The Wilted Rose

By Zach42799

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Y/N Rose was the son of Qrow Branwen and Summer Rose, and the oldest child of the Rose family. Due to Qrows'... More

Character Bio
Prologue: Beyond Repair
Chapter 1: One tiny problem
Chapter 2: Forehand or Backhand?
Chapter 3: Not without a fight
Chapter 4: Revival
Chapter 5: Initiation
# FUCKIN 3!!!
Chapter 6: Lonesome Road
Roy Winchester/Arsenal Bio
Chapter 7: Indebted
Chapter 8: Welcome to Mantle
Chapter 9: Uncovered
Chapter 10: The Rescue
Chapter 11: Outlaws At Last
Chapter 12: Tremors
Chapter 13: Trust
Chapter 14: Sticks And Stones
1K! Thank You Guys
Chapter 15: The Foundry
Chapter 16: Premonitions
Chapter 17: Death
Chapter 18: Rebirth
Chapter 19: Too Far Gone (Vol.0 Finale)
Chapter 20: Train Ride (Vol. 1 Prologue)
Chapter 21: Sisters
Chapter 22: The Lucky Ones
Chapter 23: Ghost
Chapter 24: Quiet Night
Chapter 25: Protector
Chapter 26: Calm...
Chapter 27: ...Before The Storm
Chapter 28: Lifeline
Chapter 29: Who I Am (Vol. 1 Finale)
Chapter 30: Costly Mistakes (Vol. 1.5 Prologue)
Chapter 31: Critical Care
5K reads!!!
Chapter 32: Testing
Chapter 33: Your Greatest Failure
Chapter 34: Guess Who's Back
Chapter 35: Progress
Chapter 36: Fix Me
Chapter 37: A Silver Bullet
Chapter 38: Should've Known Better
Chapter 39: The Road To Hell Is Paved In Good Intentions....
Chapter 40: Closeness
Chapter 41: Back In School
Next Red Hood Outfit Vote/Closed
Chapter 42: The Much Needed Talk
Chapter 43: The Company We Keep
Chapter 44: Prophecies (Vol. 1.5 finale)
Chapter 45: The Bookstore (Vol. 2 Prologue)
Chapter 46: You Atlesian Joker
Thank you Wattapad....
Chapter 47: Keep It Simple
Chapter 48: What's the plan?
Chapter 49: Fatherly Love
Chapter 50: Something I Cant Let Go Of
Chapter 51: I Hate When I'm Right....
Chapter 52: Takedown
Chapter 53: Goodnight Princess
Chapter 54: Too Much To Lose....
Chapter 55: Between Wants And Needs
Chapter 56: Concept Of Subtilty
Chapter 58: Nothing I Wont Do
Chapter 59: You Have Achieved Nothing
Chapter 60: Three Simple Words (Vol. 2 Finale)
Bonus Chapter: Your Scars Are Beautiful *Lemon*
Chapter 61: Demon (Vol. 3 Prologue)
Chapter 62: Round One
Chapter 63: I've Got Nothing For You
Chapter 64: Round Two
Chapter 65: We're Talking Aren't We?
Chapter 66: The Vault
Chapter 67: Breaking Point
Important Notice/updated
Chapter 68: Firing Squad
Chapter 69: Nightmare
Chapter 70: Better Tomorrow
Important Notice Pt. 2
Chapter 71: The Easy Part
Chapter 72: Do Or Die
Chapter 73: Failure
Chapter 74: Two Options
Chapter 75: Bad Joke
Chapter 76: House Of Cards
Chapter 77: Bid Farewell
Chapter 78: Everything That Came Before
Chapter 79: Recovery
Chapter 80: Someone's Got To Stay (Book 1 Finale)
Book 2 is out now!

Chapter 57: End Of The Line

437 14 7
By Zach42799

Southeast Vale

12:26 PM

139 Days to the Fall

Weiss Pov

The team and I were on our way to the bullhead. Our departure was scheduled for thirty past twelve. None of us knew exactly what to expect. If the White Fang set up there, then it must have a lot of Grimm in the area. Grimm being lured in by negative feeling s and emotions, it was a safe assumption. Speaking of negative emotions, Y/n had disappeared and he wasn't answering his scroll. 

As angry as I was at him, I was glad to see that he was alright. Things could have turned out very differently. The only reason he managed to get out of this one was because of Ozpin. If it wasn't for him, Y/n would be shipped to Atlas and be put on trial for his actions, both there and in other kingdoms. If that happened, then chances were that Y/n would never see the light of day again. 

It wasn't so much what he did as it was the scare that came with him getting caught. Then he didn't even check in with us until just a couple hours ago. All of us sat up for most of the night worried for him. Ruby was the worst out of everyone since she actually saw him getting taken away. He could have at least let us know well before it was time for us to go. 

I shook my head, clearing him from my thoughts. I'll deal with him when we all get back. Of course, while I was pulling myself out of my thoughts, I bumped into Ruby. I was about to say something when I noticed why she, and the rest of the team stopped. 

Professor Oobleck was going to be the Huntsman that we were paired with. Out of every teacher, he was the last one I wanted to be paired with. His high energy was abnormal, and the fact that it seemed higher than ever now was appalling. I reeled back a little while considering the pros and cons of skipping out. 

Weiss: Professor Oobleck....

Oobleck: Yes and I'm afraid those bags wont be necessary girls, seeing as you've opted to participate in what is now essentially a reconnaissance mission. I can assure you we will not be establishing a single base of operations, rather we will be traversing several miles of hazardous wasteland and making camp in any defendable-

And I tuned the rest out. He was going so fast that I wasn't keeping up. The only one who was keeping up was Ruby and even she clearly didn't like what she was hearing. I tuned back in at the worst time though. The second I came back to reality, Oobleck was face to face with me. I leaned back and flinched as he finished his spiel.

Oobleck: And it's Doctor Oobleck. I didn't earn my PHD for fun thank you very much. 

 It took everything I had to restrain the groan that was trying to come up. This was precisely why none of us wanted to work with Oobleck. I tuned him out again, just hoping and praying that it would be over soon. I conveniently forgot that it was still only the beginning. 

Oobleck: Come now children! According to my schedule, we are already three minutes behind... Schedule!

We all watched as he sped away. Suddenly, I was more than willing to forgive Y/n because I doubt that there's anything he could do that's worse than working with Oobleck. The groan that I was desperately holding down came forth now that he was gone. I pressed my face into my hands, wishing that it was any other teacher than him. 

Ruby: Well alright then! Looks like we're going to save the world with Doctor Oobleck.... Ok when you say it out loud, it sounds really bad....

Nora: Save the world!? Your going on world saving adventures without us!? I'm hurt! Sad! Maybe even a little hungry. But that's not your fault... REN!

Ren: Hmph....

Jaune: Sounds exciting. Where you going? 

Ruby: Just outside the kingdom. 

