Crossing Boundaries

By deblaru

14.2K 200 28

To my astonishment, I saw Reece situated between my legs, his actions mirroring those of someone savouring th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 12

308 4 0
By deblaru


We arrive at Nick's house, and the party's already hopping and it's only 7.50 pm. Strolling in with Connor by my side, Austin's parking his car, saying he'll be DND, but we all know he'll end up leaving his car here and pick it up tomorrow, he always does.

Nick comes over, welcoming us in, "Drinks are in the kitchen, plenty to choose from," he tells us. The music's blasting from the massive speaker in the dining room, a small DJ booth setup there. I spot Keith on the decks, one of the guys from the football team.He gives a salute – We nod back.

Nick leads us to the big kitchen. His place is pretty spacious, not as big as mine, but not far off. Not sure what his parents do, but around here, people are either living comfortably  or rich. "What do you guys wanna drink?" he asks each of us.

"Beer for me, please," I say. "Yeah, me too," Connor replies. I take a huge gulp, already half the bottle gone. Letting out a satisfied sigh.

"Someone's thirsty," Nick chuckles. "Or someone's aiming to get wasted tonight," Connor adds.

"Nope, just a long-ass week. Plus, I haven't had a beer in months."

"You didn't drink in Spain?" Nick asks.

"Nah, mostly trained with my Dad. Yeh I noticed  how much bigger you've gotten. Almost as big as your bro," he points out.

"Yeah, we had a few fights over there, so we were both training hard. When I wasn't, I was working for my Dad. No time to indulge, unfortunately."

"Except with Yara," Connor says, playfully elbowing me. My smirk confirms his statement.

"New girl?" Nick asks.

"Nah, someone I hooked up with over the summer. We had fun," I say with a sly smile. "Love those no-strings-attached relationships." He says..

We all nod in agreement. "Anyway, I'm gonna do my rounds as the host. Feel free to have a wander and help yourselves to whatever you want," Nick suggests.

"Yeah, cheers, thanks."

"Where the hell is Austin?" Connor asks, scanning the crowd. "There he is," we spot Austin making out with a redhead.

"Jesus, he's been here two minutes, and he's already hooking up," Connor laughs.

I down the rest of my beer, grabbing  another bottle, and take another big gulp.

"You're really aiming to get wasted tonight, huh?"

"Yep," I smack my lips in agreement. "I'm Stressed and horny, 'and it's all thanks to my certain blonde best friend."

"So, my mission 'drink and fuck it away' tonight.

I scan the room, looking for her and the other girls. "What time are the girls getting here?" I ask Connor.

He shrugs. "Did Lorna not text you?"

I pull out my phone to check, but there's no text. I decide to send her one.

"Hey blondie, we're at the party. Are you girls coming?"

I see the text bubbles pop up.

"Hey bestie, yeah, we'll be there in an hour. Samia's having a meltdown 'cause she can't decide what to wear 😒."

'Bestie.' My heart drops, almost disappointed. Clearly, she doesn't see me beyond being her best friend. Fuck it, then. It's probably for the best, I think. I obviously read too much into our flirting.

"Ahh, the joys of being a guy. We can just throw on whatever we want 😉. Anyway, tell her to hurry up and that Jordan's here, getting chatted up by some girls. That'll snap her out of her meltdown and get her moving 😁."

"😂 Good idea, 'cause I'm about to chuck her out my window. She has my room looking like a bomb exploded. I'm ready here waiting for her. Sarah's picking us up in ten."

"Send me a pic of what you're wearing 😉."

I love teasing her. I can almost see the blush on her cheeks.

"Eh, no. You'll see me soon ☺️."

Another text comes in, but it's a pic of a woman wearing a gimp outfit – face covered and all. "What do you think?" she asks.

I chuckle. "Ooh, kinky 🥵."

"Of course, you'd think like that 🙄. Anyway, see you soon. Gotta go and get Samia dressed ❤️."

Putting my phone away, Connor has disappeared, I wander through the house. It's packed now. Slipping through the sea of bodies, I head outside to the backyard.

I spot Connor and Austin over at the beer pong table with some of the other guys. Jordan's here too. I head towards them.

"Hey, Reece," Jordan greets me with a fist  bump. "Hey, man. Heard Samia's wreaking havoc at Lorna's place, trying to decide what to wear," he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, she sent me so many pics asking me to choose for her. I picked, but no doubt she'll go with the opposite."

"Well, I told Lorna to tell her you're getting chatted up. Hopefully that'll make her move."

"Oh no, now I'm gonna get beat. Thanks for that," he says, a hint of nervousness in his tone.

Chuckling at him, I reassure, "You'll be fine, man. I've got your back."

"Haha, have you seen Samia when she's angry?" I laugh out, yeh I suppose, " well it was nice knowing ya, giving him a slap on the back..

