When did knights become couri...

Av Mothman_connoisseur

132K 2.3K 1.8K

With the reveal of his transcripts, Jaune immediately became an outcast. His family disowns him and the counc... Mer

I hate floating brains in jars
Civilization found
Meanwhile at Beacon
Dealing with bears and learning of the bull
Message for Vale
Setting up shop
not a chapter
Slip up
Not a chapter
Plans derailed
Vote winner
opening title
(Re)-initiation part 1
(Re)-initiation part 2
Snow meets Sand
Day off
Dance Dance Infiltration
Festival part 1
Festival part 2
Interrogation is Fun!
Six's Shenanigans
Mercury goes missing.
Family Reunion
A date
Cinder's Fall
Battle for Vale (Six is tired of these)
Epilogue: A few years later

Fairytale BS

3.1K 72 61
Av Mothman_connoisseur

While most people were enjoying the sights of the festival Six was planning how to deal with Cinder. He knows she is strong but she overestimated herself and underestimates everyone else. Whilst Six is confident in his skills he knows that being cocky is deadly.

Six: You're an interesting person Cinder. 

His scroll he got when did that first Grimm bounty goes off. A message saying Ozpin needs him in his office.

Six: Ain't no rest for the wicked.

He goes to the office and a few minutes later Pyrrha exits the elevator.

Ozpin: Well, it comes as no surprise that they've chosen you to move on to the final round of the tournament. Your performance was exemplary.

Pyrrha: Thank you, Professor Ozpin, but I would never have made it this far without my teammates.

Qrow: Personally, I think it's the other way around.

Six: Quiet it you feathery fuck.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry, but I don't believe we've been introduced. Oh hello Six.

Six: Howby Pyr.

Qrow: Name's Qrow.

Six: Real creative there.

Ozpin: Qrow is a trusted colleague of mine.

Pyrrha: Professor, if you don't mind me asking, why have you called me here?

Ozpin: Please, take a seat both of you. What is your favorite fairy tale?

Pyrrha: I'm... sorry?

Six: Huh?

Ozpin: Fairy tales, stories from your childhood. Surely you two must remember some of them.

Pyrrha: Well, there's The Tale of The Two Brothers, The Shallow Sea, The Girl in the Tower...

Six: Eh. *he just shrugs*

Ozpin: What about The Story of the Seasons?

Six: That one with that old guy and four women arrive and Yada Yada?

Ozpin: Would you believe me if I told you that one's been around since I was a boy?

Pyrrha: You're not that old, Professor.

Six: The Grey hair does make you look old.

Ozpin: Well, would you believe me if I told you it was true?

Pyrrha: I beg your pardon?

Ozpin: What if I were to tell you that there were four maidens existing in this world, that could wield such tremendous power, without Dust?

Six: * thoughts* That's got nothing on Science.

Pyrrha: You mean... like a Semblance?

Ozpin: Like Magic.

Six: So spamming elements?

Pyrrha: I...

Qrow: Yeah. First time hearing it's pretty crazy.

Six: Understatement of the century.

Pyrrha: You're serious?

Ozpin: Do I look like I'm joking?

Six: You look more like a mop that went to private school. You look like the physical embodiment of "Old man with secrets".

Pyrrha: ... No. Why... why are you telling me this?

Six: Yeah and why was I called here too?

Ozpin: We are telling you this, Pyrrha Nikos and Mr Six because we believe that you are next in line to receive the Fall Maiden's powers.

Pyrrha: "We"?


At that moment, the elevator doors open, and she sees Glynda Goodwitch and General James Ironwood step out.

Six: Oh.

Ironwood: (as he straightens his tie and Glynda fixes her glasses) Sorry we're late.

Six: Yeah cause straightening your tie and glasses doesn't scream "We just fucked".

Pyrrha: Wait, what is this? Who are you?

Six slowly reaches for Maria.

Goodwitch: You know who we are. We're still the same teachers and Headmasters you met when you arrived at Beacon.

Qrow: 'Cept we've got a little part-time job.

Ironwood: We are the protectors of this world.

Ozpin: And we need your help.

Six: Ahh! Not this shit again!

Pyrrha is shocked into silence as everyone in the room looks to her while Six slams his head against the wall.

Cut to Pyrrha, looking nervous and Six, in the elevator with the group of "protectors". She looks at Ozpin and Glynda as if seeing them for the first time while a steady beeping signals each floor passed.

Pyrrha: Where are we going?

Ozpin: The vault. Under the school.

Six: Fucking hate Vaults. Give me an abandoned building any day.

Goodwitch: I'm sure you must have questions.

Pyrrha: (still taking it all in) Maybe one, or two... I still don't understand. You said I was next in line to receive the Maiden's power. What do you mean by that?

Six: She win a lottery or som'ing?

Goodwitch: The Maidens have existed for thousands of years. But much like in nature, the seasons change. No two summers are alike. When a Maiden dies, her power leaves her body and seeks out a new host, ensuring that the seasons are never lost, and that no individual can hold on to that power forever.

Pyrrha: So, how does the power choose?