Nora: Hey, so are we!

Pyrrha: Ren and Nora wanted to shadow the sheriff of a nearby village. 

Ren: We set out tomorrow. 

Neptune: Then you can party with us tonight. 

Sun and Neptune both joined in the conversation. I noticed that Y/n wasn't with Team JNPR nor was he with Neptune and Sun. He and Neptune haven't talked as far as I know so I didn't think he would be with them anyway. I was getting a little worried. Y/n had a tendency to disappear but after last night and how short I was with him this morning, I couldn't help but worry that he was off doing something dangerous. 

Neptune: We're shadowing a crime specialist. All inner city detective stuff. We get junior badges. 

We could all see the stars in Jaunes eyes. Admittedly, that was a interesting  experience. I don't know much about crime specialists, but their the one's that you call to investigate some of the more complex cases. No offence to the two, but I didn't think that was something that they would find interesting or being capable of doing since it takes quite a lot of critical thinking and technical know-how. 

Sun: We would normally go to the city with you guys but things are always exploding when we're with you. We figured that this would be a better way to check out the kingdom when it's normal and not.... You know.... on fire....

Ruby: Well-

Oobleck: Four minutes, Ladies!

Yang: Of course....

We looked around and the pity filled looks we were getting from everyone was obvious. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. the rest of my team followed after. Before we left though, I did have one question for the others though.

Weiss: Hey, have any of you seen Y/n?

Jaune: No, I thought he would be with you.

Ren: I saw him sneaking away from the crowd during Professor Ozpins speech. After that, I didn't see him. 

Sun: I noticed him talking to Ozpin after his speech. 

Neptune: I saw that too. I wanted to talk to him, so I tried to follow him but he just disappeared... 

Weiss: I see. Thank you.

Ruby: Well... Uh... Wish us luck...

We all started to disperse. Now I knew he was off somewhere. If he was being put up to it by Ozpin, then I can only imagine what it is. We all knew that Y/n has been working closely with Ozpin the last few months. For what, none of us knew. We figured that it was related to the White Fang, but the only time he's picked a fight with them in the last few months was last week when we got involved. 

It's still too early for him to be out in the city, so if he's working on something, what could it be? We got onto the Bullhead, none of us really bothering to comment that Ruby still had a bag with her. Oobleck was in the front talking to the pilots. He was probably discussing exactly where we were dropping in. We all took a seat, ready to get started. The question we all had since I brought it up. Where did Y/n go?

Y/n Pov

12:30 PM

The Bullhead gently lowered to the ground, just low enough for me to safely jump. I stepped out, landing lightly on my feet. Looking up the Bullhead was already taking off. I was alone with only my shadow to keep me company. The clearing that I was in was deathly silent. That was probably due to the engines of the Bullhead scaring everything away. I moved to a tree at the edge of the clearing and got low. All I was doing was watching and listening. 

I stayed there for about twenty minutes before I heard the wildlife start to return. That was my indicator that I was safe. No hostile presence, Grimm or otherwise. Now I could really get started. I took out my scroll and connected it to the CCT. At least that was what I attempted to do. There was no signal. I wasn't even getting the map to pull up. Guess that was a oversight on both mine and Ozpins part....

With the Bullhead gone and no map, I was going to have to make this up as I went. There was no distinguishable landmarks so that was out. I had saw the settlement on the way in. That would be a good place to get my bearings. I started walking, keeping a ear out for the wildlife. The second they go quiet again means there's danger around. 

The area was dense and difficult to navigate. It was made all the harder to get through since I was having to keep watch for White Fang and Grimm. The walk was tiring and excruciatingly long. The sun was high in the sky when I started, now it was starting to dip below the tree line. It never ceases to amaze me how dark these forests get at two or three in the afternoon. 

The darkness that was falling over the forest was both a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing because now I could use the darkness to conceal myself should I need to. It was a curse because everything else could do the same. I don't know what animals are native to the area but I'm sure there are a few predators around. Yet another thing to look out for. 

After another few minutes or so of walking, I noticed that things were starting to get quiet. I slowly lowered myself to the ground and pressed myself into the plant life to help hide myself. I didn't have to wait long before I heard voices coming closer. No normal person would be out in the middle of the forest like this unless they were involved in something, or just hopelessly lost. I quickly ruled out the hopelessly lost when they came into view. Their masks a dead giveaway for who they were. 

Four guys, all dressed in camouflage. The only thing that they had on them that was distinguishable was the masks. Their weapons were were high end military spec. I didn't know that the White Fang hired people who were competent. These guys looked like they were good at their job.... Lets find out how good. 

I waited for them to pass by me, counting to ten before standing up and slowly following after them. I wanted to know where they were going. If I'm lucky enough, they might just bring me right where I need to go. All four of them were pretty good at navigating through the forest. They might have been here for a while already. 

I was needing to be extra careful since red and black doesn't blend in well with green foliage. I know, who would have thought? There was a few close calls but I stayed hidden. The group would occasionally come across a Grimm or two, which they would dispose of fairly quick. Guess that answers why there haven't been any Grimm in the immediate area. They've been clearing them out. 

I looked around the area while they were making sure there were no more Grimm or other surprises. I had to have been at this for at least five or six hours now. If these guys stop to make camp, then I'll get the answers out of them then. Without knowing where I'm going, killing them would be more of a problem. Sure, the assumption would be the Grimm got them, but if someone came out and found the bodies with no signs of mauling, they'll know somethings up and it'll make it harder in the long run. For now though, they're starting to move. Let's see where they take me.

3rd Person Pov

8:43 PM

Ironwood was standing at the edge of the landing pads, overlooking the lake separating Beacon from Vale. As late as it was, Ironwood thought he would be left alone to his thoughts. He was trying to understand how after all the years that he spent serving Ozpin, he was overruled in favor of a child. A child with a long list of violent crimes no less. It was as if the trust he was placing in Ozpin was not being reciprocated. Did he not believe that he could get the job done? Did he believe that this upstart renegade could do what he couldn't? Finally, did he truly believe that inaction was the correct course to take? 

The perceived lack of trust that he felt Ozpin had shown him coupled with the refusal to act and trust in that boy was a slap in the face. Especially after he went AWOL. To him, that confirmed that he wasn't on their side. All those years that he followed Ozpin and now it's all coming into question because Ozpin wants to be infuriatingly cautious. Their enemies are already here, caution and subtlety wasn't going to fix the problem. Appropriate action and force would. 

Before he could continue thinking, Goodwitch saw that Ironwood was looking over the city. Curiosity getting the better of her, she joined him. Ozpin and Goodwitch had been working for several hours to not only coordinate students but to establish contact with Y/n. He was supposed to be in contact from the moment he got off the Bullhead. Why he wasn't was unknown. The Bullhead having returned was proof that nothing bad had happened, at least upon arrival. 

