are you even doing with them?"

Reece glares at her. "Who were the guys, Kady?" he demands. She stammers, her face pale. She's usually quick with retorts, but now she's speechless. Reece's anger simmers. "Who were those guys?" His words carry a dangerous edge.

"They were the assholes from Brady's," Connor interjects, his resentment clear. "Do you know what he wanted to do to her, Kady?" he growls. She stammers again, a shaky "No." "He tried to assault her," Connor shouts, his voice tinged with anger. "If I hadn't come out when I did, he would've succeeded." His words are laced with fury, and I shudder at the thought.

Reece's body tenses, and he walks towards her. Fury radiates from him. "You need to leave now," his voice drips with venom. "And if I see that fucker again, you better tell him to run, because I'm going to fucking bury him." Kady flinches, apologising to me before hurrying away. I don't even look at her.

Reece's anger is still palpable. Melissa tries to calm him by placing a hand on his arm, but he jerks away as if her touch burns. She retreats immediately, and I hear Nick barking at her to put some clothes on. She scoffs and leaves.

Nick hands an ice pack to Connor, so he can put it on his eye, which is starting to swell, then kneels to tend to my wounds. Reece comes over to me. His voice softens, "Lorna, I'm..."

"Just leave it, Reece," my voice cracks. "I'm fine." He sighs and reaches for my face, his hand coming away bloody. "Your head is bleeding," he says, frustration evident. Nick hands him gauze, and he starts cleaning it.I flinch at the sting. Shit sorry. He proceeds to clean it more gently ..

Under different circumstances, having three attractive guys being attentive to me would make any girl swoon. But not tonight. I just want to go home and forget about this disaster of a night.

"I want to go home," I whisper, my voice barely audible. "You can stay in one of the spare rooms," Nick offers kindly.

"No, I'll take her home," Reece snaps.

"No, Connor will," I respond firmly. I meet Reece's eyes, seeing a hint of rejection in them.

"Can you take me home, Connor, please?"

"Sure, Lorna, no problem," Connor agrees.

Reece's voice softens, "Lorna, I—"

"You should go back to your friend upstairs,, my anger is evident now,,I'm sure she's waiting for you...

His mouth forms a straight line at my words, wanting to say something smart,, but doesn't he just says, No I'll bring you home with Connor. He insists.

"Do what you want, Reece," I cut him off. "I can't be bothered to argue with him,I'm tired and hurt, physically and emotionally. I just want my bed at this stage."

"Although you might want to put some clothes on," I add.

Looking down realising he's still only wearing his jeans..
"Shit, yeah, I'll do that now,"
Connor chimes in. "I'll order a taxi."

I rise to my feet, still a bit unsteady. Nick helps me up, putting his arm around my waist, guiding me to the door. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" he asks. I give him a faint smile and nod. I sense his ex Mia glaring at me, Nick notices and mutters under his breath in response.

Connor takes over, guiding me towards the door. He tells Nick he'll handle things from here. I thank Nick and assure him I'll see him at school.

Reece is walking beside us now, fully clothed at last..
The taxi is waiting outside , Connor sits in the front. While Reece gets in the back with me, the ride home is silent. When we reach my house, Reece opens the door for me. I thank Connor for everything he did tonight, telling him he's my hero.

Noticing Reece tense, I use this opportunity to get back at him, I know it's petty but he abandoned me for a one night stand and that was after he embarrassed me by making me confess about my dream in front of everyone. I'm hurt ..

Walking me to my door, he asks if I want him to stay. I shake my head, a soft "No" escaping my lips. "I'm good, I just want to be alone."

His head drops in defeat, and he looks at me with sad eyes. "Okay, then. Goodnight," he says, turning to walk away. I watch him go, tears welling up in my eyes. I finally open the door and step inside, leaning against it, letting out a heavy sigh.

Oh dear, what a night !!
Will they be ok I wonder, what do we think of Connor and Nick ??

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