Rapscallion ll 18+

By ficneont

8.6K 593 168

This series is published on Instagram in the form of two seasons, both with different titles but on Wattpad... More



738 63 6
By ficneont

Next morning Yoongi woke up in an unfamiliar room. He was on a comfy bed and was comfortably warm. He tried to sit back but before that someone entered inside with a food tray and he recognized her. He remembered her as the girl who treated him in university but was confused to see her at that moment. She smiled and approached him and placed the tray on the side table but tried to help him who was trying to sit. "No need". He refused and she sighed, stepping back. "Is it your house?", He asked coldly sitting and looked around while she nodded slowly, "Yes, you were injured badly last night", his eyes fell on her who shook her head little speaking with smile, "Drink this soup, it will give you energy and you will get healed"

He trailed his eyes on the bowl then at himself. He was in comfortable clothes but was too shy to ask her. He trailed his eyes slowly at her and asked her hesitantly, "Did you change my clothes?". She nodded even though her heart was drumming insanely. There was an awkward silence in the room because never ever yoongi let someone come near him. He was so secretive and here the woman whom he doesn't even know, saw him completely.  It was weird for him and to break  that awkwardness between them, Anne spoke

"I won't ask you what happened but don't be careless'', "Is it your clothes'', such a stubborn man, he was to ignore her words. Something was really off with him and she shrugged off as she thought he was not friendly. "No, it's my boyfriend's clothes", Suddenly an image of a university couple flashed in front of his eyes whom he saw bicker on the first day, "Don't you have university today?". She chuckled and he frowned when she walked closer to the window. His eyes travelled on the window as she removed the curtain, where he realised there was heavy rain outside. "Neither me nor you can leave", He didn't give her any reaction and she closed the curtain but her mobile ring caught her attention. She took out her mobile and saw it was jungkook. The way she smiled brightly at mobile screen, yoongi guessed it right

She looked at Yoongi and spoke politely, "Please finish this soup". He didn't want to give her any reaction so the least he could do was nodding at her. She walked outside happily and he chuckled looking at the closed door, "It must be her boyfriend". Few moments later Anne entered inside room to check yoongi but got stunned seeing yoongi throwing bandages in the dustbin. She immediately walked closer to him and this time, she was actually pissed due to his behaviour

"Are you mad?, Why did you remove it, do you even know how worried I'm about you but look at you, you really don't know how to appreciate someone's help, Don't do anything but at least don't hurt yourself just because of your so called self respect that you got help from someone", He just stared at her while she was really frustrated but sorrowed too. Even though she was scolding him but he was still on his place where she could be d*ad by now if he had g*n. But his other half felt tickles hearing her scolding. Someone was worried for him and that scolding felt love to him who was getting cold creeps realising he was enjoying her scolds. She was so hurt as she knew if Jungkook got to know that she let a stranger stay in her home. He could k*ll yoongi and will even torment her but she prioritised his health

And what he was giving her?Nothing. "Fine, maybe you don't need my help, I'm sorry for whatever I did". she said in a low tone being dejected and turned around slowly to leave while Yoongi's eyes were stuck on her figure. As she was going to walk he held her wrist stopping her and her heart jumped from it's place hearing his deep calm voice, "I need your help", she turned around slowly and was going to ask but he spoke before releasing her wrist, "i was just checking my wound but couldn't wrap it after", She felt embarrassed reacting like that for no reason when it wasn't his intentions

"I-I im sorry for earlier", As she looked down, he couldn't help but mentally chuckle. The power of her sorry was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. While other apologies forced him to inflict more pain, her sorry had the opposite effect. It made him want to comfort her, to ease her guilt. It was as if that woman had cast a spell on him. In that moment, his ego vanished completely. He was someone known for his egoistic nature but felt a deep desire to praise her, to let her know how much he appreciated her help but it was hard for him......yet. Whatever magic she possessed, it had melted his heart, something he thought was impossible.