Doctor Oobleck has been quiet as well. All Huntsmen who are working with students had to check in every few hours. The fact that neither have been in contact since their departure was worrying for many reasons. If anything happened to the students or Oobleck, no one would know until it was too late, if even at all. Ozpin and Goodwitch had no solutions and could only hope and pray that they were all still alive. 

For now though, much like Ironwood, she wanted to clear her head. Only coming across Ironwood by coincidence. She knew that Ironwood had trouble going to sleep. Goodwitch assumed that was why he was out. Ever since the chaos that broke out in Atlas two years ago, it's become well known that Ironwood was a insomniac. Ironwood heard Goodwitch approach and turned to greet her. 

Goodwitch: Trouble sleeping?

Ironwood: ....Arms acting up....

Goodwitch: Of course.... Logically, you got out of bed, if you've even went to bed, dressed yourself and decided to gaze menacingly out into the distance. What's wrong? 

Ironwood sighed, reluctant to talk about what was keeping him up. After how they defended the boy and even agreed with his course of action, he knew better than to tell the whole truth. Instead, he opted to tell a half truth. It was made clear that he disapproved of the handling of the situation as well as the lack of trust he felt he was allotted.  

Ironwood: I've trusted him for years... We both have. I just.... can't help but feel that he's keeping us in the dark.... 

Goodwitch saw through him and knew what the problem was. She briefly considered addressing it but decided against it. She was already worried for everyone in the southeast without Ironwood adding to that worry. She instead opted to play along. 

Goodwitch: Don't be ridiculous! You know very well that we are not the ones in the dark. 

Ironwood: That makes it worse. I refuse to believe that another man I've trusted for so long would act so passively. 

Goodwitch: You are a good person James. You've always done what you think is best for the people, even against strong protest. It's a admirable quality to have. But it's time that you stop talking about trust and start showing it. Ozpin has experience that the rest of us lack. That's something worth remembering. 

Ironwood thought on her words. He had been betrayed once before and with Ozpins inaction, he felt that they were being set up to fail. Then there was his willingness to work with a known "Vigilante". He refused to even call him that. His rap sheet was more akin to that of a domestic terrorist. How anyone could think that what he was doing was good was a complete mystery. If he had even half the chance, Y/n Todd wouldn't even get a trial. Just carted away before being lined and shot. 

As far as he was concerned, anyone aiding or openly supporting him were guilty by accessory. He had failed to dismantle the Black masks and capture him years ago, he would not fail again. That he was sure of, especially since he has someone who knows how the Red Hood operated before the Atlas crisis. He just had to find a way to make them talk. 

Goodwitch turned, leaving Ironwood in his thoughts. She did not want to be gone for too long should either Doctor Oobleck or Y/n get in touch. Before leaving, she noted something.... Different about Ironwood. It wasn't something she could articulate, but whatever it was, it was malicious. She shook her head and continued on her way, never believing that Ironwood could be capable of acting on the darkness brewing inside of him. 

Weiss Pov

9:10 PM

I tossed and turned in my bedroll. It was impossible to get comfortable, especially given where we were. With all the Grimm prowling around, even with Ruby on lookout, I was uneasy. Yang and Blake were having a hard time sleeping as well. Yang eventually sighed and quietly sat up. All of us knew that we probably weren't getting any sleep anyway since it's the first time we've spent the night outside of the Kingdoms protection. 

Yang: Blake? You awake?

Blake: ....Yeah....

Yang: Why do you think Oobleck asked us about being Huntresses? Like.... What's he trying to say?

Oobleck had asked all of us, save for Ruby why we wanted to join. We all had different answers, but the general consensus was the same. We wanted to help people. Sure, there were a bit more to it than that, especially when he asked me, but we all gave honest answers to his question. I rolled over and listened to their conversation. 

Blake: Maybe he was just curious.

Yang: You think?

Blake: ....No.

Yang: Weiss? Are you awake?

Weiss: Yes I'm awake. You two are talking. I think he.... I said that I wanted to honor my families name, I meant it. But there's more to it than that. I'm not stupid. I'm fully aware of what my father has been doing with the Schnee Dust Company over the last few years. Since he took control, our business has operated in a.... Moral grey area....

Blake: That's not how I would describe it but....

Weiss: That's why I feel the need to make it right. After what happened in Atlas, if I stayed there the way I was before, nothing would change. My father was not the start of our name, but he will be the end if somethings not done. Y/n and Roy showed me that I could be more than just a Heiress. I can actually do something to make a difference.

Blake: All my life, I fought for what I thought was right. I had a partner named Adam.... More of a mentor actually.... He always assured me that what we were doing was making the world a better place. But... His idea of a perfect future turned out to be NOT perfect for everyone. Y/n and I actually had a run in a few months before we joined Beacon. I didn't know what to do and he said to go to Vale, that I could figure it out from there. I didn't think anything of it, but when I got there and saw Beacon, I knew I had to join the academy. To make up for all the things I've done wrong.  

A moment of silence fell on our group. All of us were here in one way or another because of Y/n. If it hadn't been for his intervention in Atlas, I would probably be dead. If it wasn't for him suggesting for Blake to go to Vale, she might never have enrolled. If it hadn't been for him protecting Yang and Ruby when they were younger, they probably wouldn't be here either. 

Yang looked the most sullen of our group. She opened her mouth to speak but decided against it. I remember the night before our initiation. How they said that they didn't want there to be another story like theirs. We all sat up around the campfire. Ruby yawned and moved away from the opening in the building we were camping in. 

Ruby: Who's up for second watch?

Weiss: I'll do it. 

Without another word, Ruby flopped down into her bedroll. She was asleep before she even hit the floor. We all laughed at Ruby as I stood up. Zwai pranced over to Ruby before curling up next to her. It was a nice change from what we were just talking about. It occurring to me that while we all had our reasons to be here, when everything's said and done, this is just a job. 

Maybe that was what Doctor Oobleck was trying to get across. That no matter why we were here, it came second to our job. Our duty to protect others. I sat down on the collapsed wall, overlooking the street. With the night came all the Grimm. The city had been infested, but with the sun gone, they've seemed to have multiplied. I quickly checked my scroll, seeing that there was still no connection. Over the last few hours, I had sent Y/n a couple of messages, hoping to pick up enough of a signal for them to be sent. 

None of them did, which contributed to why I couldn't sleep. Even if he did see them, maybe he didn't want to talk anyway.... The way he disappeared after I blew him off had me a little concerned. Knowing him, he was off somewhere being reckless. I sighed, putting my scroll away. After all this time to really calm down, I understand. 

I don't like that he did what he did or how close of a call it was this time, but he said that it was who he was. I knew that before we finally figured out what we were doing. I shouldn't have been so short with him in the dorm. Wherever he is, I hope he's at least trying to be safe....

