Not as pure as it seems (Izum...

By OneTonzSoup

18.9K 419 133

The night that changed it all. Izuku Midoriya recently got cheated on by his former lover Uraraka. One night... More

It's not jealousy, it's revenge-Chapter 1
Score to the face-Chapter 3
Slowly changing with you-Chapter 4
Class 2-B's vice president-Chapter 5
The past isn't always so far-Chapter 6
A familiar face-Chapter 7
Not very innocent now, are we?-Chapter 8
Preparing for the festival!-Chapter 9
A break from everything-Chapter 10
I'm always here for you-Chapter 11
Order up!-Chapter 12
Unlikely to be a delinquent-Chapter 13

A slow fire, but it still burns-Chapter 2

2.1K 38 4
By OneTonzSoup

Izuku spent a while talking with Momo about their thoughts on the situation. Before that Midoriya left her room to get ready for school, but he decided to come right back to her dorm afterward. They were having a nice conversation until Momo dropped a bomb on Midoriya. "Huh? Bakugo...?" he whispered. "Yeah... I'm so sorry Midoriya." Momo whispered. Izuku just found out that Bakugo was the one that Uraraka kissed in the picture. Midoriya squinted his eyes to look at the photo one more time, but nothing changed. All he saw was Bakugo and Uraraka.

"You're joking me right?" Izuku smiled. He knew it was there... he just didn't want to process the image. "You... didn't tell me?" Izuku looked at the girl beside him. "What? W-Wait, it's not like I was trying to hide it from you... the class found out a week ago and decided to tell me then, but..." Momo sighed and looked at the other side of the room. "But that's around the time you found out about Todoroki and Tsuyu right?" Izuku asked. "Right... I just felt so horrible. I didn't want you to find out who it was since I know that he used to bully you back in junior high." Momo responded. Midoriya awkwardly laughed at this since he didn't know how to respond. He laughed, but he was mad. Not like the I wanna hurt this guy kind of mad, but the I wanna kill this guy kind of mad. He was mad at Todoroki and Tsuyu too. He thought they were the kind of people to never do that kind of thing, but apparently, he needs some new friends.

Midoriya was about to speak, but then he felt a hand on his shoulder. "President, I know you're mad. Because I am too... I literally want to slice Tsuyu's tongue off, so she can't use her quirk anymore, but I'm holding off." Momo smiled. Well, it was the kind of smile that she used whenever the class would get too rowdy when Aizawa wasn't in the room. It even scared Midoriya. "I know... I just can't believe Uraraka would go for him. I mean out of everyone, him? Why?" he sighed. "Well... she likes aggressive boys right? Everyone knows that Bakugo's beyond that" Momo laughed. Midoriya nodded and checked the time. "We should probably go. We gotta be there early since we're council members" he stood up and grabbed his bag. He held his hand out to Momo and she grabbed it. "Thanks. And yeah, Aizawa would get furious if everyone was here before us..." Momo shivered at the thought. Midoriya simply smiled, and they left her room to head to the UA building.

Less than ten minutes later, they arrived at the door relatively early. Before Momo could open it, he stopped her. "Let's make a bet." Midoriya smirked. At this, Momo's ears perked up. "Oh? And what's that Mr. President~?" she grinned at the thought of what it could me. "If Kaminari's in there first, then you have to do one thing I ask you to do" he said with an even more devious smirk. "Hmm? Well, if Iida-Kun is in there first then the same rules apply" Momo replied with her calm and collected voice. "Shit I should've said Iida" Midoriya thought. "Alright deal" he took his hand to shake it with his vice president's. "Great" was all Momo said before opening the door.

"Yo you two!" a familiar energetic boy yelled. Which was followed by a deep nerdy voice "That's informal Kaminari! Good morning President, and Ms. Vice-President."