"Now help me," he said coldly but there was hint of trust in his voice towards her and she nodded silently, holding a fresh bandage in her hands. He slowly sat on the bed, feeling her presence drawing closer. As she began to wrap the bandage around his waist, their eyes locked. The intensity of their gaze spoke volumes, conveying a depth of emotion that words couldn't capture. Her hair fell gently across her face, and she delicately tucked it behind her ear breaking eye contact with him. Every touch, every movement was infused with a quiet tenderness, as if they were the only two people in the world.

As the bandage tightened, he could feel her care and concern flowing through her fingertips. The physical pain he had experienced the night before faded into the background, replaced by a warmth that radiated from her touch. It was a healing touch, not just for his physical wounds, but for his soul. He gulped and looked away avoiding her attractive aura and to distract himself he asked her, "Where is your boyfriend?'', "Why do you want to know?". She asked playfully and he found nothing to be playful, "Wouldn't he gets mad that i stayed with you", She chuckled and nodded focused on her work, "Maybe you are right, so be careful of him then", That little joke triggered yoongi who asked seriously, "Do you think he will beat me", "Maybe", She was just replying him not giving full attention. But his all attention was on her, who tied the bandage carefully and stood up before smiling at him.

"Don't worry, it will be secret between us", He nodded slowly and her smile dropped who asked him curiously, "what's your name", "yoongi", she nodded and introduced herself, "I'm Anne, maybe you don't remember me but i helped you in uni",......"you are the only woman whom i let help me", He mumbled in mind and nodded at her. She paused for second and he asked her, "Do you want to say something", She nodded and asked as she was so curious about it, "Umm, what were you doing outside my house", "i found your house first to ask help for'', She was little happy as he openly accepted he needed help. Not to bother him more, she spoke with a smile. "Ok yoongi,take a rest, if you need any help, call me immediately". "Where would you sleep?". He asked and she shook her head with closed eyes before looking at him, "don't worry about it", She closed the door slowly leaving him alone who felt uneasy due to her earlier talk. He didn't get offended by her scolding but as soon as she mentioned her boyfriend. There something triggered him

It wasn't like he was jealous or something but it felt like she thinks her boyfriend stronger than any other man. He wanted to break her pride on her boyfriend. As he clenched the sheets on his bed, a devious plan started to form in his mind. He knew he couldn't break her pride directly, so he decided to play a more cunning game. With a cunning look in his eyes, he slowly stood up and quietly made his way towards the door. Opening the door with calculated precision, he peered into the dimly lit room. There, he saw Anne peacefully sleeping on the couch, completely unaware of his presence. A wave of conflicting emotions washed over him. His emotions twisted in some way as he looked at her sleeping on couch in her own house, even amidst his desire to challenge her perception of her boyfriend.

A mischievous smirk slowly crept across his lips as he hatched his plan, he would use his cleverness to subtly plant seeds of doubt in her mind. He would create a web of intrigue and mystery, slowly unraveling her unwavering loyalty to her boyfriend. This was just the beginning of a thrilling journey, where every move he made would be calculated to keep her on her toes.

"You are so nice but………i need to break your pride"


Next day :

Anne stood on the bustling campus,l pressing her phone to her ear as she desperately tried to reach Jungkook. Ten minutes had passed since she first called him, but he seemed to be purposely ignoring her. Frustration etched across her face as she scanned the area, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. He told her to wait for him as he will be back today but he was nowhere. She asked his friends who also knew nothing. Feeling defeated, Anne sighed and removed her phone from her ear. But a pair of strong arms enveloped her from behind, pulling her into a tight embrace making her gasp but she guessed that scent immediately which caused her to slump her shoulders lightly.

It was Jungkook.

His lips brushed against her neck, eliciting a shiver from Anne. However, her annoyance quickly took over, and she swiftly jabbed her elbow into his side. Jungkook winced in pain, releasing her from his grip. Now facing each other, Anne raised an eyebrow, silently questioning his actions. Jungkook scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, "I forgot my mobile at home", Anne couldn't help but shake her head at his carelessness, wondering how he would handle responsibilities in the future.

