YoU ArE OnLy MiNe || YOONMIN~...

Bởi RitikaJk07

88.9K 3.7K 459

It is the story of one of the most perilous but secret Mafia King "Suga" and a deadly government agent, he is... Xem Thêm

♡ Part ~ 1 ♡
♡ Part ~ 2 ♡
♡ Part ~ 3 ♡
♡ Part ~ 4 ♡
♡ Part ~ 5 ♡
♡ Part ~ 6 ♡
♡ Part ~ 7 ♡
♡ Part ~ 8 ♡
♡ Part ~ 9 ♡
♡ Part ~ 10 ♡
♡ Part ~ 11 ♡
♡ Part ~ 12 ♡
♡ Part ~ 13 ♡
♡ Part ~ 14 ♡
♡ Part ~ 15 ♡
♡ Part ~ 16 ♡
♡ Part ~ 17 ♡
♡ Part ~ 18 ♡
♡ Part ~ 19 ♡
♡ Part ~ 20 ♡
♡ Part - 21 ♡
♡ Part - 22 ♡
♡ Part - 23 ♡
♡ Part - 24 ♡
♡ Part - 25 ♡
♡ Part - 26 ♡
♡ Part - 27 ♡
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♡ Part - 29 ♡
♡ Part - 30 ♡
♡ Part - 31 ♡
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♡ Part - 38 ♡
♡ Part - 39 ♡
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♡ Part - 43 ♡
♡ Part - 44 ♡
♡ Part - 45 ♡
☆●Highest ranking●☆

♡ Part - 32 ♡

1.4K 62 15
Bởi RitikaJk07

Jimin stood beneath the warm, cascading water, the droplets cascaded down his body, enveloping him in a cocoon of comfort.

A sigh of relaxation escaped his lips as the stress of the day seemed to wash away with each drop. Wrapped in the calming embrace of the shower, he felt a rare moment of tranquillity.

His senses were immersed in the soothing embrace. The gentle rhythm of the water droplets played a lullaby on his skin, calming his racing thoughts.

As he reached the end of his shower, he reluctantly turned off the water, the sound echoing in the tiled bathroom. His fingers danced over the fogged-up glass door, and he stepped out onto the slightly chilled tiles.

Stepping out of the shower, he felt a sense of tranquillity wash over him, his body relaxed and his mind was temporarily free from worries.

He had barely taken a step when the realization hit him like a splash of cold water – he had forgotten his clothes. Panic seized him, his mind racing through a flurry of thoughts as he debated what to do next.

"Ah, what should I do now? Why does this always happen to me?" His voice quivered with frustration and embarrassment as he debated the idea of asking Yoongi for help. The mental back-and-forth reflected on his face – worry etched into his brows, uncertainty in his eyes.

He chewed his lip, torn between the idea of asking for help and fearing judgment. The internal battle of self-consciousness played out across his face, each emotion painted clearly in his expressions.

In the midst of Jimin's internal turmoil,
Yoongi's impatience grew as he lounged on the bed, irritation tugging at his features. The silent tick of the clock seemed to amplify in the room as he wondered what was taking Jimin so long. A sigh of exasperation escaped him, accompanied by an impatient mutter under his breath.

"What is he doing? Bathing or sleeping? Thirty minutes already over." He muttered under his breath, his voice tinged with a mix of annoyance and curiosity.

Time passed slowly for Jimin, who found himself standing still, his thoughts warring with each other.
Jimin's thoughts continued to churn, and a notion crept into his mind that Yoongi might have left the room.

The sound of silence from the other side of the door prompted him to muster up the courage to venture outside. His fingers curled around the doorknob, and he opened the door carefully, half-expecting Yoongi to be absent.

The uncertainty of the situation is evident in his movements. Yet, the sight that greeted him jolted him to a halt – Yoongi sat on the bed, his gaze fixed on Jimin.

His wide-eyed shock and flushed cheeks spoke volumes as he locked eyes with the person he least wanted to see while clad only in a towel. The realization that he was clad only in a towel that barely covered his modesty sent a jolt of panic coursing through Jimin's veins. His heart raced, and his breath caught.

His heartbeat thundered in his chest as embarrassment washed over him like a tidal wave. He swiftly turned away, a squeak escaping his lips as he accidentally collided with the door, leading to his less-than-graceful tumble to the floor. The towel that had clung to his waist came undone in the fall, leaving him feeling utterly exposed. Every moment seemed to stretch into eternity as he grappled with the sheer mortification of the situation.

The mixture of embarrassment and mortification was palpable, every nuance of his distress apparent in his posture and expression.

Just as panic threatened to consume him, a pair of reassuring hands encircled him. He looked up, eyes widening in surprise as Yoongi's warm touch anchored him.

The warmth of Yoongi's touch acts as a lifeline amidst the sea of humiliation. He was lifted effortlessly and carried with a tenderness that contrasted the awkwardness of the moment.

Swiftly lifted into Yoongi's arms, Jimin found himself laid gently on the bed. The tenderness of the gesture contrasted with the absurdity of the situation, leaving him feeling an odd mixture of vulnerability and security.

Laid gently on the bed, Jimin felt a mixture of vulnerability and gratitude. His eyes met Yoongi's, and for a fleeting second, the unspoken understanding between them quelled some of his embarrassment. He pulled the blanket around himself as if seeking refuge within its folds.

"Are you hurt somewhere?" Yoongi's voice was laced with genuine concern, his gaze soft and attentive as he checked for any signs of injury.

The concern in Yoongi's voice was undeniable as he inquired about Jimin's well-being. It was a display of care that Jimin hadn't fully anticipated, and his cheeks burned anew at the depth of Yoongi's concern.