Y/n Pov

4:13 AM

I continued to follow the four man group until we reached the city. I guess I was wrong about them not setting up in the city. Credit where its due, these guys are built different. They kept going nonstop since I found them, and I cant imagine how long they were at it before. The men stuck to the outskirts, I assumed their checking the parameter. That is until, they walked into the subway. That makes a lot more sense than being in the city proper. I followed behind them, having a much easier time keeping myself hidden now that we were in a urban environment. 

The stairway went deeper than I was expecting. Following from concealment, I watched as they jumped onto the tracks and enter a service door on the opposite wall. I waited a few seconds before following. The corridor was long and unlit. I activated the night vision and got to walking. The place was like a maze. 

It took a while before they found where they were going. Entering that door, I gently opened it to find a large underground structure. There were buildings, like this was a expansion of the city above. It almost looked like a catacomb at this point with how run-down the place looked. Sneaking through all of this will be a nightmare, but I need to know what's going on. 

I stayed as low as possible, trying to avoid any White Fang soldier that was patrolling. It didn't take long for me to notice a set of rails that led further in. Looking down the way, I noticed a large train that was being loaded with crates full of what I assume to be nothing good. I looked the opposite way and saw what might have been the reason for why there was no connection to the CCT. 

A large radio antenna was raised up, just above it was a small hole. If they were using it as a radio jammer, then that would mean that whatever they have here is something they want to stay hidden. I made my way over to the antenna, avoiding the guards along the way. I didn't need the whole place crashing down on me because I made too much noise. That went double since there were a few Paladins in the area. If it took RWBY plus me to take one down and that was with us getting the shit beat out of us, I don't think I'd fare too well against one on my own.  

In fact, I planned to wait until I was away from the antenna before the noise started. Blowing it up would not only clear up the signal, but it would make for a very good distraction. There were several guards patrolling the area. I wasn't going to get close to the antenna without getting caught. But I could get up high. 

I petal burst up, keeping well away from any guards. I reformed, hanging off the mast of the antenna. I pulled out one of my remote explosives. This one is going to be a lot more powerful than the one I used to bust the window at the meeting. I placed it on the main spire and checked the detonator. It was lit up, so it was active. I double checked the safety and put it away, petal bursting as far away as I could. 

As I reformed, I checked to make sure that I wasn't seen. Once I was satisfied, I mad my way as close to the train as I could. I didn't get to far with the security being near impenetrable the closer I got. Now was definitely the time for some fireworks. I pulled out the detonator and pressed the button. Now, I'm normally very careful when it comes to explosives.... But I might have put a little too much....


The shockwave certainly got everyone's attention. The hole that was above the antenna was now widened another fifteen or so feet thanks to the explosion. There were some other areas of the ceiling that were caving in. With the whole area now in a state of alert and rushing to the source of the explosion, I was clear to get closer. 

I snaked around the containers as the soldiers rushed by, completely oblivious to my presence. I didn't get very far before I was faced with a couple of problems. The first one was my scroll vibrating, indicating that the signal was indeed back up. There were a few from Weiss and my sisters but the more concerning was all the missed calls that were now getting through. Ozpin had been trying since the Bullhead dropped me off. I had expected that since I wasn't able to contact them. 

The one that was concerning was that I had almost twenty missed calls from Torchwick and Neo that dated back three days at the furthest. I checked the messages and confirmed that they are here. Both of them had sent pictures of what they were loading onto the train. Most of it was explosives, but there were weapons and other equipment that was being loaded on too. Why they were loading the explosives separately was still a mystery. 

That was a question for when I could get my hands on a Officer. The next problem came almost instantly after I put the scroll away. This one much more dire than the missed warnings from Torchwick and Neo. I leaned out from cover and was about to move on when a very familiar looking girl was being dragged towards the train. How Ruby got here was a question for later, now I just need to make sure she stays alive. 

White Fang soldier: Hey Boss! Think we got something you're gonna want to see!

I pulled out Withered Rose and my crowbar. If this goes worse than it already is, I'm going to have to step in. I took a look at Ruby. She looked disoriented but otherwise fine. I looked at the open train car. All I could hope for was that it wasn't Walker.

Torchwick: Is it good or bad Perry Because let me tell you, I've had a really long day....

Perry: Its a.... Little girl....

Torchwick poked his head out. The instant he saw Ruby, he knew things were getting bad. He started looking around, making sure that there were no Officers around. I did the same. After he was done, I could see the gears starting to turn in his head. This was exceedingly bad, especially since Torchwick has to keep his cover. If he did the wrong thing, he was busted. I didn't worry about him going the opposite route. 

Torchwick: Yeah.... That would be bad....

The one named Perry grabbed Ruby by the collar and threw her to the feet of Torchwick. I readied myself to intervene. I don't think Torchwick can talk her out of this, but somethings got to happen. All I could do was sit back and watch, hoping that this didn't get any worse. Torchwick kneeled down level with Ruby. 

Torchwick: Tell me, how did you find this place, Red?

I saw him whisper something to her, but couldn't here. Ruby looked around and gave a subtle nod. I don't know what he told her but whatever it is, I hop it works. Torchwick stood up, turning to the soldier named Perry. 

Torchwick: Well, I have ways of making her talk. You all go back to what you were doing. I'll handle the girl. 

Before anyone could respond. There was a low rumble that came from the far end of the structure. 

Torchwick: And if you could find out what that was, that'd be great. 

Torchwick firmly brought Ruby up to her feet while the rest of the soldiers dispersed. Now that no one was looking, I petal burst closer. I stopped behind a crate that was next to the door. Once they entered, I was going to go in behind them. At least that was the plan before the rumbling got louder. Dust and debris started to fall from the ceiling with how violent the rumbling was. I peeked out in time to see a group of soldiers running away from something while firing. 

It didn't take long for us to pick out the rest of the team. Things went from bad to worse as Walker found his way to the noise. Torchwick uttered a singe word to Ruby and she took off, petal bursting to safety. Walker raised his shotgun, about to pepper Ruby when I made my presence known. 

I petal burst from my hiding spot and swung Withered Rose. Walker noticed me at the last second and raised the shotgun to protect himself and kicked me away. His shotgun transforming into a spear, he pointed it at me. Both of us ready for a fight. 

Walker: I was beginning to wonder if you would show up! We're a little busy right now, so your gonna have to wait!

I swung the crowbar, trying to catch his leg. He shut it down quick by trying to run me through. I was quick to back of, instead firing a round from Withered Rose and following behind. He to his side and jumped onto the train to avoid Withered Rose coming down on his head. I looked to the side to see a couple of soldiers lining up on me. I petal burst into them, bringing Withered Rose and the crowbar down on them before they could fire. 

I turned around to see Walker gone and several more soldiers coming at me. They all opened fire as I turned to run for cover. I hopped over a small crate and stayed low, putting Withered Rose and the crowbar away. Walker announced on the loud speaker that they were leaving. The trains brakes hissing as they disengaged. I saw that Oobleck and the girls decided to catch a ride, where ever this goes. I ran out of cover while pulling Black and White, firing at the soldiers that were still shooting at me as they were getting on the train. I didn't hit any of them, but it was enough to get them to stop shooting at me. 