Changing the subject, Jungkook leaned in, placing his arms on her shoulders. His head tilted slightly as he gazed at her with a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Anyways, did you miss me?". Anne's face lit up with a wide smile, and she nodded enthusiastically with her sparkling eyes which held affection. She was genuinely happy to see him again. "How are your parents", "They are fine but what did you do without me? Did anyone touch or approach you in some way". Anne's body tensed for a moment as the memories of encounter between her and yoongi from the previous night flooded her mind. She took a deep breath.

Nearby them, someone covered in black hoodie was listening to their conversation. He was not there for so long. Neither he was interested in the couple's talk but Jungkook's question caught his attention as he was passing by them. He was interested to hear Anne's answer as it was linked with him. Yoongi leaned against wall back facing couple and it was hard for Anne to recognize him because his head was covered with hoodie cap nor she gave attention around her. She liked to give attention only to jungkook. Jungkook raised his brow and she smiled nervously, shaking her head, "No one approached me, They don't want to get injured", Jungkook chuckled proudly because it was true. Everyone was scared of his temper and his possessiveness was famous in university

"Yeah, they will be d*ad if they lay an eye on you", As Jungkook playfully pecked Anne's cheek, she couldn't help but giggle, completely unaware of Yoongi's presence and the thoughts running through his mind. He chuckled to himself. His eyes glinted with a mischievous gleam, finding the situation quite interesting. He knew that Anne had hidden the incident from last night, and he saw it as an opportunity to his advantage. He considered her naive, unknowingly helping him in this battle they were engaged in. His mind worked like a well-oiled machine, analyzing every detail and strategizing his next move.

But he couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart. It was a blow to his ego, realizing that Anne prioritised Jungkook's feelings over his own. His frustration grew, intensifying his aura with a mix of frustration and longing. He questioned himself, feeling like a fool for yearning for the care of a woman who wasn't even his. These thoughts swirled in his mind, tormenting him as he grappled with his own emotions.

He stayed there lost in his own thoughts, feeling confusing situation. The emotions and feelings he experienced were deep and conflicting, a battle of their own within him. But despite the vividness of these emotions, they remained hidden from Anne and Jungkook, who continued their lighthearted moment, oblivious to the turmoil happening in Yoongi's mind.      

After a while Anne sat in the cafeteria, engrossed in conversation with Jungkook and his friends but her gaze accidentally lifted, and her eyes locked with Yoongi's piercing stare. He entered the cafeteria alongside Jundae, his only friend but soon he was going to k*ll him, especially for  whom he admission in that university. However, there was something else that had captured Yoongi's interest, perhaps someone else.

Yoongi's intense gaze remained fixed on Anne as he approached her table. But she quickly averted her eyes, showing no reaction whatsoever. It was as if she had never met him or even knew him. Anne's deliberate ignorance didn't seem to affect Yoongi outwardly as he walked past their table with a neutral expression. But deep down, he felt the sharp sting in his heart. It was driving him crazy. Why was he yearning for even a single glance from her? It went beyond his desire to hurt her pride in her boyfriend. There was something else he longed for, something which he wasn't able to understand.

He sat on a table with Jundae but his eyes were trailing on Anne again and again. She was so in love with Jungkook and he felt erroneous jealousy, as yesterday, her all attention was on him but now Jungkook was getting her attention. The chopsticks broke into his hand as he was so angry glaring at them. "Hey what happened, your sticks broke, maybe it was light, let me bring new for you". Jundae uttered before swallowing his food and Yoongi travelled his eyes calmly at his friend with raised brow. "I'm not hungry anymore", Yoongi stood up before Jundae could go to bring new chopsticks. Yoongi left from there leaving his friend dumbfounded. He was thinking yoongi lost his appetite because of useless chopsticks.

Only if he knew, his friend was yearning for someone's attention with a hunger that couldn't be satisfied.

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