My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x...

By 4b8y2909

38.9K 878 309

The Titans were the first integrated football team in Virginia, changing history for the better. Could two b... More

10 years later


1.6K 35 3
By 4b8y2909

There was no doubt that the team knew of Coach Boone becoming assistant head coach, because many of them were acting up, and making disgusting comments. Gerry, Alan and Ray must of told them.

The only member of the team that had the opinion that the schools integrating was a good idea- for our country's future- was me.

I was determined to change the rest of the team's opinions.



"Somebody get that!" Coach Bill Yoast yelled from the living room.

I stood up from playing my keyboard and reached for the phone.

I twirled the cord with my finger, "Hello?"

On the other side of the line was-


I was so shocked that I almost dropped the phone. My mother calling? She definitely wanted something. I hadn't heard from her in years.

"Yeah, got a problem?" She challenged, tone sharp.

The audacity of that woman.

"No mom, I'm just surprised to hear from you after all these years."

" Yes, well I was thinking that I should come to town for a while, I've got some news."

"Well mom I don't think that's a good idea." I said nervously. I hadn't seen my mother in forever. If I could even call her that. Mother. Just the thought of it formed a bitter taste on my tongue.

"Nonsense." She waved off, "Tell your uncle Bill I'll be there next week, coming for dinner and maybe staying the night."

"Yes mom. Heard you loud and clear."

I went to hang up the phone, letting out a breath of relief, only to be interrupted again by my mother's voice.

"Oh, and Julia?"


"I can't wait to meet your boyfriend, make sure he's at dinner too."

"Boyfriend?" I asked, shocked.

"Yes, a girl at your age oughta have a boyfriend by now. You do have one, don't you?" She inquired impatiently.

I could feel her judging stare burning into the back of my head through the phone. I wasn't sure why, but I felt the need to live up to her expectations, even after all of these years. An oh so familiar fear of disappointing her settled itself in my gut, and before I could process my own words-

"Yes, I have a boyfriend. I can't wait for you to meet him." My eyes widened in surprise, what had I done?


The line went dead.

The nerve that woman had, abandoning me for 5 years. She had never called. Not once. This had better  be some important news.

And now she believed I had a boyfriend. How stupid could I have been? Why did I say that?

"Was that who I think it was?" My uncle asked, leaning on the doorframe.

I half sat, half fell back onto my chair. I put my hands in my head. I hated that woman. And she was coming to town.

And I needed a boyfriend.


"My mother's coming to town next week. For dinner. Maybe staying the night. She's got big news." I said, not looking up. "I don't want to see her, Bill."

"Look, nothing can repair what your mother did, but give her a chance. She might be wanting to make things right." He said rubbing my arm soothingly.

I nodded. "If it's okay can I go over to Gerry's? I need some advice from him."

"Of course, kiddo."

I smiled, darting to my room and getting dressed in record time. I rummaged through my wardrobe and threw on a navy blue dress, with a large flower print and flared sleeves. Instead of my normal sneakers, i put on some brown boots with a slight heel. I needed to practice wearing heels, because my mother would definitely expect me to wear them when she came for dinner. Nodding at my appearance in approval, I left the house.


"Gerry, Julie's here." Gerry's mother, Jean had answered the door, and had led me up to Gerry's room.

Gerry opened the door, surprised to see me.

"What are you doing here, Julie?"

"It's a long story," I said running my fingers through my hair, a habit I'd developed from Alan overtime.

Gerry motioned for me to come inside. Gerry and I had been close friends since we were kids, I was like his mother's second child, and his house was basically my second home. I threw myself on his bed, sighing loudly.

"Gerry, my mother's coming to town." I groaned. "I haven't seen nor spoken to her since I was 11!"

"Why's she coming to town all of a sudden?"

"Says she's got big news. Oh, and get this?" I said getting to the good part.

"Don't tell me there's more-"

"She told me she wants to meet my boyfriend."

"But you don't have one." Gerry deadpanned.

"Correct. So now I need to find some guy to date me."

"Well why didn't you just tell her you're single?" Gerry asked, confused. I could tell he thought I was stupid.

"Because, Gerry. My mother is a woman of high expectations." I said huffing.

"You're not here to ask me out are you, Jule? You know I'm dating Emma. And we're basically cousins."

Smiling at the memory of in middle school, when Gerry and I told everyone we were related, I shook my head. "No, I'm here for your advice. I don't know who to ask."

We sat for a moment in silence. Gerry trying to think of a plan.

"Well, why don't you just get one of the boys to be your pretend boyfriend for the night? Like you said you haven't spoke to your mom in years, if things stay that way you have nothing to worry about." He said, sounding wiser by the minute.

"Not a bad idea Bertier." I smiled, feeling a little more at ease.

I stood up wrapping Gerry in a tight hug. Thanking him. He walked me to his front door, wishing me luck.

I knew exactly who to ask.

If anyone were to be my fake boyfriend, it would be him.


"ALAN!" I yelled banging on his front door.

Usually around friends' parents I would act composed, even in situations like the one I was in, but Alan's father worked a 9-5, so I didn't have a reputation to live up to.

I heard thudding, and a "dammit" as Alan ran down the stairs probably stubbing his toe, which was a concerningly frequent occurrence for him.

The door opened and there stood Alan. His hair was rumpled, and his blue eyes tired. I must have woke him up. He wore a pair of grey sweats and a white vest.

I watched as his eyes took me in. Running down my body. It didn't make me feel uncomfortable, just fuzzy inside. In a good way?

"Hey Julie. What are you doing here all dolled up? Asking me for a date?" He smirked, teasingly.

"Shut up." I muttered, pushing past him into the house, only making his smirk grow wider.

"You got a gift for me or something?" He asked, shutting the door painfully slow.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing his hand and marching the two of us up the stairs and into his room.

"Is this what I think it is? You've never been so eager to enter my bedroom before." The blonde wound up, making my blood boil.

In retaliation, I pushed him on to his bed, only fuelling his amusement.

"Alan, I need you to listen to me carefully. There's something I need your help with." I told him, sitting beside him.

He looked at me impatiently, urging me to continue.

"My mother's coming to town." I said, simply.

Alan's eyebrows shot up, and he went to stand up, but I pushed him back down.

"She's coming to dinner next week with big news." I continued. "And she's expecting me to bring my boyfriend."

"Only you don't have one." Alan finished, seeming to quietly understand where this conversation was going.

"Can you do me the favour of a lifetime?" I practically plead, "Pretend to date me whilst my mother's in town?"

Alan stared at me for what felt like hours, face void of all emotion.

"You are the only person I feel comfortable doing this with." I spoke truthfully, hoping to persuade him into agreeing.

He sighed, tipping his head from side to side, seemingly weighing out his options. "If I do this-" He began to say, but stopped, noticing my eyes lighting up. "Emphasis on the 'if'." I nodded, allowing him to continue. "If I do this, you have to promise that your uncle isn't gonna kill me."

I snorted, "I promise that he won't kill you, Al." In response to his nodding, I continued, "So that's a yes?"

"Yes, Julie. I'll be the best fake boyfriend you could ever have." He replied, looking at me strangely.

There was a glint in his eye. I'd seen it a few times but could never decipher what it was. But it gave me butterflies.

"You're the best fake boyfriend I could ask for." I smiled, knowing I could rely on him. For anything.

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