The train started to move just as I jumped on. I turned around to see the rest of them coming. I kneeled down and put Black and White together. There were soldiers who were being left behind shooting at the group. Least I could do is make sure that none of them got shot. There was one that was getting close to hitting Weiss. I lined up and fired three shots. One missed but the other two hit them in the chest. 

Blake was the first to get on, followed by Yang, Oobleck, and Weiss. Ruby was lagging behind the rest. I took Blake and White apart and put them away. I reached out to Ruby, which she then petal burst and leaped. She fell just short but I caught her, pulling her up. 

Ruby: Thanks but what are you doing here?

Y/n: Same as you. Sorry for not getting in touch. Signal was a little jammed.

Yang: We noticed....

Oobleck: Children, Vigilante, we must get to the front and stop this train!

Y/n: I'm... Nevermind....

Weiss: Uh.... Professor....

Oobleck: Doctor.

Weiss: What is that?

We all gathered around to see a large cylindrical object placed on top of a crate, just under the ceiling hatch. I was about to pick the damn thing up and chuck it when I noticed a thin cable latched to the bottom. I had a pretty good feeling that if it was tampered with, it would blow up in our faces. Instead I stood up from the hatch and as calmly as I could stated that it was a bomb.



Ruby: Swears! And Baddies!

Oobleck: Well, I didn't expect them to go easy on us!

Ruby pointed further up the train. The White Fang didn't look too pleased that we were on their train. To make matters worse, the bomb started to flash red on the screen and beeping. Now I'm no expert, but I'm willing to bet that means that it's about to blow. I slammed the hatch closed, borderline panicked. 

Oobleck: Time to go! 

Y/n: Blake, cut the coupling when we get across! 

Blake nodded and followed after the others. Oobleck and I were the last two to get across, with Blake jumping down between the cars. The Soldiers were multiplying and getting closer. I pulled Withered Rose and the Crowbar once again. This was probably going to be a close quarters fight. 

Blake: It decoupled itself!

Oobleck: What?

Yang: I guess they really don't want us on this train.

The train car that was disconnected was gradually slowing down. It didn't take long for us to be out of the blast radius. It also didn't take long for the car to detonate. The detonation causing the ceiling and the walls to collapse. 

Oobleck: That's not good....

Ruby: Neither is this!

Blake: Another one!?

Y/n: Oh shit.

Oobleck started to run forward, jumping to the next train car. I looked back to see Grimm starting to pour out of the holes that were made in the walls. What the fuck are these guys trying to do? I turned around and saw Oobleck opening the ceiling hatch to see if there was another bomb. Sure enough, there was.


Just as he finished saying that, the bomb on our car started to light up and beep. We all stumbled as the train car automatically decoupled. No one needed to say anything. We all rushed to the end of the car, jumping across the gap. We all made it, with Blake being the last one off. All of us looked back, still confused as to what exactly they were trying to do. The Grimm that were chasing can't be part of the plan.... Can it?

Yang: This doesn't make sense....

Y/n: No it doesn't.... Where is this thing even going?

Oobleck: The tunnels were created to go to Vale, but they were all sealed decades ago.

....They wouldn't.... No, they would. I turned around, seeing that there were a lot of baddies coming. I adjusted my grip on Withered Rose and rushed forward. The girls following behind me. The first guy took a wide swing at me. I ducked under and kicked him in the back of the knee before bringing my boot to his back, pushing him off the train. 

Blake rushed in behind me, covering my back. The next guy, swung a hatchet like weapon downwards, I used my sword to catch the underside and yank it from his grip before smashing his knee with the crowbar. Blake followed it up by kicking him in the head. Two more rushed at us. I ducked low and swiped Withered Rose across the guys abdomen. He yelled out, his Aura catching most of the blow. What his Aura didn't protect him from me kicking his opened gut wound. He stumbled back as Blake sent his friend flying back into him, knocking him off his feet. 

They both tried to get up but Weiss rushed between us with ice Dust and froze those two and a few more that were coming. Ruby, using both the recoil from Crescent Rose and the trail of ice Weiss left behind, she launched forwards borrowing a trick from me. She petal burst into the momentum and swung her scythe while never fully reforming. Bullets and blades passed harmlessly though the cloud of petals while hers launched several others while shattering their Auras. 

I rushed past and blocked a blow from one of the few soldiers who were left. His weapon glancing off Withered Rose as I hooked his neck and pulled him in. I pivoted to the left as I pulled.  As he passed, I ran Withered Rose just above his kneecaps. He screamed and dropped. We didn't have the time to keep fooling around with these guys. If I'm right then their going to reopen the sealed tunnel to Vale, bringing with it a shit ton of Grimm. 

I turned back just in time for the next detonation. The car bouncing off the walls and ceiling. Sure enough, out poured several dozen Grimm. By now, there were hundreds.... I have no idea how we're going to get out of this but that's a problem for later. Right now, we all have to get moving before our car decouples. I was about to turn away when Oobleck shouted out, seconding what I was thinking their plan was. 

Oobleck: Their leading Grimm to the city!

Weiss: What!?

Y/n: I fucking hate when I'm right....

Oobleck: It's the cars! They detach and explode creating openings for the Grimm!

Blake: That's insane!

Y/n: Walkers not sane! Ruby, Oobleck, You two stay up high and make your way to the front and stop the train. Weiss, Blake, Yang and I will go low and clear out the train cars and stop the bombs. 

Oobleck: An excellent idea, Mister Todd!


Oobleck: It's the voice, and the weapons, and the way you fight. Now Miss Rose, we're going to stop this train.

Y/n: I just... Grr, fuck it, lets go!

I ran forward while putting my weapons away. we checked every ceiling hatch until we found one that wasn't blocked up. I dropped in first to make sure it was safe. Weiss, Yang and Blake followed behind. The car was loaded with crates of weapons. I walked over to one and cracked it open. It was a beautiful Benelli M4 Tactical. This was something I've been wanting for a while. Christmas came early! 

I grabbed a couple fistfuls of twelve gauge 00 Buckshot shells and got to loading. If nothing else, I can load them into Withered Rose once I change the cylinders out again. I put the last shell in and racked the slide back. It sounded amazing and it fed the shell correctly. I love this thing. I reset the pump and moved back to the group. 

Yang: So, I guess this is what we trained for.

Y/n: Guess so. Just to be clear, these guys want to kill us. If it comes down to you or them, make sure its them. Got it?

Weiss: It won't come to that.

Y/n: Hopefully not, but hope hasn't worked out yet.

Weiss: Hey.... I know we don't really have time but I'm sorry for how I was back in the dorm....

Y/n; Your right, we don't have time.... But I deserved that. Now focus on the job.  