"Nani?" Midoriya whispered with a dumbfounded look as he walked into the classroom. The reaction that came from him caused Momo to chuckle. "D-Don't laugh! This isn't fair!?" Midoriya shot at her. "S-Sorry!? I thought it was a bit funny?" Momo continued to laugh, showing that she was not funny at all. "Huh? You guys alright?" Kaminari responded as he watched the two sit down at their seats right next to each other. The student council sat at a table together. It was a group table that consisted of six chairs. One for the president, one for the vice president, one for the Historian, one for the secretary, one for the treasurer, and one for the committee member. However, the student council didn't have a person in committee yet. "No, I'm not alright. What time did you and Iida get here?" Midoriya looked at the two. "We got here around 7:50. And we were together, so we came in the room at the same time." Iida responded.

(Let's say they look like this.)

Midoriya sighed and slammed his head harshly on the table. "It's- pfft... I-It's alright President. We just owe each other something now." Momo tried to keep her composure. "Then what was the point" Midoriya continued to groan as Momo rubbed his back.

"Uhm, if I'm not interrupting-" Tokoyami walked into the room, bag in hand. "No, you're not. For some odd reason, Midoriya's having a mini-tantrum." Kaminari sighed. "Screw you! Don't talk about my tantrum!" he refuted, being a bit annoyed by the blonde. "Secretary, he's having a tantrum right?" Kaminari turned to Iida. "Uh... I'm not gonna answer that." Iida tilted his glasses up. The proper-mannered boy didn't want anything to do with what was going on. "Then treasurer, he's having one right?" Kaminari turned to Tokoyami. "I just came in here Kaminari..." Tokoyami sighed and sat down in his seat at the table. "Well! As the historian myself, I say-"


"If you don't shut up in the next two seconds, you won't be the historian anymore." Izuku twitched his eyes above Kaminari's seat. "D-Did you just hit him with an 800-page book...?" Iida mumbled, a bit scared for his own being. "Yes, do you want me to do it to you too?" he smiled. "N-No sir!" Iida sat up properly and closed his mouth. "Midoriya, don't bully everyone just because you're having a bad day~?" Momo teased. "Y-You shut up too Momo! I'm so tired of this job" Midoriya groaned and went back to his seat to slouch down in it. "Woah, issues" Tokoyami replied calmly, which to Kaminari's surprise, Midoriya just sighed at.

After a few minutes of chatting, the student council wasn't the only ones in there. Students started pouring in, one after another and class would begin soon.

Midoriya continued to lie down thinking over things until two students caught his eye. Uraraka and Bakugo. Not even a few seconds after they came in, Todoroki and Tsuyu walked in afterward. This made Momo's heart drop. She saw them every day... but them walking in the classroom together, hurt her heart.

"Yo! Icy-hot, over here!" Bakugo yelled as he sat down at his table. Todoroki walked to him and sat down, with Uraraka and Tsuyu following.

Midoriya twitched his eye in annoyance and bawled his fist up. He wasn't even mad at Bakugo or Uraraka anymore... he was mad at Todoroki. The thing is, he and Todoroki were friends before he started hanging out with Bakugo. 

It made Izuku's skin crawl so much, that he was about to get up, but he felt someone tug on the back of his uniform jacket. He turned around to see Momo with a slight smile. It was a fake smile at that. "Momo..." Midoriya whispered and clenched his eyes shut. He sat back down in his seat and sighed.

"We're gonna get our revenge okay I-z-u-k-u." Momo whispered in the boy's ear. It surprised him, sure, but he nodded in response. "Slow and steady beats the race Midoriya" he thought.