Qrow: Through a series of stupid and convoluted rules.

Goodwitch: Qrow.

Qrow: Hey, don't get mad 'cause I'm right.

Goodwitch: (back to Pyrrha, explaining it all carefully) At first, the only thing that was certain was that the powers were specifically passed on to young women. But as time went on, it was discovered that the selection process was much more... intimate.

Pyrrha: (concerned) ... Intimate?

Six: You gotta fuck for special powers?

Goodwitch: As we understand it now, when a Maiden dies, the one who is in her final thoughts is the first candidate to inherit her power.

Six: Oh. That type of intimate.

Qrow: Unless it's a dude or some old hag. Then the power goes to someone random, and our job gets a lot harder.

Pyrrha: Why tell me all of this now? Why not wait until I've graduated?

Qrow: Honestly, we've run out of time. I don't know if you've noticed, but things are getting a lot scarier out in the world. Tensions are high. Grimm are growing stronger, more prevalent. And it's not going to be much longer before the peace we've been enjoying so much goes out the window.

Six: You do know there is no such thing as peace right? Conflict is always happening, fights brewing and so on and so forth.

Pyrrha: You're not... talking about a war?

Ironwood: Not a war between nations.

Six: A war between angry exes. Cause SOMEONE stuck his dick in CRAZY!

Qrow: We can fill you in on the details once we know that you're with us. For now, all you need to know is that one of the Maidens has been attacked. And for the first time in history, part of her power was stolen.

A humming of electricity is heard as the group comes to their destination at the end of the hallway: A large machine with lit screens hooked up to two rectangular pods, one of which is upright to show through the glass window a young girl dressed in minimal clothing with a burn scar over her left eye and across her face.

Pyrrha: (stepping forward hesitantly) Is that...

Ozpin: The current Fall Maiden, Amber.

Pyrrha: She's... still alive.

Ironwood: For now. We're using state of the art Atlas technology to keep her stable. But there is a lot about this situation that is... unprecedented.

Pyrrha: What do you mean?

Ironwood: (sighs, eyes closed) Well, we don't know what will happen if- when she passes.

Pyrrha: Won't... her power... just transfer to the next host?

Qrow: Look who's been listening! (whispering to Ozpin) She is smart.

Six: And you're a moron.

Ironwood: Under normal circumstances, yes. But this is a delicate situation. It's not uncommon for the last thoughts of the slain to be of their attacker. And to make matters worse, no one's ever seen the power split like this before. For all we know, it will seek out its other half.

Pyrrha: ... Her assailant.

Ozpin: And that would not bode well for any of us.

Pyrrha lowers her head in thought, then suddenly comes forward and places a hand on the glass of Amber's pod.

Pyrrha: If all of this is true, why keep it secret!? If this girl is so important... if we're truly on the brink of war, why not tell everyone?

Goodwitch: From what we understand, it used to be common knowledge.

Pyrrha: Excuse me?

Qrow: (he pulls out a familiar flask) How do you think legends and fairy tales get started? Even the craziest ones come from somewhere. (he gets the lid off and takes a swig)

Goodwitch: Our group was founded in order to protect both mankind and the Maidens. Those hungry for power hunted them with the hope of inheriting their strength.

Qrow: (finishing his drink) And as you can imagine, the ones that succeeded weren't exactly the kind of people you'd want to have unimaginable power.

Ironwood: And so this brotherhood chose to remove the Maidens from the public eye, allowing their existence to fade away into legend.

Six: I hate Remnant so much right now.

Goodwitch: The things we're telling you go against hundreds of years of human history, religion.

Ironwood: No one would want to believe us. It would cause an uproar.

Ozpin: It would cause panic. And we all know what that would bring to clawing to our Kingdom's walls. (turns his gaze away from the others) Which is why we would like to...

Six: Hold the fuck up right there all of you. You are talking about messing with souls, transferring Magic bullshit. And now you want Pyrrha: A high profile, well-known person to inherit these powers you are trying to keep secret?!

Ozpin: Umm...

Six: No no, shut up and listen. I'm tracking her assailant. Give me some time and I can help Amber here!

Ironwood: I'm sorry but you can't just...

Six: I think I very well fucking can. You have dragged me into another conflict that had no involvement with me at all. Atlas keeps losing supplies and are supplied by essentially a slave owner. There is a traitor in your circle. And list goes on! So sit back let me do my thing my way cause clearly your way works as well as trying to dig upwards. Come on Pyrrha.

The two go to the elevator and the doors close.

Pyrrha: Thanks.

Six: For what?

Pyrrha: Putting in your view and helping me possibly avoid death.

Six: No problemo. Let's give secret powers to a famous person no one will notice. Idea of the century that was.

Pyrrha: Yeah, now that I think about it. It's not exactly a good idea.

Six: Word of advice don't tell anyone else about this. The less people who know the better. I will tell Winter about this but only because I've been keeping her in the loop of information. Actually tell your friend Isaac or Felix whatever his name is. He can help us.

Pyrrha: Alright. Anything else?

Six: Nope.

The door opens and they part to go their respective dorms.

Chapter End

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