I turned around, focusing on the task at hand. Weiss and I could talk after this was over with. It was nice that thing were already starting to smooth over. Really took a weight off of my shoulders. I took a step only for Neo to drop down in front of us and a  hulking guy stepping through the door. Weiss, Yang, and Blake all held their weapons up, ready to fight. 

I held up the shotgun, pointed straight at the man. He looked to be a tiger Faunas like Walker. My eyes flicked to Neo. As the man walked past her, she reeled her parasol back and slammed it into the base of his skull. He dropped like a bag of bricks. The girls looked confused, lowering their weapons slightly. Neo pulled out her scroll and frantically started typing. 

Y/n: Don't worry, she's with me. 

Neo: 'Where were you!? We tried everything to get in touch!'

Y/n: The signal was jammed to hell. It had to have been military grade if it was working so well. 

Yang: Sooo, you gonna introduce us?

Y/n: Yang, Weiss, Blake, this is Neo. She works with Torchwick. 

Neo: 'We don't have time, their trying to bring Grimm into Vale.' 

Blake: We already figured that out. We have to get to the lead car. 

Weiss: If your going to help, now would be the time.

Neo nodded and put her scroll away. I walked past her, with the girls following behind. As Yang was passing by the big guy, he grabbed her by the ankle and threw her into some crates. Neo was quickly brought her parasol up to smash him over the head. He lifted his arm to block and punched Neo in the gut before grabbing her by the throat. I lifted the shotgun, trying to get a clear shot. He stood up and used her as a shield. 

Big Guy: You fucking traitor. Never should have trusted a human. When I'm done with you, there won't even be anything to put in a box! 

Yang got up and sprinted at the guy, jumping before kicking him right in the head. Neo dropped to the ground gasping for air. I was about to blast him when another one came from behind. I turned and tried to lift the shotgun but he grabbed it. We fought over control of it but in the end, Weiss used a lightning Glyph and shocked him unconscious. 

I turned around to see Yang on one side and Neo on the other. The big guy on the middle. Yang glanced past the two.  Putting on a smile and cracking her knuckles. 

Yang: This guys ours. Go on ahead. 

Neo looked back and nodded. If they were going to take care of things here then that lets us move on. Weiss opened the door to the next car, all of us going on. The car looked to be used exclusively for storage. Near the end of the car was another few soldiers. Smaller than the last but still well built. What really stood out was the fucking chainsaw that their leader was using as a sword. 

Weiss: You two go on ahead!

Y/n: Hell no. Blake, We bust past them and you go up ahead. If Torchwick is up there, he'll help. 

Blake: Alright.

I aimed the shotgun at the three and fired. They all dived for cover as Blake rushed ahead of us. The guy with the chainsaw tried to jump at Blake but another shot persuaded him otherwise. I advanced on them with Weiss behind me. She used a black Glyph to throw one guy out of cover. He flopped on the ground hard in front of us and I introduced the buttstock to his face. 

The other two didn't like that I had just knocked their buddies teeth out and rushed from cover. The guy with the chainsaw zeroed in on Weiss. I tried to swing the shotgun around on him but his friend grabbed the barrel and forced it downwards. He pulled out a pistol and tried to point it at my head. 

My left hand went to his wrist to keep the pistol away. I pushed into him, trying to get him into the crates. This guy dug in and pushed back. I instead used a different tactic. I let go of the shotgun and jammed my thumb into his eye. He screamed out and kicked me away. I shot back up and rushed into him before he could recover. The guy fired off a shot, grazing my shoulder. 

I knocked him to the ground and yanked the pistol from his hands throwing it. He still had a grip on the shotgun. I punched him in the jaw, making him release is. I pulled it free and stood up before putting my boot on his neck and stomping down, crushing his windpipe. I turned to the last guy, the one with the chainsaw. 

Weiss was doing very well and knocked him on his ass. I moved in to finish it but he stood up, swinging wide at me. I jumped back, nearly getting disenbowled by the chainsaw. Chainsaw man stood up, laughing lowly. 

Chainsaw: Ah, I've been wanting to kill Schnee. And you Hood.... I think I'm going to enjoy tearing you both apart!

He ran at me, coming in close. I dodged to the left, striking him with the buttstock. He growled as I tried to level it at his head. He swiped his chainsaw up and knocked the barrel away from him as I fired. I fell back as he tried to take my head off, rolling to get away. Weiss hopped into the fight and tried to stab him before pirouetting, his chainsaw missing her by mere inches as he thrusted it out in a attempt to get Weiss to break away. 

She slashed twice in quick succession before Chainsaw recovered enough to swing. She fell back, rolling into the fall. Weiss planted her hand and pushed off the floor, righting herself. I brought the shotgun around and fired as he swung at Weiss again. His Aura protected him for the most part, but he started to bleed heavily from his back. 

I racked the slide back and readied to fire again when he lunged at me. I didn't have time to move so I brought the shotgun up to block the blow. The shotgun didn't stand a chance. It was cut in two on impact. The tip of the chainsaw caught me on the chest. I fell backwards and franticly pulled out the crowbar. He brought the chainsaw down right as I brought the crowbar up.

The shock of the impact was violent and the vibrations from the teeth of the chainsaw wasn't helping. Chainsaw pressed down on me, the teeth getting closer to me. I kicked my foot into his knee. He buckled and I then did the same to his chest, pushing him off of me. As he stumbled back, Weiss thrust her sword at him. The sword penetrated his Aura. He screamed as it sank into his side. In a fit of rage, he ripped her sword from his side and began to swing wildly at her. 

I stood up, getting Withered Rose out and running into the fight. Weiss ended up with her back to a container. She used a Glyph to help her jump away as he kicked, trying to catch her in-between. She used another Glyph on the ceiling as a launchpad and shot straight downward. Chainsaw jumped back into me as I kicked him back to Weiss. He brought his chainsaw up to defend against a slash from Weiss. He was too slow on protecting against Weiss' next strike which knocked him head over foot back to me again.

Weiss started making several Glyphs around Chainsaw as he was getting up. He tried to get away from them but I was on top of him, keeping the pressure on. All he could do was defend until Weiss shot forward. I headbutted him and leaped back. Weiss used all the Glyphs she made as launchpads, striking quickly and in succession. On the last strike, his Aura shattered as he stumbled back. Weiss went in for the knock out blow but he reacted fast and grabbed her by the throat and slamming her into the floor.

I rushed forward only to have Weiss thrown into me. I caught her easily enough but what really hurt was Chainsaw kicking me and Weiss through the door. Weiss and I crashed into the next car. Weiss was knocked out and I wasn't doing too much better. I stood up slowly. Chainsaw was walking towards us slowly. 

I didn't notice Blake was in the car until she rushed to Weiss to start pulling her away. Seeing this, Chainsaw rushed at us. I stepped in and brought up Withered Rose and the crowbar to defend against a downward slash. I was still disoriented from being sent through the door with Weiss. He pushed downward, bringing me to a knee. 