Aizawa walked in and headed to the front of the classroom. Everyone shut up instantly and paid full attention to him. "Alright, 2-A! Today we're going to play football!" Aizawa smirked as he spun a soccer ball in his hand. "Huh? What the hell is this!? Aren't we heroes in training? We don't need fucking soccer practice!" Bakugo yelled as Uraraka rubbed his back, telling him to calm down. "Crap... I knew they were getting too close. Why did I have to get someone else to tell me they were an item?" Midoriya pondered. "Bakugo, if you talk one more time you'll have to do the classes notes for a week." Aizawa popped a vein and that made Bakugo shiver slightly. "F-Fine." he whispered. "Okay then, notes for a week." Aizawa responded. "WHAT!? I DIDN'T EVEN SAY A THING?" Bakugo got up from his seat. "I said say nothing, now sit down so I can explain." Aizawa said with a sly smile. "Tch" Bakugo sat back down.

"The reason why we're doing a soccer scrimmage is so you guys can practice your agility and teamwork! I'll be assigning the teams, so if you get someone you don't want then you have to deal with it unless it's a real bad personal issue." Aizawa explained.

The class cheered at the thought of something new. "How many people are on a team?" Todoroki asked. "His voice annoys me. Stupid pretty boys." Midoriya thought. "There's gonna be ten people on a team and two of those ten will be on the sidelines, waiting to be called in." their sensei answered. "Midoriya are you good at soccer?" Momo whispered to him. "Hmm? Not really... I played it when I was a kid and in middle school a ton since I had... a bunch of free time. I only play it from time to time now." Midoriya whispered back. Momo sighed with a slight smile. "Not really he said? I haven't played since I was in elementary." Momo thought.

Eventually, Aizawa brought the class to the locker rooms, and they changed into their soccer uniform's that Aizawa handed them.

Midoriya was minding his business when he heard two familiar voices talking behind the locker he was facing. He wasn't the person to be noisy but... this conversation made his blood boil.

"Why did you cheat on Momo man?" Bakugo asked Todoroki. "Well, she wasn't... you know? I didn't really like the fact that she was so boring. She'd never want to fuck me, Tsu's freaky though, we do that all the time."

Midoriya clutched his fists and closed his eyes. "Well, that stupid Deku still doesn't know that the one Uraraka hooked up with, was me." Bakugo chuckled. "Oh yeah!? I totally forgot about that, we told the whole class, and he still doesn't know. They're all so fake, I thought someone would've told him by now." Todoroki smirked. "You know I'm right here right, fuckboys?" Midoriya turned around and adjusted his orange and green jersey. Bakugo and Todoroki were slightly surprised by a word like that coming out of the cinnamon roll's mouth, but they were more mad than surprised. "What did you just call me?" Bakugo whispered while cracking his knuckles. Midoriya walked up to him slowly so they were face to face. "A fuckboy. You don't know what that is, do you?" he responded. "Listen here, Mr. President. Don't use words you just learned." Todoroki moved him off of Bakugo. "Oh, well Mr. Ex-Best friend. Don't use girls you just started dating." Midoriya smirked. "You fucking-!" Todoroki swung an arm at him but all that Midoriya saw was it going at 2 frames per 3 seconds. He grabbed it and smiled at the half-and-half Todoroki. "That's why Momo never gave it to you. But when I start dating her, she'll give it to me on the first day." he grinned heavily. Did Midoriya mean that? No. Did he say it to start Momo's and his plan? Yes.

"Huh!? I thought you liked pink cheeks!?" Bakugo looked a bit shocked. "Oh, well I got over her. Momo's way better." Midoriya slipped his hands into his shorts and started to walk to the exit of the room. Before he could leave, he felt someone hold onto his shoulder. "You're bluffing... you don't like Momo." Todoroki whispered. "Huh? Is that a problem, me liking her? It kinda sounds like you're a jealous boyfriend but... you're the one who cheated on her." Midoriya turned around with a smirk. Todoroki's eyes widened, and he let him go. "See you on the field. Fuckboys~" Midoriya took a hand out of his pocket and waved while walking out of the room. The two boys just stood in the same spot, like they lost. But that rage that came over them won't go away. They wanted to hurt Midoriya so badly.

Chapter 2, END

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