Kingsley Ranch

Af BSchmitz32

11.1K 261 70

Charlie is independent, stubborn, and too smart for her own good but she's doing just fine or so she thought... Mere

Chapter 1- New Kingsley In Town
Chapter 2- How Many?
Chapter 4- I Hate Them With A Passion
Chapter 5- Less Than Four Months
Chapter 6- Back To Square One
Chapter 7- With A Straight Face
Chapter 8- IDK By Some Big Rock

Chapter 3- I Got Lost Twice

1.1K 28 7
Af BSchmitz32

Third Person POV:

All eight brothers are sitting around the formal dining room table waiting for their sister. They don't usually eat here on Friday nights but they thought it was a good idea for their first dinner with their sister. They also wanted to keep this relaxed because they know the conversation they have to have after dinner will be anything but. Kaison says looking at his phone "I told her we were eating at six and not to be late." "Did you show her where the dining room was?" Trying to keep his irritation down. "Yes Colt, I gave her a tour of all three floors." Give Colt a seriously look. Colt sighed "Then why is she late?" "Maybe because not everyone is used to your obsession with being on time." Colt shoots a look down to Gage, a look that everyone knows means 'zip it'.

Charlie's POV:

I knew I should have gone with my first thought but I was too tired so I changed my mind and it was a mistake. I was originally going to take the back staircase through the mud room, then the kitchen, and end up in the dining room. I was just done with today and the front staircase was right there so that's where I went. The only problem is it's a different route to the dining room. That route is also apparently more complicated because when I thought I was almost to the dining room I most definitely wasn't. I'm now five minutes late and still can't find the damn dining room. It's like the stupid corn maze all over again that Connor, Liam, and I went to last weekend at the fall festival. The only problem here is I can't go onto Connor's shoulders to lead us to the exit. I take the next right then another right and I finally hear talking, please let this be the dining room. It shouldn't be this hard to get food.

"Yes!" I say as I finally make it to the dining room. As I walk in, eight sets of eyes all turn to stare at me. Just another reason I didn't want to be late, I'll just quietly and quickly slide into the last empty seat. It's in between Brady and Gage, no maybe it's Gannon, whatever it's next to a twin whose name starts with a G. The food looks and smells amazing bonus points: it's Mac and cheese with what looks like ham. My stomach immediately grumbles, that bowl looks like it has garlic bread, I can't wait. Not knowing what they were waiting for I looked around to find them all still staring at me. "Charlie, was there a reason you were late to dinner? Kaison told you we eat at six and specifically warned you not to be late." "Sorry Colt it's not my fault this damn house is so big I got lost twice." I heard the twins snicker next to me. "Charlotte watch your language," Wyatt said immediately after I finished my answer. Good grief if he thinks damn is a bad word he's probably not going to like a lot of other words in my vocabulary. "Charlotte I'll let that slide for now but that's because you don't know the rules, after dinner, we all can sit down to discuss some things including the rules," Colt said trying to look intimidating, ok he looked really intimidating but I was just really hungry so I tried to move along. "Eye eye captain. Can we eat now I'm starving?" That got another chuckle from the twins then a knock it out you two from someone but I didn't care because we finally started eating.

That was hands down the best Mac and cheese I've ever had kudos to the cook. If every meal tastes this good it won't be all bad living here. Dinner was pretty boring and I kept to myself. They talked about what they did today on the ranch and what they had to do tomorrow but I just zoned out. I could only hear the words tractor or fence so many times, also they eat a lot. I don't think I've ever seen someone eat so much, no wonder they're so big. Then I got to thinking they mentioned something about going over the rules, that doesn't matter I'm probably just going to break them anyways. I also need to text Connor and Liam, I talked to them earlier but now I have so much to tell them not to mention show them my room. I didn't know how long I was in my thoughts when I heard my name. "Charlotte, are you done?" One of the triplets asked, bringing my attention back. "Yes" "Yes what?" I now can tell it's Lucas who asked "Yes I'm done" "he wants you to say 'yes sir'." One of the twins whispers. Why? That sounds like a stupid response. "Charlotte" whatever "Yes Sir" with a lot of emphases on the 'sir'.

Everyone is sitting on the couch in the second-floor living room. The couch I thought was the biggest I'd ever seen is now being swallowed up by seven giants making it look tiny. Colt sat on a chair facing the couch while just staring at me. Like really staring like he's trying to burn a hole in my face. Two can play that game because I love a good staring contest. I started staring just as aggressively as he was, I'm extremely stubborn and a bit competitive so I'm not against putting up a fight.