Connor and Austin are in a beer pong game now. Austin couldn't even last an hour without drinking.My second beer is gone already, going to get a beer you want one ? I ask Jordan.

I'm good thanks,comes his reply.
Ok back soon I say heading back in to get another.

I pass by the dinning area, shots!shots!shots!
I hear people chanting, looking I see two guys doing body shots from a blonde girl wearing practically nothing..

The music is banging now. A few people are in the large living room dancing, I'm chatting to a few guys from school, looking around I spot a petite brunette staring over at me.

She's pretty hot, she makes her way over to me smirking, my brow arched looking down at her, she got a nice body I can't help but scan her up and down.

Hey - she says,eyeing me  with a smirk across her face, " hey I keep my reply curt back to her.

I'm Melissa, she's holds out her hand for me to shake.' Reece I shake her hand back.

I know who you are your lances brother - " oh you know my brother ?
I do, we share a few classes in college together. Ah so you're a college chick, what are you doing here then, oh this my house she says. ' Wait you're Nicks sister ?.

"Yep unfortunately she chuckles, I do too.
We've been chatting away for ten minutes now, she seems fun and bubbly, she's definitely flirting with me. Her hand hasn't stopped touching my arm. She saying something but I loose focus on what it is, as I'm now looking at my hot best friend who has now entered the kitchen , with Samia and Sarah in tow. They are giggling away looks like they've a good few already. Or else they are high or both..

Fuck me she looks good, by far the best looking girl here, and by the attention she's getting everyone else here is agreement with me.

Her hair is down with curls falling down her back, she's wearing a black halter neck tailored playsuit, it's backless from what I can see from the side, as some the girls are hugging her. It makes her legs look really long. I'm internally groaning as all I want to do is go over to her and pick her and hide her from all the lust filled eyes of the guys here. But I can't as she's not mine she only my best friend..

You look distracted, Melissa voice echos taking me away from who I was distracted with, she turns to see where I was looking.

Girlfriend ? She questions me.
Eh no, just a friend, my voice sounding rather disappointed..

Hmm Melissa eyes narrow at me, you want more ??

" What no she's my best friend actually ..
Oh ok then, well maybe you and I could get together some time, maybe later ??

She leans up whispering in my ear, if you fancy a fun night, come look for me .. Her tone holding a seductive suggesting..
I look down at her smirking, here give me your phone, she puts her hand out.
I pass it to her and she puts her number in it.

As I take it back Lorna walks over.
Looking between the two us. Eyes questioning, hey you she says looking at me with her big beautiful eyes.

Hey I say pulling her in for hug, god she smells good..
Pulling away from me,she looks at Melissa, holding her hand out to shake hers, I'm Lorna ..

Melissa takes it and says, oh so your Lorna?
We both look at her confused.
She's laughs, ahh sorry I overheard my brother and his friends talking about how "fucking hot Lorna is" she air quotes.

Lorna face heats up, I feel my jaw clench..
Fucking Nick, I knew he liked her.. and the fucking rest.
Sensing my change of mood, Melissa looks between the two of us...
Well they're  not wrong, you are seriously gorgeous. A smirk adorning her face..

Em thanks, Lornas replies shyly but genuine.

Well I leave you two to catch up. She smiles putting her hand on my chest, reminding me-don't forget about what I said earlier, winking at me ..

I nod, saying bye to her. "Nice to meet you, Lorna," Melissa says as she walks away.

"Yeah, you too, she says after her.

Clearing my throat, I ask, "Drink?" turning towards Lorna, trying not to check her out, but damn, it's tough. Her tits look incredible in that playsuit.

"Eh hmm," she raises an eyebrow. Shit, she caught me. I shrug, giving her a smile. "What? It's hard not to stare, Lorna. Sorry, you look good."

She rolls her eyes at me. "Beer, please." "What?" I playfully protest. "I'll have a beer, please," she nudges me jokingly. Handing her a beer, we fall into our usual conversations and banter. It feels great to be back to normal, no awkwardness, no Kady giving us dirty looks or snide comments.

Samia comes over, pulling Lorna away to dance. Lorna glances at me. "Go," I tell her, "I'll be okay." "You sure? You wanna join us?" she asks. "Maybe later," I reply. "Okay," she grins and heads off, swaying her sexy body to the music.

I want to stay and watch her, but I know I'll end up either pulling her into my arms to keep everyone away or punching some jerk looking at her in a way I can't stand. Knowing whats on their mind, as It's been on my mind since she walked in tonight.

Taking one last look at her, I head back to the guys.

The few chapters will be about the party, but I have to end it here for now as I need a small break from writing.

What do you think will happen next ?
Reece is really battling with his feelings for his best friend..

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