Suddenly, a rocket was shot between us. The explosion hurt but at least I didn't have a chainsaw getting closer to my face. I looked back to see Torchwick standing next to Weiss and Blake. On the ground were several more White Fang soldiers who got in the way. Torchwick did nothing short of swagger over to me, and offer a hand. I took it and stood up. Shaking my head, I readied myself to keep fighting. 

Torchwick: You good to keep going? Me and Kitty over there can take over if-

Y/n: No, I got this.

Chainsaw: I knew you were no good since I saw you! 

Torchwick: Well then it's your fault for allowing me access to your operations.

Chainsaw: I'm gonna tear you apart!

He rushed at us. Torchwick went right while I went left. This guy was already hurt and had no Aura. It shouldn't take too much more to take him out. I attacked first, Swinging Withered Rose wide. He brought up the chainsaw to defend but left himself open to take a hit from the crowbar. He reeled back, swinging as he retreated away. Torchwick went in with two strikes to the knees before jamming the handle into his throat. 

He fell to his knee gasping for air. I brought the crowbar up to smash it into his head but he moved at the last second. Stumbling to his feet, all I could do is stare at this guy. How the hell is he still standing? Torchwick brought his cane up and fired a rocket. The rocket hit him in the chest, knocking him into the wall. Chainsaw slumped to the floor, out of the fight. Guess I spoke too soon. 

As soon as I realized that the fight was done. I nearly fell over. I've been going non-stop since twelve in the afternoon which is yesterday now. I was tired and now a little injured. Torchwick clapped me on the shoulder. I nodded and put my weapons away. Walking to Weiss and Blake, I checked on the two. Weiss was coming around and Blake looked fine, if a little winded.

Y/n: You ok, Weiss?

Weiss: I'm fine.... Just a little dizzy....

Y/n: You'll be fine, just let my know if you get sleepy out of nowhere. Ok?

Weiss: I will.... Did we win?

Torchwick: I'd say we did, yes.

Y/n: Blake, you good?

Blake: Yeah, I'm fine. 

Torchwick: Great, everyone's ok! Now if we could, there's a train that needs stopping. 

 Blake and I helped Weiss to her feet. She was a little wobbly but she was able to walk well enough. Our group moved to the door only to find it locked. Torchwick didn't think twice about abandoning the door in favor for the ceiling hatch. Torchwick went up first and helped Blake and Weiss up. I jumped up to the hatch, pulling myself up. I stood up and took a look around. We all saw it coming up. End of the line. 

We weren't stopping the train. Even if we hit the brakes now, we'd still crash into the wall. We needed another solution and fast. Yang and Neo joined us while Ruby was already a little ways ahead, running back to us. We were all here and in the end, we couldn't stop it. I gritted my teeth, frustrated that despite our best efforts, we still failed. 

Yang: What do we do!?

I stayed silent. I didn't think there was anything we could do. That is until Weiss tapped me and Ruby on the shoulder. She had a smug smile, as if she knew something I didn't. She pulled us both behind her and thrust her sword into the ground. Glyph after Glyph piled on top of each other, infused with ice Dust. The ice forming a shell around us. After only a few seconds, we were completely surrounded by the ice. I pulled her back into the group, trying to pack us in as close as possible. 

I couldn't tell you if this was from a conscious effort to keep everyone, Torchwick and Neo included, safe or a instinctual one, it was like I was trying to keep my body in the way of any harm that was coming to them. Whether it worked or not, I don't know. The last thing knew before the impact was looking at Weiss in the eyes and saying three words I should have said to her a long time ago. The train then collided with the wall and I was knocked unconscious. 

I don't know how long I was out nor could I feel any injuries. My vision was blurry and my ears ringing. I barely even registered that we had been scattered by the wreck. After starting to have some senses return, I realized two things. The first was that it was now daybreak. The second was that my leg was pinned by debris. Lifting myself up as much as possible, I felt a sharp pain shoot through my left leg from the knee area. Pushing the debris off, I found that the kneecap was displaced. 

That was a easy enough fix. If it was a full dislocation, it would be harder and frankly more painful. I gently placed my hands on my left thigh, trying not to add to the pain I already had and got ready for the pain that was coming. Taking slow deep breaths, trying to keep myself calm. I positioned my leg where I could get it to fully extend. Just setting it up was excruciating. After getting myself in place, I closed my eyes and forcefully extended my leg, popping the knee back in place.  


The pain was immense, but he relief was instant. I slowly stood up, gently trying to put weight on the leg. I didn't want to use the Lazarus energy when the issues already fixed. I limped a few feet, finding that the girls had been kept together. They were all conscious and alert, so that was a good start. A few more steps and the pain was starting to sooth. That's even better. But those final steps were met with the ground rumbling before bursting open where the girls were sitting. That is NOT good!

(A/n: Best soundtrack ever :) )

I was knocked on my ass as Grimm poured out of the hole in the street. I barely leaned up when a Ursa jumped on top of me. I held my arm out to keep it from clamping down on my neck. It took hold of my arm, its teeth tearing into the fabric and metal bracers I had on my forearms. The bracers were audibly creaking under the bite force of the Ursa. I yanked out my combat knife and started stabbing it in the throat and face. It let go of my arm and I pulled Black and started shooting. 

The Ursa roared before collapsing, smoke rising from its corpse. I got up and put the knife and Black away. Looking around, all hell was breaking loose. There were Beowulfs tearing people to shreds. Death stalkers impaling people as they ran. The cacophony of screams serving as the background noise of this disaster. 

I stood, grabbing Withered Rose and the crowbar. I ran to the rest of the team, killing whatever Grimm got in the way. One Beowulf tried to jump on my back, but I rolled to the left before imbedding the hook of the crowbar into its skull. Another lunged at Weiss, before I cut it in two. Slowly but surely, we were being pushed back. Eventually we ended up surrounded. Things had gone from bad to fucked up real quick. 

I started off by taking a shot with Withered Rose. The bullet tore into a Ursas' skull, killing it instantly. The rest of the Grimm then fell in on us. I rolled under a Ursas' paw and impaled a Beowulf that leaped at me. Ripping the sword free, I turned back and decapitated the Ursa that originally swung at me. 

Three more Beowulfs decided they wanted to jump in. Past the point of caution, I petal burst, separating in two to avoid all of them. I came together and reformed, immediately yanking out a frag and tossing it into the group. The explosion ripping the Beowulfs apart. A lone Beowulf tried to leap in my back like his friend before. Blake saw it before I did and dropped to a knee after stabbing one in the head. The first bullet passed close to my head and found the Grimms instead. Her subsequent shots went into the Pack that bypassed me to get to her. 