Third Person POV:

The rest of the room sat waiting for the two, who apparently are alike not only in appearance but also stubbornness. After a few minutes, Colt finally started the conversation, while Charlie wore a slight smirk from not cracking under his stare.
"Charlotte this is our family's ranch which means that now that you are a part of this family you will start contributing to the ranch like the rest of us do. In a few days, we'll add your name to the chores list that's in the Mudroom and every day you will complete the tasks assigned to you. Also being said it's a very large working ranch with several other people and lots of moving parts, including tractors and other dangerous equipment not to mention thousands of large animals. If myself, one of your brothers, or even one of the ranch hands tells you to do something or not to do something you listen to them the first time no arguments."
Everyone in the room could see Charlie was not happy about the second half of Colt's statement but he continued.
"While we have housekeepers and they will deep clean your room once a week and do the laundry, you are responsible for keeping your room clean. That includes making your bed, keeping your floor clean, putting away your clean laundry, hanging wet towels, and keeping your bathroom presentable. I will give you three warnings and after that, you will be punished."
" A rule you've already broken more than once today is that there is no swearing. Just like the other rules they don't just apply to you the twins have to follow them too. If you are caught swearing you'll get your mouth washed out with soap." That got quite the look in response on Charlie's face and a not-so-quiet grunt of disagreement.
"This next rule is the most important, being respectful. Which means no eye-rolling, talking back, or mumbling. That's why we make you answer verbally with 'Yes sir'. The verbal answer shows us you understand and are paying attention while the 'sir' shows respect. In this family, as a sign of respect, we also don't lie to each other. We also always use our manners. No exceptions."
By now Charlie was losing her ability to keep quiet but she was hoping if she didn't respond even though she wanted to she could leave this room faster.
"Due to your age, there will be no dating, no smoking, no drugs, and no alcohol."
Charlie couldn't hold back anymore "First off I'm ten so why would I do those things in the first place and secondly my mother just died of alcohol poisoning why in hell would I drink!" She finished almost shouting.
Some of the brothers forgot that's how her mother died and they probably could have skipped that rule but it was too late now. Some showing remorseful faces but not Colt. "Charlotte, watch your language. I already told you our rule." The room sat in a tense silence while Charlie's nostrils continued to flare.
"Continuing on Ranch life starts early so breakfast is served from 5-6:30, lunch is from 12-1, and dinner is served at 6. If you miss breakfast or lunch you are free to find your own food but are responsible for cleaning up after yourself which includes your dishes. You may not miss dinner or be late. We eat at the same time every night so it shouldn't be hard to remember. Not to mention the dinner bell is a great reminder." Colt knew these next few would probably get a reaction from his sister. He was just hoping we could all make it through tonight without having to punish her. "Charlotte, your bedtime on school nights is in your room by 9 and lights out by 9:15. That includes not using your phone on other electronics. Your bedtime is an hour later on the weekends." Charlie sat up, they had her attention now. "Why would I need to go to bed so early? I never have before." Colt was struggling to keep his voice calm. "Charlotte just because you didn't before doesn't change how things are going to be now. You leave the house for school at 7:20." "Good grief, what time does school start?" Wyatt took to answering this one "It starts at 8 but it's a thirty-minute drive. Plus after seeing your school records maybe going to bed early would have helped you have fewer tardies." Charlie shoots her eyes over to her second-oldest brother. "That had nothing to do with me being late for your information. I didn't want to show up on time so I didn't." Followed by a smirk. The brothers started to realize this was going to be as simple as they thought. Their sister may be ten but she is already showing signs of the famous Kingsley stubbornness.
Colt knew he needed to move things along so he stated their last rule."Charlotte next week there are only two days of school then the rest of the week is fall break so we figured we would let you start the following Monday. You will be starting school at Monroe Academy where the twins go. In school as your last rule, you are required to keep all A's and B's, when you get home until your grades get better I want you to do your homework in the living room and I want to check your planner before you go to bed." They all waited for her to blow up again but that's not the reaction they got.

Charlie's POV:

Half of these rules are complete bullshit, who do they think they are trying to control everything? Their first rule of having to do chores on the ranch and keeping my room clean isn't too bad. It's not any different than my old house if anything it's less work. Before I would keep the whole house clean now I only have to worry about my room. To have extra money before I had to mow lawns, rake leaves, shovel sidewalks, clean houses, walk dogs, and any other random thing so a few chores, big whoop.

The no-dating rule is fine by me boys are gross and immature, I love Connor and Liam but they were definitely gross. While my mom was a drunk and the reason I'll never drink but she never took drugs or smoked. She was never consistent with anything except saying not to do drugs even if that speech came while she was drunk. I could care less about the meal times I usually eat by myself anyways which is what I prefer so I'll just skip over those.