Still reeling from the embarrassment, Jimin covered himself with the blanket, his voice barely audible as he murmured, "Please go outside." His tone was a blend of shyness, embarrassment, and the desperate need for a moment of privacy.

"Okay, take your time. Change your clothes, and please take care. I'll be outside." Yoongi's response was kind and understanding. With that, Yoongi left the room, giving Jimin the space he needed.

Left alone, Jimin released a sigh of relief. The weight of embarrassment still clung to him, but he gradually regained his composure. He swallowed down his discomfort, mustering up the courage to face the situation. With determined steps, he moved to retrieve his clothes, his movements a mix of vulnerability and determination.

Jimin's face flushed, his embarrassment almost suffocating him. The weight of the situation was pressing on his chest, threatening to make him burst into tears at any moment. He found himself replaying the mortifying scene over and over in his mind, wishing he could erase it from existence.

"Oh my goodness, what have I done?" he thought, his heart racing.

"He saw me naked... How can I ever face him again?" he berated himself, his inner voice a chorus of self-doubt.

His distress was palpable, the urge to cry simmering dangerously close to the surface. He clenched his hands into fists as if holding onto some semblance of control. He yearned for an escape, for the ground to split open and swallow him whole, saving him from the impending humiliation.

But reality tethered him; he was bound to face his husband, the one who had witnessed his awkwardness firsthand.

"I can't do anything. I have to face him, after all, he's my husband," he reasoned, the internal battle raging. A desperate plea echoed in his mind.

"Oh my fucking god, give me some courage and strength". It was a plea that resonated with his deepest fears and anxieties. With a determined exhale, he willed himself to calm down.

He retrieved his clothes, fingers trembling as he donned them with a mixture of trepidation and resolve. The feeling of fabric against his skin was a small anchor, grounding him amidst the chaos of his emotions.

After slipping into his clothes, Jimin cracked open the door and hesitantly ventured out of the room. The café area was a mix of emotions for him – nervousness, embarrassment, and a yearning for normalcy.

Taking a deep breath, he managed to steady himself. He dared to venture out, his steps measured as he collected his scattered courage. He made his way to the cafe area where his friends sat.

His eyes fell on Taehyung, Jungkook, and Yoongi seated together. Nerves gripped him, but he forced himself to walk over.

As he approached the table where Taehyung, Jungkook, and Yoongi were sitting, his heart raced.

He felt a peculiar mix of nervousness and anticipation as he settled beside Yoongi. The cacophony of emotions within him was masked by a forced smile, a facade he put on to shield himself from the prying eyes of his friends.

When Taekook noticed Jimin's presence, Tae's concern was immediate.

Tae's gaze locked onto him, confusion and concern knitting his brows together.

"Chim, what happened? Why are you wearing a mask?" Tae's voice held a mixture of affection and genuine curiosity, causing Jimin's heart to race even faster.

He cleared his throat, struggling to find the right words. "Umm, actually... cold. Yeah, I caught a cold, That's why, and I don't want you guys to also be affected by this, so I wear a mask for protection, you know." he stammered, his voice betraying his inner tension.
Tae persisted, skepticism in his eyes.

"But how did you catch a cold here? It hasn't even rained," Tae pressed, his puzzled expression urging Jimin to explain. Jimin swallowed hard, gathering his thoughts.

Jimin racked his brain for an answer.

"Because of the cool weather, Tae," he responded, his voice wavering, attempting to sound convincing despite the lingering unease.

Tae's response was gentle, his concern evident. "Oh, okay. But take care," he offered a mix of worry and caring in his voice.

While Tae's attention shifted, Yoongi's unwavering gaze fixated on Jimin, amplifying his self-consciousness. The weight of that gaze intensified when their eyes met briefly, and Jimin felt his cheeks flame red. Instantly, he averted his eyes, unable to endure the intensity of the moment. Amidst his internal struggle, another voice chimed in.

Jungkook's cheerful tone cut through the tension.

"But, Chim, you have to take your mask off to have your breakfast, right?" The playful innocence in Jungkook's words was like a lifeline, a chance to break away from the suffocating discomfort.

"I'm not hungry, actually," Jimin mumbled, his gaze glued to his lap.

Tae's protective concern flared, his tone firm yet caring.

"No, Chim, you have to eat your breakfast. You're looking so weak," he insisted, a touch of worry colouring his words.

Unable to withstand the pressure, Jimin yielded. He lifted the mask from his face, revealing his flushed cheeks and downcast gaze. He felt vulnerable, exposed.

The room seemed to close in on him, amplifying his self-consciousness.

"Chim," Tae's voice was gentle, coaxing him to meet his gaze. Jimin reluctantly looked up, the weight of their connection causing his breath to catch.

"What happened? Why are you looking down?" Tae's inquiry held genuine concern, an invitation for Jimin to share his turmoil.

Jimin hesitated, his internal conflict etched across his features. His eyes held a mix of emotions as he finally answered, "Nothing." He looked up, his gaze meeting Tae's with a mix of uncertainty and hope.

But what followed caught him off guard. As his eyes locked with Taekook's amused expressions, a burst of laughter erupted from them. The sound was like a release valve for the pent-up tension, and it echoed through the room.

Jimin's embarrassment deepened, his cheeks flaming as he realized his elaborate mask-wearing charade had been seen through.


Hey guys I wanted to ask you all that how's this cover. My sister edited this for my story.. so I put it on, umm but I wanted to know if you guys like this or not.. actually I genuinely liked it that's why I put this cover if you guys don't like please tell me I'll remove it and keep the old one...

And Happy Independence Day to all the Indian readers😘🇮🇳

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