I rushed back towards the center of the group since Blake locked down that side. Weiss was doing well but was getting overwhelmed. I leaped in, smashing the crowbar into a Ursas skull, caving it in. Another Beowulf rushed in trying to claw Weiss. She dodged to the left, slashing into its side. The Grimm landed on its belly and whined in pain but was quickly shut up when I stabbed Withered Rose into its back. 

I looked over to Weiss, seeing her use her Glyphs unfused with fire Dust. Seeing that she had things under control, I moved over to Ruby. She was kicking ass, but the giant fucking snake Grimm had me concerned. I ran forward, putting Withered Rose and the crowbar away. I took out a grenade and tossed it the King Taijitus mouth, same as I did during my initiation. It reeled back as its insides exploded. Despite being a actual grenade this time, it still didn't kill it. 

I pulled out Black and White, getting ready to start unloading on it's half exposed organs. There was a loud bang behind us and the King Taijitu looked up just in time for it's head to be smashed in by a giant hammer wielded by Nora. Color me impressed because that's twice that I've encountered one of those and I couldn't one tap it like Nora just did. 

Nora bounced off the head as her hammer impacted, sending her flying back. As she landed, her team gathered around. Good to see their getting in on the action. They all broke away, targeting their own Grimm. Nora found a lone Grimm and swung for the fences, while Ren jumped off another and started hacking his way though a group of Beowulfs. 

I sprinted in as he killed the last one and started shooting the next group that was coming at him. Every shot found a target and after emptying both magazines, the group of thirteen was dead. Another tried to sneak up on me but before I could kill it myself, Nora introduced it's head to her hammer. I looked back to see both her and Ren doing well. We all looked at each other.

Nora: OoOoHh~ Long time, no see! Been getting those bad guys?

Y/n: Been working on it. 

Ren and I looked at each other and both nodded. Guess we have a understanding then. I turned to look at what all was left. The answer was not much. Seeing a massive Ursa that Jaune was facing had me concerned for him. Thinking he might be in trouble, I paused to watch. Incredibly, he actually managed on his own. I smiled knowing that the training that me and Pyrrha had been doing with him has been paying off. 

The Ursa fell as the cavalry arrived. Never though I'd be happy to see Atlas coming. I took the time to break away and head back to the wreckage. Hopefully Neo and Torchwick are ok, I haven't seen them. The Knights were cleaning up the remaining Grimm rather well and the senior students were arriving as well. 

I started digging through debris hoping to find both of them alive. I dug for maybe five minutes before I found Neo. I got her uncovered and lifted her up. She was unconscious but otherwise looked unhurt. That's good, what wasn't good was the knights that just got done killing a Boarbatusk getting closer to us. I petal burst with her into a destroyed diner. 

I needed her up quickly. I grabbed a water bottle that was on the floor and opened it, pouring it on her. Not exactly the right way to deal with someone whos' been in a wreck but desperate times.... She shot up, squeaking, which is the most I think I've ever heard from her. I didn't have to long to ponder it before I had to grab her again and petal burst away. Guess those things either saw me or her and decided that they wanted us too. I reformed with her stumbling like she was drunk. Whether from the head injury or from my semblance, I don't know. 

She pulled out her scroll only to find it destroyed. She tossed it and started trying to go back. I didn't need her to tell me that she was going for Torchwick. Now that I have her relatively safe, I can go back for him. 

Y/n: Hey, Hey! Stay here and hide. I'll go back and find Roman, alright?

Neo stopped and reluctantly nodded. She was in no condition to go back anyway. She stumbled over to the back door to another shop and entered. I turned around and petal burst back into the area. The teachers were here now, so I really needed to step it up. I started to rush around trying to find Torchwick. I didn't get far as Goodwitch arrived and used her semblance to start plugging the hole in the middle of the street. 

This was both good and bad. Good because obviously, no more Grimm. But also because she's using debris from the wreckage to rebuild the street. The bad comes with where exactly Torchwick was. He was at the feet of none other than Ironwood himself. I marched over there, not knowing or caring about how exactly I was going to do this. 

Y/n: Ironwood, let him go.

Ironwood: Oh, Y/n. It's quite the turn of events that you would be here. Care to explain why you or Team RWBY didn't contact Beacon like you were supposed to?

Y/n: First off, I don't answer to you. Don't demand answers out of me. Second, it was a Jammer, a Atlesian Jammer I might add. How did they get their hands on military equipment. How about you answer that?

Ironwood: ....It's curious that you were supposedly sent in first to take care of any outstanding problems but completely failed to do so. Now we have panic in the streets and a Grimm infestation.... Almost like you wanted this to happen.

Y/n: The fuck did you just say to me?

At this point, we were starting to gather a crowd. The teachers were gathering around the Knights that were surrounding us. I rested my hands on my pistols. I didn't know what was about to happen. After everything, now I have this to deal with?

Ironwood: You know a awful lot about things you shouldn't. I think your working against us.

Goodwitch: JAMES!

Ironwood: Look around you. This man claims to be someone better than Huntsmen but all he does is kill. His disappearance coincides with the destruction around us, and now he want's to release a known associate of the White Fang!?

Y/n: If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have gotten as far as we did!

Ironwood: It apparently wasn't far since this happened. Everything points to you being involved!

Goodwitch: That is enough, Both of you!

Y/n: Well what about you asshole!? I already asked why the White Fang has military equipment! Why do they have equipment that's not even out on the market yet!? You want to try and hold me accountable for this but it was your tech and your inability to keep track of it that di-

Several screams rang out. We all turned to the source and saw Ruby being carried by Walker. The rest of the team was lying on the ground. Everyone was too far away to react. Seeing Them on the ground and Ruby being hauled away, in a desperate bid to save Ruby, I pulled out my pistols. The first shot hit the knight that was in the way. The second shot went too low, I didn't want to risk hitting Ruby. The third shot.... wasn't mine....

I doubled over, falling to my knees. I felt the warmth start to spread over my back. It was hard to breath. I looked back, thinking that Ironwood shot me. Surprisingly not, Emerald did. She was hidden away from everyone and dipped into the shadows. Half the group franticly looking around, trying to figure out where the shot came from. The other half pursuing Walker. 

The bullet had to have hit my lung. I fell over, gasping for air. I let the Lazarus energy start healing the wound but it wasn't enough. My vision started fading out. The last thing I saw before I blacked out gave me a little hope. Weiss lifted her head up, just enough to see her beautiful blue eyes before my consciousness faded away....

(A/n: I've done it guys! Chapter 10 has been dethroned! This chapter officially holds the record for word count! 11310 words and wrapping up the cannon events for the moment. The next chapter will be a original event so yay! I'm going to be a little bit of a asshole now, since this was so long, I'm going to take a slight break so enjoy the cliffhanger XD. One more thing before I go....

@Alph4Scorpion180 - It's 6:10 in the morning as of writing this. I'm tired as hell but I'm over the moon that I made the goal. Thanks for the advice, my dude!

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