The next few are over the top and I won't be following them. 'Be respectful and no lying', respect and trust are earned and they have done neither. 'Always answer verbally and with Sir', 'no eye rolling or talking back' that alone makes me roll my eyes. My sarcastic comments are a part of my charming personality and I can't get rid of those. I only lie out of necessity but with all these restrictions I may have to use it more than I'm used to. Most of the time no one cared where I was or what I did so I didn't have to lie. The swearing is going to be hard to break. It's pretty much a habit now. I'll just have to make sure they're not around to hear it. I plan on avoiding them anyways. I'm good at sneaking around so I should be able to avoid that early bedtime. Going to bed that early will cut into my reading time and I can have that.

Listening the first time I'm told in my experience isn't always good, just because people are adults doesn't mean they aren't stupid. If I listened to half the stuff my mom and her friends told me to do, either they or I would probably be in jail. I like to be in control and doing what I'm told with no questions asked sounds terrible. He said they have one last rule. Maybe I can finally leave this sad attempt at what feels like an intervention.

School and I have a complicated relationship, I think it's extremely boring and I don't do my homework but I still get perfect scores on all my tests so I get away with doing the bare minimum. When I was younger still putting in some effort they had me skip both first and third grade hence I'm in seventh grade and only ten. But last year and this year I didn't see the point in trying. I still passed and it's not like middle school grades account for anything. Why would I need all A's and B's and Monroe Academy that name screams private school, who are they trying to impress? At least I have a week off, maybe I can convince them to send me to a public school. I'm sure I'd fit in way better there.

Why are they all staring again, oh they thought I'd be mad about the school requirement. I couldn't help but let out several loud laughs. If only they knew. They all look so puzzled, goodness I needed a good laugh. "Charlotte, why are you laughing?" Lucas asked cautiously. "No reason" trying to hide my smirk. After a few minutes, I started to stand when Colt started to speak. "Charlotte one more thing, it's not a rule but in the meeting I had with your new principal based on your grades last year and so far this year he recommended we have you switch to sixth grade and I agreed." Everything stopped, I didn't know what to feel, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had to sit through a whole year of boring sixth grade and a month of seventh and it was all for nothing. They can't do this. They made me move schools, and homes, and leave behind my friends. At least they could let something stay the same but no they are taking that away too. The feeling of sadness and dread quickly turned to anger. I could feel my face get warm and I bolted up ready to run. "Charlotte I know this is a lot but this is all to help you, that's all we want," Kaison said almost like he was pleading with me. It was too late my temper had already simmered over and I didn't want to hold back anymore. "So that's it, you decided everything?" I say practically yelling. "Charlotte try and calm down, we're your family and we love you. We are trying to do what's best for you." Colt said, almost sounding sincere. Maybe that's what he believed but I don't. "You eight may be family and I may share your father's DNA but that doesn't make us family and he wasn't my father," I shouted then I immediately ran from the room.

I held back the tears until my door was shut and locked. I slid down the wall with my knees to my chest and cried. I never cried. I couldn't tell you the last time I did. I wasn't even sure why I was now, maybe all the recent changes or my mom dying. Probably because I was so mad but it was all too much. One thing after the other I just wanted to go back to my simple life, but I don't think I'll ever get that life back and that made me cry even harder.

Third Person POV:

After Charlie ran from the room they were all stunned to silence. Kaison was the first to say "Maybe I should go talk to her" Colt was quick to respond "No give her some space. She's had a long few days and a lot to take in." "But you can't just let her sit by herself after what she just said!" "Kais I don't think anything else we say tonight she'll believe so might as well wait for tomorrow when she's had time to calm down and think everything through."

"Did anyone else notice she seems just as stubborn as Colt?" Lucas asked, leading to laughter. "Seems like she has your temper, Lucas," Colt said, smirking back. "She for sure has Brady's moodiness. They're practically dressed alike." Wyatt added in. "That's what I first thought when I saw her at the airport," Colt said while smiling. "Well, she did have a guitar so at least I won't be the only one with talent around here," Brady added, earning a few grunts and several scuffs. "She did seem like she was pretty quick in her remarks," Tripp mentioned, almost lost in thought. The twins had to add their two cents "I think it's going to be fun." "Yea, she has quite the personality" in between laughs that only they shared. Earning glares from all their brothers and light snacks on the head from a nearby Wyatt. "Hey!" They both said simultaneously why rubbing their heads. They all settled into a comfortable silence watching the crackling fire. Eventually they one by one left the room heading in their own directions. Colt was last to leave thinking this was going to be a lot more work than they expected but he's happy to do it. Even after how she acted today he is still happy he has his little sister.

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